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A. Background of the Research

Language is communication tool that used by people to interact with

other people. By using language, people can express their ideas about

something and many more. Language also used to convey information and

arguments to others. There are many languages in this world. English is one of

the most language that used because it is an international language.

Nowadays, people can use more than one language in their

communication and social media. The relationship between language use and

social media is very close. It raises a phenomenon that mixing two languages

or more. In Indonesia some people often mix Indonesia and English or local

languages in their conversation. For example “keep healthy temanku naburju”.

This sentence is not only using Indonesian but mixed with English or local

language, which “keep healthy” is English that has meaning “jaga kesehatan“,

and “temanku” is Indonesian language that has meaning my friends in English,

and “naburju” is local language that has meaning “baik” and kind in English.

We also often found it in our social media when we or other people

write a caption. For example “ Perbanyak syukur biar nggak insecure” which

“perbanyak” is Indonesian language that has meaning give many, “syukur”,

also Indonesian language that has meaning thanks,“biar” has meaning so

“nggak” also Indonesian language has meaning don’t,and “insecure” is English


that has meaning “tidak percaya diri”. This phenomenon of mixing two or

more languages at the same time known as a code mixing. Code mixing is mix

two or more languages in a sentence or utterance.

This situation also occurs in social media. In this globalization era

people really need social media to get many things that they want. Social media

also used to share people daily activities or to express their feeling and opinion

about anythings. Artists or pulic fiure in Indonesia also inseparable from social

media. There are many kinds of social media, such as Youtube, Instagram,

Twitter, Facebook, and other.

Twitter is a social networking platform. Users of twitter can post status

up 140 characters as known as tweet. By default, these tweets are publicly

visible. It is not even necessary to have a twitter account to read them. Each

user has a username, and tweets can be directed at another user by placing @ in

front of their username somewhere in the tweet. A unique feature to twitter is

the ability to retweet a message, reposting another user’s message to spread the

message, or add a comment. Tweet is a message on twitter. To send or receive

a tweet, you have to create a free account with twitter. It means, twitter is a

unique platform for people to share their idea or opinions about something in

written form.

In Indonesia, there are many artists or public figures that active using

twitter in their daily life, such as Daniel Mananta, Deddy Corbuzier, Agnes

Mo, Cinta Laura, and other. Writer wants to analyze one twitter account of

them, it is Daniel Mananta account. Writer chooses him because the first, he is

active user twitter, the second is he has many followers in twitter, the third is

he is a public figure, and the last is he usually use code mixing in his tweets.

Writer found an interesting thing on tweets of Daniel Mananta. That is

he is often mix between Indonesian and English on his tweets. Sometimes, he

is just use Indonesian. Sometimes else, just use English. But the more

interesting when he uses more than one language on his tweets.

The picture above is a screenshot of Daniel Mananta tweets. From this

example we can see that Daniel not only use Indonesian language on his tweet

but also mix with English. The words Hi, guys, support, youtube, upload,

quotes, powerful, and see are English. While the other words in this tweet is

Indonesian language.

The phenomenon is known as code mixing. When Daniel Mananta post

a tweet, some of his followers often reply his tweets. Some of them reply his

tweets use Indonesian language. There are also reply in English, and the more

interesting is some of his followers also often mix Indonesian language and

English when reply Daniels tweets. It makes the writer is interested to analyze

code mixing on Daniel Mananta account twitter. The writer wanted to know

and analyze the variation types of code mixing. Writer wrote the title “An

analysis of Code Mixing on Daniel Mananta Twitter Account”.

B. Focus of the Research

Based on the background of the problem above, the writer focused to

analyze the types and to investigate the dominant types of code mixing that

used in Daniel Mananta account on twitter. The writer takes 20 tweets to be

analyzed. The data would be collected from Daniel Mananta account on


C. Formulation of the Problem

In this research, the writer formulated the problem as follows:

1. What are the types of code mixing used in Daniel Mananta twitter


2. What are the dominant types of code mixing used by Daniel Mananta on

his tweet?

3. What are the the factors of which caused Daniel Mananta use code mixing

used on his twitter account?


D. Objective of the Research

Based on the formulation of the problem, the writer determined that the

purpose of the research can be stated as follows:

1. To find out the types of code mixing in Daniel Mananta twitter account.

2. To investigate the dominant code mixing used by Daniel Mananta on his


3. To find out the factors which caused Daniel Mananta use code mixing on

his twitter account.

E. Significances of the Research

The writer hoped that the result of this research will beneficial in some

aspects, such as:

1. Academically, this research can be used as an additional reference for

discussion of sociolinguistics study, especially about code mixing


2. English students, this research will be useful for the students of English in

understanding the variation of code mixing. It can make them more

communicative and able to adjust their language with speaker. So, what

they convey can be understood by others.

3. Teacher, who want to enrich their comprehension about code mixing.

4. Students, this research can be useful for the students in increasing their

vocabulary and their knowledge about code mixing.

This research also expected to give contribution for the students of

English to improve their language. They can use code mixing to practice

their language and it can be understood by them. They also can use code

mixing when they talk with their friends or when they write caption, status

and chat in social media like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.



A. Theoretical Description

I. Definition of Code

Code is a system of words, letters or symbols that used to convey a

message in a language. According to Ayeomoni (2006: 91) in Gunawan

(2018: 66) stated that code as a verbal component that can be as small as a

morpheme or as comprehensive and complex as the entire system of

language. The verbal component refers to the content of our message‚ the

choice and arrangement of our words. It means a code is the small

component that has a function to convey the message of our words in

system of language.

Next, according to Crystal (1987) in Harya (2018: 89), code is a set

of conventions for converting one signaling system into another. In other

words, a code is a system of rules that allow us to give in formation in

symbolic form. Human language is also a code; consists of words that

represent ideas, events, and objects. When it put together in certain

circumstances, it will help us to communicate. It means code is the rules of

symbol to help human in communication and to give information.

Then, Wardaugh (1998) in Harya (2018: 89) also maintains that a

code can be defined as a system used for communication between two or

more parties used on any occasions. When two or more people

communicate with each other in speech, we can call the system of


communication that they employ a code. In other language, code is a

communication system that used when people communicate with each

other. We can say that people always using code in their communication.

