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Grabillo, Jhames Earl C. ACT.

07- Output 1


I wanted to resolve our main problem in Environment in my community because the

main problems were the Scarcity of Natural Resources, rise of Urban Structures for
Commercial and Built Environment Structures. It is something that is very alarming in my
community because slowly, the environment is starting to fade away and global warming is
getting felt.

As an architecture student, we design for people and thus we design for the
community as well. It is our duty and responsibility to build a structure that creates a
comfortable life for our users. Our main material in creating projects was coming from the
natural environment, and having this problem of scarcity of natural resources is really

Before I became an architecture student, I was actively participating in my school and

organization in environmental programs that could help to save nature. Nature is one of my
safe places when I need to rest, to take a break, to heal from wounds, and to find myself. It is
the only thing that could help me to reconnect myself once again when everything falls down
into pieces. Environment has been there for us, and we always take advantage of it without
reciprocating the love and support for them. Today, as we progress into the modern world,
one of the main problems is the increase of the built environment, such as high rise buildings,
leaving small capacity in the natural environment. This environment now includes well-paved
roads, multi-story concrete structures, and skyscrapers in the industrial and urban sectors.
Their primary goal is to accommodate the growing population while also providing numerous
amenities to the wealthy. We have been indiscriminately using natural resources to fulfill our
current demands as a result of rising population numbers. We are unconcerned about our
children's future. As a result, if we truly want to maintain Mother Earth, we must protect both
renewable and non-renewable resources supplied by nature.

To Conclude, Every person must make a real contribution to environmental

preservation rather than relying heavily on the government. We all contribute to pollution on
a regular basis, whether we are aware of it or not. As a result, it is our job as consumers of
nature's gifts to encourage rainwater collection, participate both personally and collectively in
the recycling process, and prevent wasting resources such as power and fresh water. We can
enhance the health of our ailing planet by taking little efforts. Small Actions create a Big

Currently, we created a Major Plate that could create a parklet and community hub in
our community. I integrated the concept of love with nature, Biophilia, and the main purpose
is to bring back nature in the built environment in my community. If I become an architect
one day, I hope this project will apply to my community because it could help in many ways
to other people.

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