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Arianna Jasmine Mabunga


Monday 7:40-10:40

Dealing with, Resisting, and

the Future of Globalization


1. Discuss the contradictory and ambiguous nature of the resistance to globalization.

Globalization is a multidimensional process therefore it is not a single phenomenon
hence, there are multiple resistance to globalization. Though it can be beneficial, it is also
a source of problems. It is just up to the community to which it is applied to and it’s type
of globalization used. Furthermore, there are many possible outcomes for globalization
since it is a multidimensional process and it varies on each community.

2. Explain the three approaches to global economic resistance.

The three approaches to global economic resistance are Trade protectionism, Fair
trade, and lastly relates to the aid of the bottom billion. Protectionism is a politically
motivated defensive measure. Trade protectionism is the trade measures or economic
policy imposed by countries’ governments to protect their domestic businesses and
industries from foreign competition. It is a policy that protects local industries from unfair
competition from foreign ones. The four primary tools of trade protectionism are tariffs,
subsidies, quotas, and currency manipulation. As a result of protectionism, local businesses
become more competitive, and unemployment rate decreases in the short-term as more jobs
are created for the domestic workers. But in the long-run, protectionism secludes a country
by restricting imports, thus becoming less competitive in international trade. Moreover,
this also gives the developed country to have an opportunity to have a more developed
economy. Many opposed to this kind of policy because the products that are being sold are
expensive and the tariffs on imported components raise the cost of production to industries
in the nation engaging in protectionism. Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working
conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the
developing world. Fairtrade addresses the injustices of conventional trade, which
traditionally discriminates against the poorest, weakest producers. It enables them to
improve their position and have more control over their lives. In this case, there are still
higher opportunity for developed country to be more developed in the long run. What
happens in free trade is that large companies buy high quality products to other countries
in a low price. With this, it affects the workers who worked to produced a high quality
products and yet they receive not enough salary. On a different note those countries, like
puertorico , their farmers received salaries and even incentives yet their products are not
that high grade. Basically in that case, we can say that economic inequity and equality still
exist. Helping the bottom billion means that developed countries provide aid to the poorest
ones for them to achieve the development they want. According to the article, if a country
or countries provide aid to less developed one, the developed countries must still monitor
the aid they are giving to avoid from having more severe problems.

3. Explain the concepts of accountability and transparency with respect to political

globalization. Use concrete examples and situations in the Philippine context to
illustrate your answer.
Accountability involves being answerable to all an organization’s stakeholders for
all actions and results There is clearly an obligation of accountability and transparency by
states to their own citizens. Political accountability refers to the responsibility or obligation
of government officials to act in the best interests of society or face consequences. It
concerns the mechanisms by which public officials can be held liable for actions that go
against established rules and principles. It also implies that the organization involved must
be held answerable for any deviations from its stated goals and values, which might be
documented and made publicly available through a mission statement or vision statement.
Transparency is honesty and openness. It is the capacity of outsiders to obtain valid and
timely information about the activities of government or private organizations. It is related
to political concepts like accountability, openness, and responsiveness, the concept of
transparency originated in finance, referring to an organization’s duty to provide accounts
of its activities to stakeholders, oversight bodies, and the public. In the field of politics
government officials are expected to maintain a degree of proactive disclosure, which
means they voluntarily make information available. Accountability and transparency are
generally considered the two main pillars of good governance. There is also, a growing
expectation and obligation of accountability and transparency by states to international
institutions, organizations, actors, and the public. These obligations arise not only in
foreign affairs and war-and-peace-related issues, or when there is a clear violation of
another state’s rights, or in matters of human rights or laws of war, but also in numerous
areas that were traditionally considered domestic ones. In the present government of the
Philippines, accountability and transparency is present particularly the President. The
president expressed that he is accountable for all the activity of the whole country and of
the welfare of the citizens in the entire nation. The very sample of this was the Marawi
siege, as being a chief of commander, a leader and the head of government itself. Let He
was in full control over the battle and he made sure that it would be solved the way of
military command and utilization of resources to resolve the problem. He was transparent
on all the actions that was take. And the resources or funds that was spent to conclude the
war. Another example for this is the very present situation of COVID 19 outbreak, there is
an accountability in the sense that emergency power has been voted and granted upon by
House of Representatives for this particular crisis. He is accountable for the crisis, critical
decisions may come from him as granted and transparency was majority votes that grants
him as the leader.

4. What is your ideal vision of the future of globalization for the Philippines?
In the future, I yearn to see the day that the Philippines would be one of the global
competing countries in innovative technological advancements. I hope someday the
country would be producing new sets of gadgets and technology. I picture a scene that the
Philippines would be able to lead innovative products that could lead to the salvation of
nature and the environment by using materials that are not do not harm the environment
before, during and after its use. I also seek for the country to develop cheaper health care
treatments for diseases to implement and cater in the global health market.

5. In contrast to your ideal vision, what do you think is the most likely future of
globalization particularly for Mindanao?
Mindanao would have a reduced rate of globalization. The people in Mindanao are
culturally rooted and they are not open to the idea of innovativeness. Mostly the people
from Luzon lead in the development of innovative technology for the country. Though
there are still people from Mindanao who strive for innovation, they are only a few
compared to the other parts of the country. Also most of the infrastructures, foreign
investments, partnerships and developments are formed in Luzon since this is where the
capital city is located. Hence most products produced in that are the ones being
commercialized and advertised for foreign exchange. Lastly, Mindanao lacks the
advancements in technology and infrastructure since it is greatly concentrated in Luzon.

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