Based on explanation above writer concluded that code can be said

as a language. The code is a form of the language variation that is used by

a society to make communication with other people. People always using

code in their language or communication. Because code is a human

language that use to give information. Code also known as the rules of

symbol that help human in communication to get message and


II. Definition of Code Mixing

Code mixing used by mixing one or more languages in a single

utterance or sentence. According to Muysken (2000:1) says “code-mixing

refers to all cases where lexical items and grammatical features from two

languages appear in one sentence.” Lexical item is a single word, a part of

a word, or a chain of words that forms the basic elements of a language.

Grammatical feature is a property of items within the grammar of

a language. When they are from two languages appear in one utterance or

sententence it is called as code mixing.

In addition, Yee Ho (2007) in Gunawan (2018:67) stated that code-

mixing is the change of one language to another within the same utterance

or in the same oral/ written text. It is a common phenomenon in societies

in which two or more languages are used. It means code mixing is


common phenomenon which two or more languages are used at the same

time. It can be found in oral or written form.

Next, Wardhaugh (1998) in Harya (2018:91) adds that code

mixing occurs when conversant use both languages together to the extent

that they change from one language to the other in the course of a single

utterance. It means that the conversant just change some of the elements in

their utterance. Code mixing takes place without a change of topic and can

involve various levels of language, e.g., morphology and lexical items.

Then, Gumperz (1982) in Harya (2018:91-92) defines in code-

mixing pieces of one language are used while a speaker is basically using

another language. The concept of code – mixing is used to refer to a more

general form of language contact that may include cases of code-switching

and the other form of contacts which emphasizes the lexical items. It is a

mix of code that occurs when conversant uses both languages together to

the extent they change from one language to other in the course of single


Based on explanation above, writer concluded that code mixing is

mix two or more languages in one utterance or sentence. Its means that

code mixing is using two languages together in a sentence. Code mixing

takes place without a change of topic of conversation. Code mixing also

known when two or more people use one or more languages together in a

single utterance which can be found in oral or written.


III. Types of Code Mixing

There are some opinions about the types of code mixing. First,

Muysken in Syafaat and Teguh Setiawan (2018:277) says that types of

code mixing includes Insertion, Alternation, and congruent


a. Insertion

Insertion occurs when the lexical parts of a particular

language insert, and it could adjust to the sentence of another

language. The insertion concept itself, it refers to the term used by

Clyne namely transference or transfer, and the term from Myer-

Scotton, which is called embedding. It also appends that insertional

code mixing is the constituent that is inserted; the constituent can

be any syntactic unit like lexical items or phrases. For example;

1) mereka melihat group yang ada.

(they see the existing group)

2) Dari bulan januari ke agustus saja sudah bisa export

(from January to August can export)

3) Udah lama jadi contractor disini, hasilnya cukup baik

(be a contractor here for a long time, the results are good


In examples 1-3 above, the words “group”, then word “export” and

“contractor” are English nouns inserted in the sentence. In example

(1) - (3), there is one constituent of words inserted in each sentence.


b. Alternation

Alternation occurs when two languages can be replaced by

one another's functions in both grammatical. Alternation also

occurs when two languages with different grammatical structure

and lexical items alternated appearing in one sentence. The two

languages appear in the clause relatively separate. It means that a

clause from one language is then followed by clause another

language. For example;

1) Aku menggunakan tongkat for reaching these mangoes.

(I’m using stick for reaching these mangoes)

2) Nenek ingin kami bekerja but there is no chance for us

(our grandmother wants us work, but there is no chance for us)

3) That today is my birthday ku, ingin dapet sesuatu yang special

(That today is my birthday, I want somethin special)

In examples 1-3 above, the clauses are constructed by

mixing two languages. In number 1 and 2 the main clauses are

Indonesia and English clauses complete the sentences while in

number 3 the main clause is English and Indonesian language as a


c. Congruent Lexicalization

This type refers to two languages which share grammatical

structure fully or in part by shifting from one to another. It means

in one sentence there are two words or phrases from each language.

For example;

1) Kita coba dulu sweet apa gak kalo bitter mending jangan.

(we will sense it is sweet or not if its bitter better don’t)

2) Berbohong itu emang bad sih tapi kalo lari dari tanggung jawab

crazy namanya.

(Lie is bad, but if runaway from responsible is named crazy)

3) Udah mirip cat dan dog aja pelajar sekarang jumpa langsung


(just like cats and dogs, students now meet directly fights)

In examples number 1 - 3, the words are more than one in

each sentence. The main code that using in the sentence is

Bahasa Indonesia and it is inserted by English word such as

“sweet” and “bitter” in number 1, “bad” and “crazy” in number

2, and “cat” and “dog” in number 3.

Second, Hencyber (2009) in Gunawan (2018:70) identified two

types of code- mixing as mentioned below:

a. Inner code-mixing

According to Gunawan (2018:70) state that Code- mixing

which comes from original language with all its variation. Next,

Suwito in Agung (2019:26) Inner code mixing is mixing the

language with their nature language. Usually it happens in

Indonesia, because Indonesia has many traditional languages in

every region. So, they mix the Indonesian language with their

region language by inserting the elements of their own language or

elements of varieties and style into their dialect.

Example :

Pita : ” jangan dabo dokkon gitu sama dia.”

(don’t say like that to her)

Nuro : “nggak ada kudokkon itu dah”

(I don’t say it)

Based on the example of the conversation, the speakers mix

the Indonesian language with their region language that is

Padangsidimpuanness.The first speaker said to the second speaker

that “jangan dabo dokkon gitu sama dia” the first speaker said

“dabo” and “dokkon”, these words identify as the region language

from Padangsidimpuan .

b. Outer code-mixing

According to Gunawan (2018:70) state that Code- mixing

which comes from foreign language. Next, Suwito in Agung

(2019:26) Outer code mixing is mixing the language that comes

from foreign language. It means, the speakers mix their nation

language with foreign language. English is common foreign

language that many people mix their nation language with English.

