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AS114-13 March 30, 2002 9:55 Char Count= 10130

Book Reviews 83

This large text has 46 contributors and an focus on the future in order to be proactive
editorial board of 10 members to enable the instead of reactive in how changes are made.
compilation of a sophisticated manual for This observation does not lessen the value of
those deeply involved in nursing adminis- the other chapters. All aspects of executive
tration at all levels. The need for keen in- behavior have to be in smooth relationships
sight and greater management of knowledge to ensure positive outcomes to keep patients
is a strong demand in this time of rapid ex- satisfied with resources used in their care,
pansion of knowledge and the growing need or the health care organization may not re-
for sharper insights into its use for the pub- main in existence. This phenomenon of easy
lic good. The pressure on those in appointed oblivion can be observed in organizations of
leadership positions will increase, and thus all types. Patients are informed much better
persons in these positions will have to be today than they were even 20 years ago, so
sophisticated in using organizational knowl- they have keener observations of how they
edge to enhance the precise delivery of care, were treated.
even though the scientific components are This text is not limited to executives be-
undergoing frequent changes. This modula- cause everyone, at every level, must have an
tion demand will leap forward when geneal- understanding of how organizations function
ogy therapy emerges as an absolute cure for productively and what must be done to cope
some of the illnesses. with the rapid increase in behavioral science
The manual is organized around eight knowledge as well as that of the physical sci-
major sections. These are (1) administration, ences. Career advancement largely depends
(2) resource management, (3) ambulatory on the wise use of knowledge. A CD-ROM
services, (4) patient care, (5) home care, (6) with useful information is included with the
long-term care, (7) centers of excellence, text at no extra cost.
and (8) new waves. Each of these sections
is further focused on prime subsections of Leaders and Health Care Organizational
this topic area. For example, the section Change: Art, Politics, and Process, by
on new waves discusses the maturing of Stewart Gabel, New York, Kluwer Aca-
consumerism, online classes, strategic demic/Plenum Publishers, 2001. 206 pages,
performance improvement planning using hardcover, $42.50.
electronic meeting support, and patients’
rights and responsibilities. This section will This book describes the particular chal-
grow in content, so it is necessary to have lenges faced in each organizational change,
an in-depth knowledge of what constitutes given the particularity of each setting. The
the present. issues of constant and productive adaptation
The patient care section may interest most to the ever-changing march of science, tech-
readers because of the need to focus atten- nology, and the steady improvement in or-
tively on the issue as a major distinguish- ganizational understanding as the bases for
ing variable to survival as a respected health survival and growth are deeply explored.
care organization. All participants in each or- This theme is not limited to health care but
ganization, and especially the leaders, must is present in every type of organization in
AS114-13 March 30, 2002 9:55 Char Count= 10130


the current society, so health care must show This book on advanced practice has nine
its needed response. The author emphasizes chapters covering differing areas of special-
that insightful and competent leaders are the ization with 13 contributors from various
key variables in each type of setting. When major settings. Each chapter clearly and
imaginative leadership is not present in an carefully reviews the data regarding the dif-
organization, it becomes mundane and its ferences in effect on patients given by nurses
survival is at risk. Even if the changes are with advanced practice preparation.
unwanted by the staff, they are a necessity Uniformly, the scientific evaluations show
in an environment swirling with great leaps that nurses with advanced practice skills
in new knowledge. The 11 variables focus have positive effects on patient care and their
on the main situations faced in the constant outcomes. Nurses are not only compared to
need to have transitional plans to cope with other nurses but also with physicians, in-
new data that is forcing steady change. It is terns, and fourth-year medical students. In
a cue to effective leadership when the top each case, the advanced practice skills have
leader can infuse all the other layers of the held their own or improved on the care ren-
organization to be aware of their need for par- dered by others. In most studies, this care
ticipative input and their steady compliance was more consistent and more comprehen-
with all others to manage required steady sive as compared to nurses without this richer
change. preparation.
Leaders must be effective in behavioral The rigor by which the data were gathered,
models in all aspects of change. They must as well as the high quality of the outcomes,
be able to embrace and use constructive con- raises the question of how effective all the
cepts from all levels of the organization to nursing care of patients might be if all nurses
stimulate bold creativity and adopt change had this level of preparation and abilities. It
at all levels. When the organization is im- is not difficult to conclude how professional
bued with this ideology as a way of life, the nurses would be evaluated by members of the
organization can keep pace with change with other clinical professions and by patients if
the least internal stress. this level of preparation was required as the
minimum for all nurses. Nurses who read
Outcome Assessment in Advanced Prac- this text may be stimulated to acquire this
tice Nursing, edited by Ruth M. Kleinpell, level of competence and thus increase the
New York, Springer Publishing, 2001. 258 desired numbers in this category to ensure
pages, hardcover, $42.95. more effective care.

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