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Ques1. What do you mean by the term reproductive health?
Ques2. Define reproductive health as stated by WHO.
Ques3. Who would you regard as a reproductively healthy person?

Ques4. What do you mean by 'family planning programmes’? When was family planning program initiated in
Ques5. What are RCH programmes? What are their objectives?
Ques6. How is reproduction-related information disseminated among the common people by governmental and
non-governmental agencies?
Ques7. Why should sex education be introduced in the schools?
Ques8. What type of education should be imparted to the fertile couple and those in marriageable age group.
Ques9. How can proper sex education be helpful to the adolescents for leading a healthy reproductive life?
Ques10. What major steps should be taken for building up a socially responsible healthy society?
Ques11. What are the different ways that could be adopted to build socially conscious healthy families?
Ques12. What are the major requirements for implementing various action plans in order to attain reproductive
Ques13. Why are strong infrastructural facilities professional expertise and material support essential?
Ques14. What is amniocentesis? How is it misused?
Ques15. Why is amniocentesis banned?
Ques16. How is the ban on amniocentesis helping the society?
Ques17. Which technique could be used to determine the sex of the unborn child?
Ques18. Which technique could be used to determine the genetic makeup of an unborn child?
Ques19. What is 'Saheli? Scientists of which Indian research institute developed it?
Ques20. Enumerate some ways which when adopted would improve reproductive health of the society.


Ques21. Enlist the various factors responsible for population explosion in India.
Ques22. What are the probable reasons that has led to population boom post independence in India?
Ques23. What was the population growth rate according to 2001 census report?
Ques24. What are the full forms of the following abbreviations?
(a) MMR
(b) IMR
Ques25. What are the basic problems which arise due to population explosion?
Ques26. Why did government take strict measures to check the population growth rate?
Ques27. What was the most important step taken by the government to check population growth?
Ques28. Which are the initiatives taken by the government to check the population growth?
Ques29. What are contraceptive methods?
Ques30. What are the characteristics of an ideal contraceptive?
Ques31. Mention the various categories of contraceptive methods.
Ques32. What are natural methods of contraception?
Ques33. What is the principle on which the natural methods of contraception works on?
Ques34. What is periodic abstinence?
Ques35. Why should a couple abstain from coitus during 10-17 days of menstrual cycle if they want to avoid
Ques36. How will you define 'fertile period'?
Ques37. A married couple avoid coitus on 10-17 days of menstrual cycle. Why do they do so? What is the purpose
behind this?
Ques38. What is coitus interruptus? Is this method reliable?
Ques39. What is lactational amenorrhea? What is it based on?
Ques40. How long is lactational amenorrhea effective in avoiding conception?
Ques41. What are the benefits and drawbacks of using natural methods of contraception?
Ques42. Name the various methods of contraception which have least side effects.
Ques43. Why natural methods of contraception better than the other methods of contraception?
Ques44. What is the principle behind barrier methods of contraception?
Ques45. Name the barriers used by males and females to avoid unwanted pregnancy.
Ques46. What are condoms and diaphragms made up of?
Ques47. Where are condoms placed in males and females?
Ques48. Name a popular brand of male condom?
Ques49. Why do a couple use condoms before coitus?
Ques50. Why has the use of condoms increased in recent years?
Ques51. Enlist the different barriers used by females. Are they reusable?
Ques52. Where are diaphragms, cervical caps and vaults placed in the female body?
Ques53. Thalassemia runs in a family. A couple concerned about their unborn child went to the doctor for
counselling. Which test would the doctor use in order to confirm the presence or absence of thalassemia
in the embryo?
Ques54. How is the efficiency of barriers used by females increased?
Ques55. What is the use of spermicidal creams and jellies used along with barriers?
Ques56. What is the principle on which female condoms are designed?
Ques57. Ravi use Nirodh before coitus? What are the advantages of using Nirodh?
Ques58. These days the rate of spread of STDs have increased. State one method that could be used in order to
prevent STDs.
Ques59. Differentiate between barrier method and natural method of contraception.
Ques60. 'X' and 'Y' are the two types of barriers used by males and females, respectively. What are 'X' and Y and
where are these placed? On what principle do these act on?
Ques61. What are the intrauterine devices (IUDs)?
Ques62. How are IUDS used?
Ques63. What are the different types of IUDS that are commonly available?
Ques64. Give examples of the following:
(a) Non-mediated IUDS
(b) Copper releasing IUDS
(c) Hormone releasing IUDS
Ques65. How can use of IUDS avoid conception?
Ques66. What is the function of copper in copper-releasing IUDS? How does it prevent conception?
Ques67. What are the special features of hormone releasing IUDS? How do they prevent conception?
Ques68. Why are IUDS most widely accepted method of contraception in India?
Ques69. How should these oral pills be taken?
Ques70. What are oral pills? Mention the hormones they contain.
Ques71. Are the oral pills taken during menstruation?
Ques72. A female who desires to prevent conception should start taking oral pills from which days of the
menstrual cycle?
Ques73. For how many days oral pills must be taken regularly?
Ques74. How do oral pills prevent conception?
Ques75. Why oral pills are well accepted by females?
Ques76. Mention one non-steroidal contraceptive oral pill.
Ques77. What is the chemical nature of 'Saheli'? How many times in a Saheli should be taken for contraceptive
Ques78. What is once a week pill?
Ques79. What are emergency contraceptives?
Ques80. Which type of contraceptive is found to be effective in case of rape or casual unprotected sex?
Ques81. When should emergency contraceptives ideally be consumed after unprotected sex?
Ques82. What is sterilisation?
Ques83. How does sterilisation prevent conception?
Ques84. What are tubectomy and vasectomy?
Ques85. How are tubectomy and vasectomy performed?
Ques86. What are the possible ill-effects of contraceptives?


