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Wet behind the ears' có một từ mới là ear nghĩa là cái tai. Người Mỹ dùng wet behind the
ears, tức là ướt ở đằng sau tai, để chỉ một người còn non nớt, chưa có kinh nghiệm
tall story =a story or fact that is difficult to believe
lynch mob= a group of people who want to attack someone who they think has
committed a serious crime
humanly possible=a) used to emphasize that something is possible//
b) used to emphasize that someone did all they could
no-frills -> A no-frills product or a service is basic and has no extra or unnecessary
take some doing =to be hard work
red-carpet= relating to or suitable for an official event where there is a long, red floor
covering for important guests to walk on
every bit as=just as = đúng như
that's all (there is to it)-> You can use this phrase if there's nothing else you want to say
about something, or if there's nothing more to a story.
per se= by or of itself
settle something on someone = to formally give money or property to someone:
be on edge = to be nervous or worried:
close in on: to come or move nearer or closer to (someone or something)
muck in =to share the work that needs to be done
throw in something = to include something extra when selling something
Go to the trouble to do something" có trouble là rắc rối -> cụm từ này nghĩa là cố gắng,
nỗ lực làm việc gì.
Doss down là: = Ngủ tạm ở đâu (vì bạn không về nhà)
auction (off) = sell something
bandy about: to discuss or mention (something) in a casual or informal way
(clap someone in something) to suddenly put someone somewhere that they cannot
escape from
take a big toll on sth = làm hư hại , thiệt hại cái gì
chip away at something =to gradually reduce something so that it becomes smaller or
bipolar disorder = a mental health condition that affects someone's moods, so that they
can sometimes feel very depressed (= sad and without hope or energy) and at other times
very excited and energetic
Burnout= the state of having no energy or enthusiasm because of working too hard, or
someone who shows the effects of this state
squeeze something out of someone = to persuade or force someone to give you money or
shy away from something= to avoid something that you dislike, fear, or do not feel
confident about
take offence/offense (with at)=to be offended (by something)=bị xúc phạm
In doing so" is a phrase or expression that means someone's action has a related
in accordance with : in a way that agrees with or follows (something, such as a rule or
from scratch =from the very beginning, especially without utilizing or relying on any
previous work for assistance.
from scratch =from the very beginning, especially without utilizing or relying on any
previous work for assistance.
have/keep/put one's finger on the pulse of : to be aware of the latest things that are
happening in (a certain industry, area, etc.)
Rub one up the wrong way' từ này bắt nguồn từ hình ảnh chải lông (rub) cho mèo,
thường không ai chải ngược lại chiều lông mọc -> làm ai khó chịu, chọc tức ai; làm trái ý
nerves of steel: an impressive ability to remain calm in dangerous or difficult situations
Hang by a thread" = treo bằng sợi chỉ -> tình trạng rất hiểm nghèo, khó vượt qua. Tiếng
Việt gọi là "ngàn cân treo sợi tóc".
have your feet on the ground =to be practical and able to take care of yourself
Delusions of grandeur =It's when you believe that you have more power, wealth, smarts,
or other grand traits than is true.
Go/Be out like a light" = tắt nhanh như ánh sáng xoẹt qua vậy -> cụm từ này nghĩa là
ngủ nhanh chóng, ngủ thiếp đi, vừa ngả lưng đã ngủ rồi
be forced to do sth = buộc phải làm gì
Casue sb allergic reactions – gây dị ứng cho ai đó
at-risk = in danger of being harmed or damaged, or of dying
1.C 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.B 6.C 7.C 8.A 9.A 10.C
1.He realized that his fondness for her was turning into a foolish_________
A.fascination B. infection C. infatuation D. affliction
Infatuation=strong but not usually lasting feelings of love or attraction
Infection = a condition in which bacteria or viruses that cause disease have entered the body
Affliction=something that makes you suffer
2.The salesman was a bit wet behind the ____________. The customers persuaded him to give
them a huge discount on the furniture they bought.
A.elbows B. ears C. heels D. knees
Wet behind the ears' có một từ mới là ear nghĩa là cái tai. Người Mỹ dùng wet behind the ears,
tức là ướt ở đằng sau tai, để chỉ một người còn non nớt, chưa có kinh nghiệm
3.Don't believe a word he says; it s Just another of his ____________stories.
A.tall B. short C. lie D. white
tall story =a story or fact that is difficult to believe
4.Scottish pound notes are not legal _____________in England.
A. tender B. money C. exchange D. value
Tender = a written or formal offer to supply goods or do a job for an agreed price
5. The townspeople formed a ___________mob to find and kill the man who killed the
A.hunting B. lynch C. search D. punishment
lynch mob= a group of people who want to attack someone who they think has committed a
serious crime
6. I can tell you that we’re doing our absolute level best to ensure that the number of
casualties from military activities will be as low as _________possible.
A.purely B. solidly C. humanly D. starkly
humanly possible=a) used to emphasize that something is possible//
b) used to emphasize that someone did all they could
7. He was disappointed by his result but he is now __________to having to re-take the
A.composed B. submitted C. reconciled D. subdued
