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Reduced Speech Perceptual Acuity for Stop Consonants in Individuals Who


Article  in  Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research · February 2012

DOI: 10.1044/1092-4388(2011/10-0224) · Source: PubMed


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7 authors, including:

Nicole Eva Neef Martin Sommer

Universitätsmedizin Göttingen Georg-August-Universität Göttingen


Andreas Neef Walter Paulus

Georg-August-Universität Göttingen Universitätsmedizin Göttingen


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Research Article

Reduced Speech Perceptual Acuity for Stop

Consonants in Individuals Who Stutter
Nicole E. Neef,a Martin Sommer,a Andreas Neef,a, c Walter Paulus,a
Alexander Wolff von Gudenberg,b Kristina Jung,b and Torsten Wüstenbergd

Purpose: In individuals who stutter ( IWS), speech fluency can be 25 IWS and 24 matched control participants by determining the
enhanced by altered auditory feedback, although it has adverse phoneme boundaries and by quantifying the interval of voice
effects in control speakers. This indicates abnormalities in the onset times for which phonemes were perceived ambiguously.
auditory feedback loop in stuttering. Current motor control theories Results: In IWS, discriminatory performance was weaker and
on stuttering propose an impaired processing of internal forward less stable over time when compared with control participants. In
models that might be related to a blurred auditory-to-motor addition, phoneme boundaries were located at longer voice onset
translation. Although speech sound perception is an essential times in IWS.
skill to form internal models, perceptual acuity has not been studied Conclusion: Persistent developmental stuttering is associated with
in IWS so far. The authors tested the stability of phoneme percepts less reliable phonological percepts, supporting current theories
by analyzing participants’ ability to identify voiced and voiceless regarding the sensory–motor interaction in human speech.
stop consonants.
Method: Two syllable continua were generated by systematic
modification of the voice onset time. The authors determined Key Words: phoneme categorization, speech perception,
speech perceptual acuity by means of discriminatory power in stuttering, voice onset time

tuttering is characterized by sudden interruptions with phonological difficulties related to linguistic compe-
of fluent speech that are due to an intermittent tences rather than motor skills (Arndt & Healey, 2001).
loss of motor control (Ludlow & Loucks, 2003). Although stuttering manifests in the articulatory do-
The dynamic, multifactorial view of stuttering postu- main, speech perception was the focus of several studies
lates a nonlinear interaction between a vulnerable designed to elucidate its role in stuttering (Beal et al.,
speech motor system and factors such as genetic predis- 2010; Biermann-Ruben, Salmelin, & Schnitzler, 2005;
position, emotional and autonomic arousal, and linguis- Corbera, Corral, Escera, & Idiazabal, 2005; Liotti et al.,
tic and other cognitive processing demands (Smith & 2010). Because proper articulation results in distin-
Kelly, 1997; Smith, Sadagopan, Walsh, & Weber-Fox, guishable auditory targets, audition is a modality that
2010). These multifactorial dynamics might be mirrored serves mainly to control success of articulation. Speech
in the reports that childhood stuttering often co-occurs acquisition comprises subtle refinement of articulatory
configurations resulting in fine-tuned phonemic fea-
a tures relevant to distinguish meanings. Fine-tuning
Department of Clinical Neurophysiology, Georg August
requires the representation of a produced sound in the
University, Göttingen, Germany
Institute of the Kassel Stuttering Therapy, Bad Emstal, processing system and a mapping between an auditory
Germany target and the produced item. This process is still active
Bernstein Focus Neurotechnology, Göttingen in adulthood, a fact demonstrated by the relation be-
d tween a speaker’s production of a phoneme contrast
Charité Universitaetsmedizin, Berlin, Germany
Correspondence to Nicole Neef: and the perception of this contrast by the speaker him-
Editor: Janna Oetting or herself ( Newman, 2003; Perkell et al., 2004) as well as
Associate Editor: Pascal van Lieshout the influence of speech motor learning on adult speakers’
Received August 13, 2010 auditory maps (Nasir & Ostry, 2009). Because of the
Revision received December 20, 2010 tight link between production and perception, a coinci-
Accepted June 11, 2011 dence of pathological speech patterns and altered speech
DOI: 10.1044/1092-4388(2011/10-0224) perception has been suggested (Heiser & Cheung, 2008).

