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porate b= t82 suppl_LiitLaws:ntml Limit Laws Limit Laws Suppose that cis aconstant and lim (x)=, and x>a lim g(x)=Ly . Then x>a (1).(Sum Law) lim [f(x) + gx ]= Ly + Ly x>a (2).(Scalar Multiple Law) lim cf(x)=cly x>a Remark : From (1) and (2), we get lim [f(x) - g(x)]=L4-Ly x>a (3).(Product Law) lim [f(x) g(x)]= £4 Lo x>a If we use the Product Law repeatedly with f(x) = g(x), we obtain the following Law. a lim [f(xy] =( lim f(x) where nis a positive x>-a xX>a integer. hitpsealculus math'Sitellabet_1/maple/suppl_Limt_Lawslsuppl_Limit Laws himl wt pozziare bre suppl_LimitLaws:ntml 1 (4). If Ly#0 then tim x>~a 909 Remarks : 1. From (3) and (4), we get (Quotient Law) im 222 Hf if Ly #0 wotientLaw) im —~=— it Lye xara WX) Ly 2. Note that the condition Ly #0 implies that g(x ) is bounded away from 0 for x near a. In fact, there exists a [Lol positive number d such that —— | g(x)| whenever 1 x#a_and|x—a|a behavior of g( x) near a? Intuitively, lim g(x)=0 implies that | g(x)| can be as x>a small as we want by taking x sufficiently close to a (but not equal to a). Hence, 1 ——| can be as large as we want by gx) taking x sufficiently close to a (but not equal to a ). We would conjecture that lim xva . Here is the proof : aX) Given M>0,since lim g(x)=0 ,thereexistsO0<8 , x>a such that |gox) |< whenever 0<|x-a|<6 .We get, hitpsealculus math'Sitellabot_1/maple/suppl_Lim_Lawslsuppl_Limit Laws himl aint porate b= t82 suppl_LiitLaws:ntml whenever 0 < |x-a|<5 1 M<|—— lsc Hence, lim x>a g(x) Questions : 1. Suppose that both lim f(x) and xv2a lim [f(x)+9(x)] exist,does lim g(x) exist ? x>a x>a 2. Suppose that both lim f(x) and lim [f(x) g(x)] x>a xv~a exist,does lim g(x) exist? x>a f(x 3. Suppose that lim fa) exists and lim g(x)=0 x>a xa does lim f(x) exist ? If so, what is the limit ? x>a 4. Suppose that cis aconstantand lim f(x)=L4 and x>a lim — g(x) = 6 x>a What can we say about the following limits ? hitpsealculus math Laws himl porate b= t82 suppl_LiitLaws:ntml lim [f+ gO]. tim eg(xy . tim [f(x) g(x)] x>a xa xa and lim —— x>a 5. Suppose that lim f(x)=0 and lim g(x)=0 x>a x>a What can we say about the following limits ? fim) [f(x+g00] , lim [f)- 900] , xa xa f(x) lim [f(x) gx] and im) ——— xa xa HW) Theorem If f(x) < g(x) when xis near a (except possibly ata)andboth lim f(x) and lim (x) exist, then x>~a x>a lim f(x)< lim — g(x) x>a x>a Proof:Let lim f(x)=L, and lim g(x)=Ly x>a x>a Suppose that Lo < Ly hitpsealculus math'Sitellabet_1/maple/suppl_Limt_Lawslsuppl_Limit Laws himl sit pozziare bre suppl_LiitLaws:ntml Lyle Taking ¢=——— _, we have that there exists 0<84 and 0<85_ such that ly- fog -Ly|< whenever 0<|x-a|<6, . and Ly- 2 |g(X) - Ly |< whenever 0 <|x- a|<69 hitpsealculus math'Sitellabot_1/maple/suppl_Lim_Lawslsuppl_Limit Laws himl ent porate b= t82 suppl_LimitLaws:ntml Let 8=min(S4.89) ,if0<|x—a|<8 thend< |x-ala lim g(x) exist, is it true that x>a lim) f(x)< lim g(x)? x>a x>a The Squeeze Theorem If h(x) a x>~a then lim {(xj=L x>a hitpsealculus math'Sitellabet_1/maple/suppl_Limt_Lawslsuppl_Limit Laws himl mt pozziare bre suppl_LiitLaws:ntml Proof: Given 07a x>7a@ L , there exists 0<54 and 0<65 such that |g(xy-L|a im |fOo|=|L] 2 x>a 2. Suppose that lim |f(x)| exists, is it true that x>a lim f(x) also exists 7 x>a hitpsealculus math Laws himl sont zozzne be1182 suppl Limit Laws. 3. Suppose that lim |f(x)|=0__, isit true that x>a lim f(xy=0 ? x>a hitpsealculus math Laws himl at

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