Reconcile = to find a way in which two situations or beliefs that are opposed to each other can
agree and exist together
8. We can just about afford to go if we get a really cheap flight and
some________accommodation. B. affluent C. sumptuous D. ritzy
no-frills -> A no-frills product or a service is basic and has no extra or unnecessary details
9. Some would say it's a dead-end job, and it’s true that it’s not a career, but standing at a
machine eight hours a day still takes some __________
A.doing B. working C. considering D. thinking
take some doing =to be hard work
10. If you were given the________treatment, would you be pleased?
A. silver-service B. double-glazing C. red-carpet D. on-the-spot
red-carpet= relating to or suitable for an official event where there is a long, red floor covering
for important guests to walk on
1.A 2.C 3.C 4.C 5.B 6.C 7.D 8.C 9.C 10.C
1. He was undoubtedly making progress, __________rather slowly.
A. albeit B. notwithstanding C. however D. whilst
Albeit= despite the stated thing; although-> Albeit + Adj/Adv/ prepositional phrases
Notwithstanding = mặc dù với chức năng là trạng từ hoặc giới từ
2. I don’t know why everybody ever listens to Teddy. He’s ________as intelligent as his
A.rather B. fairly much C. every bit D. somewhat
every bit as=just as = đúng như
3. The answer is no. That’s all___________
A.there is at it B. how is is C. there is to it D. there it is
that's all (there is to it)-> You can use this phrase if there's nothing else you want to say about
something, or if there's nothing more to a story.
4. It is estimated that________10% of the population goes to university.
A.any B. a C. some D. the
Some = (used in front of a number) approximately; about
5.I drove 200 miles to the concert, only ________that the singer had cancelled it via a story on
A.finding B. to find C. found D. to be finding
only to do something= used to show that something is surprising or unexpected
6.The pills are not harmful __________but are dangerous when taken with alcohol. it all B. as such C. per se D. at that
per se= by or of itself
7.It turned out that we __________rushed to the airport as the plane was delayed by several
A.hadn’t B. should have C. mustn’t D. needn’t have
Needn’t have P2 = không cần thiết làm những đã làm
8.I don't suppose there is anyone there, _______? I B. don’t I C. is there D. isn’t there?
Câu hỏi đuôi với trường hợp đặc biệt
9.The foundation of the house is built from rubble overlaid with concrete, but even carefully
brewed concrete is by ______________
A.its very Clawing nature. B. its flawed nature.
C. its very nature flawed. D. its very nature flaming.
Very + Adj (viết tắt của Adjective) là cấu trúc thường được sử dụng để nhấn mạnh mức độ của
tính từ
10.Diligently ___________Mary studied, she never got best marks.
A.while B. when C. as D. since
Adj/adv + ass/though + S + V,..= mặc dù…
1. A 2. D 3. A 4. A 5. C 6. D 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. B
1.The father settled only one starfruit tree ___________the two brothers.
A.on B. for C. to D. between
settle something on someone = to formally give money or property to someone:
2.The National English contestants were always ______edge waiting for the results.
A.under B. up C. over D. on
be on edge = to be nervous or worried:
3.It felt as though the walls of the room were closing ______her.
A. in on B. over to C. up to D. into
close in on: to come or move nearer or closer to (someone or something)
4.She doesn't mind mucking ________with the rest of us when there's work to be done. B. over C. up D. about
muck in =to share the work that needs to be done
5.Buy an iPhone 5 now and get iPhone 4 thrown _________!
A.together B. over C. in D. with
throw in something = to include something extra when selling something
6.Please don’t go ________the trouble to give me a lift. I can walk 200 km myself.
A.up B. about C. by D. to
Go to the trouble to do something" có trouble là rắc rối -> cụm từ này nghĩa là cố gắng, nỗ lực
làm việc gì.
7.My work shifts are quite hectic so I will just doss_________for some minutes now. B. down C. over D. up
Doss down là: = Ngủ tạm ở đâu (vì bạn không về nhà)
8.After they broke up, she auctioned ____________all the jewelry he had given her
A. up B. away C. off D. around
auction (off) = sell something
9.There is too much rubbish bandied______ by the gossip girls.
A.behind B. over C. about D. up
bandy about: to discuss or mention (something) in a casual or informal way
10.When the magician pulled a rabbit out of his hat, the audience clapped_______unison
A.with B. in C. at D. off
(clap someone in something) to suddenly put someone somewhere that they cannot escape from
1. B 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. B 8. B 9. C 10. D
While living in a metropolis has its perks, it can (1) ________on our mental health.
Compared to rural residents, researchers have found that (2) _______are 21 percent more likely
to have anxiety disorders and 39 percent more likely to have mood disorders. A 2017 meta-
analysis also found that rates of PTSD, (3)_________management, and generalized anxiety
disorder were higher among those living in urban areas.
So, what’s the explanation? According to psychiatrists, urban living gives the brain a workout,
which alters how we cope with stress. Here’s how it works: The constant stimulation of city life
can propel the body into a stressful state, known as the fight-or-flight response. That can make us
more vulnerable to mental health concerns, such as depression, anxiety, and (4)__________use.