276 Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 55 • 276–289 • February 2012 • D American Speech-Language-Hearing Association
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The temporal processing demands of auditory and For example, in Corbera et al.’s vowel contrast condition,
proprioceptive information during speaking are pre- participants listened to the repeated presentation of /o/.
sumed to challenge the speech motor systems of individ- The unexpected presentation of /e / resulted in an en-
uals who stutter ( IWS; Kent, 2000). The auditory and larged electrophysiological response that indicated a
proprioceptive information that is to be expected during detected mismatch between the previous presented /o /
speech production are proposed to be held in internal and the now-presented /e /. This increase of the MMNs
models of speech sounds (Hickok, Houde, & Rong, was significantly larger in the left supratemporal region
2011). The speech motor control deficit is possibly linked in IWS compared with control participants. A larger
to instability of these internal sensory models or to in- MMN indicates a greater perceptual difference between
sufficient access to them, thereby restricting the feed- a standard and a deviant, or a higher sensitivity of the
forward control mechanisms in speech production (Max, neural population to a certain deviation. Thus, Corbera
Guenther, Gracco, Ghosh, & Wallace, 2004). Such an im- et al. suggested that there was an abnormal speech
paired feed-forward control system might force IWS to sound representation within the auditory region of the
rely more strongly on a feedback-based motor control left hemisphere in IWS.
strategy (Civier, Tasko, & Guenther, 2010; De Nil, Kroll, Although the EEG study (Corbera et al., 2005) elu-
& Houle, 2001; Kalveram & Jancke, 1989; Zimmermann, cidated changes in amplitudes in the left hemisphere in
1980). That IWS rely too heavily on sensory feedback may response to a passive listening task, the MEG study
be disadvantageous (Civier et al., 2010; Tourville, Reilly, & (Beal et al., 2010) registered changes in timing. IWS
Guenther, 2008; van Lieshout, Peters, Starkweather, & had longer M50 and M100 responses in the right hemi-
Hulstijn, 1993). sphere in response to passively listening to the replayed
The most recent model of speech motor control, the self-produced vowel / i /. Both studies demonstrated al-
state feedback control model of speech production (Hickok tered cortical activation patterns on perception of pho-
et al., 2011; Ventura, Nagarajan, & Houde, 2009), pro- nemes in IWS, but neither of these studies examined
poses that monitoring is mainly achieved by using inter- behavior. Thus, a link between altered physiological pat-
nal forward models. These internal forward models are terns and behavioral consequences is missing. Such be-
continuously trained and updated by the feedback infor- havioral consequences might include prolonged reaction
mation (Hickok, Okada, & Serences, 2009). Because times or a diminished discriminatory power. In stutter-
feedback information is regularly extracted from one’s ing research the use of reaction times as critical param-
own speech production, produced irregularities as evi- eter is complicated, because reaction times are usually
dent in stuttered as well as in perceptually fluent speech longer in the stuttering population compared with fluent
in IWS (Max & Gracco, 2005) will influence internal speakers, and it is difficult to disentangle motor from cog-
models, as we outline later in this article. The concept nitive effects (Smits-Bandstra, 2010). Another way to
of unstable internal sensory models in stuttering, to- quantitatively capture perceptive behavior is the deter-
gether with the demonstrated link between speech pro- mination of discriminatory power. This information is
duction and perception, led us to probe a selected speech provided by the psychophysical phoneme identification
perception ability of IWS: the categorization of pho- study presented here. One phonetically relevant prop-
nemes. Sublexical speech stimuli are syllables or pseudo- erty of speech is the voice onset time ( VOT). Differences
words without entry in the mental lexicon (Levelt, 1989) in VOT are perceptually essential to discriminate voiced
and thus do not activate processes related to semantics. from voiceless stop consonants. In word-initial position,
Therefore, they are suitable to test phoneme perception German voiced stops such as /b/ and /d / are typically
without contextually driven top-down information that produced with short VOTs or, in some cases, with pre-
facilitates recognition. Although some studies have in- voicing, and German voiceless stops such as /p / and /t /
vestigated phoneme segmentation and monitoring are produced with longer VOTs (Keating, 1984). The
in IWS on a lexical level (Sasisekaran & De Nil, 2006; stimuli of the present study were created by systematic
Sasisekaran, De Nil, Smyth, & Johnson, 2006), we are e e
variation of the VOT, creating a / b /–/p / and a /d /–/t / e e
not aware of a behavioral study that has examined pho- continuum. Each VOT continuum can be separated into
neme categorization on a sublexical level in IWS. three different sections according to the listener’s perfor-
In contrast, one magnetoencephalography ( MEG) mance on the psychophysical test. Two sections contain
study (Beal et al., 2010) and one electroencephalography those stimuli that are reliably identified as the voiced
( EEG) study (Corbera et al., 2005) did investigate elec- and voiceless phoneme, respectively. Between those
trophysiological patterns of sublexical speech perception sections lies a range of VOT in which no reliable identi-
in IWS. Corbera and colleagues (2005) recorded the mis- fication is possible, and the listener reports different per-
match negativity ( MMN) event-related brain potential cepts on repeated presentation. The width of this range of
elicited to simple tone contrasts and to vowel contrasts. ambivalent reception is proportional to the parameter b of
An MMN results from the detection of a deviant stimulus. the psychometric function describing the discriminatory

