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In many countries, 

governments spend a lot of money celebrating national holidays and

festivals. However, some people think that spending money on these celebrations is a waste. To what
extent do you agree or disagree with this view?

Around the globe, huge amount of government fund is spent on celebrating national and festival
holidays by many countries. Some are of the opine, that utilizing funds for these occasions are useless
and should be used elsewhere. I completely agree with the notion because these occasions mark the
importance of historical or religious event and should be recognized by celebrating.

First and the foremost, the national and festival holidays are the important religious or historical events
that enlighten the generations about the importance the day. For instance, Independence Day is
celebrated to provide knowledge about the sacrifices made by ancestors for such day additionally this
also imbued patriotism. Secondly, there are certain days such as “HIV” or “Hepatitis C” day that are not
celebrated for enjoyment but for the guidance of human and for their safety. On this particular day, a
public at general is guided about the precautions necessary to avoid such disease.

On the other hand, some people insist that these money should be used for the welfare and living
standard of the society. It is true that there are underprivileged people in developing countries, that
does not mean we should not cherish the public holidays. Instead, the government should look for
alternative sources of income and allocate budget for eradicating poverty and improving public
infrastructure. For example, they can increase tax on tobacco and penalty on lawbreakers.

To recapitulate, I reiterate that public holidays help to bind us stay rooted to our culture and foster
nationalism. Hence, I do not agree that such days should not be celebrated to fund the development of

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