Example :

Jeni : Len, yesterday Saya baru beli new bag, harganya mahal
pasti kamu gak sanggup belinya.
(Len, I just bouht a new bag, it’s very expensive you will
not able to buy it)

Leni : Really, terus di mana sekarang your new bag? Gak kamu
(Really, where is your new bag now? You don’t wear it ?
Jeni : I am lazy untuk makeknya takutnya kamu jealous lagi sama
( I am lazy wear it, i scare you jealous of me)
From the example of the conversation that there are two

speakers from Indonesia, and they talk about a new bag. The first

speaker changed his language when he said “yesterday” and “a new

bag”, he mixed his nation language with foreign language. Same as

the first speaker, the second speaker also mixed the Indonesian

language with English, he said “Really, terus di mana sekarang

your new bag”. So, it can be said that the type of code mixing from

that conversation is outer code mixing, because they mix their

national language with foreign language

The other side, according to Hoffman in Pello (2019:13)

says that types of code mixing includes Intra-sentential code

mixing, Intra-lexical code mixing, and Involvement in change of


a. Intra-sentential code mixing

The first type of code mixing is Intra-sentential. According

to Hoffman in Pello (2019:13), this type is related to syntax, the

mixing occurs within a sentence, a phrase, or a clause. It’s means

that intra-sentential code mixing is mixing of syntax in a sentence

with different language. Next, Hossain (2015:127), “Intra-

sentential code – mixing takes place within sentence or clause or


word boundaries with no apparent change in topic”. It means that

intra-sentential code mixing is sentence or clause or word without

change in topic.

Then, Sukrisna (2019:24), “The meaning of intra-sentential

code mixing is the appearance of a phrase, clause, or a sentence

boundary in a conversation both oral and written, for instance

Indonesia-English”. It’s means that intra-sentential code mixing is

appearance sentence or clause in a clause in a conversation both

oral written. For example “Handsome banget anak ini ya!!!”(this

son is very handsome), when the speaker speaks in Indonesia,

English adjective “handsome” is added in first of sentence.

b. Intra-lexical code mixing

This The second type of code mixing is intra-lexical code

mixing. According to Pello (2019:14), this type takes place within a

word boundary. When there are affixes added to a word boundary.

When there are affixes added to a word, a mix can occur. Its means

that intra-lexical code mixing is added affixes is a word with

different language.

Next, Sukrisna (2019:24), Intra-lexical code mixing appears in

the conversation when the speakers attach a word boundary in their

utterance, for example Indonesia-English. Its means that

appearance in conversation. For example “Nanti juga di share kok

potonya, gak sabaran amat”(later,these photos will be shared, very

impatient). There is an addition of Indonesia prefix di-in English


word “share” by a passive meaning. Therefore “di share” means

“be shared”.

c. Involving a change of pronunciation

The last type of code mixing is involving a change of

Pronunciation. According to Hoffman in Sukrisna(2019:25) state

that this kind of code mixing occurs at the phonological level, as

when Indonesian people say an English word, but modify it to

Indonesian phonological structure. For instance, the word

‘strawberry’ is said to be ‘strawberry’ by Indonesian people.

It means that the writer concludes the types of code mixing is

various, according to Muysken in Syafaat and Teguh Setiawan there are

3 types, next according to Hencyber in Gunawan there are 2 types.

Furthermore, according to Hoffman in Pello there are 3 types and their

types is differences because their sample of research is differences and in

this research the writer adopted the types of this research from Muysken

in Syafaat and Teguh Setiawan.

IV. Factors of using code mixing

There are some factors, that cause people do code mixing

according to Kim (2006:43) in Harya (2018:92). Some of them are:

1) Bilingualism

It cannot be avoided that the ability to use to speak more than one

language is a basic factor of code mixing. Most of the world’s population

is bilingual or multilingual. Bilingualism is people who master two or


more languages. It means that, when people use more than one language in

their interaction it called bilingualism.

2) Speaker and partner speaking

Communication is the process of expressing ideas between two

participants of conversation. Speaker needs partner speaking to

communicate and code mixing could appear if both use and understand it

well. It means code mixing will not occur if our partner speakig does not

use it.

3) Social community

An individual lives and cooperates in one community either in

monolingual or bilingual community. Now most communities are

bilingual that use two languages in their interactions. In this case, an

individual will be influenced by social community directly.

4) Situation

Usually code mixing occurs in relax or informal situation. This situation

is closer with daily conversation and for writers is also describe as their

habitual communication. In relax situation, people sometimes mix their

languge spontanously. And also for writer usually use code mixing as

their habitual communnication.

5) Vocabulary

There is not appropriate word or when there is a lack of vocabulary in

one language. The inability to find an appropriate word or expression in

one language makes people change the word or phrase from one to another

language and it can be combined together.


6) Prestige

Globalization era has lead people must able to speak more than one

language, especially English. For many young people codemixing

becomes awn style which is hoped to be modern and educational one.

They mix language because of prestige.

Then, Hoffman in Pello (2019:15) there are seven factors why people

use code-mixing while communicating with other people. They are:

a. Taking about particular topic

b. Quoting somebody else

c. Being emphatic about something

d. Interjection

e. Repetition used for clarification

f. Expressing group identity or solidarity

g. Clarifying the speech content for the interlocutor

It means that the writer concludes the factors of code mixing is

various, according to Hoffman in Pello there are 7 factors, furthermore

according to Kim there are 6 factors, and their factor is differences

because their sample of research is differences and in this research the

writer adopted the factor of this research from Hoffman in Pello They


a. Taking about Particular Topic

According to Hoffman in Pello (2019: 15), code-mixing may

occurs when there is a lack of facility in the register’s relevance or

because there is particular things that trigger kinds of connotations


which are related to experience in a specific language. People may

mix the language when they cannot find the right expression in a

particular language therefore they mix with another language.

Its means that talking about particular is when the speaker

cannot find the right expression so they mix the language. For

example “saya lagi busy, jangan diganggu” (I am busy, don’t

disturb me). It shows that the speaker mix Indonesia and English

languages. In the beginning, the speaker speaks in Indonesia, but

later she mixes with English “busy” to show her expression.

b. Quoting Somebody Else

According to Hoffman in Pello (2019: 15), a speaker mixes the

language when she/he wants to quote a statement, saying, etc. For

example, “kamu jangan suka liat masa lalu, ingat life must go on”.

It’s means that when they want to quotes a statement from different

language so they mix the language. From example above, the

speaker mix Indonesia and English language. In the beginning, the

speaker speaks in Indonesia, “kamu jangan suka liat masa lalu,”

(don’t like look at past) but later she quotes a statements from a

person that used English “life must go on”.

c. Being Emphatic about Something

According to Pello (2019: 16) “Code-mixing is used in order to

show empathy about something. People may mix the language to

show the empathy intentionally or unintentionally”. Its means that

when someone want to show their emphatic but from different


language. For example: “jangan sedih lagi ya, you must be strong!!