This might help explain why 19.1 percent of Americans live with anxiety disorder, while 6.7
percent have depression. City living can also (5)___________at your psychological immune
system, which can be(6) _________for those with a family history of mental illness.
According to psychologists, this environmental stress can increase your risk of developing a
psychiatric condition, such as anxiety, depression, or (7) ___________disorder. Even though
urban life may lead to emotional distress, shame and stigma can stop young adults from talking
about their struggles. This may explain why they feel lonelier than older generations, according
to a Cigna study.
What’s more, young adults, especially millennials, often feel (8) _______- a stressful state of
mental and physical exhaustion that can (9) ________the joy out of life. Older generations may
view millennials as incompetent adults who (10) _________responsibility, but as Anne
Helen Peterson wrote for Buzzfeed, millennials have “errand paralysis” and think they should
always be working.
1. A. cause damage B. take a big toll C. engender trouble D. go wrong
take a big toll on sth = làm hư hại , thiệt hại cái gì
2. A. urbanists B. urbanees C. urbaners D. urbanites
Urbanite=someone who lives in a city or enjoys the type of life in a city
3. A. time B. anger C. money D. resource
anger management = kiểm soạt sự nóng giận
4. A. substantial B. subsequent C. substance D. subsequential
substance use = sử dụng chất gây nghiện, kích thich
5. A. chip in B. chip up C. chip down D. chip away
chip away at something =to gradually reduce something so that it becomes smaller or weaker
6. A. precarious B. insecure C. unpredictable D. delicate
Precarious =in a dangerous state because of not being safe or not being held in place firmly
7. A. mixed B. bipolar C. tripolar D. depressive
bipolar disorder = a mental health condition that affects someone's moods, so that they can
sometimes feel very depressed (= sad and without hope or energy) and at other times very
excited and energetic
8. A. outburn B. burnout C. inburn D. burn-in
Burnout= the state of having no energy or enthusiasm because of working too hard, or someone
who shows the effects of this state
9. A. blow B. reveal C. squeeze D. force
squeeze something out of someone = to persuade or force someone to give you money or
10. A. fight shy of B. go away from C. go out of D. shy away from
shy away from something= to avoid something that you dislike, fear, or do not feel confident
1. B 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. D 6. A 7. A 8. D 9. A 10. C
There is a generation of young people that have been labeled as “snowflakes” —unable to
handle stress and more prone to (1) ___too emotionally vulnerable to cope with views that
challenge their own. They are also said to have less psychological (2)______than previous
Children’s lives are being (3) _______. No longer are children able to spend time with friends
unsupervised, explore their community, or (4) _________spontaneously in groups without
being viewed with suspicion. This is further impacted by the way children are taught in schools
and how pressure to succeed has led to a taming of education. Children are being (5) ______
and controlled; it’s not surprising this impacts their mental health. Ideas about good parenting,
which emphasize knowing where children are and keeping them safe, combined with
contemporary ideas that view children as naturally (6)_______ also fail to recognize their ability
to cope with situations which we, as adults, deem to be complex.
This all comes (7) ____________a backdrop of increasing concern for children's well-being. But
what adults see as important for a child’s well-being and what children themselves see as being
important may not be the same. This has led to a rise in a(n) (8)________ type of parenting—
often referred tO as “helicopter parenting.” It may well be that the competitive nature of
contemporary society contributes to parents dominating their children's lives —for reasons that
are rational to them. But (9)_______ they act against the long-term interests of their children.
This also leads to a childhood that for many children, is (10) _________ by supervision,
surveillance, and a lack of any real challenges.
1.A. taking amiss B. taking offence C. harboring feelings D. offending themselves
take offence/offense (with at)=to be offended (by something)=bị xúc phạm
2.A. health B. well-being C. resilience D. assessment
Resilience =the ability to be happy, successful, etc. again after something difficult or bad has
3.A. suffocated B. choked C. silenced D. stifled
Stifle = to prevent something from happening, being expressed, or continuing
4.A. hang out B. hang around C. hang about D. hang over
hang around =to move or do things slowly
5.A. overmanaged B. macromanaged C. undermanaged D. micromanaged
Micromanage=to control every part of a situation, even small details
6.A. vulnerable B. susceptible C. unable D. disabled
Be vulnerable to =able to be easily physically or mentally hurt, influenced, or attacked
7.A. against B. about C. within D. up to
8.A. thorough B. exhaustive C. rigorous D. intensive
Intensive =involving a lot of effort or activity in a short period of time
9.A. in doing so B. during that time C. on doing so D. during the process
In doing so" is a phrase or expression that means someone's action has a related consequence.
10. A. overstated B. overindulged C. overridden D. Overpowered
Override = (of a person who has the necessary authority) to decide against or refuse to accept a
previous decision, an order, a person, etc

