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Pioneer in Computer Science Education

BCA | iMSc(IT) | iMCA

Faculty of Computer Applica ons & Informa on Technology
Faculty of Computer Technology

GLS University is a statutory state private university established by an Act of Gujarat State Assembly. GLS University
is set up with the vision to benchmark global standards of educa on and create path breaking programmes in the
areas of strategic importance not only to the country but also across the world. The university has ini ated various
innova ve programmes in diverse areas of Management, Informa on Technology, Communica ons, Social Sciences
and Commerce. Several programmes such as B.C.A., iMSc (IT), iMCA, M.C.A, MSc (IT), B.B.A., M.B.A., B.Com., M.Com.,
etc. are offered by the various ins tutes under the umbrella of GLS University.

The university is geared up to introduce other pioneering undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in the
various disciplines. With a view to provide impetus to research, the university intends to have research focus in its
undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. Moreover, exclusive research degrees like Ph.D. have also been
introduced in various disciplines.

Dear Prospective Students,

Greetings from GLS University!!!!
GLS University's vision is “to be a global, renowned academic institution fostering excellence in
technology, design, management, innovation, creativity, art, law and entre-preneurship for better
enhancement of business, government and society.”
In keeping with this vision, since its inception in 1927, Gujarat Law Society the sponsoring body of
GLS University has distinguished itself by its excellent academic programme's delivery, faculty acquaintance,
Corporate Partners, Global Strategic Alliances, Visionary Leaders. Our 10,000+ alumni are making
significant contributions across sectors and around the world and thousands of professionals who opted
their education in our university.
While our faculties are not only outstanding scholars in their respective disciplines, but they have
publications in leading international and national repute journals, they are also inspiring teachers, impactful
consultants, award-winning case writers, and renowned corporate and policy advisers.
We have built world class amenities and facilities for all the stakeholders of the University
which provide an adequate environment for innovative learning experience and space for originality.
GLS University always believes in modernizing their infrastructure as per the requirement of time in this
cutting edge ecosystem of education.
GLS University's all departments organize their flagship events focusing on academic, curricular,
co-curricular and personal grooming of the students which facilitates the students to explore their
knowledge and skills beyond the books.
GLS University's philosophy for education focuses on industry-oriented education which develops
the students for the real world. We have ensured that the learning experiences of the students are
exceptional while collaborating with renowned organizations like, Maruti Suzuki India Ltd, Tata Consultancy
Services and many more and we have invited 500+ Industry experts to deliver their wisdom and knowledge
to students.
The purpose of education is often misunderstood. It should not be the means to becoming a big, rich
person. It should be about social and economic development & about the student should also be taught moral
values which are enriched with their social values. They should be cognizant of the rising need for
environmental consciousness. Sustainability and minimalism are the way forward. Hence, our vision for
education transformation would be a fine balance between machine learning and human values. A conscious
effort to bridge the urban-rural divide by optimising technological advancements to reach every growing
child is the driving force and motto of GLS University.
Our vision for the next few years will provide student's holistic environment in terms of
infrastructure, faculty, learning & development environment, research orientation, innovation capability,
and international outreach to the students which ensure their overall grooming and development enabling
them to compete with national as well as international scenarios.
Sudhir Nanavati

FCAIT is renowned for ceaselessly striving to achieve excellence by inculca ng educa onal, social, and
ethical values in students for their holis c upli ment. The ins tute adorns a hi-tech environment so that
the learners get exposure to the latest technology and trends. Providing outcome-based educa on is the
prime mo o of the ins tute and for that, the ins tute constantly provides enormous opportuni es to
the students and equips them with the skills, opportuni es, and knowledge that hold significance for life-
long learning and accolades. The focus of the ins tute is to prepare students for excellence and
comprehensive growth.

Ranked 1st for Academic Excellence Amongst Top 50 BCA Colleges in the
in Gujarat in the All India Survey All India Survey by India Today &
by India Today Outlook India magazine


Faculty of Computer Technology (FCT) offers IT oriented programmes under the aegis of GLS University.
Over the years, the ins tute has become a synonym for prac cal and industry-focused educa on that
a racts students from across the country. With well–equipped computer laboratories, comfortable
classrooms, contemporary infrastructural resources, and well qualified and experienced faculty, the
ins tute provides a conducive atmosphere for study. The ins tute trains students to be open to
innova ve global perspec ves. The ins tute lays a strong emphasis on social values so that the student
emerges as a successful and ethical professional and a responsible human being.


