Alona de Leon Revamontan

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Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century

PT # 1: A Trend and a Fad Product


This summer, beat the heat. The majority of women enjoy wearing
swimsuits or bikinis. While it seems like Google Trends is showing that
swimsuit popularity is declining, there are certain styles that are
making waves on online stores. For example, high-waisted bikini
bottoms are a hit amongst millennial women, while sustainable
swimwear is a fast-growing product category, according to Lyst’s
fashion conscious report.

Yo-yo, it’s a fad product. When the boys were playing with this type of
toy, they had a good time. Many "baby boomers" who reached the
prime of their youth during the Golden Days of Yo-Yo have now
reached adulthood and have children of their own.

PT # 2: I am part of the Whole…

1. Yes, I concur. In this world, we each have our own purpose and
responsibility. To come together and become one.

2. Staying safe is my contribution to resolving the problem caused by

covid-19. Inform yourself and others. Because fake news spreads
faster than facts, I need to educate myself on the virus. Be safe and
share my knowledge with everyone.
PT # 3: Picture Analysis

1. He'd noticed how the ants invaded the jar virtually every day, which
piqued his interest enough to see if the ants would continue to invade
the sugar jar if he labeled it salt.

2. He used strategic because he begins with an idea or notion and

works backwards to see what else is related to it.

3. I believe he is incapable in making decisions. Rather than storing

the sugar in a glass jar with a screw top lid, he simply labels it “Salt,”
which is nonsense.

PT # 4: Quick Quotable Quotes

Quotes about Mother Your own Why it appeals to you/

Earth/ climate change interpretation why do you consider
it a great quote
1. “I only feel angry When there is a lot of Recycle what we can.
when I see waste. garbage around us, We can still use what
When I see people we get angry. People we throw away;
throwing away things who throw away instead of throwing it
we could use.” clutter instead of away, make it useful.
—Mother Teresa recycling it.
2. “The Earth is what This phrase reminded Because the earth is
we all have in me that we are all our dwelling place.
common.” part of a larger So, be responsible
—Wendell Berry community that and disciplined in
shares the Earth. As order to keep our
a result, in order for world clean, and
the Earth to remain work together to
vibrant for a long promote love in our
time, we must all world.
take responsibility for
a piece of it and do
our part as
individuals to make a
difference in this vast
3. One of the first When we have a good We need peace of
conditions of relationship with mind when we are
happiness is that the nature, we feel going through
link between man and satisfaction and something or dealing
nature shall not be peace of mind, so it with a problem, so we
broken.” should not be broken. relax with nature.
—Leo Tolstoy
“What’s the use of a We require a good We must first
fine house if you world as well as endeavor to alter and
haven’t got a sufficient resources enhance the reality
tolerable planet to to construct a house. we live in before we
put it on.” can develop our
—Henry David dream.
“The Earth is a fine This quote is simple It is our sole source
place and worth yet it helps remind us of wealth and will live
fighting for.” that we all stand on on for all of us.
—Ernest Hemingway the earth and we all
benefit from its
“Nature is painting Nature's beauty Because the beauty
for us, day after day, should be of nature is unrivaled,
pictures of infinite appreciated because our own beauty is
beauty.” it enhances the limitless.
—John Ruskin quality of our lives.
PT # 5: Daring Doodles

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