1. B 2. D 3. A 4. B 5. A 6. C 7. C 8. B 9. D 10. E
The advent of pottery in primitive human cultures around the world signified a milestone in
human history. Sometimes referred to as the container revolution, pottery enabled primitive
people to boil and steam food, which in turn allowed them to gain sustenance for new and more
varied sources. Durable and watertight pottery containers also allowed them to capture and store
freshwater from rainfall or clean rivers and lakes.
The earliest pottery has been traced back to a few civilizations that appear to have
developed this advancement independent of each other. The oldest pottery known to historians
comes from the Jomon people of Japan from around the year 10,500 B.C. Evidence of the
independent development of pottery has also come from North Africa around 10,000 B.C. and
from South America around 7,000 B.C.
Collecting pottery shards has proven to be one of the best ways for archaeologists to
identify the developmental levels of ancient cultures, especially the ones that were pre-
literate and therefore unable to leave behind a recorded history. By digging up different
shards from different stratum layers, archaeologists can easily date the stages of a culture’s
development. They are able to do this by looking at the style and decoration of the pottery
fragments. Furthermore, trace element analysis enables these researchers accurately to identify
the source of the clay used to make the pottery.
The early pottery was formed with a technique called handwork. Handworked pieces are
constructed from clay that is rolled into long strands by hand and then coiled to form the body of
the vessel. Each of these early pieces of pottery would have been one-of-a-kind due to the
irregularity that is a characteristic of handwork. After these primitive pieces of pottery were
shaped by hand, they would be fired in a primitive kiln, which would have resembled more of a
wood fire.
The next major development in pottery came about with the invention of the pottery
wheel in Mesopotamia sometime between 6,000 and 2,400 B.C. This device revolutionized the
production of pottery since it enabled potters to mass produce their work to meet the growing
needs of the first cities in the world. The pottery wheel is a spinning turntable powered by a foot
pedal that spins clay very quickly, allowing the potter to shape pottery with rotational symmetry.
This results in a much more regular piece of pottery than handwork.
[A] By 800 A.D., Muslim potters in Samarra and Baghdad began employing lead-based
glazes further to finish their pottery. [B] This process of glazing came from the Romans, who
had spread it around the Mediterranean and North Africa. [C] These potters also discovered the
new forms of glazing as they attempted to imitate the Chinese white ceramics that were popular
at that time. [D] Although they were able closely to imitate the work of the Chinese, their
experimentation also resulted in new methods of glazing that used tin oxide instead of lead.
In order to harden pottery, it must be fired in a kiln which holds heat at very high
temperatures. The Chinese developed an efficient wood-fired kiln very early in the history of
pottery, called the anagama. This useful device was capable of sustaining the necessary
temperatures without the use of coal and was soon adopted by the Koreans and Japanese as well.
The modern era of pottery factories capable of truly large-scale mass production came
about in 1785 with the English city of Stoke-on-Trent. This was one of the first industrial cities
to make pottery manufacturing its primitive industry. The city was known to have more than 200
pottery manufacturers that employed upwards of 20,000 workers. This city is so famous for
pottery that its nickname is “The Potteries”.
1. The word sustenance in the passage is closest in meaning to
A. inspiration B. nourishment C. support D. Instruction
Sustenance =nourishment = nuôi dưỡng
2. According to the passage, evidence of the oldest pottery was found in which of the following
A. Mesopotamia B. China C. North Africa D. Japan
2. Theo đoạn văn, bằng chứng về đồ gốm cổ nhất được tìm thấy ở khu vực nào sau đây?
A. Lưỡng Hà B. Trung Quốc C. Bắc Phi D. Nhật Bản
Clue: The oldest pottery known to historians comes from the Jomon people of Japan from around
the year 10,500 B.C.