Excellence in Educa on Exemplary ICT Grand Legacy of

for 20+ Years Enabled Pedagogy More Than 90 Years

Extensive Library with Books,

E-Resources, Journals, Periodicals

Well Resourced Highly Equipped Labs Highly Experienced &

Infrastructure for Prac cal Exposure Qualified Faculty Team

AI & ML Web Designer

Engineer / Developer

Data Data
Scien st Analyst

Applica on
Designer /

Database Network
Administrator Architect

System Computer
Administrator Programmer

So ware

Computer So ware
Scien st Engineer

System Informa on
Analyst Systems Manager

BCA Course is 3 years (6 semesters) Under Graduate Programme based on the Choice Based Credit
System (CBCS) specially customized for students wishing to excel in the field of Computer Science and
Applica ons. The Programme offers a rich and comprehensive syllabus where students get exposure to
various areas of computer applica ons including the recent industry trends. The curriculum prepares
students for a career in the fast lane of so ware development and programming. This course enables the
students to stay updated about the current advancements in technology as well as equips them with the
required skills and knowledge to enter into the industry and carve a niche for themselves.

Core Elective
Courses Foundation

Courses Elective


Sem I Sem II Sem III

Core Courses Core Courses Core Courses
• Computer Fundamentals • Introduc on to Object • Core Java
& Informa on Technology Oriented Programming
• Logic Development & • Data Structures
• Mathema cs for
Programming Computer Science – II • Database Management
• Introduc on to HTML5, • Database Management System – II
CSS & Javascript
System – I • Fundamentals of
• Mathema cs for
Computer Science – I • Computer Organiza on
Opera ng System
• Prac cal on LDP & Advanced
Microprocessors • Prac cal on Core Java
• Prac cal on HTML5, CSS
and Javascript • Prac cal on IOOP • Prac cal on DS
• Publishing & Mul media • Prac cal on DBMS – I • Prac cal on DBMS – II
Tools • Prac cal on Angular
Foundation Course
Foundation Course Foundation Course
Elective Course Elective Course Elective Course
Sem IV Sem V Sem VI
Core Courses Core Courses Core Courses
• Advanced Java • Website Development • Introduc on to Python
• Introduc on to XML
Using PHP & MySQL • Introduc on to Ar ficial

• Structured & Object
Oriented Analysis & • Informa on Security Intelligence
Design • Introduc on to Cloud • Cross Pla orm Mobile
• Data Communica on & Compu ng Applica on Development
• Prac cal on Advanced • Prac cal on PHP • Prac cal on Python
Java • System Development • System Development
• Prac cal on XML Project – I Project – II
• Linux Shell Scrip ng Foundation Course Foundation Course
(Prac cal)
Foundation Course Core Elective Course Core Elective Course
Elective Course

Foundation Courses Elective Courses

• Communica on Skills • Learning from World Leaders

• Fundamentals of Accoun ng • History of Gujarat & its Culture
• Health Educa on
• Professional English
• Gandhian Movement
• History of Compu ng • Environmental Studies
• Sta s cs for Data Analysis • Principles of Management
• Website Frameworks using Joomla • So Skills Development
• Introduc on to Indian Cons tu on
• Website Frameworks using ROR
• Green Compu ng
• E-Governance & E-Commerce
• Digital Marke ng
• Introduc on to Embedded Systems • Stories from English Literature
• Introduc on to Data Analy cs • Disaster Management
• Opera on Research • Design Thinking

• Introduc on to Web Services

• Enterprise Resource Planning Core Elective Courses
• Management Informa on System
• So ware Engineering
• Customer Rela onship Management
• Emerging Technologies
• Introduc on to NoSQL Database
• Introduc on to Augmented Reality /
Virtual Reality
• Full Stack Development
Integrated Master of Science (IT) - iMSc(IT) is a 5 years (10 Semesters) Programme designed for students
who wish to pursue a professional career in Informa on Technology. By joining this course, the students
would gain a strong theore cal founda on, an ability to analyze, conceptualize and design systems and
competency in modern so ware design and development tools. The course has been specifically
designed to suit the requirements of the IT industry, where individuals will be able to take up technical or
management posi ons and can seek employment in many roles, including computer programmers,
technical authors and research associates. The syllabus follows the Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)
that has a blend of contemporary and tradi onal subjects. The programme aims to indoctrinate crucial
abili es as demanded by the industry through the interac ve learning process. The programme imparts
comprehensive knowledge with equal emphasis on theory and laboratory work in the field of Informa on

