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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


Calauag West District

Science 10
Week 3-4, Quarter 4
Name __________________________________________________________________ Date ________________________________
Year & Section ___________________________________________________________ Teacher Mrs. Jaynarose R. Ibayan

Module 1.3: Kinetic Molecular Theory

Directions: Kinetic Molecular Theory can explain the properties of gases. Match the property with the possible explanation. Write the letter of the
correct answer on the space provided before each number.
Property Explanation
_____ 1. Gases have no definite shape. The volume of a gas a. Because the molecules are so small and far apart, they can easily be
is equal to the volume of the container confining it. pushed together.
_____ 2. Gases have a very low density. b. Since the rapidly moving molecules are far apart, there is an ample
room for moving.
_____ 3. Gases have a very high compressibility. c. The particles are moving rapidly in all directions. There is very little
force of attraction between the molecules. They can move freely to fill
the containers.
_____ 4. Gases exert pressure equally in all directions on the d. The molecules are moving rapidly in all directions. They collide with
walls of their container. each other and on the sides of the container. Pressure is a result of
these collisions.
Module 2: Biomolecules
1. Match the MONOmer on the left to the macromolecules on the 2. Match the POLYmer on the left to the macromolecules on the
right. Write the letter of the corresponding macromolecule on right. Write the letter of the corresponding macromolecule on the
the blank. blank.
Fatty acids _________ A. Carbohydrate DNA _________ A. Carbohydrate
Monosaccharide _________ B. Lipid Polypeptide _________ B. Lipid
Nucleotide _________ C. Nucleic acid Triglyceride _________ C. Nucleic acid
Amino acid _________ D. Protein Polysaccharide _________ D. Protein
3. Match the MONOmer on the left to the POLYmer on the right. Write the letter of the corresponding macromolecule on the blank.
Fatty acids and glycerol _________ A. DNA
Glucose _________ B. Polypeptide
Nucleotide _________ C. Starch
Amino acid _________ D. Triglyceride

Complete the sentences using the words inside the box. You can only use each word once.

polymers biomolecules hydrogen carbon sulfur

monomer macromolecules nitrogen phosphorus oxygen

The main classes of (1)________________________ are carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. These
(2)________________________ are large molecules composed of thousands of covalently connected atoms. There are six most common
elements that can be found in biomolecules. These are called CHNOPS elements; the letters stand for the chemical abbreviations of
(3)________________________, (4)________________________,(5)________________________,(6)________________________,
(7)________________________, and (8)________________________. A (9)_________________ is a single pattern repeated over and over. It
can be composed of many atoms. Monomers join together to form (10)___________________________.

Module 3: Chemical Reaction

Activity 2. Recognizing the Type of Chemical Reaction
Directions: Classify the following unbalanced chemical equations according to the different types of reactions. Use the given code below to
classify each reaction.
Code: CR = Combination CoR = Combustion DR = Decomposition
SRR = Single Replacement DRR = Double Replacement ABR = Acid-Base