Đồ gốm cổ nhất được các nhà sử học biết đến là của người Jomon của Nhật Bản vào khoảng năm
10.500 trước Công nguyên.
3. Which of the following best expresses the information in the underlined sentence?
A. Pottery shards provide information about the cultures of prehistoric people.
B. Early people recorded their history on pottery shards.
C. Archaeologists study ancient cultures.
D. Pre-literate people tried to hide their pottery in underground strata.
3. Câu nào dưới đây diễn đạt đúng nhất thông tin trong câu gạch chân?
A. Mảnh gốm cung cấp thông tin về nền văn hóa của người tiền sử.
B. Người sơ khai đã ghi lại lịch sử của họ trên các mảnh gốm.
C. Các nhà khảo cổ học nghiên cứu các nền văn hóa cổ đại.
D. Những người biết chữ cố gắng giấu đồ gốm của họ trong các tầng ngầm.
Clue: Collecting pottery shards has proven to be one of the best ways for archaeologists to
identify the developmental levels of ancient cultures, especially the ones that were pre-literate
and therefore unable to leave behind a recorded history
Thu thập mảnh vỡ đồ gốm đã được chứng minh là một trong những cách tốt nhất để các nhà
khảo cổ học xác định trình độ phát triển của các nền văn hóa cổ đại, đặc biệt là những nền văn
hóa trước khi biết chữ và do đó không thể để lại lịch sử được ghi chép.
4. The author discusses handwork in paragraph 4 in order to
A. show the regular patterns of early pottery
B. distinguish it from later advances in pottery making
C. explain that it was the best method for pottery making
D. discuss the types of decoration used in early pottery
4. Tác giả thảo luận về công việc thủ công trong đoạn 4 để
A. cho thấy các hoa văn thường xuyên của đồ gốm thời kỳ đầu
B. phân biệt nó với những tiến bộ sau này trong nghề làm đồ gốm
C. giải thích rằng đó là phương pháp tốt nhất để làm đồ gốm
D. thảo luận về các kiểu trang trí được sử dụng trong đồ gốm thời kỳ đầu
5. Look at the four squares [ ] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the
“ The introduction of glazes contributed to the quality of the vessels.”
Where would the sentence best fit?
Nhìn vào bốn ô vuông [] cho biết vị trí có thể thêm câu sau vào đoạn văn.
"Sự ra đời của men đã góp phần vào chất lượng của các tàu."
Câu nào phù hợp nhất ở đâu?
Clue: [A] By 800 A.D., Muslim potters in Samarra and Baghdad began employing lead-based
glazes further to finish their pottery.
[A] Đến năm 800 sau Công nguyên, những người thợ gốm Hồi giáo ở Samarra và Baghdad bắt
đầu sử dụng thêm men tráng chì để hoàn thiện đồ gốm của họ.
6. The word imitate in the passage is closest in meaning to
A. use B. make C. copy D. shape
Imitate=copy= sao chép
7. According to paragraph 5, the significance of the invention of the pottery wheel was that
A. it allowed each piece to be unique
B. it encouraged artists to paint scenes on pottery
C. it enabled potters to mass produce their works
D. it inspired many more people to become potters
Theo đoạn 5, tầm quan trọng của việc phát minh ra bánh xe gốm là
A. nó cho phép mỗi phần là duy nhất
B. nó khuyến khích các nghệ sĩ vẽ cảnh trên đồ gốm
C. nó cho phép thợ gốm sản xuất hàng loạt tác phẩm của họ
D. nó đã truyền cảm hứng cho nhiều người trở thành thợ gốm
Clue; This device revolutionized the production of pottery since it enabled potters to mass
produce their work to meet the growing needs of the first cities in the world
Thiết bị này đã cách mạng hóa việc sản xuất đồ gốm vì nó cho phép thợ gốm sản xuất hàng loạt
tác phẩm của họ để đáp ứng nhu cầu ngày càng tăng của các thành phố đầu tiên trên thế giới.
8-9-10. Choose three from seven answer choices to describe the Wood-fired Kiln:
A. It led to the mass production of pottery.
B. It was invented by the Chinese.
C. It originated in the Roman Empire.
D. It hardened the pottery.
E. It did not use coal.
F. It used tin oxide to finish the pottery.
G. It helped shape the pottery evenly.
Clue: These potters also discovered the new forms of glazing as they attempted to imitate the
Chinese white ceramics that were popular at that time
The Chinese developed an efficient wood-fired kiln very early in the history of pottery, called the
=> B
In order to harden pottery, it must be fired in a kiln which holds heat at very high
temperatures.=> D
This useful device was capable of sustaining the necessary temperatures without the use of coal
and was soon adopted by the Koreans and Japanese as well.=> E