Elective Enhancement
Courses Courses Ability
Core Core Enhancement
Courses Elective Courses


Sem I Sem II Sem III

Core Courses Core Courses Core Courses
• Introduc on to • Fundamentals of • Object Oriented
Informa on Technology Computer Organiza on Programming
• Problem Solving through • Microprocessor &
• Advance C
Programming Assembly Language
• Mathema cs for
• Mathema cs for • Introduc on to XML
Computer Science – I Computer Science – II • Fundamentals of
• Internet & Web Designing • Database Systems – I Opera ng System
using HTML5 Skill Enhancement Courses Skill Enhancement Courses
Skill Enhancement Courses • Prac cals on Advance C • Prac cals on Object
• Prac cals on PSP • Prac cals on Database Oriented Programming
• Publishing & Mul media Systems – I • Prac cals on XML
Tools • Prac cals on Opera ng
• Prac cals on DHTML
• Prac cals on HTML5 System
Ability Enhancement Course Ability Enhancement Course Ability Enhancement Course
Elec ve Course Elec ve Course Elec ve Course
Sem IV Sem V Sem VI
Core Courses Core Courses Core Courses
• Fundamentals of • Introduc on to Python • Ar ficial Intelligence
Networking • Object Oriented Analysis • Machine Learning
• Core Java & Design • So ware Engineering
• Data Structures • Mul media Systems
• Informa on Security
• Data Science • Programming with PHP
Skill Enhancement Courses Skill Enhancement Courses Skill Enhancement Courses
• Database Systems – II • Prac cals on Python • Prac cals on Machine
• Prac cals on Core Java • Prac cals on Mul media Learning
• Prac cals on Data • Prac cals on PHP • Disserta on / Mini Project
Structures Ability Enhancement Course Ability Enhancement Course
Ability Enhancement Course Core Elec ve Course Core Elec ve Course
Elec ve Course


• Enterprise Compu ng • Web Services • Fundamentals of Block Chain
with Cloud • Advanced Networking • AI and Robo cs
• Design and Analysis of • High Performance • Wireless Sensor
Algorithms Compu ng using Python Networks
• Advanced Data Science • Big Data Analy cs
• Distributed Opera ng • Network Programming • Linux Internals

System • Machine Learning with
• Data Warehousing and Data Python • Programming of Linux
Mining • Elec ve I Internals
• Cryptography and - App Development using • Programming with NoSQL
Network Security Android
- App Development using iOS Sem X
• Web Programming using
- App Development using • Opportuni es in Emerging
Python Angular Technologies
• Web Programming using • Summer Assignment
Java • Industry Internship

Core Elective Elective Ability

Courses Courses Enhancement Courses

• Parallel Processing • Renowned Scien sts of • Communica on Skills

• Computer Graphics the World • Foreign Language – I
• IT in Healthcare • Introduc on to
• Opera ons Research
Electronics, Digital Logic
• Digital Image Processing • Indian Cons tu on
& Circuits
• System So ware • Gandhian Movement • Numerical Methods
• So ware Tes ng • Environmental Studies • Embedded Systems – I
• Ethical & Moral Values • Embedded Systems – II
• Introduc on to IoT
• So Skills Development • Website Frameworks
using Joomla
• Green Compu ng
• Website Frameworks
• Tools & Techniques for using Drupal
Digital Marke ng • Cloud Compu ng
• History of Gujarat & its • Web Security
Culture • Introduc on to
• Foreign Language – II Augmented Reality /
Virtual Reality
• Design Thinking

Integrated Master of Computer Applica ons – iMCA is 5 years (10 Semesters) Programme that offers
syllabus aligned to industry demands and the latest developments. The curriculum is designed to
enhance the professional competence of students in computer applica ons and their implementa ons.
The course provides a strong founda on in the field of computers & IT through a blend of tradi onal and
contemporary subjects. It offers theore cal grounding and prac cal exper se for students to learn the
technical know-how and implement their knowledge in the real world. The programme provides
outcome-based educa on and comprehensive growth through extensive opportuni es for lifelong
learning. This programme being technology-oriented, is designed to provide step-by-step basic and
advanced technical knowledge along with hands-on experience. The programme develops computer
professionals, with strong fundamental knowledge, an understanding of recent development tools used
in the computer industry, and also creates the founda on for future research.

