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Holy Cross College

Sta. Ana, Pampanga

Tel. No. (045) 409-9593
A.Y. 2021-2022


Name: ________________________________________ Score: ___________________
Course and Year: _______________________________ Date: ____________________


1. There are eight (8) questions in this examination. You must answer at least four (4)
questions thoroughly. Each questions is equivalent to 15 points.

2. Read the questions carefully and confine your responses with at least two hundred
fifty (150) words per question.

3. The deadline of submission is on May 17, 2022. I recommend that you spend some
time organizing your thoughts before you begin to write and that you reserve some time
to go over your responses after you have completed the exam.

4. You may refer to your class notes, internet resources, a dictionary, and any outlines
you have prepared yourself in this course. However, PLAGIARISM is not accepted in this
course of study. ANY FORM OF PLAGIARISM will be subjected to DISCIPIPLINARY ACTION
and will get a zero (0) score in the Final Examination.

5. If you are handwriting your answers, please write in a yellow pad paper and you
should write legibly.

6. If you are typing, use CENTURY GOTHIC as your typestyle and 12 as your font size.
Also, use 8.5” by 13” (Philippine’s Legal Paper Size) for the paper size of your document.
Likewise, you don’t need to print your answer for the Final Examination, just provide a
digital copy (soft copy).

7. You must send your answer through eLMS (dropbox).

8. Good luck.


Score Description
15 Demonstrate complete understanding about the topic.
12 Demonstrate considerable understanding about the topic.
9 Demonstrate partial understanding about the topic.
6 Demonstrate little understanding about the topic.
3 Demonstrate no understanding about the topic.
0 No response


● What is emotivism and Subjectivism?

● Explain the Boo-Yay Theory
● What is the role of feelings in moral decision?
● Explain the seven step - wise model of Scott Rae
● Why reasons and impartiality are requirement for morality?
● Why is moral courage important in ethics?
● How does ethics develop moral courage?
● What is justice and fairness in your own words?

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