Ques87. What is MTP or induced abortion?

Ques88. Approximately how many MTPs are performed in one year all over the world?
Ques89. When did government of India legalised MTP?
Ques90. Why did government of India legalised MTP with strict conditions? Why such restrictions are necessary?
Ques91. Why a debate regarding legalisation of MTP is occurring in many countries?
Ques92. Under what situations MTPs are performed?
Ques93. Upto which period of pregnancy MTP is considered to be safe?
Ques94. What are the disturbing trends observed during majority of MTPs?
Ques95. What is female foeticide? How is MTP related to it?
Ques96. Why MTP should be avoided?
Ques97. When should MTP be performed in unwanted pregnancies?
Ques98. How can MTPS be fatal?
Ques99. Under which conditions, amniocentesis may be followed by MTP?
Ques100. What can reverse the trend of MTP?

Ques101. What are venereal diseases? Mention the other terms used for venereal diseases. Give some examples
of common venereal diseases.
Ques102. How are AIDS and Hepatitis B transmitted?
Ques103. Why these days the use of disposable injection needles are encouraged?
Ques104. Name some STDs which are not completely curable.
Ques105. What are the initial symptoms of STDs?
Ques106. Why do some females infected with STDs remain undetected for long duration?
Ques107. What are the major factors which determine STD infected persons from timely detection and proper
Ques108. What are the major complications that may arise if STDS are not timely detected?
Ques109. The incidences of STDs are more prevalent in persons of which age group?
Ques110. How can one protect himself from RTI?

Ques111. How will you define the term 'infertility"?

Ques112. What are the basic reasons that can lead to infertility in humans?
Ques113. Explain ART. Why is ART used?
Ques114. Differentiate between in-vitro and in-vivo fertilization.
Ques115. What is test-tube baby programme?
Ques116. What are test-tube babies?
Ques117. How are test-tube babies produced?
Ques118. Where does fertilization occur during IVF.
Ques119. At which stage the embryo is transferred in the female body in ART?
Ques120. Differentiate between ZIFT and GIFT.
Ques121. What is intrauterine transfer? At which cell stage. embryo is transferred into the uterus during IUT?
Ques122. When embryo is transferred during ZIFT?
Ques123. Why is embryo transfer also performed in certain cases of in-vivo fertilization?
Ques124. In which cases, is GIFT performed?
Ques125. What is intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection?
Ques126. How is Al technique performed?
Ques127. Differentiate between IUT and IUI.
Ques128. Expand the following terms :
(a) ART
(b) ET
(c) MF
(d) ZIFT
(e) GIFT
(f) ICSI
(g) IUT
(h) Al
(i) IUI
Ques129. When is Al technique used?
Ques130. A female is not able to produce ovum but has a healthy uterus. Which ART technique would you
recommend her to produce children?
Ques131. A male produces very less amount of sperms in ejaculates, hence is not able to inseminate the female
which ART technique should be used by the couple to bear children?
Ques132. Why ART is available only in few centres of the country?
Ques133. What is the ultimate aim of ART?

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