Core Core Elective Elective Foundation

Courses Courses Courses Courses


Sem I Sem II Sem III

Core Courses Core Courses Core Courses
• Fundamentals of Computer • Advanced Programming • Object Oriented
Organiza on Techniques Programming using Java
• Fundamentals of • Mathema cs for Computer • Data Communica on and
Programming Techniques Science – II Networking
• Web Technologies using • Database Management • Numerical Methods
HTML5, CSS and Java Script Systems - I • Fundamentals of Opera ng
• Mathema cs for Computer • Advanced Computer System
Science – I
Organiza on • Prac cals on Object
• Prac cals on Programming
• Prac cals on Advanced Oriented Programming
Programming Techniques • Prac cals on Numerical
• Prac cals on Web
Technologies • Prac cals on DBMS – I Methods
• Publishing & Mul media • Extensible Markup • Prac cals on OS & Networks
Tools Language (XML) Founda on Course
Founda on Course Founda on Course Elec ve Course
Elec ve Course Elec ve Course
Sem IV Sem V Sem VI
Core Courses Core Courses Core Courses
• Introduc on to Python • Introduc on to Machine
• Web Development using PHP • Web Technologies using Java
• Data Structures OR
Fundamentals of Network • Introduc on to Cloud
• Structured Object Oriented Security Compu ng
Analysis and Design • Cross Pla orm Mobile OR
Applica on Development Cyber Security and Techniques
• Sta s cs for Data Analysis • Introduc on to Ar ficial
• Prac cals on PHP Intelligence • Fundamentals of IoT
• Prac cals on Python • Prac cals on Machine
• Prac cals on Data Structures
• Prac cals on Web Learning
• Database Management Technologies OR • Dynamic Web Applica on
Systems – II Prac cals on Network
Security Development using Angular
Founda on Course • Prac cals on Cross Pla orm • System Development
Elec ve Course Mobile Applica on Project
Development Founda on Course
Founda on Course
Core Elec ve Course Core Elec ve Course


• Data Science – I • Deep Learning • Data Science – II
• Advanced Java • Ethical Hacking • Elec ve - I
• Enterprise Compu ng • BlockChain Technology - DevOps, Dockers and
• AI and Applica ons • Advanced Computer Containers
• Unstructured Data Bases Networks - Parallel Programming Tools
• Prac cals based on Data • Agile So ware Development - Game Programming Using
Science – I (using R) • Prac cals based on MERN Open GL
• Prac cals based on • Prac cals based on Deep - Design Pa erns
Advanced Java Learning • Embedded Systems & Robo cs
• Summer Assignment • Image Processing
• Prac cals based on Java
• Prac cals based on Data
Science – II
• Disserta on / Mini Project
Sem X
• Entrepreneurship
• Industry Internship /
So ware Development

Founda on Courses Elec ve Courses Core Elec ve Courses

• Embedded Systems • Digital Marke ng • So ware Engineering

• Introduc on to Web Services • IT in Healthcare • So ware Tes ng

• Technical and Professional • Design Thinking • Opera ons Research

Communica on • Green Compu ng • Parallel Processing
• Introduc on to Augmented Reality / • Gandhian Movement • Computer Graphics
Virtual Reality • Environmental Studies • Introduc on to NoSQL Database
• Foreign Language
• Disaster Management
• Communica on & Presenta on Skills
• Principles of Management
• Fundamentals of Accoun ng
• Enterprise Resource Planning • Learning from World Leaders
• Management Informa on System • History of Gujarat & its Culture
• Customer Rela onship Management • Moral Values through Stories
• E-Governance & E-Commerce • Introduc on to Indian Cons tu on
• Website Frameworks using Joomla • Effec ve So Skills for Career
• Website Frameworks using ROR Management

Applica on Oriented Igni ng Innova ons

Pedagogies & Crea vity

S mula ng Futuris c Syllabi Interdisciplinary Skills

Cri cal Thinking Development

Industry Academia Counselling &

Collabora on Career Guidance


Suppor ve
Explora on

Knowledge Student
Enhancement Mentorship
Presenta ons & Guidance

So ware
Experimenta on Preparatory
Projects Bridge Courses

360° Development Enhancing the Comprehensive

in Educa on & Scien fic Ap tude Grounding in
Concurrent Domains of Students Technological Concepts

Nurturing Knowledge, Building the Competency Building

Key Skills & Inquisi veness for for Professional
Capacity for Learning Learning & Innova ons Enrichment

The institute encourages students to extend their knowledge to explore incipient technologies and provides
platform to adopt engineering and industry skills. Students experiment and develop various IoT based
projects on a Single Board Computer - Raspberry Pi, and Microcontrollers - Arduino, Photon Particle, and
Node MCU through live models.

