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Kno udge Rekusentaiom

aabee intq
nooda baac n o
Eoch n t e m e
s«t zmtun cn.
Kmodudac base is
a uprunmtakm
the knosuda
a language eallu d

urunentia md
pmany vehie fo
LOa t be
a n oima a o o kmoa uda. Th deauna a

oefiel ma lge.
aA ala
T w ad vemteq o wsia anma o

tha it s sucine amd defim.

a oAI

Th Aeveu
iiatio oLogie ho
the uanonia
uhrum wncch tain z. althowgh
hwnam, i.e., hamd in morsudge
Caut id o - by
A centam.

Similardy, mtwma lonanoa uasanimren

imonin hddun stau, namey tw m tion.

Lo Logica Loma
Semomh s
La Method

6mtax Sheeipin th 8m.bos imm th lanuaae

omd hevo t h Com be Combimed to form
Bnin Ce
Semamhios E peefa ona fac m t wonld

a nmte ufens to. Hmce, ako eeifen h

iuth vam to a senlmce baAed
o a n a

meaminq imthe a coLd.

Ftoosi onal Loaie -

'nths logie (PL) am men defo a aet

Pspositionad ambole, ike P*
IE a hot'
It a wnid'
me am

R me om It 9omin

Exanpl PL imtences
it A hotond wwnd,
PAa)R: T
tt taimi
is h d Hhnits ho

Model m rutntion of a >ct o ttncn

wehtha e a c h AmtRnca n bu. A m odel wo

mehwu h o l
wotfoma mmathumottal
Stands in ft wold.

A Amtmce ma vai d Aumtunca

+tha n n d a all nlikutahina.

Tncowistam-Th n c e hidn aloe wmd

al utaht
eunce in Pospoi ionod Lozi
nferunce a chw bt h i c , r m a

ocs on oxioms an Unis u Fi, Fa,.. Fr a

goa w to be deuvcd

Ex Whu t iA mokL twu nr

1 c o m be e c i doued

Thuu a u t u L i d e y wAed l

C)Mod ws Pon
Give a m d P to be A )

) Mo dus touws

Choum R
Giv.?>a cund GR to lae u PR
comeels 2im
Conme chiv o a logica oerator tha
mat covgun 3unun.
taimeni fon cowalhachima
f aic-
Lit comnec dm frropanii onal


T P thm
TPthum amd thum
i-diuehansl Tmplu coaha
Logieal Entailmem
Deuva biuk

has bcem
tmod y
Th xmbol XEY mlai
dived om x

ulaian t x x EY

T o i cal
Tha ogicall fsllonos o

Lis o t a tolosien J Protoaiianal L

7 PvVnr): (pv) n(Pv-)

2. PAB V ^ P
8.PAV)E 7Pv 7
9. Pv) A7V


5(PV)v = Pv (vvr)
1. AV V
6 ba(vr) = (PA) v (PA)

S emaie Method
o Thuosun Provima-
Th folosimg aotio nothna aiu be
wed to us a smbolie Thuotum
tania tha Con.cwien 'c oWoo om
a et d umisua ,P,Pa P
P,P . c
P, Pa Pn F
Cowabnce a t n a b upruinti m
uliosp P tongh oitn 'c

Thm the tet o vakdy t thaJm b

huthun both ouOarid Omd bo ouem
Chainima muthods hold aod

depimL P, th- >k^ - an- cloudy

Pa it wil- Jrain

Thu ofosih ewa. Noys fom a 5 u t tab. as

P,Pkr P amd w n ehcK theforcoarnd &

back sand ehaini folova theu

P t-ak n -

clindy) Th it oi-tain)
and P abovc Surums umists and coneluiun

Swhechve fon tu i-twm clame

Tt obviow rom mon stae tha diuel*

ollovs om ,
and Pa

TRD. t, A7

7(PNP) Since , b
Com mok o c c w
amd P.fase
( 7 vb.) De Mogom'> Lauw

7(TT 7

Tw uth tab þ,,P, amd PP


fumiss au uu,
Fan ocrtd chaaniy cohn all
shutn Th

oruoond chain holds aood.

Jo erawnpu oh PPa u
tu, chacK Pa is

u o not. far t h e lost aw X holdo ooda.

Hnoor9and chaiina &otinf

CK and chainia: whm aCowocqnunc atu fal

Check whuthun u a s t cme o
Krunine infadoe
ExExamu - b=o m 18t 3 d oo. Nol thal

ohn Po thun =o the i

So amd n the thid Oo. So
bacK word chaimin hold ges
Sntacie Method fan thoum ov

Au P.y and to b opanitio, u

t tand an d tmoumm o

P, v PA
. P, P - , V*rT
2. P.P V
8. v ( n 7 )
3. 7PPVV
. a(v V 7)
4.7P P-V 7 P
10. P 7P VV
S. PYV, b>,
12. p y(p+v)a(v»H
. 7 (P^) ÞA7V

13 y (PA) v (7pA7V)
14. P ( " ) ( P A ) > *
S. P V97 V 7Þ

Porove embonition twoJ
cam be Btalid aa folRoo. hun P U au
worsanihona, t h t h o u tpo tKsa t formm

Pv 7}v-7
L.4.S p v

P vy o)
v 7

Cono- occwl togethu

Prove Thoum 14.

-(v )

7Pv (7 vr) b 10
7pv 7 ) V* LSimca twa io a tauto r)
Tor 7(P AV) Vr L De Morgom Laa

A )* L b1

Hen ce
by mtachc apoach fn theon uov ma

Com be don im tuoo -LD by methoda

Bb stitution a s (i) b wama's algoritm

Th dbove two rores au by wb aktuhon

mLthod. So m mthod 8hhahon Og

Bide s-skesan h a imen to be toved A

Chosen amd damdond for las, u aplied

seluchvy to ove t otn Side o t t mu

Stundand theatwo S. amd also
Tautolon au wed,

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