Neef et al.: Speech Perceptual Acuity in Stuttering 277

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performance (see Supplemental Appendix A). The age, t(49) = –0.22, p = .824 (unpaired two-tailed test),
center of the psychometric function in Supplemental level of education ( p = .237; Mann–Whitney U test)
Appendix A represents the VOT where discrimination and handedness ( p = .519; Mann–Whitney U test).
is at chance level. This VOT is here termed the phoneme Four IWS participants and two control participants
boundary ( PB). The parameters b and PB were extracted were left handed, according to the Edinburgh Inventory
for each listener by fitting the results of the identifica- (Oldfield, 1971).
tion task with a logistic curve. A small b, corresponding All participants were native speakers of German;
to a steep slope, indicates a small range in which stim- none of them had been raised in a bilingual household.
uli are perceived as ambiguous. Conversely, a large b Twenty IWS reported a family history of stuttering.
(i.e., shallow slope) indicates a large range of VOTs in None of the control participants reported having a fam-
which stimuli are not reliably identified. This concept ily history of speech or language disorders, and none
has been used in recent publications, including in a study reported a speech, language, or hearing deficit, except
of speech perceptual acuity in adults with dyslexia (Hazan, of stuttering in the stuttering group, or showed neuro-
Messaoud-Galusi, Rosen, Nouwens, & Shakespeare, logical abnormalities on routine examination. No partic-
2009), and it has permitted researchers to detect the ipant was taking drugs that affect the central nervous
influence of the lip primary motor cortex inhibition on system at the time of the study. The Ethics Committee
phoneme categorization and discrimination in healthy of the Göttingen Medical Faculty approved the study,
individuals (Möttönen & Watkins, 2009). and all participants gave written informed consent. All
We designed our study to determine the parameters participants were paid for their participation.
b and PB of two stop consonant–vowel (CV) continua: the
e e e e
bilabial /b /-/p / and the alveolar /d /-/t /. We chose the
two continua, differing in place of articulation and PB for Fluency Assessment
internal control and to determine generalized effects of
discriminatory performance. Thus, discriminatory power To assess stuttering severity, speech fluency assess-
as a measure of specific perceptual acuity was determined ments were performed according to the German version
only by b in our study. of the Stuttering Severity Instrument for Children and
Adults—Third Version (SSI–3; Riley, 1994; Sandrieser
We conducted a pilot experiment in which we used a
& Schneider, 2008). Speech samples of all participants
constant stimulus identification task and observed a
containing a conversation about job or school and a read-
trend toward increased b values in IWS (see Supplemen-
ing task were videotaped and analyzed by a qualified
tal Appendix B) that motivated the following specific hy-
speech-language pathologist. SSI–3 norms were adapted
potheses. First, we hypothesized that in stuttering
from Riley (1994). The offline analysis of dysfluencies in-
speech perceptual acuity is compromised: IWS would
cluded 500 syllables for the conversation and no fewer
show larger bs compared with fluently speaking partici-
than 340 syllables for the reading task. Sound prolonga-
pants. We also hypothesized that PBs would similar for
tions and blocks (silent prolongation of an articulatory
both groups, because PB is a feature that depends mainly
posture), as well as sound and syllable repetitions,
on the native language and the idiom of the participants
were counted as stuttered syllables. Monosyllabic
(Braun, 1996; Lisker & Abramson, 1964).
words that were repeated with apparent undue stress
or tension were counted. Furthermore, the estimated
duration of the three longest blocks and observation of
physical concomitants were included for the estimate
Method of stuttering severity in IWS.
Participants IWS produced more stuttered syllables than control
Twenty-seven IWS (age: 32.4 ± 11.5 years, eight participants, 12.69 ± 9.44 (M ± SD) versus 0.29 ± 0.23
women) and 24 control participants (age: 31.8 ± 10.6, ( p < .001; Mann–Whitney U test). Stuttering severity
seven women) took part in the study. The IWS were was very mild in six, mild in three, moderate in five,
recruited from the local stuttering support group and severe in five, and very severe in eight IWS (Sandrieser
the Institute for Kassel Stuttering Therapy ( KST) in & Schneider, 2008). Averaged stuttering onset was at
Bad Emstal, Germany. Fourteen IWS were familiar age 5;2 ± 2;8. A detailed description of participants is
and 13 IWS were not familiar with KST, which is a reported in Table 1.
2-week intensive fluency-shaping treatment focusing A random subsample of 10 IWS was reanalyzed by
on a syllable prolongation, gentle voice onset, and an independent rater, and the interrater reliability over
smooth sound transitions (Euler, Gudenberg, Jung, & both raters was calculated. An analysis of the overall
Neumann, 2009). Control participants were recruited SSI–3 scores yielded an unadjusted intraclass correlation
through advertisements. Both groups were matched for coefficient ( ICCunadjust) of .88 (95% confidence interval

278 Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 55 • 276–289 • February 2012
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Table 1. Description of participants.

Age Family Stuttered SSI–3

Participant (years) Sex Educationa Handednessb history syllablesc score Onset KST

IWS 1 24 M 1 –58 No 18.6 36 8;0 Yes

IWS 2 24 F 2 100 Yes 27.9 48 4;0 Yes
IWS 3 25 M 5 100 Yes 1.5 7 12;0 Yes
IWS 4 33 M 5 89 Yes 20.8 42 4;0 Yes
IWS 5 28 F 6 100 Yes 18.3 47 3;0 Yes
IWS 6 14 M 1 90 No 6.5 32 6;0 Yes
IWS 7 43 M 5 88 No 25.2 33 5;0 Yes
IWS 8 24 M 2 –40 Yes 1.8 12 2;6 Yes
IWS 9 18 M 1 100 Yes 29.0 41 7;6 Yes
IWS 10 33 M 1 –90 No 15.1 31 10;0 Yes
IWS 11 26 M 4 100 Yes 3.0 17 2;6 No
IWS 12 47 M 6 79 Yes 10.7 26 3;0 No
IWS 13 40 M 6 100 Yes 3.1 17 3;0 No
IWS 14 49 M 5 100 Yes 1.8 14 3;6 No
IWS 15 36 F 6 100 Yes 5.6 25 3;6 No
IWS 16 54 M 1 100 No 2.8 17 5;0 No
IWS 17 57 F 5 100 Yes 2.5 18 2;0 Yes
IWS 18 32 F 1 100 Yes 22.4 36 5;0 Yes
IWS 19 22 M 1 80 Yes 11.0 37 5;0 Yes
IWS 20 15 M 1 11 Yes 9.1 22 4;6 Yes
IWS 21 37 F 2 100 Yes 10.6 34 2;6 No
IWS 22 37 M 2 100 Yes 31.1 42 6;6 No
IWS 23 20 F 1 100 No 15.6 44 4;0 No
IWS 24 41 M 5 100 Yes 4.8 18 6;6 No
IWS 25 43 M 1 89 No 12.9 28 12;0 No
IWS 26 28 F 5 50 Yes 24.2 52 3;6 No
IWS 27 26 M 4 –56 Yes 7.1 27 5;0 No
M 32;5 3.1 67.8 12.7 29.7 5;2
SD 11;7 2.1 58.4 9.4 12.2 2;8
C1 33 F 5 100 No 0.1
C2 33 F 6 100 No 0.2
C3 35 M 6 100 No 0.4
C4 21 M 3 100 No 0.3
C5 36 M 4 100 No 0.9
C6 28 M 4 79 No 0.3
C7 22 M 3 100 No 0.5
C8 23 M 4 100 No 0.3
C9 26 M 3 80 No 0.6
C 10 27 M 3 100 No 0.1
C 11 28 M 4 100 No 0.6
C 12 28 M 4 100 No 0.1
C 13 25 F 4 89 No 0.1
C 14 26 M 4 88 No 0.0
C 15 40 M 3 88 No 0.3
C 16 15 M 1 100 No 0.2
C 17 32 M 5 63 No 0.2
C 18 45 M 2 –18 No 0.0
C 19 54 M 1 100 No 0.1
C 20 60 F 5 100 No 0.0
C 21 30 F 6 100 No 0.2
C 22 26 F 4 90 No 0.6

(Continued on the following page)

Neef et al.: Speech Perceptual Acuity in Stuttering 279

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Table 1 Continued . Description of participants.

