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7th – 8th Hijrah

7th Hijrah:
Message of Islam to the Kings and Emperors:
1. Heraclius, the Roman Emperor; he reacted positively but did not
accept Islam.
2. Chosroes, Emperor of Persia; He insulted the Holy Prophet’s
(pbuh) messenger and tore his letter to pieces.
3. Negus, Emperor of Abyssinia; He embraced Islam.
4. Cyrus, Ruler of Egypt; he reacted positively but did not accept
5. The rulers off Bahrain and Oman; Both of them embraced Islam.
Khyber Expedition:
 Banu Nazir and other Jewish tribes were the ones in Khyber who
were plotting.
 Muslim had 1600 men
 Jews had 20,000 soldiers, and 7 fortresses.
 The strongest fort was Qamus which took a siege of 20 days.
 Jews were allowed to stay in condition that they will live in peace,
and give half of the produce of their land to the Muslims.
In 7 A.H Holy prophet (pbuh) alongside his companions went to
perform Umrah and stayed there for 3 days just according to the terms
of the Treaty of Hudaibiya.
8th Hijrah:
Battle of Mutah:
 Fought with an army of 3000 Muslims.
 Holy prophet (pbuh) laid down the following principles:
1. They were not to attack those engaged in prayers.
2. No woman, child or old man was to be injured or killed.
3. No green trees were to be cut or destroyed.
 Muslims won,
Conquest of Makkah:
 Khuza joined Muslims while Banu Bakr joined Quraish.
 Alternatives given to Quraish:
1. To pay compensation or blood money for the men of Banu Khuza.
2. To dissolve their alliance with Banu Bakr.
3. To declare that the treaty of hudaibiya stood dissolved.
 Holy prophet (pbuh) left Madinah on 10th of Ramzan 8 A.H, with
an army which by the time he reached Makkah numbered 10,000.
Prophet (pbuh) recived the following revelation:
“And say: Truth has (now) arrived and
falsehood perished: for falsehood (by its nature) bound to perish.”
He said to Quraish:
“there shall be no reproach against you this day, go, you are free!”
Battle of Hunain:
 Enemy tribes were, Hawazin and Saqeef from Taif,
 Holy Prophet (pbuh) proceeded with 12,000 men. 10,000 of
whom were from Madinah and 2000 were newly converts.

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