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Subject Code: MKTG1419

Subject Name: Social Media and Mobile Marketing

Campus: Saigon South
Title of Assignment: Assignment 2 – Individual Social
Listening and Social Media Advertising
Student name: Le Tuan Minh

Student Number: S3878437

Teachers Name: Ms. Phan Thao Vi

Group Number: 14

Assignment due date: 20/8/2022

Date of Submission: 20/8/2022

Number of pages including this one: 24

Word Count: 1649

Table of Contents

I. Introduction……………………………………………………………………………p.3
II. Social media monitoring & listening…………………………………………..p.3-p.11
- Tik Tok & other channels……………………………………………….......p.3-p.5
- Facebook……………………………………………………………………....p.5-p.8
- Instagram………………………………………………………………………p.8-p.11
III. Analyze social media presence and marketing goal………………………p.12-p.16
IV. Facebook ad campaign................................................................................p.17-p.23

Guardian’s Marketing Strategies

I. Introduction

Guardian is a Malaysian retailer of health and beauty products. Established in 1967, Guardian
aims to provide the community with high quality pharmaceuticals and personal care items.
Today, Guardian has about 500 stores throughout main streets, shopping centers, and e-
commerce platforms. Their operations are mainly in South East Asia such as Singapore,
Malaysia, Brunei, Indonesia, Cambodia, and Vietnam (Guardian n.d).

II. Social media monitoring & listening

To assess the conversations talking about Guardian on social media, the keywords
#Guardianvn, #Guardianvietnam, and #Guardianhealthandbeauty were used to find relevant
mentions about the brand.

Tik Tok & other channels

Guardian had 31 mentions relating to the above hashtags (Figure 1).The sentiment of these
mentions were 4 positive, 2 negative, and 25 neutral. Out of these mentions, 21 were on Tik
Tok, 7 were on Guardian’s websites, 2 were on Youtube, and 1 was irrelevant (Figure 2). It can
be seen that Tik Tok has more mentions compared to their websites and Youtube. On Tik Tok,
the hashtag #guardianvn received 713,4k views in total. In addition, some mentions come from
sponsored or review videos of Tik Tok users. Whereas, the majority of the mentions come from
Guardian Vietnam official Tik Tok account (Figure 3).

Figure 1: Number of mentions about Guardian from August 2021 to August 2022 on Tik Tok,
Youtube, and websites (Brand24 n.d)

Figure 2: Most active sites of Guardian mentions (Brand24 n.d)

Figure 3: Number of mentions of #guardianvn on Tik Tok


There were 92 mentions of the relevant hashtags from July to August 2022 on Facebook
(Figure 4). The sentiment rate recorded as 5 positive, 0 negative, and 2 neutral (Figure 5).
During this period, the total number of interactions on Facebook was 195 and the reach was
73.8m views. Furthermore, the most engaging post type is posts that contain links, with an
average of 19 interactions per post (Figure 6). Hence, the interaction rate was highest on July
28th and July 29th (Figure 7). The common thing about the posts on these two days was that
they were about promotion deals or give away of their products (Figure 8 & Figure 9). In
addition, the hashtag #guardianvn received about 5,3k mentions on Facebook, which is a
decent number that indicates strong brand health.

Figure 4: Number of mentions about Guardian on Facebook from July 2022 to current
(Brandmentions n.d)

Figure 5: Sentiment rate of Guardian on Facebook (Brandmentions n.d)

Figure 6: Most engaging post types of Guardian’s Facebook page (Emplifi n.d)

Figure 7: Number of interactions of Guardian’s Facebook page (Brandmentions n.d)

Figure 8: Promotion post of Guardian about suncreens

Figure 9: Giveaway post of Guardian about lipsticks


There were 36 mentions relating to the hashtag #guardianvietnam on Instagram. The sentiment
ratio for this hashtag is 1 positive, 0 negative, and 36 neutral (Figure 11). Notably, the hashtag
#guardianvn has 5000+ relevant posts(Figure 12). Some mentions of this hashtag came from
personal accounts, while the majority came from Guardian’s own Instagram account. However,
its account recorded a low number of posts with only 16 posts from the month September 2021
to June 2022, which indicated that Guardian is not active on this channel (Figure 13).
Furthermore, the engagement was the highest in September 2021 with 143 engagements for 8
posts, but it was on a decreasing trend during February and June 2022. The top posts by
engagement shared the same attributes which were all about body lotion products by Guardian
(Figure 14).

Figure 10: Number of mentions of #guardianvietnam on Instagram from Oct 2017 to April 2022
(Social Searcher n.d)

Figure 11: Sentiment ratio of #guardianvietnam on Instagram (Social Searcher n.d)

Figure 12: Mentions of #guardianvn on Instagram

Figure 13: Number of posts and engagements of Guardian on Instagram from September 2021
– August 2022 (Source: Keyhole n.d)

Figure 14: Top posts by engagements of Guardian were all body lotion products (Source:
Keyhole n.d)

III. Analyze social media presence and marketing goal

Instagram is the least active channel with only 16 posts from September 2021 to June 2022
(Figure 13). On the other hand, Tik Tok Is more active as it generated 105 videos from April to
August 2022 (Figure 15). Futhermore, its views count were high during this period and the
month of July witnessed a huge climb in views as well . Nevertheless, the engagement rate did
not share the same direction as it recorded a decreasing pattern (Figure 16). These numbers
show that despite Guardian had high reach for its posts, its engagement rate was still at a low

Figure 15: Guardian’s number of videos and views on Tik Tok during April – August 2022
(Keyhole n.d)

Figure 16: Guardian’s engagement rate on Tik Tok during April – August 2022 (Keyhole n.d)

Facebook is the most active channel with a sum of 196 posts from July to August 2022 (Figure
17). However, the number of interactions is still low. During this period, the highest interactions
occured on July 30 with 3,4k total engagements, and July 27 with 2,8k total engagements
(Figure 18). Although Guardian has more posts that contain photos, the most engaging post
type are those that contain videos like livestreams on Facebook (Figure 19). In addition,
promoted posts of products also receive adequate amount of engagements (Figure 20).

