Strength Acquiring Knowledge and Skills in The Expert Field

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Acquiring knowledge and skills in the expert field:

It helps you get new and knowledge-based perspectives on the world around you. It helps you
gain new experiences, trains your brain to handle a wide range of challenges, and keeps your
neural pathways active. All these factors combine to keep you healthy.

COOPERATIVE: (developing teamwork)

We are Cooperative in the task given, when you cooperate with others, you can often
accomplish things more quickly and efficiently. You get to hear different people's ideas and
perspectives, which allows for greater innovation and creativity. Overall, you can achieve really
exciting and effective results. us trainees have learned that sharing your skills, experience, and
talent with other people while trying to solve the same challenge is important especially in a
working environment.

Each step we take towards being responsible and productive helps to raise our self-esteem and
our relationships with co trainees and co-workers in the field. By being responsible we become
more action-oriented. The responsibilities we accept in our lives contribute to the type of
person we become in the future.


Workplace pressure.
Work place pressure is a pressure us intern experience at work. With this pressure we must
finish the task by a specific time, accurately and effectively. In order cope up with this, just stay
calm and focused our minds to take things in stride and complete our tasks even in the face of
difficult circumstances. Throughout our internship, We have done some of our best work under
pressure. We find that routine makes us complacent, and we are always looking for challenges
that push us to give our best and to quickly come up with working solutions.

Inconsistent associations
Inconsistent behavior is a silent killer in the workplace. Inconsistency from leaders confuses us
interns, erodes trust, causes fear, and can lead to a sort of learned inertia where the trainees
are paralyzed by uncertainty
Misleading instructions
Ask for clarifications.

Misdirecting guidelines
Ask for clarification


-Lost reports:
Have an organized filing strategy.

In the world of today, organizations hire employees from diverse geographical locations with
dissimilar cultural and intellectual backgrounds, as well as various viewpoints. In a working
environment where people have different outlooks toward the same problems, disagreements
are bound to happen, in order to resolve a conflict we must Clarify what is the source of
conflict, Find a safe and private place to talk, Listen actively and let everyone have their say,
Investigate the situation, Determine ways to meet the common goal, Agree on the best solution
and determine the responsibilities each party has in the resolution and Evaluate how things are
going and decide preventative strategies for the future.

-Preparing and Education Obstacles

-Limited ability to develop

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