1. average -> on average= usually
2. Coastal -> coastal areas= khu vực ven biển
3. Surface -> below the surface = phái dưới bề mặt
4. Accordance -> in accordance with : in a way that agrees with or follows (something, such as a
rule or request)
5. Sedentary = involving little exercise or physical activity
6. non-natives = (of a person, plant, or animal) not indigenous or native to a particular place.
7. regulations/laws/rules/policies = luật lê, quy tắc
8. Consume = tiêu thụ
9. substantially/greatly/significantly/dramatically = đáng kể
10. Predators= kẻ săn mồi

11.sequences/orders-> change word order = thay đổi thứ tự từ
12.variations -> variation in meaning = biến đổi trong ngữ nghĩa
13.convey= truyền tải thông điệp , ý nghĩa
14.inherent= existing as a natural or basic part of something
15.components=thành phần
16.summed -> sum (something/someone) up =to describe or express the important facts or
characteristics about something or someone
17.impossible -> impossible to do sth = không thể làm gì
18.emergence= sự xuất hiện
19.formed = hình thành
20. scratch-> from scratch =from the very beginning, especially without utilizing or relying on
any previous work for assistance.
WORD FORMATION 1: Supply the correct forms of the words given.
1. Housebound= unable to leave your home, especially because you are ill
2. Defamation= the action of damaging the reputation of a person or group by saying or
writing bad things about them that are not true
3. Obstreperousness the quality of being difficult to deal with and noisy=
4. Infinitesimal= extremely small
5. verisimilitude= the quality of seeming true or of having the appearance of being real
6. misty-eyed= looking as if you are going to cry because you feel emotional about
7. superannuated= old, and almost no longer suitable for work or use
8. memorabilia= objects that are collected because they are connected with a person or
event that is thought to be very interestin
9. horticulturist= a person who studies or grows garden plants
10. Contrariwise= in the opposite way or order.
WORD FORMATION 2: Fill in the blank with an appropriate form of one of the words
given to make a meaningful passage.
1. paternalistic= (of people in authority) making decisions for other people rather than
letting them take responsibility for their own lives
2. trade-in= a method of buying something new by giving something you own as part of the
payment for it
3. outlets= a way, especially a pipe or hole, for liquid or gas to go out/ a shop that is one of
many owned by a particular company and that sells the goods that the company has produced
4. turnover= doanh thu
5. surplus = (an amount that is) more than is needed
6. go-between= someone who takes messages between people who are unable or unwilling
to meet
7. log-jam= a situation in which neither group involved in an argument can win or gain an
advantage and no action can be taken
8. begrudgingly= unwillingly, often because you have no choice
9. cast-offs= things, usually clothes, that you no longer want
10. religiosity= the quality of being very or too religious, or reminding you of religious
behaviour, often in a way that is annoying
1. 1 billions billion