(don’t be sad, you must be strong). It show the speaker mix

Indonesia with English language. In the beginning, the speaker

speaks Indonesia, but when he wants to shoe his emphatic he uses

English language.

d. Interjection

According Warriner in Pello, (2019: 16), interjection is a word

that expresses emotion and the word does not have grammatical

relation to other words in the sentence. Its means that emotion

which doesn’t have grammatical relation to other words in the

sentence. For example “damn!!!! Menjijikkan sekali jatuh perilaku

orang-orang disini” the word “damn!!!” does not have any

grammatical meaning however, the word “damn!!” is an

expression of feeling “menjijikkan”

e. Repetition Used for Clarification

According to Corvalan in Pello (2019), the repetition is used to

make people understand the personal involvement and desire of the

speaker”. Its means that repetition to make people understand. For

example “liat gak cewe-cewe yang disana,, ituloh warna red, you

know??”. The repetition in the example is the sentence “yang diri

disana” which mean “the girl that has red blues”. The repetition

takes place in order to emphasize the message that the speaker


f. Expressing group identity or solidarity

According to Hoffman in Pello (2019:17), code-mixing is used

by some communities or groups to communicate and to show their

identity to the other communalities or groups. Speakers may mix

their language in order to be accepted by certain communalities”.

Its means that code-mixing used to show their identity so they be

accepted by certain communalities. For example college students

from town which PPL/KKL in the village may switch the language

into local language to be accepted by particular or specific groups.

g. Clarifying the speech for the interlocutor

According to Hoffman in Pello (2019:18), in a conversation,

code-mixing occurs not only as a single word, idiom, or sentence,

but also at phonological level. Its means that changes pronunciation

from another language to make clarifying the word. For example:

Friends: makanya listen apa yang orang bilang.

(so listen what people say)

Me: apaaa??(what??)

Friends: listen….listen…

There is a phonological change in the word “listen” the speaker

changes the pronunciation of “listen” (English) into the Batak


Based on explanation above the writer concludes that

factors of this research there are interjection, interjection is


showing expressing of somebody, quoting somebody else, quoting

somebody else is when we speak with one language and we quote

somebody else with different language, being emphatic about

something, being emphatic about something is when you want to

show your emphatic but with difference language and many more

factors of code mixing.


B. Review of Twitter

According to Kennedy (2015:14) says that twitter is one of social media

which founded by Jack Dorsey, Biz Stone, and Eva Williams in March 2006.

Twitter is all about microblogging and it is a networking platform where there

are more than 200 million active users. This is considered to be a very popular

platform for businesses, celebrities and entrepreneurs alike. Twitter users can

post updates and these are known as tweets. A tweet cannot be more than 140

characters long and this condition gives twitter the feel of an SMS system.

Next, according to Jubilee (2009: 3) in Larasati says that twitter is a

very popular communication tool because almost everyone knows this social

media. This social media, were created by Jack Dorsey in March2006 and was

officially launched on July 15, 2006. In accordance, with the function of the

twitter site that allows users to say whatever is being done. In addition,

according to CrunchBase (2012) in Larasati says that twitter is a social

networking tool that allows users to post their latest updates.

Based on explanation above writer concludes that twitter is a very

popular social media because almost everyone knows and uses it. Twitter

contains simple features that can be used by millions of people. Those who use

twitter often update their tweets. Twitter is often used as a place to express

their feelings or just write down what they think or what they do. One of the

benefits of this social networking site is that anyone and anywhere we can deal

directly with many people at the same time can carry out two-way

communication with them.


C. Review of Daniel Mananta

Daniel Mananta is an actor or fublic figure that popular Indonesia. He

was born in Jakarta, Indonesia on August 14, 1981. He is an Indonesian actor,

presenter and television host. He is of mixed Chinese and Javanese descent

sometimes known as VJ Daniel Mananta. He is an Indonesian entertainer

whose name emerged after winning the 2003 MTV Indonesia VJ Hunt. He has

now established himself as an entertainer as well as a young entrepreneur.

Daniel led an amiable childhood in Jakarta, Indonesia.

He attended Tarakanita IV in Pluit, North Jakarta, from kindergarten to

the end of junior high school. Daniel moved to Perth, Australia to complete his

high school education at Aquinas College. His childhood is rarely a topic of

discussion, as he felt he was socially awkward until after high school. Daniel

has 1 brother, William Mananta.

Daniel, who has been hosting Indonesian Idol since 2006, has also starred

in a number of movies, TV series, and TV commercials. Aside from his diverse

career, Daniel is an avid runner who embraces a healthy lifestyle. Daniel

Mananta has maried and his wife is Viola Maria. He has two children, they are

Mila Mananta and Noam Mananta.


D. Conceptual Framework

Code Mixing

Social Media


Daniel Mananta
Twitter Account

Dominant type of code The reason of using the

Types of Code Mixing
mixing used by Daniel dominant type

E. Review of Related Finding

Review means an examination of something. With the intention of

changing it if necessary. Related means connected with something or

somebody in some way. Finding means information that is discovered. So, it

can be conclude that review of related finding means information that an

examination of something that is connected with information discovered.

Syafrizal (2017) “Code Mixing In Students’ Twitter Status at Sultan

Ageng Tirtayasa University in Banten, Indonesia”. The result of this research

was form of code mixing used by the students, including insertion, alternation,

and congruent lexicalization. Then, the factors cause code mixing due to the

psychological factors from the students.

Syafaat and Teguh Setiawan (2018) “An Analysis of Code Mixing in

Twitter”. The research is focused on explaining the types of code mixing that

appear in Twitter status. The result of the research there was found that three

types of code mixing such as insertion, alternation, and congruent

lexicalization. The most type which appear in twitter status is insertion and

followed by congruent lexicalization and the last is alternation. The English

word, phrase are mixed into single sentence that has Indonesian language as a

main code.

Damanik (2015) “Code Mixing on Twitter User of Teenager”. The

result of this research, the writer find out that (1) there was three kinds of code

mixing used on twitter such as intra-sentential code mixing, lexical code

mixing, Involving a change of code mixing. (2)The Dominant type of code

mixing on twitter is intra-lexical code mixing with 14 words of code mixing


(48.27%), intra-sentential (37.93%), and involving a change of pronunciation

(13,79%) from 22 data. The writer concludes that there are intra-sentential,

intralexical code mixing and involving a change of pronunciation on twitter

tweets. The dominant type of code mixing found on the twitter is intra-lexical

that have 14 words of code mixing (48.27 %).Internet user in Indonesia 80

percent is dominated by teenager 15-19 years old. In internet teenager use

social media for communication with their community especially twitter


Finally, the research was written by writer to add and complete the kind

of researches before. Therefore, the writer wants to make an analysis about

code mixing in Twitter status of Daniel Mananta. The writer wants to analyze

the types of code mixing and to investigate that is used by Daniel Mananta on

his tweets.