Age Family Stuttered SSI–3

Participant (years) Sex Educationa Handednessb history syllablesc score Onset KST

C 23 43 M 6 100 No 0.4
C 24 26 F 4 –100 No 0.4
M 31;10* 3.7*** 65.7** 0.3****
SD 10;7 1.4 60.30 0.2

Note. Boldface type denotes individuals who participated in the pilot study as well as in the main experiment. Group difference
for age was tested by an unpaired two-tailed t test. Group differences for all other variables were examined with Mann–Whitney
U tests; the asymptotic significance is reported. SSI–3 = German version of the Stuttering Severity Instrument for Children and
Adults—Third version; IWS = individual who stutters; C = control participant; M = male; F = female; KST = Kassel Stuttering
Estimated as follows: 1 = some school, 2 = high school, 3 = less than 2 years of college, 4 = 2 years of college, 5 = 4 years of
college, 6 = postgraduate degree. bQuantified with the 10-item scale of the Edinburgh Handedness Inventory. cMean percentage
out of not fewer than 340 read and 500 spoken syllables.
*p = .82. **p = .52. ***p = .24. ****p < .001.

[CI] [.58, .97]) comparable to a previous reliability result testing with random stimuli. Participants were asked to
for the same raters (Neef et al., 2011). listen to the stimuli and to press the left mouse button if
e e
they perceive a /b / (d ), to press the right mouse button
e e
if they perceive a /p / (/t / ), or to press the space bar if
Synthetically generated sets of syllables /b /-/p / e e Figure 1. Waveforms and spectrograms of the /b / (voice onset
e e
and /d /-/t / with VOTs from 7 ms to 61 ms, in steps of time [VOT] = 7 ms) and /p / (VOT = 43 ms) of the speech continuum
1 ms, served as stimuli. These sets were created once, be- used to measure categorical perception of the voicing contrast.
fore the psychophysical test, with the following five-step
process: (a) Voiceless syllables were generated using an
AT&T Bell Research Lab speech synthesizer (http:// /Èttsweb /tts /; sample rate =
16 kHz, number of bits per sample = 16); (b) spectrograms
of these syllables were computed with the software pack-
age Praat (http: // /praat / ); (c) the
first three formants of the vowel were extracted from
these spectrograms; (d) stimuli were segmented into
consonants and vowels regarding the formant with the
earliest onset; and (e) to form the CV continua, the result-
ing segments were superimposed with a step width of
1 ms using an algorithm made in house written in the
MATLAB programming language ( Release 2007a). Fig-
ure 1 depicts oscillograms and spectrograms of two stim-
e e
uli of the /b /–/ p / continuum.

Participants sat in front of a computer in a quiet
room. Stimuli were presented binaurally via dynamic,
closed-ear headphones (Sennheiser HD 280; up to 32 dB
attenuation of outside noise) at a comfortable hearing
level they regulated by themselves. The two sets of CV
continua were presented in separate blocks, and the
order of blocks was balanced in each subject group.
Each block comprised five trial series. Each series con-
sisted of a staircase procedure followed by a conventional

280 Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 55 • 276–289 • February 2012
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they needed to hear the stimulus again. These choices Figure 2. Combination of adaptive threshold estimation and con-
were displayed on the screen during the entire trial se- ventional testing with equally spaced VOTs. The data shown were
ries. After the mouse click, the stimulus onset interval obtained from one control person; perceived /b / is denoted by open

