Jl. Sempurna Perum AA - Residence Blok B. No.8 Aek Tapa, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia Email

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Jl. Sempurna Perum AA.Residence Blok B. No.

8 Aek Tapa, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia

Email : editorijhess@gmail.com


No : 065/IJHESS/VII/2022
With this, the journal manager IJHESS (International Journal of Humanities Education and
Social Sciences) with ISSN : 2808 – 1765 (Online) notify that your script with the identity :

Title : Human Resource Preparation in Sharia-Inn at Malang City (Case Study

Multi Sites Hotel Syariah 99 by VRV and Aurila Homestay Syariah)

Author : Iklil Abdul Hamid Zuhri1), Budi Eko Soetjipto2), Ely Siswanto3)

Affiliation : 1,2,3) Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia

Email : iklil.abdul@gmail.com

Date Accept : 4 July 2022

Has met the criteria for publication in the Journal IJHESS (International Journal of
Humanities Education and Social Sciences) and can we receive as a material manuscript for
publishing Journal on Vol 2 No 1, August 2022 in the electronic.
To Avoid duplication of publication and the vilation of ethics of scientific publications
periodicals, we hope that the manuscript/article is not submitted and published to the
publisher/journal other.

Thus this letter delivered, the participation and cooperation, we say thank you.

Rantauprapat, 4 July 2022

Editor in Chief

Dr. Amin Harahap, M.Si


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