A. Place and Time of the Research

In this research, the writer took library research from social media, that is

twitter. Twitter is one of social media. Twitter contains simple features that can

be used by millions of people. Those who use Twitter often update their tweets.

On this modern era, so many people that active use twitter. They can share or

update their daily activities in written form through post a tweet on twitter. Many

artists of Indonesia also active in Twitter. It made writer want to analyze one of

them. He is Daniel Mananta. The writer wanted to analyze the used of code

mixing in his tweet. The writer need one month to analyze the code mixing, types

of code mixing, factors of using code mixing, and dominant types of code mixing

in his tweet.

B. Method of the Research

In this research, writer wanted to analyze the types of code mixing, the

factors of using code mixing and to investigate the dominant code mixing used

by Daniel Mananta on his tweet in Twitter. In this research, writer uses

descriptive qualitative method. Descriptive analysis means to analyze the data by

describing the research based on the fact taken from the transcript of the



C. Informants of the Research

This study was concerned about the occurrence of code mixing selected

tweets on Daniel Mananta Twitter Account. Why Daniel Mananta account?

Because the first is the writer loves to read his tweets, the second is he often

sharing motivation and quotes on his tweets, and in his tweets he often used code


D. Source of the Data

Source of the data will be collected from tweets of participant, it is tweet of

Daniel Mananta on his Twitter.

E. Technique of Data Collection

For technique of collecting data in this research, writer used

documenting. Documenting will be used by writer to the participant. It will done

by screenshot the tweets of participant. The steps are:

1. Writer login by Twitter site.

2. Writer observed activities of Daniel Mananta by reading his tweets on Twitter

3. When writer finding his tweet that used code mixing, writer takes a


F. Technique of Data Trustworthiness

In qualitative research, data can be categorized good data if the data are

valid. The validity data in qualitative research to gain confidence level by seeing

how far the truth of the result of the research, reveal and clarify the data with

actual facts on the ground. In qualitative research the validity of the data, it can

run with the researcher process. Qualitative research, technique of data


trustworthiness means measuring the tell validity and reliability of data

trustworthiness means measuring the tell validity and reliability of the data.

According to Gay, (2009: 375), validity is the degree to which qualitative

data accurately gauge what we are trying to measure. Its means that validity is

accurate instrument. Then, Sugiyono, (2015: 363) says, “Validity is showing

official the measure to get the data stability”. It means that validity is showing

official the measure to get the data stability.

Then, Stainback in Sugiyono (2015: 364) says, “Reliability is often

defined as the consistency and stability of data or findings”. It means that

reliability is the accurate and consistency of the data. That is why the reliability

and validity of qualitative data must be checked.

According to Gay (2009: 375), a researcher must take into account all the

complexities in the study and address problems there are not espy explained

(credibility). The researcher should also include descriptive, complex- relevant

statements. So, that someone hearing about or reading a port so study can

identify with the setting (transferability). The researcher should also address the

stability of the data (conformability).

Conducting this research, the researcher checked the data trustworthiness

by using triangulation. According Stainback in Sugiyono (2016: 241), the aim is

not to determine the truth about some social phenomenon, rather the purpose of

triangulation is to increase one understanding of whatever is being investigated.


Then, Mathinson in Sugiyono (2016: 241) says, “The value of

triangulation lies in providing evidence – whether convergent, inconsistent, or

contradictory”. Next, Sugiyono (2014: 369-371) says, “Triangulation is

qualitative cross- validation. In assess the sufficiency of the data according to the

convergence of multiple data source or multiple data collection procedures.

Furthermore, there are three types of triangulation according to him, namely:

1. Triangulation of source is used to test the credibility of the data by

checking the data that has been obtained through several data

resource. The data has been analyzed by researcher will produce a

conclusion thus, being asked for an agreement (number check) with

the three data source.

2. Triangulation of technique. To test the credibility of the data, it is

done by checking data with the same source to different techniques,

for example: the data obtaining by interview, then checking by

observation, documentation, questioners and producing the different

data, then the researcher conducts further discussion for the data that

has been collected or others, to turning of data is considered correct or

maybe all of them correct because of the different view.

3. Triangulation of time. Time also affects the credibility of the data

collected by interviewing techniques in the morning when the

informant is still fresh, there are no have problem, will provide more

valid data. So that it is more credibility of the data, it can be done by

checking its interview, observation, or other technique in different


time and situation. If the test result produce different data, it must

done repeatedly until the certain data is founded

Based on explanation above, the writer concluded that the technique of

data trustworthiness is checking by triangulation of technique which in this

method writer used documentation. First, writer makes the screenshoot of tweets,

then the writer checking again the data and find out the code mixing.

G. Technique of Data Analysis

A technique of data analysis is an activity to analyze the data. According

to Rangkutii, (2016 :169), data analysis is the process of organizing and sorting

data into petterns, categories and units of description so that themes can be found

and work hypothes can be formulated as bassed on the data. Next, Taylor in

Rangkuti, (2016:160) says, “Analisis data adalah proses yang merinci usaha

secara formal untuk menemukan tema dan merumukan hipotesis (ide) seperti

yang disarankan dan sebagai usaha untuk memberikan bantan dan tema

hipotesis”. It means that data analysis is process that details formal attempt to

find themes and formulated hypothesis (ideas) as suggested and attempt to

provide assitence and themes to hyphotesis.

Then, Stainback in Rangkuti, (2016: 170) says, “analisis merupakan

hal yang kritis dalam proses penelitian kualitatif, analisis digunakan untuk

memahami hubungan dn konsep dalam data sehingga hipotesis dapat

dikembangkan dan di evaluasi”. It means that analysis is critical in the qualitative


research process analysis is used to understand the relationship and concepts in

the data so that hypothesis can be developed and evaluated.

In data analysis in qualitative research, the researcher quotes the way

of Biklen in Ranngkuti, (2016: 170) says, “Analisis data dilakukan dengan

mengorganisasikan data, menjabarkannya kedalam unit-unit, melakukan sintesa,

menyusun kedalam pola, memilih mana yang penting dan yang akan dipelajari,

dan membuat kesimpulan dapat diceritakan kepada orang lain”. Its means that

data analysis is done by organizing data, describing it into units, synthesizing it,

arranging it into patterns, choosing which ones are important and what will be

studied , and making conclusion that can be shared with others.