was 2 s. Thus, one series lasted approximately 2 min. circles, and /p / is denoted by filled circles. The red circles denote
the VOTs of the presented stimuli during the adaptive search; the first
The two blocks were separated by a 15-min break. Speech
VOT was chosen at random, and all of the following were calculated.
samples for the SSI–3 fluency assessment were recorded
With the nth reversal, the step-width is reduced to 40/(n + 1) ms.
during this break. These values have been rounded to integers because the stimuli were
The adaptive selection of stimulus VOTs was based prepared before experiment start for integer VOTs. After the 10th
on an accelerated stochastic approximation (Kesten, reversal, the search is aborted. The last four VOTs were averaged to
1958; Treutwein, 1995). In adaptive threshold estima- obtain a preliminary estimate of the phoneme boundary (PB; 16 ms,
tion, the stimuli presented are not predetermined before dotted blue line). The VOT region of 20 ms around this PB was then
beginning the test; instead, the next stimulus is chosen probed by 21 stimuli in a random sequence. The logistic psychometric
function is fitted to the participant’s responses to all stimuli presented,
according to the previously presented stimuli and the
in this case yielding a PB of 15.3 ms and a b value of 0.97.
participant’s responses. If two subsequent stimuli are
categorized differently (i.e., if the individual’s percept
has reversed), one has to assume that the phoneme
boundary, the target of the search, lies in between the
VOTs of those two stimuli; consequently, the next stim-
ulus will have a VOT that lies between those previous
values. The reversal is followed by a decrease in the
step-width of VOT change, and the test stimuli contract
around the target. The staircase procedure began with a
randomly chosen VOT and was aborted after 10 rever-
sals. The average of the last four VOT used served as a
preliminary estimate of the PB. The remainder of the
trial series consisted of a conventional, nonadaptive
identification task: Twenty-one stimuli with VOTs be-
tween PB–10 ms and PB+10 ms were presented in a
random sequence, covering the instructive VOT interval
around the PB in 1-ms steps. For more information, see all five series. We also conducted 10 fits for each partic-
Figure 2 . The parameters of the psychometric function ipant, covering five series in each CV continuum. With
were estimated from all trials per series (Ramus et al., this procedure, we generated a total of 12 b values and
e e
2003). For the /b /–/p / continuum, control participants 12 PB values for each participant.
required a mean of 35.6 trials (SD = 2.16), and IWS re-
e e
quired a mean of 36.3 (SD = 2.47) trials. For the /d /–/t /
continuum, the average amount of trials for one series
was 36.9 (SD = 3.16) for control participants and 38.0 To test our hypotheses regarding the speech percep-
(SD = 3.82) for IWS. tual acuity and PB, we entered the b values and the PB
values in two separate two-factor mixed-design 2 ×
It is an intrinsic property of the applied adaptive al-
2 analyses of variance (ANOVAs) for repeated measures
gorithm that the stimuli are concentrated near the PB.
e e with the between-subjects factor group ( IWS or control)
For control participants, 38.4% of /b /–/p / and 46.3% of e e
e e and the within-subject factor continuum (/b /–/p / or
/d /–/t / stimuli were presented in the range PB ± 2b. e e
/d /–/t / ). This analysis involved the data pooled across
For IWS this ratio was slightly higher: 42.9% for the
e e e e all five series.
/b /–/p / and 53.2% for the /d /–/t / continuum.
We conducted separate three-factor mixed-design
The experiment was run on Presentation software
2 × 2 × 5 ANOVAs for repeated measures with the be-
( Version 0.71; / ).
tween-subjects factor group ( IWS or control) and the
within-subject factors continuum ( /b /–/p / or /d /–/t / ) e e e
Data Analysis and series (1–5). We performed this analysis to test for
With MATLAB, we modeled the data by fitting a lo- an effect of series. Main effects were tested via pairwise
gistic psychometric function for the voiceless percept tests with Bonferroni correction or Tukey’s honestly sig-
using a maximum likelihood algorithm (psygnifit; see nificant difference test depending on the epsilon of the /; Wichmann test for sphericity.
& Hill, 2001a, 2001b). Two fits were run for each partic- To test potential correlations between stuttering
ipant and each continuum, with the data pooled across severity and discriminatory power as well as PB, we

Neef et al.: Speech Perceptual Acuity in Stuttering 281

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calculated Spearman’s correlation coefficient between lines indicating two outliers from the IWS group (Partici-
the stutterer’s SSI–3 overall-scores and the parameter pants IWS 11 and IWS 25; see Table 1). Revision of the
b or PB values, respectively. individual data showed that Participant IWS 11 exhib-
To test the relation between b and PB values, we cal- ited an almost random performance during the fifth
e e
series in the tests of the /b /–/p / continuum. Participant
culated Pearson’s correlation coefficients separately for
each CV continuum and each group. IWS 25 was characterized by a PB of 60 ms for the
e e
/d /–/t / continuum, which lies outside the measurable
Interrater reliability was determined by calculat-
spectrum because stimuli of this continuum range until a
ing the unadjusted ICCunadjust (two-way mixed, single
VOT of 61 ms. Thus, we excluded these two participants
measures; Wirtz & Caspar, 2002). Statistics were per-
from further statistical analyses.
formed with the SPSS 17.0.
Figure 4 shows the group averages of the parameter
b separated for continuum and series. These graphs
Results show high b values, that is, low discriminatory power
in the IWS group for the second and fifth series of the
Discriminatory Power and b Values e e e e
/b /–/p / continuum and for the /d /–/t / continuum for
Figure 3 illustrates the individual performance on all but the third series.
the identification task by showing fitted psychometric The last columns in the panels of Figure 4 depict the
functions for the individually pooled data points out b values calculated by fitting the psychometric function
of all five series. As can be seen, at the individual level, to the individually pooled data points. Control participants
differences in the shapes of the individual psychomet- had mean b values of 1.24 (SD = 0.44) ms for the /b /–/p /
e e
ric functions of both groups are visible. For the IWS e e
continuum and 1.61 (SD = 0.71) ms for the /d /–/t / con-
group, the fitted psychometric models have flatter char- tinuum; IWS showed mean b values of 1.48 (SD = 0.52)
acteristics and higher variability in shape than in the e e
ms for the /b /–/p / continuum and 2.21 (SD = 0.87) ms
control group. The bottom graphs contain almost linear e e
for the /d /–/t / continuum.

Figure 3. Individual psychometric functions for /b /–/p / identification and the /d /–/t / identification
e e e e
for participants in the stuttering (red) and the control (black) group. The sigmoid curves were obtained
from the pooled individual data points using logistic regression. The curves are plotted with VOT
related to the PB. Dashed lines mark the outliers, Participants IWS 11 and IWS 25, whose data were
extracted from the statistical analyses. CS = control subject/participant; IWS = individual who stutters.

282 Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 55 • 276–289 • February 2012
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Figure 4. Group averages and standard errors of the mean of the b values, separated for series of
the /b /–/p / continuum (Panel A) and of the /d /–/t /continuum (Panel B) for participants in the
e e e e
stuttering (IWS) and the control (CS) group. Group averages for the PB were seperated for series and
continuum (Panel C). Note that pooled values yielded higher b values because the series-to-series
variability of PBs was incorporated.

