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A Report


Applications of Statistical tools on “GDP rate,

Unemployment rate and Inflation rate”

Date of Submission: 00/00/0000

Course Code: F-107

Course Title: Business Statistics

Applications of Statistical tools on “GDP rate,

Unemployment rate and Inflation rate”

Submitted to:

Nusrat Khan

Assistant Professor

Department of Finance

University of Dhaka

Submitted by

Group No: 09
Section: C
Department of Finance
Faculty of Business Studies

University of Dhaka

Date of Submission: 00/00/0000

Letter of Transmittal

Nusrat Khan
Assistant Professor
Department of Finance
Faculty of Business Studies
University of Dhaka

Subject: Request for the approval of our Report

Dear Madam,

With the passage of time, we are the students of your department standing on the other entity of
our course completion, hence are finalized with our report naming as “Applications of
Statistical tools on GDP growth rate, unemployment rate and inflation rate”. Vividly
enough, our research comprises adequate endeavors. But no doubt, our contribution will be best
evaluated on your sharp scale of acceptance & analytical remarks.

Consequently, we are submitting our report on your very concern. Hopefully, you will discover
our well-researched, informative approach as a hallmark of hard work. Rather, in case of any
further clarification or elaboration as to our report, we would welcome the opportunity to consult
with you to explore how our findings could best meet your needs.

Sincerely yours,

On behalf of the group
B.B.A. 25th Batch,
Section: C
Department of Finance
University of Dhaka

At first we would like to thank the mightiest then our parents. Without their blessing, we could
not be successful in completing the study. We would like to thank our honorable course teacher
of Department of Finance, Nusrat Khan for providing us such an opportunity to prepare the
Report on “GDP growth rate, Unemployment rate and Inflation rate”. Without his helpful
guidance, the completion of this report was unthinkable. During our preparation of the report
work, we have come to very supportive touch of different individuals & friends and
professionals who lent their ideas, time & caring guidance to amplify the report’s contents. We
want to convey our heartiest gratitude to them for their valuable responses.
Executive summary

In this report we tried to GDP growth rate, Unemployment rate and Inflation rate.. We took the
response from the respondents and placed this data into graphical chats. We have shown the
statistical calculations like mean, mode, standard deviation, and variance and regression

Through all this analysis, we tried to depict GDP growth rate, Unemployment rate and Inflation

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