Meanwhile, Miles and huberman in Sugiyono, (2015: 337) says,

“Aktivitas dalam analisis data, yaitu data reduction, data display, dan

conclusion drawing/ verification”. Its means that technique of data analysis

consist of data reduction, data display, and conclusion. So the writer concluded

that in data analysis quotes the way from Miles in Sugiyono (2015: 337), there

are data reduction, data display and conclusion drawing/ variation.

1. Data Reduction

According to Sugiyono, (2015: 338), data reduction involves make the

summary of the data that has gotten and separating the necessary data. Then,

Rangkuti (2016: 172), “Reduksi data merupakan proses berpikir sensitive

yang memerlukan kecerdasan dan kaluasan dan kedalaman wawasan yang

tinggi”. Its means that data reduction is a sensitive thinking process that

requires intelligence and high breadth and depth of insight. So, the first the

writer took a screenshot of the tweet, then the writer choosed the utterances

which use of code mixing.

2. Data Display

According to Sugiyono, (2015: 341), data display is to arrange the data

based on pattern relation so that make it will be easy to comprehends. Then,

Rangkuti, (2016: 172) says, “Data display didefinisikan juga sebagai data

organized, suatu cara pengkompresan informasi yang memungkinkan suatu

kesimpulan atau tindakan diambil sebagai bagian dari analisi”. Its means that

data display is also defined as organized data, a way of compressing

information that allows a conclusion or action to be taken as part of the

analysis. The second, writer choosed the thing important from the research,

such as to find out the types of code mixing and the dominnt types of code

mixing used in used on Daniel Mananta twitter account. And make the table

of them so the writer more easy to find out them. And then writer analyzed the

data from the table.

3. Conclusion drawing/ verification.

According to sugiyono, (2015: 345), conclusion is expectation to

finding new discovery. Next, Rangkuti, (2016: 173), “Kesimpulan dan

verifikasi data merupakan tindakan penelitian dalam menginterpretasikan

data, menggambarkan makna dari data display”. Its means that is the

researcher’s action in interpreting the data, describing the meaning of the

word display. And the last is the writer made a conclusion about the research.

Based on explanation above, it can be concluded that technique of data

analysis involves data reduction, data display, and conclusion. The analyzed

of the data will be clearer and easier to understand and interpret.

In this study, there were some steps that writer had done in analyzing

the data, as follow:

1. Steps in types and factors of code mixing

a. First, the writer analyzed the types and factors of code mixing. In the

types of code mixing the writer used Muysken’s theory such as

insertion, alternation, and congruent lexicalization.

b. Second, the writer made a table to be classified every type and factors

of code mixing that appears on tweets.

c. Then, after the writer analyzed the types and factors of code mixing

that appear on tweets, the writer used Sudijono’s formula to count the

number of types and factors of code mixing.

P= x 100%


P= Percentage

F= Frequency

N= Number of cases

d. Next, the writer concluded the highest types and factors of code

mixing on tweets.

To make the classification of data analysis, the writer developed a

coding system to each datum. Code is to reduce the data into symbol that

represent it. Code can be word or phrase used to identify and outline writer

sentence, paragraphs, or block of text. The writer made a code for types of

code mixing. The following is the data coding:

1. Types of code mixing

a. The alphabetic capital letters was employed to classify the types of

code mixing. It is presented as follows:

I : Insertion

A: Alternation

CL: Congruent Lexicalization




A. Finding

In this chapter, the writer classified the data based on the types and

factors of code mixing. The data were gotten from 30 tweets in Daniel Mananta

account on twitter. The writer found code mixings in its various types and

factors. For the types of code mixing that found in the tweets, the writer

analyzed by using Muysken’s theory such as insertion, alternation, and

congruent lexicalization, and found out the factors why Daniel Mananta used

code mixing in his tweets on twitter account.

After the process of data reduction, the writer found 30 data code

mixing used in Daniel tweets on twitter account and 3 factors why Daniel

Mananta used code mixing.

In analyzing of code mixing, the writer used table to know the types

and dominant type of code mixing used in Daniel Mananta account on twitter.

For the factors, the writer described as form of narrative text.

1. The Types of Code Mixing used on Daniel Mananta Twitter Account

Writer classified the data about the types of code mixing used on

Daniel Mananta tweets on twitter. The writer used Muysken’s theory which

are divided into three, they are: insertion, alternation, and congruent


The first, insertion of code mixing is which insert a word or pharase in

the conversation both oral and written. The second, alternation occurs between

clauses meaning that alternation is used when speaker mixes his or her

language with a clause. The last is congruent lexicalization there are two

words or more from each language in one sentence.

1) Code in the types of code mixing based on Muysken’s theory

a. I: Insertion

b. A : Alternation

c. CL : Congruent Lexicalization.

The classification the data of the types of code mixing used on Daniel

Mananta twitter account, the writer make the table from tweets

Table 1

Data of the types of Code Mixing used on Daniel Mananta Twitter Account

No Sentence I A CL

T1 S1. Hi guys, terimakasih buat 

support & antusiasnya di Youtube
#DanielManantaNetwork minggu ini
dengan tetangga gue @agnesmo
S2. Sebelum gue upload part ke 5 
nanti jam 4 sore, apa nih
quotes/pesan powerful dari Agnes
yang paling menginspirasi
S3. See u (you) jam 4 sore di Daniel 

Mananta Network

T2 S1. Dengarkan & follow 

#DanielTetanggaKamu di #Spotify

dengan keyword “Daniel Tetangga


Kamu” di kolom pencarian atau klik

link. Thanks guys

T3 S1. Guys! Kalian harus nonton 

video terbaru di
S2. Subscribe sekarang biar engga 
T4 S1. Guys, mumpung lagi maakan 
siang gini, kalian juga bisa sambil
dengerin obrolan seru bareng
@LunaMaya26 di podcast gue lho
S2. Kira-kira siapa lagi nih public 
figure yang pengen kalian dengar
cerita momen ups & downs’nya?
S3. Link stream podcastnya disini 
T5 S1. Selamat pagi guys, gue cuma 
mau bilang kalau cerita
@boywilliam di Youtube gue masih
nempel dan mind blowing banget
S2. Sore nanti lanjutan cerita Boy 
akan gw publish jam 4.
S3. Klik link biar bisa lihat semua 
T6 S1. Ngobrol sama Ari Lasso di part 
ini bener2 seru, gue juga
surprise,disini gue banyak belajar
dari perjalanan seorang Ari Lasso,
baru aja di publish guys