We conducted a 2 × 2 repeated measures ANOVA corrected, Mauchly W = .295, p = .001, ɛ = .758), with
with group as the between-subjects factor and CV con- larger b values for the first series (bSeries1, M = 1.42 ms,
tinuum as the within-subjects factor to test for group dif- SD = 0.70) compared with the other series (bSeries2, M =
ferences considering the b values from the individually 1.11 ms, SD = 0.66; bSeries3, M = 0.99 ms, SD = 0.63;
pooled data. The ANOVA yielded a main effect of group, bSeries4, M = 1.10 ms, SD = 0.82; bSeries5, M = 1.31 ms,
F(1, 47) = 7.37, p = .009, confirming the significance of SD = 0.87). Post-ANOVA comparison with the Tukey
increase in b values in IWS. The ANOVA also revealed a honestly significant difference test revealed no signifi-
main effect of CV continuum, F(1, 47) = 24.95, p < .001, cant differences between series. An ANOVA yielded
with higher b values for the /d /–/t / continuum (M b =
e e no further significant interactions (see Supplemental
1.9 ms, SD = 0.84) compared with the /b /–/p / con- e Appendix C; Table C1).
tinuum (M b = 1.4 ms, SD = 0.49). It yielded no Group ×
Continuum interaction, F(1, 47) = 2.57, p = .115.
Phoneme Boundaries
Because we repeated the psychophysical test five
times for each continuum, we were able to test whether dis- Figure 4 shows group averages of the PBs separated
for continuum and series. The PB of the /b /–/p / con- e e
criminatory power was influenced by repetition. Thus,
we conducted separate 2 × 2 × 5 ANOVAs for each series. tinuum was located at 18 ms (SD = 4.0 ms) in control par-
The analysis confirmed the main effects of the previous ticipants and at 20 ms (SD = 4.6 ms) in IWS. The PB
e e
of the /d /–/t / continuum was positioned at 31 ms
ANOVA: a main effect of group, F(1, 47) = 5.21, p = .027;
a main effect of CV continuum, F(1, 47) = 31.91, p < .001; (SD = 5.4 ms) for control participants and at 34 ms
and no Group × Continuum interaction, F(1, 47) = 2.10, (SD = 5.9 ms) for IWS.
p = .154. The ANOVA also revealed an effect of series, The 2 × 2 ANOVA of PB revealed a marginal effect of
F(3.0, 142.6) = 3.83, p = .011 (Greenhouse–Geisser group, F(1, 47) = 3.99, p = .052, with PBs located at larger

Neef et al.: Speech Perceptual Acuity in Stuttering 283

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VOTs for IWS relative to control participants. The effect with fluent speakers, perceive CVs ambiguously. As in-
of continuum was significant, F(1, 47) = 421.81, p < .001. dicated by a shallower slope of the psychometric func-
This is in accord with previous observations with the PB tion, this would suggest diminished speech perceptual
e e
of the /b /–/p / continuum to be located at smaller VOT acuity in IWS as a consequence of blurred phoneme
values compared with PBs of the /d /–/t / continuum e representations. Our study delivers a first data set on
(e.g., Phillips et al., 2000). No Group × Continuum inter- phoneme identification of voicing contrasts in stuttering
action was found, F(1, 47) = 0.67, p = .419. An additional that points toward lower discriminatory power in IWS.
2 × 2 × 5 ANOVA regarding the PB confirmed previous The lack of correlation between b values and stuttering
results: There was an effect of group, F(1, 47) = 4.29, severity demonstrates that the tested auditory per-
p = .044; and an effect of continuum, F(1, 47) = 314.33, formance does not serve as a sufficient or necessary
p < .001; but no Continuum × Group interaction, F(1, 47) = parameter to define key characteristics of IWS. None-
0.96, p = .333. The ANOVA further revealed a significant theless, our study ties in an interesting currently confla-
effect of series, F(2.6, 120.6) = 3.33, p = .028 (Greenhouse– grant discussion: the sensorimotor integration of speech
Geisser corrected, Mauchly W = .539, p < .001, ɛ = .641); processing.
post hoc pairwise t tests revealed no significant differ-
ences for the comparison of PBs between series (Bonferroni
corrected). No interactions were revealed (see Supple- Diminished Speech Perceptual Acuity
mental Appendix C, Table C1). for Stop Consonants in Stuttering
Correlation analyses yielded no correlation between
The perceptual acuity to discriminate the voicing
stuttering severity and parameter b, –.22 < r s < .18,
contrast in stop consonants at the sublexical level is im-
p > .314, or PB, –.08 < rs < .15, p > .461, respectively.
paired in IWS as compared with control subjects. In re-
Likewise, no correlation was found between b values
e e gard to the pooled data, the intergroup difference of
and PBs, either for the /b /–/p / continuum (control par-
b values between control participants and IWS had mag-
ticipants: rp = –.169, p = .429; IWS: rp = .007, p = .974) or e e
e e nitudes of 0.24 ms (/b /–/p / continuum) and 0.59 ms
for the /d /–/t / continuum (control participants: rp = e e
(/d /–/t / continuum). Thus, the relative difference
.284, p = .200; IWS: rp = .142, p = .497; see Figure 5). e
amounts to a sizable effect: an increase of 16% (/b /–
e e e
/p / continuum) and 27% (/d /–/t / continuum), respec-
tively, in the b values.
This result is consistent with the theories that moti-
The current study was motivated by theories relat- vated this study (Civier et al., 2010; Kalveram & Jancke,
ing the breakdowns in fluent speech in IWS to an im- 1989; Max et al., 2004), and, interpreted through the
paired feed-forward control system due to impoverished framework of these theories, the results suggest a
sensory representations of the expected speech sounds blurred auditory representation in IWS.
(Civier et al., 2010; Kalveram & Jancke, 1989; Max The discrimination of speech sounds implements a
et al., 2004). If that relation indeed held true, one meta-linguistic process that does not lead to lexical ac-
would expect broader intervals in which IWS, compared cess or further semantic processing; instead, it includes
acoustic and phonetic processing that operates on con-
tinuous, analog auditory signals, possibly mediated
Figure 5. Scatter plot for individually pooled, continuum-specific b
and PB. Circles indicate values for the IWS, squares indicate values through a comparison between phonological features
for the CS, open symbols denote values for the /b /–/p / continuum,
e e and an articulatory plan (Rauschecker & Scott, 2009;
and filled symbols indicate values for the /d /–/t / continuum.
e e Turkeltaub & Coslett, 2010).
Deciding whether the presented phoneme is either
voiced or voiceless most likely requires the activation
of the articulatory model of the specific phoneme (Meister,
Wilson, Deblieck, Wu, & Iacoboni, 2007; Turkeltaub &
Coslett, 2010), the so-called speech sound map in the
ventral premotor cortex and posterior inferior frontal
gyrus (Golfinopoulos, Tourville, & Guenther, 2010). Fur-
thermore, this process is likely to also recruit the primary
motor cortex (Möttönen & Watkins, 2009). In our study,
more than one third of the stimuli lay within the ambig-
uous VOT range, and therefore the identification task
was demanding. The data showed that task demand
influences neural activity and increases functional