• Smart Shoes for Blind People

• Text Reader for Blind People

• Social Distancing Device

• Fall Detec on and Alert System

• Automa c Car Parking System

• Line Follower & Obstacles Avoiding Robots


Hackathon is a pioneering series of competitions held at International, National and Regional levels to
promote and leverage the technical skills of the students. Students of the institute have proposed various
“Out of the Box” solutions for Multidisciplinary fields of Social Relevance.

• Blue Cross [Online Blood and Plasma Management System]

• IoT Based No ce Board

• Human Protec on System

• Vehicle Monitoring System with An -The and Security

• Pla orm to Communicate for People to Split Ride

150+ 15+

50+ 10+
The Placement cell is in a continuous effort to provide students with the best placement opportunities. It
works towards preparing the students to become eligible for jobs in the most efficient and reputed

Resume Building Placement Support

Interview Preparation Industry Interactions

Presentation Skills Counselling & Mentoring

Career Guidance Connecting Alumni

On-Campus Placements Off-Campus Placements


GLS has been truly a career shaping part of my life. All the support that I sought was
provided to me by the very supportive faculties and I could also get the exposure of new
tools and technologies demanded by the market. Such nurturing helped to achieve my
career goals.
Niyomi Rabdu
Programmer Analyst (QA & E), Cognizant

My time at GLS were my foundational years in Computer Science. Professors at GLS

always urged us to look beyond the textbooks and syllabus, write code, experiment,
explore different ways of doing things. We were always pushed to build real things
rather than just "code that algorithm". Thanks to this approach, in my post-grad and at
my first job, I was one of very few who have written the most amount of code in their life.
Bhoomit Vasani
Sr. Software Engineer, Alexa AI

GLS is a self-explanatory brand that represents the turned stone poised to conquer the
globe. My College days are unforgettable and in fact those days are the happiest and
most lucrative days of my life. Achievements-applauds, opportunities-thoughts, this is
what I have gained from GLS. The updated and competitive syllabus as always kept me
one step ahead of all the others who were pursuing the same.
Akshat Suroliya
Data Scientist, DSMATICS

I belong to 2014-17 batch of GLSBCA. This college has given me so many wonderful
memories that I would want to relive even now. The faculty members,my educators and
their teaching have helped me even now after leaving this college. GLS provides you an
environment to work towards your goals. Being part of GLS family was a wonderful
Devika Pathak
Test Engineer, Infosys Ltd.

I entered as a newbie but GLS prepared me for real IT world through excellent
curriculum. The daily lab sessions helped me understand how the real world
applications work and how to develop them on my own, thanks to this program I
understand the fundamentals as well as advance concepts of IT.
Vishnu Pillai
Devops Engineer, Abjayon Inc.

Being a student at GLS, I found myself. I got complete guidelines and the best mentoring.
All the doubts got solved by the faculties or more I can say, friendly faculties. I have
always been a curious student and was always ready to explore new horizons. And
during my journey at GLS faculties have always supported me.
Falguni Sharma
Assistant Manager-Business Development, iView Labs Pvt. Ltd.

Business School


• The applicant must have passed the Gujarat Higher Secondary Educa on Board (GHSEB) / Central
Board of Secondary Examina on (CBSE) / Indian Council of Secondary Examina on (ICSE) or its
equivalent under the 10 + 2 pa ern in General or Science stream during the current year with the
following subjects:
(1) English and
(2) Any one of the following subjects:
- Mathema cs
- Sta s cs
- Physics
- Business Mathema cs
- Computer
- Accountancy
- Accoun ng and Book Keeping
• The candidate must have obtained the following minimum percentage of aggregate marks (i.e. total
marks obtained divided by the maximum total marks admissible, including marks of all subjects , theory
and prac cal):
- For Open category candidates : 45%
- For Reserved category candidates : 40%
Contact Details :
Faculty of Computer Applications & Information Technology
Faculty of Computer Technology
BCA | iMSc(IT) | iMCA

GLS University Campus, Ellisbridge, Ahmedabad – 380006.

079-26447638, 9904086377, 8866106226,

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