_____ 1. O2 + N2 → NO2 _____ 5. CaSO4 + Mg(OH)2 → Ca(OH)2 + MgSO4 _____ 8. KClO3 → KCl + O2
_____ 2. HBr + NaOH → NaBr + H2O _____ 6. FeBr3 + Na → NaBr + Fe _____ 9. H2 O → H2 + O2
_____ 3. MgI2 + Mn(SO3)2 → MgSO3 + MnI4 _____ 7. Li + F2 → LiF _____ 10. CaCO3 → CaO + CO2
_____ 4. AgNO3 + Cu → CuNO3 + Ag
Directions: Read carefully each item. Write only the letter of the correct answer for each question. Use a separate sheet of paper for your
_____ 1. What happens when some of the mass of a substance formed bubbles during a chemical reaction?
a. absorbed into each other b. escapes as a gas c. nothing d. stays the same
_____ 2. Which given set is correct when incorporating symbols in presenting chemical equations?
a. (aq), dissolved in water b. (g), grams c. (L), liter d. (t), temperature
_____ 3. How many atoms of hydrogen (H), sulfur (S), and oxygen (O) are there in sulfuric acid (H 2SO4)?
a. H-1, S-2, O-8 b. H-2, S-1, O-4 c. H-2, S-4, O-4 d. H-6, S-4, O-
_____ 4. Which statement explains the Law of Conservation of Matter?
a. In a chemical reaction, matter can only be created. c. Matter can neither be created nor destroyed in a chemical reaction.
b. In a chemical reaction, matter can only be destroyed. d. Matter can either be created or destroyed in a chemical reaction.
_____ 5. What will be the products when the given reaction is balanced? C 3H8(g) + 5O2(g),?
a. 2CO2(g) + 3H2O(l) b. 3CO(g) + 4H2O(l) c. 3CO2(g) + 4H2O(l) d. 4CO2(g) + 3H2O(l)
_____ 6. A chemical reaction is possible when two or more substances interact under favorable conditions. Which of the following is observed
when baking soda is added to vinegar?
a. change in temperature. b. formation of a gas. c. change in color. d. Both A and B
_____ 7. According to the Law of Conservation of Mass, what is the total mass of the reacting substances?
a. always equal to the total mass of the products. c. always more than the total mass of the products.
b. always less than the total mass of the products. d. sometimes more and sometimes less than the total mass of the products.

Module 4: Factors Affecting the Rates of Chemical Reactions

Directions. Choose and underline the correct word/s inside the parenthesis.
1-2. The reactants in a chemical reaction must 1. ( break, collide) to form a new product. 2. (Activation Theory, Collision Theory)
states that atoms or molecules must collide with enough energy in order to react.
3-4. When molecules collide, a certain minimum energy called 3. ( activation energy, collision energy) is required for a reaction to
occur. This was suggested in 1888 by 4. (Antoine Lavoisier, Svante Arrhenius).
5. Activation energy is needed to 5. (break, make) the bonds of the reactants to form new products or new substances.
6-7. Reactants required an amount of 6. (energy, particles) in a period to produce products. The 7. (activated complex, reaction
time) is located at the peak of the energy diagram for a reaction.
8-9. The smaller pieces have a 8. (greater, smaller) surface area, thus, providing much 9. (greater, smaller) contact among the
reactants and effecting more collisions.
10-11. Increasing the temperature 10. (decreases, increases) the rate of reaction. As the temperature rises, the molecules move 11.
(faster, slower) and therefore collide more and have greater chances to react with each other.
12-13. A 12. (catalyst, reactant) is a substance that alter the rate of a chemical reaction without being used up in the reaction. The
catalyst may be recovered 13. (changed, unchanged) at the end of the process.
14-15. 14. (Concentration, Temperature) is the measure of the number of particles of solute in a given volume of solution. The 15.
(greater, smaller) the number of particles, the greater the collision.

Directions: Read carefully each item. Write only the letter of the correct answer for each question. Use a separate sheet of paper for your
______ 1. Which of the following statements best describes Collision Theory?
a. Atoms or molecules must collide with sufficient amount of energy in order to react.
b. Catalyst can be recovered unchanged at the end of the process
c. Increasing the concentration of a reactant increases the rate of reaction.
d. Smaller pieces have a greater surface area, thus, providing much greater contact among the reactants and effecting more collisions.
______ 2. How will you increase the rate of a chemical reaction?
a. add catalyst c. decrease the temperature of reactants
b. decrease the concentration of reactants d. increase the s urface area of reactants
______ 3. The amount of energy required to break the bonds between the reacting molecules is known as _______.
a. Activated Complex b. Activation Energy c. Collision Theory d. Law of Conservation of Mass
______ 4. What refers to the peak of the energy diagram for a chemical reaction?
a. Activated Complex b. Activation Energy c. Collision Theory d. Law of Conservation of Mass
______ 5. The rate of reaction increases as the temperature increases. Which of the following statements provides the best explanation for this?
a. At higher temperature, the particles have more energy, move faster and collide more often.
b. At lower temperature, the particles do not collide with each other.
c. Higher temperature has higher activation energy.
d. Increasing the temperature increases the number of particles, so they collide more often.

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