284 Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 55 • 276–289 • February 2012
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connectivity (Biswal, Eldreth, Motes, & Rypma, 2010; Such a heterogeneous pattern within groups of IWS is
Rypma et al., 2006). In turn, an intense neural commu- often observed (e.g., De Nil & Abbs, 1991). Also in the
nication requires an intact anatomical architecture and current study, some IWS showed a psychometric curve
an undisturbed neural synchronization. If connections that was indistinguishable from curves of individuals
were malfunctioning, discriminatory power would likely in the control group. This, together with the lack of cor-
be impaired, and b values would be enlarged. This view relation between stuttering severity and b value, indi-
is supported by the finding that the left perisylvian cates that the discriminatory power for the voicing
fibers connecting cortical sensory and motor areas ex- contrast is not a dominant factor of speech fluency.
hibit reduced integrity in IWS (Cykowski, Fox, Ingham,
Ingham, & Robin, 2010; Sommer, Koch, Paulus, Weiller, Effect of Series
& Büchel, 2002; Watkins, Smith, Davis, & Howell, 2008).
Thus, less coherent connections in IWS might slow the The strongest group differences were in the earliest
transfer of information or diminish the quality of the and in the latest series, a phenomenon entirely unex-
transported signals, leading to a lower discriminatory pected when we designed this experiment. The influence
power, which becomes detectable in demanding tasks of attention on performance might also contribute to the
as phoneme categorization near the PB. effect of series found in either group: Improved perfor-
There are other possible interpretations of our mance in early series could indicate familiarization,
results. It has been proposed that speech production whereas the lower performance in the final series that
is most pronounced in the stuttering group in the /d /– e
and speech perception share the same elementary e
events: gestural motor commands, and thus the essen- /t / continuum could indicate reduced attention. This
tial units of speech perception are inherently motoric novel finding is astonishing and raises a lot of specula-
(Liberman & Mattingly, 1985, p. 31), leading to the tion regarding reasons, such as fatigue or lack of auto-
close link between speech perception and speech produc- mation, impaired consolidation of acquired skills, and
tion. Therefore, a broadened VOT range of ambivalent lack of attentional allocation. We calculated a 2 × 2 × 4
perception for the voicing contrast complements obser- ANOVA excluding the fifth series. This ANOVA con-
vations of a higher variability of the VOT production of firmed a strong trend for an effect of group, F(1, 47) =
bilabial voiceless plosives in IWS (Max & Gracco, 2005). 3.2, p = .080, and the consistent effect of continuum,
Stuttering might serve as a model to further elucidate F(1, 47) = 20.5, p < .001. It also yielded an effect of series,
this perception–production relationship. F(3, 141) = 5.4, p = .02, emphasizing the significant in-
crease of discriminatory power when the first series is
A further possible explanation ties in the dynamic
compared with later series. Thus, the existing phoneme
influence of top-down attentional modulation on the au-
discrimination ability is not an invariable entity but
ditory saliency map. This saliency map of the auditory
is subject to further recalibration and adjustments
environment flags sounds of interest. The saliency
(Meister et al., 2007; Möttönen & Watkins, 2009; Nasir
map is proposed to emerge from the implementation of
& Ostry, 2009; Shiller, Sato, Gracco, & Baum, 2009). It is
a multistage selection process, in which bottom-up stim-
interesting that performance by IWS was similar to
ulus features and top-down attentional modulation are
that of control participants in Series 3. If one takes the
combined such that relevant information is continuously
optimal conditions in the laboratory into account, one
favored and ultimately analyzed at the expense of infor-
sees that the problem is probably not an impossibility
mation deemed to have lesser relevance (Kayser, Petkov,
to perform but instead ready access to sufficient perfor-
Lippert, & Logothetis, 2005). Thus, auditory attention
mance. We expect these novel findings to encourage fur-
heavily influences the sustained neural representation
ther studies to elucidate in particular the reasons for the
of a given stimulus (Elhilali, Xiang, Shamma, &
bad performance in later series by IWS.
Simon, 2009). In regard to stuttering, researchers have
suggested that attention may be impaired (Bosshardt,
2006; Kaganovich, Wray, & Weber-Fox, 2010). For in- Phoneme Boundaries
stance, researchers have shown, in recent EEG studies PBs are different between IWS and control. This
of IWS, that nonlinguistic auditory processing is charac- parameter is not fixed for a given individual; instead,
terized by a smaller P300 component, which suggests it is subject to dynamic changes (Nasir & Ostry, 2009).
less efficient attentional allocation and working memory Furthermore, it varies between different German idioms
update in adults who stutter (Hampton & Weber-Fox, (Lisker & Abramson, 1964). The PB is therefore not a
2008) as well as in children who stutter (Kaganovich suitable measure of individual performance. The ob-
et al., 2010). served group difference fits with an observation of
In Hampton and Weber-Fox’s (2008) study, a sub- VOT production in IWS. Max and Gracco (2005) reported
sample of IWS showed early EEG signals ( N1 and P2) that the durations of the devoicing interval in the
that were indistinguishable from those of fluent speakers. production of the voiceless /p/ was longer in IWS

