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Many students nowadays work part-time while studying.

Although this trend may have

severe consequences, the number of young people who forego school in favor of job is
increasing. I feel that this issue has specific causes that may be addressed by taking
certain steps.

It is obvious that the majority of students who work have several financial obligations.
The high expense of schooling is one prevalent explanation. Because many colleges
and universities have hefty tuition prices, some families are unable to fully fund their
children's higher education. As a result, some students must work in order to pay their
university and college tuition. The other factor is the cost of living. Many students
study away from home and must pay for things like housing, food, and entertainment.
Students are obliged to work to support themselves since it is sometimes difficult to
meet these costs. I believe that students working while studying lowers the quality of
their education and provides no advantage. As a result, it must be resolved at the
national level.

I have two ideas about how to solve this issue. For starters, the government might
provide free higher education. This can be done, for example, by allocating funds from
the national budget to educational institutions. It will not only make universities and
colleges more accessible to everyone, but it will also lower the number of students
who are working. Promoting unpaid e-learning is the second alternative. Maintaining
such a sort of online education does not need a large amount of money. This type of
distant education does not need a lot of resources. Furthermore, students do not need to
leave their homes and may choose their own schedules.

Finally, I believe that students work mostly due to a lack of money resources;
nevertheless, this problem may be handled by reducing the number of financial
expenditures that students must fulfill.

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