T7 S1. Nah part favorit gue dari 

#TrailerSusiSusanti ya tentu aja
T8 S1. Shooting tapi sambil gaya 
T9 S1. Gw sama @TwitterID bakalan 
bikin something seru!
T10 S1. So anyway, cinta yang real itu 
adalah sebuah keputusan
T11 S1. Cinta adalah effort 

S2. Bukan sekedar yah, gw sayang 

sama sama dia kalo gw mood aja
S3. Kayak semudah bilang, I love 
Ice Cream!
S4. Tapi kalo lagi 
kedinginan/kekenyangan I dont feel
like Ice cream!
T12 S1. Karena “real love” itu bukan 
tentang gw akan sayang sama dia
kalo dia sayang sama gw.
T13 S1. Ketika kita “fall out love” 
banyak orang mikir kalo artinya
udah nggak cinta lagi, saatnya
S2. Saatnya move on dan cari yang 
S3. Well, sebenarnya ada satu 
pilihan lagi, Choose Real Love
T14 S1. Yang namanya pacaran atau 

married di tahun2 awal, pasti cinta

lagi bersemi
T15 S1.untuk pertama kalinya gw akan 
mencoba sharing about my life.
S2. Oia pertanyaanya akan gw 
jawab di account IG gw yess.
T16 S1. Siapa tau dengan ngeliat tweet 
gw yang ini hari jum’at kalian akan
lebih berarti.
T17 S1. Jalanan dari selatan menuju ke 
barat kira2 padat gak ya? Anyway
good morning.
T18 S1. Buat yang sudah menyempatkan 
nonton film #AmanCalledAhok gw
cuman mau bilang thank you
T19 S1. Nyoba buat personal sticker di 
T20 S1. Gw baru sempat liat reply an 
kalian ttg kenangan masa kecil.

Through the data in the table, the writer counted the data and got the

percentage of the data by using Sudijono’s formula. The percentage of the

data based on the types of code mixing.

P= x 100%


P= Percentage

F= Frequency

N= Number of cases

a. Insertion

Based on the data from the table, the writer found the

percentage of insertion.

P= x 100%

P= x 100%

P = 85%

b. Alternation

Based on the data from the table, the writer found the

percentage of alternation.

P= x 100%

P= x 100%

P = 15%

c. Congruent lexicalization

Based on the data fom the table, the writer didn’t find the percentage

of congruent lexicalization, becuse there is no congruent lexicalization on

Daniel tweets.

Table 1.1
The Percentage of Types of Code Mixing Used on

Daniel Mananta twitter account

No Types of Code Mixing Percentage

1 Insertion 85%

2 Alternation 15%

3 Congruent Lexicalization 0%

Total 100%

2. The dominant types of code mixing used on Daniel Mananta twitter account

From the result of the analyzing by using Muysken’s theory in classifying

the types of code mixing and after counting the percentage by using formula that

proposed by Sudijono, the writer concluded that dominant types of code mixing

happens in his tweets is Insertion 85% was followed by Alternation 15% and

Congruent Lexicalization is 0%.


3. Factors of Code Mixing used on Daniel Mananta Twitter Account

Based on the result of analyzed before, the writer analyzed the factors why

code mixing used on Daniel Mananta twitter account. The writer found some

factors which caused Daniel Mananta use code mixing on his tweets. They are :

a. Talking about particular topic

Talking about particular topic is about when the speaker cannot find the

right expression so they mix the language. The writer found the factors from

Hoffman in Pello on Daniel Mananta twitter account. Almost all of the data in the

table the factors were talking about particular topic

b. Bilingualism

The writer also found the factors of code mixing on his tweets based of

the background of Daniel Mananta that is bilingualism. It cannot be avoided that

the ability to use to speak more than one language is a basic factor of code

mixing. Most of the world’s population is bilingual or multilingual. Bilingualism

is people who master two or more languages. It means that, when people use

more than one language in their interaction it called bilingualism.

c. Prestige

Globalization era has lead people must able to speak more than one

language, especially English. For many people codemixing becomes awn style

which is hoped to be modern and educational one. They mix language because of

prestige. The speaker wants to show their proficiency in using many

language and they do code mixing as a prestige language.


B. Discussions

1. Types of Code Mixing

Based on the data classification in the types of code mixing in the table,

it can be discussed:

a. Insertion

Insertion occurs when the lexical parts of a particular language

insert, and it could adjust to the sentence of another language. Insertion is

the type of code mixing which insert a word or phrase in the conversation

both oral and written. In finding the data in tweets, the writer found 28 data

which are indicated as insertion. Here, the writer took some samples that

are discussed:

T3.S1. Guys! Kalian harus nonton video terbaru di


(guys! You have to watch the latest video on


The sentence above came out in Daniel’s tweet on

twitter account. The dominant language that he used is

Indonesian language and Daniel inserted an English word

“Guys!” in his utterance. In Indonesian language “guys!”

means “kawan”. Muysken argues that insertion is the type of

code mixing which insert a word in someone’s utterance. So, it

can be concluded that the word of “guys!” according to


Muysken is included in the types of code mixing in the type of


T3.S2. Subscribe sekarang biar nggak ketinggalan

(subscribe now so you dont miss it)

In the tweet, the sentence above appeared in Daniel’s

tweet on twitter account. Daniel was mixing the language from

his official language which is Indonesian language. He inserted

an English word “subscribe” in his tweet. Based on the theory

of Muysken, the mixing that made by Daniel is included in the

type of insertion.

T5.S2. Sore nanti lanjutan cerita Boy akan gw publish jam 4.

(in the afternoon, I will publish the next story of Boy at 4 pm)

In his tweet, Daniel said the word of “publish”. Yet,

from the datum above, those words are classified as the types

of code mixing in the Insertion, because it is related with the

definition of insertion that someone inserted the foreign

language word on his utterance or sentence. So “publish” is

included in the form of insertion.

b. Alternation

Alternation occurs when two languages can be replaced by one

another's functions in both grammatical. Alternation also occurs when two

languages with different grammatical structure and lexical items alternated

appearing in one sentence. The two languages appear in the clause


relatively separate. Alternation occurs between clauses meaning that

alternation is used when speaker mixes his or her language with a phrase.

In finding the data in tweets, the writer found 5 data which are indicated as

alternation. Here, the writer took some samples that are discussed:

T11.S3 Kayak semudah bilang, I love Ice Cream!

(like easy to say, I love ice cream)

The utterance above appeared in his tweet. Daniel

inserted the foreign language that is English in his second

language which is his first utterances is Indonesian language.