Neef et al.: Speech Perceptual Acuity in Stuttering 285

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compared with fluently speaking control participants; seems plausible because speech production experiments
however, neither this nor the present study controlled in IWS indicate an enlarged variability of the production
for provenance of the participants, complicating inter- of VOT in voiceless bilabial stops in perceptually fluent
pretations of the observed difference. speech (Max & Gracco, 2005).
Another limitation of the current study is the poten-
tial influence of a particular speech motor training in our
Effect of Continuum
heterogeneous group of IWS . More than half of the sam-
The absolute value of bs for the /d /–/t / continuum
e e
ple of IWS have been recruited from KST. KST involves a
was enlarged compared to the /b /–/p / continuum in e
sensitization of the perception of the voicing contrast be-
either group. Whether this indicates an increased com- cause fluency-shaping emerges from an intentional voic-
plexity or difficulty for the perception of this continuum ing of voiceless consonants (Euler et al., 2009). Thus, the
is unclear. Note that the production of alveolar plosives treatment involves the training of the metalinguistic
/d/ and /t/ is more complex due to the decoupling of jaw knowledge of the voicing contrast and the perception of
from tongue movements and is acquired at a later age this contrast, which is essential for a correct production. To
compared with the bilabial plosives / b/ and /p/ (Fox, consider this aspect, we conducted additional ANOVAs.
2003). The perception of the place of articulation is mainly These analyses revealed no influence of KST, either on
cued by the burst duration and the fast F2 and F3 formant PBs or on b values (see Supplemental Appendix C).
transitions (Alwan, Jiang, & Chen, 2011). In our test Our results on the potential influence of a speech motor
stimuli, the burst duration was not modified, and thus training are preliminary. Because we did not plan to in-
the formant transitions might be less salient for the al- vestigate the influence of speech therapy, we did not at-
veolar plosives compared with the bilabial plosives; tempt to quantify the speakers’ level of proficiency (e.g.,
therefore, processing demands might have been in- to build a gentle voice onset). However, IWS who had
creased for the alveolar plosives. been in KST were at different stages of their therapy,
and IWS who were not familiar with KST were familiar
with different other therapies, such as the stuttering
Limitations modification technique adopted by van Riper (Alpermann,
Our finding of a reduced discriminatory power in Huber, Natke, & Willmes, 2011), in which a gentle voice
IWS compared with control participants is particularly onset is again a goal of the treatment. It seems tempting to
related to the perception of the voicing contrast in the bi- conduct future studies to account for the effect of a motor
labial and alveolar stop consonants and most prominent speech therapy, especially when the modification of the
in the contrast of alveolar stop consonants. Whether this voicing contrast is part of the speech motor training.
holds true for other phoneme contrasts with changing
place of articulation, such as the /b /–/d / continuum, e
for a different articulatory mode, such as the /f /–/s/ con- Conclusion
tinuum, or for a different duration of a vowel, such as /a /,
Our results provide behavioral evidence for less sta-
needs to be tested in future studies.
ble phoneme representations in IWS. Phoneme rep-
Our results are furthermore restricted to the condi- resentation is a pivotal element underlying speech
tion of passive listening, whereas the theories we have perception. Thus, our results support neuroimaging
discussed associate the dysfluencies with impaired studies that have demonstrated irregularities in the
motor-to-sensory priming in response to self-generated neuroanatomic correlates of speech perception. In ad-
speech (Civier et al., 2010; Kalveram & Jancke, 1989). dition, our data underpin theoretical frameworks on
Electrophysiological evidence for altered speech sound stuttering that assume less stable speech sound repre-
perception is related to auditory evoked responses to sentations, or an insufficient access to them, by IWS,
passive listening to sublexical stimuli (Corbera et al., thereby highlighting the role of auditory perception in
2005) or to combinatory approaches that study auditory persistent developmental stuttering. Future studies
evoked responses to passive listening as well as to self- should evaluate the link between sublexical speech per-
generated speech (Beal et al., 2010; Liotti et al., 2010). A ception and production to further elucidate the nature of
combinatory approach that considers sublexical speech stuttering. Such studies would provide data to complete
perception and speech production, such as that used theoretical models of stuttering as well as of speech pro-
for the nonspeech production humming (Nudelman, cessing and its neural implementation in general.
Herbrich, Hess, Hoyt, & Rosenfield, 1992), might help
clarify whether the compromised phoneme percep-
tion during passive listening suggested by the current
results is somehow linked to perceptive mechanisms This work was supported by the Stifterverband für
involved during speech motor control. This suggestion die Deutsche Wissenschaft, Walter und Ilse Rose Stiftung,

286 Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research • Vol. 55 • 276–289 • February 2012
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