2. 1 of in

3. 2 damages loss

4. 5 sportive sporting

5. 6 injuring injury

6. 9 taking keeping

7. 10 prevent save

8. 11 unless if

9. 12 hear hearing

10. 13 therefore but


1. To be a successful journalist or reporter, you have to monitor the current state of every social
and political event frequently. (FINGER)
To be a successful journalist or reporter, you need to keep your finger on the pulse of every
social and political event frequently, not only within your country but around the world as well.
->have/keep/put one's finger on the pulse of : to be aware of the latest things that are happening
in (a certain industry, area, etc.)
2. The newly elected chairman’s remarks have caused an absolute chaos and irritated many
people. (RUB)
The newly elected chairman’s remarks have rubbed people up the wrong way.
-> 'Rub one up the wrong way' từ này bắt nguồn từ hình ảnh chải lông (rub) cho mèo, thường
không ai chải ngược lại chiều lông mọc -> làm ai khó chịu, chọc tức ai; làm trái ý ai.

3. That woman has such great courage, considering the fact that she has shown up at work today
after almost getting kidnapped last night. (NERVES)
That woman has nerves of steel, considering the fact that she has shown up at work today after
almost getting kidnapped last night.
-> nerves of steel: an impressive ability to remain calm in dangerous or difficult situations
4. National security has been in jeopardy since the public disclosure of highly confidential
documents last years. (THREAD)
National security has been hung by the thread since the public disclosure of highly confidential
documents last years
-> Hang by a thread" = treo bằng sợi chỉ -> tình trạng rất hiểm nghèo, khó vượt qua. Tiếng Việt
gọi là "ngàn cân treo sợi tóc".
5. Jack had better be realistic and get a job rather than fantasize about rising to stardom all day.
Jack should have his feet on the ground and get a job rather than fantasize about rising to
stardom all day.
-> have your feet on the ground =to be practical and able to take care of yourself
6. Lexie finally got out of the falsely exaggerated impressions about herself after being rejected
from a funding program for her science subject. (GRANDEUR)
Lexie finally got out of delusions of grandeur after being rejected from a funding program for
her science subject.
-> Delusions of grandeur =It's when you believe that you have more power, wealth, smarts, or
other grand traits than is true.
7. After a hard-working day tackling burdensome problems, she fell asleep incredibly fast.
She went out like a light after a hard-working day tackling burdensome problems .
-> Go/Be out like a light" = tắt nhanh như ánh sáng xoẹt qua vậy -> cụm từ này nghĩa là ngủ
nhanh chóng, ngủ thiếp đi, vừa ngả lưng đã ngủ rồi
8. As a cruel person, the stepmother had forced Ella to work from dawn to dust and taken away
all her valuable belongings.
Ella was forced to work from dawn to dust and taken away all her valuable belongings by her
cruel stepmother.
-> be forced to do sth = buộc phải làm gì
9. I am allergic to milk and nuts.
Having milk and nuts causes me allergic reactions.
->Casue sb allergic reactions – gây dị ứng cho ai đó
10. Alcohol drinks can exert detrimental effects on the health of people.
People’s health can be at risk of/from alcohol drinks.
->at-risk = in danger of being harmed or damaged, or of dying

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