Time and Again

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The Age of Vampyria TIME AND AGAIN.....

Author's Note: Hello everyone,this is the another attempt at a story longer than an 350 words essay with some changes. All the characters and situations are pure imagination of my brilliant (please humour me) mind. Its a fiction vampire story and I hope it does not offend anyone. Also there might be some mistakes in the spellings so please endure them and don't forget to review or give a simple comment for encouragement and support. Happy Reading!

The awakening. It is dark. I am encased in darkness. There is not a single ray of light to welcome me to the new dawn of the day. It is as if I have been blinded by the darkness that surrounds me and the impending devastation of shadows hangs in the air. I can feel the long forgotten shreds of humanity in me panicking at the thought of isolation but I was calmed by the faraway soothing lullaby of a human heartbeat. Hub-dub. Hub-dub. Hub-dub. Such a beautiful and assuring sound. I could feel myself calming at the knowledge that I was not alone, that the tantalizing and arousing scent of human blood still seduced me to itself. To indulge. To feed. To cross the boundaries of the disguise of humanity. To become the true animal within me.....

********* As Ariana Gracelyn fully became awake, she could feel her- natural and unnatural- senses spread through like wildfire over her body, and momentarily it felt as if she was connected to every being on earth........such an enthralling and scary feeling, and then yanked away from everyone and than smashed back into

her caging body, her soul clawing to cling back to the feeling of belonging, of being connected and fulfilled with support and love of similar beings. The clawing of the soul became so much painful that she could feel her nails elongating and digging in the silk-cotton covered mattress, through glass and the cold metallic beneath it, skewing the combination of glass, metal and the silky mattress on which she lay- that thought made pause in the rambling because her instincts was screaming that this was not where she supposed to have laid. She tore her eyes open to find herself encased in a transparent glass coffin, with a strange metal-like material beneath it which looked strong like metal but was as transparent as glass. She tried to sit up but noticed the tubes attached to her body. She gently tried to pry the tube on her arm free but despite its light density it still held strong. She than forcible tried to jerk the little leech-like tubes away from her body but they stood strong, enraged she started thrashing trying to force them away from her body, even though a part of her alerted her that these were probably attached to monitor her body but the thought even further enraged her and she started thrashing even more forcibly and felt the skin attached to the tubes to tear apart and the blood to start spurting out. Then suddenly she heard someone rush near her, above her exhilarated heart beat, and turn the lights on. The hard light flooded her and nearly burned her overly sensitive eyes, making Ariana scream, Turn it off! Turn it off! Its burning my eyes off!!!! She heard the person gasp as if they heard her barked command through the glass and suddenly the light was not so hard and burning. She heard someone muttering something quickly under their breath and suddenly the cage-like coffin was being opened and the glass? slate was being raised and the tubes fell away like petals. She sat up as soon as the as the slate was midway and jerked her head to face the person's direction hearing the human gulp, blood rushing in that succulent body, and felt her fangs growing, her pupils contracting and the iris's changing colour and she could smell the fear in the air.... but as she sniffed she could smell that something was strange about the human's scent. Ariana calmed herself and tried to make her face normal so she wouldn't further scare the human....who was definitely a female and asked her, Who are you?

In response the human girl started trembling even further as if the deceiving calmness of Ariana's voice was even more scary than before and she again soothingly tried to compel her to answer. Look I wont hurt you but you need to answer me and fast. Who are you and where am I? At her starstruck expression Ariana paused and asked in a more harsher tone, Are you listening to me? At the point the human girl jumped and hastily first nodded and then as if remembering something shook her head and opened her mouth and started to speak then again shook her head and then turned her back and began to search through the semi-lightened room. The room itself was quite strange, the ceiling was very high with alcoves and it seemed as if the walls were made of strange transparent white stone with oceanic background but it looked so real that it was amazing what with the whale and all the vibrant fishes, she wondered what sort of advanced technology could produce something so fabulously realistic. It was as if the whole room was made of of windows with light baby-blue curtains loosely opened to enhance the view. The rest of the room was furnished in off-white furniture with light coloured dcor, a set of softest and beckoning sofas with low backs with the frame being the same glass surface with thin metal within. A white coffee table with a vase full of flowers which appeared to be mixture of white orchids and light blue lilies, mocking the oceanic background. Also same sort of strange material was used in what appeared to be strange shaped racks which were bizarrely intertwined, attached with what might have been a closet, which the human girl was ransacking. Ariana swung her legs off the slate and tried to stand but as soon as she got up she felt herself almost fall with dizziness and grabbed the edge of the opened glass coffin. She panted at the effort, shocked and amazed by the pitiful state of her body. She stiffened as girl came back and stood in front of Ariana holding a small and slim silver case in her open palm. What am I supposed to do with it? Ariana asked, looking puzzled as the girl urged her to have it. Instead of replying the girl leaned forward, making Ariana uncomfortably lean back to increase the space between them but the girl just grabbed a tube with Ariana's blood and then smeared the blood on the case, making the case to

brighten up and then make some strange hissing and clicking sound as it slowly opened up to reveal...... a single shimmering golden ear hoop. Ariana looked at small hoop and back at the girl saying in a more puzzled tone, Thanks for the -uh-gift but what am I suppose do with it? In reply the girl swept her golden-brownish hair on her left shoulder exposing her right ear where a similar silver imitation of the hoop was placed on the top of the ear, the girl then pointed at the hoop and then to Ariana's ear. She took the golden hoop out of the case and held it out to Ariana. Ariana grabbed the hoop and at closer look noticed some subtle intricate design on the hoop, she tried to sense if there was some energy pronouncing life in it but it seemed to be just a ordinary piece of jewellery. Ariana looked back at the girl, Is it necessary for me to wear it? I even don't have it pierced from there! the girl sighed and then firmly nodded and Ariana growled, Ok then help me put it on and put force on it so you can pierce the skin there, I can barely move my hands. She grabbed the hoop and opened it and gently placed it on the on the upper part of Ariana's ear, but instead of piercing the skin she somehow placed it on the ear and stepped back, as soon as she stepped away the hoop seemed to enlarge and then warmly hum with energy and then with a sting attached like a damned leech onto her ear. She gasped as pain held her captive and made her body immobile as the tendrils of the energy in the hoop seemed to move along the ear and pierced into her brain and ingrain with every cell in her body, she could feel the pain blacking her out several times before a slight layer of golden sheen covered her from top to the bottom and then seemingly dissolved into her body, making her clench her hands into tight fists as the energy throbbed her with unclenching power as if about to explode. Then everything went black.

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