Figure 17: Guardian’s number of posts on Facebook during July – August 2022 (Emplifi n.d)

Figure 18: Guardian’s interactions on Facebook during July – August 2022 (Emplifi n.d)

Figure 19: Guardian’s most engaging post types on Facebook (Emplifi n.d)

Figure 20: Examples of Guardian’s promoted posts on Facebook (Emplifi n.d)

Marketing goals

Since Facebook is the leader among the social media channels, Guardian should focus on
designing marketing strategies to generate sales on this platform. Guardian should implement
specific activities for each stage of the marketing funnel (Figure 21). Although awareness is
crucial for the brand, it usually has no impact on users’ propensity to purchase products
(Anderson et al.). Therefore, the focus on generating sales will have more impacts on the lower
end of the funnel. For the consideration stage, Guardian should proactively engage with
consumers by providing them with instantaneous feedback from online customer reviews to
reduce the amount of time consumers searching for additional information (Lindsey-Mullikin &
Borin 2017). For the conversion stage, Guardian can work with Shopee to offer time-limited
promotions to encourage purchases from customers. Additionally, Guardian will remind
customers about the short time remaining before a deal expires. Thus, the recognition that the
deal will expire will induce the fear of missing out by the consumers and leads to purchase
actions (Lindsey-Mullikin & Borin 2017). For the loyalty stage, Guardian should always monitor
their Facebook channel to figure out which content reasonates with their consumers most. From
there, Guardian can see what are the drivers that motivate consumers to purchase, and
replicate these strategies to enhance sales.

Figure 21: Marketing funnel (Anderson et al. 2011)

IV. Facebook ad campaign

Overall structure of the advertising campaign

Campaign settings

- Objectives: The main objective is to boost conversion rates and increase social media
sales. Guardian will track the interactions & behavior with the ad from customers by
using Facebook pixel. The conversion ad campaign will help brands to increase sales by
encouraging users to make purchase on their website, prompt an action such as adding
items to the basket, and increase traffic by getting people to click on the landing page
(Mialki 2022). The targeted audience for this campaign will be the middle to upper class
people who care about beauty and health because this is the main customer segment of
Guardian (Nguyen 2021)
- Campaign daily budget: $1000

Figure 22: Campaign settings for Facebook ad

Ad set #1

This ad set campaign will focus on increasing the number of people that visit Guardian’s website
and makes a purchase. Hence, the targeted audience will be the people who have already
interacted with Guardian on Facebook. In particular, the main consumers will be women who
have high standards of living and want to spend more on luxury products, especially facial and
skin care (Nguyen 2021).

Ad set #2

This ad set is similar to the ad set #1, but its targeted audience will be the people who share the
same interest in beauty & health care products, but from other sources. In other words, they are
potential customers of Guardian since their behavior are the same as Guardian’s customers.
Therefore, this campaign will focus on encouraging these users to visit Guardian’s website and
add items into their carts.

Ad mock-up #1 (for ad set #1)

Figure 23: Ad mock-up for Facebook feed

Ad mock up #2

Figure 24: Ad-mock up for Facebook stories

The two types of ad format that are most suitable to help Guardian attract website traffic and
convert sales are feeds and stories because their targeted audience is people who have already
interacted with them. Thus, posting on consumers’ feeds will be a good way to encourage them

to take actions. Furthermore, the stories will support this campaign by reaching to more
followers of the brand, since not everyone will see the ads on their feeds.

Measurement & optimization:

The five key metrics that are used to measure campaign performance are: the number of link
clicks, the number of purchases, the cost per purchase, the conversion rate, and the cost per
conversion. The tool that will be used to track these metrics is Social Status since it can monitor
and report on paid Facebook ads Manager campaigns (Hill 2021). The number of link clicks will
show how many people visit the website. Out of these visits, we will see how many people
actually make purchases as well as the average cost for each purchase. Furthermore, we can
also see how many people take desirable actions like adding items to the cart by looking at the
conversion rate and the cost per conversion event. These metrics will provide insights about
how effective this campaign is to drive website traffic and convert sales.

Figure 25: Social Status analytics tool (Hill 2021)


Anderson M, Sims J, Price J and Brusa J (2011) Turning “Like” to “Buy” Social Media Emerges
as a Commerce Channel, Booz & Co., accessed 16 August 2022,

Guardian (n.d) Company - About Us, Guardian, accessed 14 August 2022,


Hill T (2021) 11 Best Social Media Analytics Tools in 2021, Medium, accessed 19 August 202,

Lindsey-Mullikin, J & Borin, N 2017, 'Why strategy is key for successful social media
sales', Business horizons, vol. 60, no. 4, pp. 473-482.

Mialki S (2022) The Expert’s Guide to Facebook Conversion Ads You Should Review
Before Publishing Your Campaign, Instapage, accessed 18 August 2022,

Nguyen M (2021) Health & Beauty Trends: Guardian Vietnam, Scribd, accessed 18
August 2022, <file:///Users/minhle/Downloads/519478772-ab0ff2db-089b-47f5-9121-


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