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yama Baes

nade -10
Satellite Campus
First Term Examination 2022-2023

Grade 10
(Maximum Marks: 80)
(Time allowed: Two hours and a
Answers to this Paper mst be writien on the paper provided separateh
You will not be allowed to write
during the first 15 mirnutes
This time is to be spent in reading the question paper
The time given at the head
of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the arswers.

Atempt all the questions from Section A and any four from Section B
All working including rough work be
must clearly shown and must be done on the same
sheet as the rest of the answer
Omission of essential working wil result in loss
of marks
The intended marks for questions or parts of
questions are gven in brackets [

SECTION A (40 Marks)

Attempt all questions from this Section

Question 1

Solve 3x + 5x -9 = 0. give your answer correct to 2 signiticant digits

F i n d the value of x given that A* = B.

A- 1.B-16
Mohan opened a recurring deposit account in a bank. for a period of 2 years If the
bank pays interest at the rate of6% per annum and monthly instalment is ? 100
find the interest in 2 vears and the matured value
Neolve the lollowing innatin, wite the solulim set l epreenl it m nber line

I 1x 14, W
Tle 4th tomot an A.P ia |1, The s oflilhand seveth temsof an AP is 4

ind itn emwu dillercnee and lirst

Slowthat 2x 7 in a laetor of 2x" 5 x14. Ileee factorie thegiven
polyomul completely 41

Quyhtion 3
Pind the vilue of K lor which lhe cquation bas cqual rols
(K 12) xI 2(K-12) x2-0
Find the image of point 13
(1,3) in the line x - 2
4.-5)(4,-5) in the line y-I
H) (3,-5) in the line x- 0.

) A shopkeeper buys u number of book» for 7 80. If he had bought 4 morc books for
the sanve amount each book would have cost Rs 1 less. How many boxoksdid he buy. f4"

Question 4
A wholesaler buys a machine from the manufacturer for 7 25000. He marks the price
ofthe machine 20% above his cost price and sell it to u retailer at 10% discount on
the market price. If the rate of GST is 18%h and awsuming al transactions occur within
the same state. Calculate
The marked price of the Machine.
Retailer cost price inclusive of GST
j T h e CGSTand SGST payable by the wholesaler to the government.

If the polynomialsax + 4x+3x4 andx4xt a leaves the same remainder when

divided by (x-3), find the valuc of 'a

An AP consists of 50 terms of which 3 term is 12and the last term is 106.

Find the 29" term. 131
SECTION B(40 Marks)
Allempanyw four questions from this Section.

Question 5
(a) Given that 131

X= uwritedown
The order of matrix X
(i) The matrix X

A manufacture sells a T.V to a wholesaler for 18000 and the wholesaler sell it
to a dealer at a profit of T 1500 and the dealer sells it to a consumer at a profit of

2500. If the rate of GST is 12% and assuming that all the above transactions
occur within the same state, calculate 4
i) The total anmount of GST received by the Central and the State Government
on the sale of the T.V. from manufacturer to the consume.

(ii) The amount paid by the consumer for the TV.

(C) Which term ofthe A.P. 45, 42, 39... is the first negative term?

Questjon 6

Findthe value of k if (x-2) is a factor of x3 + 2x- kx +10. Hence determine

whether (x +5) is also a factor. 13
Given P={x:3(3x +2)> 7x-2; x ER}. 141
AndQ-{x:4(4x - 15)23(4x-3);x ¬l}
Represent P and Q on a number line and find P nQ

Find the positive valueof k for which the equations x+kx+64 = 0 and
x-8x +k =
0 will have real roots.
Question 7
(a) Use graph paper for this question.

Take 2 em= l unit on both axes.

B (-2,-4).
) Plot the points A (3, 5) and
down the co-ordinates
A' is the image of A when reflected in the X-axis. Write
of A'.
reflection in the
(ii) Bis the image of Bwhen reflected in the y-axis, followed by
origin. Write down the co-ordinates of B'.
and find the area of
(iv) Assign the special name to the geometrical figure A'A B'B
the figure A'A B'B.

Shobha has a cumulative time deposit account in bank. She deposited R 500 per
Find the
month for a period of 4 years. If at the time of maturity she gets { 28,410.
rate of interest per annum. 3
If2, a,b, c, d, e, fand 65 form an Arithmetic Progression , find value of e. 3

Question 8

Solve the equationv2x2 -

2x + 21 2x-3, Find the solution set. 4

Solve the inequation. Write the solution set and represent it on number line. 131
- i s - 1 « i x eR

GiventhatA- 1.B=c= andD - FindAB+20-4D 131

Question 9
Car A travels x km for every litre of petrol, while car B travels (x + 5) km for every

litre. 41
Write down the number of litres of petrol, used by car A and Car B in

Kovering a distance of 400 km.

If car A uses 4 litres more than car B in covering the 400km, write down an
equation in and solve it to determine the number of litres of petrol used by
car B for the journey.
Findthe range of values of n. whichsatistý:
Graph, the solution on different number lines it. 131
x EW

The 13th iem of an AP is four time its 3nd term. Itf its tith term is l6, then find the

sum of its tirst ten tems 13

Question 100
a) Use a graph paper for this question taking 2 cm = l unit along both the x and y axis: |4

Plotthe points A(0. 5), B(2. 5).C6. 2). D5, -2). E(2,-5) and F(0, -5).
) Reflect the points B. C. D and E on the y-axis and name them respectively as

B.C, D'and E.
Write the coordinates of B. C'. D'and E'.

iv) Name the figure formed by BCDE ED'CB.

(b) The sum of first n tem of an AP is given by Sn= 3ns +2n. Find the first term and the
common difference. Also find the sum of first 25 terms of an AP.
(c) Solve: Write your answer correct to two decimal places. 13

Question 11
Sonali deposits 240 per month at 10%per annum in a recurring deposit account
in a bank and the bank pays her 4662 on maturity,find the total time for which the
account is held.
Using the Remainder Theorem find the remainders obtained when x'+(kx+8)x+k is
divided by x-1 a - 2 ) Hence find kifthe sum ofthe two remainders is1. 131

- - find the values of x, yand z. 3

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