He said “kayak semudah bilang” in his utterance and then he

continued his tweets use English “I love Ice cream”. The

mixing is classified as alternation because the English words in

the form of clause. So, based on the explanation about

alternation, the mixing above is included in the type of


T15.S1. untuk pertama kalinya gw akan mencoba sharing about my


(for the first time i will try sharing about my life)

The mixing which done by Daniel in his tweet is in the

form of clause. He said “sharing about my life”in his tweet.

Daniel inserted the English words in his dominant language

which is Indonesian language. From the mixing that Daniel did,


it can be concluded that “sharing about my life” can be

classified as alternation.

T.11.S4. Tapi kalo lagi kedinginan/kekenyangan I dont feel like Ice


( but when I feel cold/full I dont feel like ice cream)

Based on the datum above, it can be seen that in the

part of Daniel’s tweet, he inserted foreign words in his

dominant language. Daniel said “I dont feel like ice cream” in

his tweets. In the types of code mixing, the mixing that done by

Daniel it includes in the alternation because the mixing is in

the form of clause. The clause of “I dont feel like ice cream”

appeared on Daniel’s tweet. In the Muysken’s theory, the code

mixing that was done by Daniel as “alternation”. Alternation is

the types of code mixing which occur in someone’s utterance

in the form of clause.

2. The dominant type of code mixing used on Daniel Mananta twitter


From the result of the analyzing by using Muysken’s theory in

classifying the types of code mixing and after counting the percentage by

using formula that proposed by Sudijono, the writer concluded that

dominant types of code mixing happens in his tweets is Insertion 85% was

followed by Alternation 15% and Congruent Lexicalization is 0%.


3. The factor of code mixing used on Daniel Mananta twitter account

a. Talking about particular topic.

Talking about particular topic is about when the speaker cannot

find the right expression so they mix the language. According to Hoffman

in Pello, talking about particular topic can trigger someone to mix their

language. It happens because when a speaker cannot find the right word in

expesssing their thought or feeling, the speaker mixes their language with

another language. From all the data, the writer found talking about

particular topic the most factors that occurs. Here, the writer took some

samples that are discussed:

T1.S1. Hi guys, terimakasih buat support & antusiasnya di Youtube

#DanielManantaNetwork minggu ini dengan tetangga gue


( Hi guys, thanks for the support and enthusiasm on youtube

#DanielManantaNetwork this week with my neighbor @agnesmo)

In the tweet, the sentence above appeared on Daniel’s tweet

on his twitter account. Daniel was mixing the language from his

official language which is Indonesian language. He inserted an

English word “hi guys, support and youtube” to express his


T9.S1. Gw sama @TwitterID bakalan bikin something seru!

( I with @TwitterID will make something exited)


The mixing above came out in Daniel’s tweet on twitter

account. It can be seen that Daniel inserted “something” in his

utterance. Daniel mixed his official language with foreign language

that is English. Which in the first time he spoke with Indonesian

and he mix English to express their feeling.

b. Bilingualism

The writer also found the factors of code mixing on his tweets

based of the background of Daniel Mananta that is bilingualism. It cannot

be avoided that the ability to use to speak more than one language is a

basic factor of code mixing. Most of the world’s population is bilingual or

multilingual. Bilingualism is people who master two or more languages.

It means that, when people use more than one language in their

interaction it called bilingualism. Daniel Mananta master more than one

language. One of them is English. He master English because he studied

in Australia. It is also can be seen from his tweets on twitter. He often

update his tweets in English. Even he also often mix his language betwen

English and Indonesian language on his tweets.

c. Prestige

Globalization era has lead people must able to speak more than

one language, especially English. For many people codemixing becomes

awn style which is hoped to be modern and educational one. They mix

language because of prestige. The speaker wants to show their proficiency

in using many language and they do code mixing as a prestige language.


Daniel Mananta is a popular artist or public figure. He mixed his

language to build a cool image in him that look prestigious.



A. Conclusion

After analyzing and getting the result, the writer found several codes

mixing on Daniel Mananta twitter account. The data were classified into

types and factor of code mixing, based on the theory of Muysken and

Hoffman. In the types of code mixing, the writer analyzed tweets of Daniel

Mananta twitter account by using Muysken’s theory, and the types of code

mixing are categorized into three types such as, insertion, alternation, and

congruent lexicalization.

There are 33 data which had been found by writer. The data showed

that insertion is the dominant types of code mixing that use on Daniel tweets,

and it’s about 85%. In the bellow of insertion, there is alternation with the

percentage 15% and the lowest percentage is congruent lexicalization,

because the writer did not find any data which are indicated as congruent


While, for the factors of code mixing the writer analyzed by using

Hoffman’s theory there is talking about particular topic. Most of all the data,

witer found talking about particular topics. It happens because when a

speaker cannot find the right word in expesssing their thought or feeling, the

speaker mixes their language with another language.


Beside that writer also found the other factors are bilingualism and

prestige. Bilingualism is people who master two or more languages. Daniel

Mananta master more than one language, so that he often mix his language on

tweets or when speak. For many people codemixing also becomes awn style

which is hoped to be modern and educational one. They mix language because

of prestige.

B. Suggestion

Based on the result of the research and considering the previous

conclusion, the writer would like to provide some of suggestions. Some

suggestions are pointed to:

1. The Readers

For the readers who want to get little bit knowledge about code mixing

in someone’s utterance especially in the types and factors of code mixing,

the writer does hope that this research can help the readers in answering the

questions which come to their mind. The writer thinks that learning new

language is essential to face the modern era.

There is a lot of thing that we can use in improving our ability in new

language one of them is social media exactly on twitter. Many people who

share tweet in their account that serve the content about English and other

languages and perhaps the readers want to look for artist or public figure

who are really often mixing their language in their social media, so it can be

easier for the readers get the point of their utterance.


2. The English Teacher

As the result of the analysis the tweets, the writer gives the suggestion

for the English teacher that twitter can give the advantages for him/her in

teaching learning process as media to teach his/her students. Many

vocabularies in English that can be taken in the tweets that writer analyzed

and it also can improve the students’ vocabulary mastery by social media.

3. To the students

As the result of the analysis the tweets, for the students who want to

deeply their knowledge about code mixing, the writer does hope that this

research can help the students in understanding of code mixing. Aspecially

in types of code mixing and factor why someone using code mixing in their



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Appendix 1

The Picture of Screenshot of Daniel Mananta Tweets


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