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Class K


AUGUST 28, 2022


Adnan Bahrum Nasution or better known as Adnan Buyung Nasution, was born on
July 20, 1934 in Jakarta and is an inspirational figure in the Indonesian legal world. He is also
the founder of LBH and YLBHI, a legal aid foundation for the poor who seek justice.


1. Gayus Tambunan Case’s

The tax manipulation corruption case ensnared the employee of the Directorate
General of Taxes at the Ministry of Finance, Gayus Tambunan. In December 2010,
prosecutors demanded that Gayus Tambunan should be sentenced to 20 years in
prison. After going through a long process in court, Gayus Tambunan was
pronounced guilty for abusing his authority and committing bribery. Then in July
2012, Gayus Tambunan was sentenced to 7 years in prison. Adnan Buyung
Nasution officially became Gayus Tambunan's attorney in April 2010. His decision
to defend Gayus Tambunan became a public polemic. The public felt that Adnan
Buyung Nasution was justifying a corruptor. With their rights, Adnan Buyung added
that we should not discriminate in defending a case, we are not protecting the
wrong, but we are defending a guilty person to get the appropriate law. Adnan
Buyung also revealed that the initial appointment of Gayus Tambunan's attorney
was due to a request from Gayus Tambunan's wife, Minala Anggraeni.
2. Abu Bakar Basyir Case’s
The leader of the Al-Mukmin Ngruki Islamic Boarding School, Abu Bakar
Basyir. Abu Bakar Basyir was ensnared in a terrorism case and accused of treason
against the government in 2002. Adnan Buyung Nasution, as a coordinator for the
Abu Bakar Ba'asyir defense team, which was accompanied by M. Assegaf,
Munarman, Achmad Michdan, Ali Nursin, and Daniel Panjaitan, defended the case
against Abu Bakar Basyir very seriously. Abu Bakar Basyir himself received many
accusations, such as accusations of being responsible for the Bali and the Merriot
Hotel bombings, charges of treason, accusations of plotting to assassinate
President Megawati, and many others. Adnan Buyung Nasution considered that
even though Abu Bakar Basyir had hardline thoughts, he should not be punished
for his hardline thoughts but his actions. He also added that Abu Bakar Basyir's
accusations of being responsible for Bali and the Merriot Hotel bombings were not
true and just fabrications, as were the accusations of treason that were never
proven by the police. Even so, Abu Bakar Basyir was still founded guilty by the
Central Jakarta District Court and sentenced to 4 years in prison for a different
offense than the one mentioned above. Abu Bakar Basyir was also founded guilty
of violating Article 107 Paragraph 1 of the KUHP concerning attempts to destabilize
the legitimate government and 48 Law No. 9 of 1992 concerning immigration
because Abu Bakar Basyir left and entered Indonesian territory without reporting
to the immigration officer.

3. Hundreds of Poor People's Legal Cases

Adnan Buyung Nasution is a defender of the oppressed poor who do not get
justice by the law. Adnan Buyung Nasution defended dozens of legal cases that
envatuate poor people. He believes that the underprivileged are legally blind and
do not have enough money to hire a lawyer, which is why they need to be helped


and given legal rights that are fair to them. It also inspired him to establish LBH
and YLBHI, legal aid institutions that protect human rights and justice, especially
for the poor who need legal assistance.


Adnan Buyung Nasution, during his life, has handled tons or dozens of legal cases,
both big and small. During the handling of these cases, the characteristics and personality of
Adnan Buyung Nasution himself will certainly be seen. The characteristics and personalities
that we can conclude are:

1. Helpful
His helpful personality was shown in his case when the wife of Gayus
Tambunan asked Adnan Buyung Nasution for help in becoming a lawyer for
her husband, Gayus Tambunan. Then, in another case, when the younger
brother of the governor of Banten, Tubagus Chaeri Wardhana, or known as
Wawan, was caught in a bribery case, Wawan's wife asked Adnan Bayung for
help, and he helped her husband. His helpful nature towards the poor, who find
it difficult to get justice, is also undeniable. He even invented LBH and YLBHI,
which are legal aid institutions for the poor who need legal assistance.

2. Honest
Adnan Buyung Nasution's honesty is also beyond doubt. The Indonesian
Advocates Association agrees that Adnan Buyung Nasution is a symbol of
honesty for us advocates. During his handling of legal cases, he always said
the truth. If it was true, then it was said to be true, and if it was wrong, it was
said to be wrong. He never justifies the wrongdoers but he always tells the truth
that what he defends is not the perpetrators, but the rights and justice that are
suitable for the perpetrators.

3. Courageous or Fearless
Adnan Buyung Nasution's courage should be used as a role model for
future legal practitioners. Adnan Buyung Nasution had astonishing courage in
telling the truth. Adnan Buyung Nasution, who is a human rights activist, was
also very fearless in fighting and defending human rights victims in the case of
the jihad commando in the 80s. Adnan Buyung Nasution had no dread of
defending the truth, even during the New Order era. Another example that
shows his courage is when he dared to criticize Suharto's injustice, which
resulted in him being imprisoned; then when he defended General HR
Dharsono, who was accused of being subversive by the Suharto government;
in the trial of HR Dharsono, Adnan Buyung very firmly and fearlessly defended
HR Dharsono and the panel judge called himself unethical, and immediately
Adnan Buyung got up and interrupted the judge's conversation and made a
noise in the trial. The point is that Adnan Buyung Nasution is a role model for
the courage to defend justice and fight injustice.


4. Persistent
Adnan Buyung Nasution is known as someone persistent in defending the
legal rights of his clients in court. He showed this when he defended five
negotiators from the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) who were charged with
Article 106 of the KUHAP regarding acts of treason and terrorism. Adnan
Buyung Nasution was even willing to not be paid to defend the legal rights of
the five negotiators. Another example is his tenacity in defending human rights.
The many human rights cases he has handled, such as the human rights
violation case of the TNI general, Wiranto's human rights violation case in East
Timor, and finally, he founded LBH and YLBHI, which are aid agencies, laws to
protect human rights for the underprivilaged.

5. Humble
The humble nature shown by Adnan Buyung Nasution is that even though
he is a lawyer who has many achievements and is respected by other legal
practitioners, he is not conceited. He does not see rich-poor, officials-non-
officials, or powerful-not-powerful, instead he helps everyone who needs legal
aid, without seing their credibility. He doesn't charge a penny for the legal aid
he provides to the impoverished. He defends with sincerity the legal rights of
the poor in court. Another example that shows his humble attitude is that
although he has established his law firm, Adnan Buyung Nasution, and his
colleagues never give up and is directly involved in leading cases with his

6. Assertiveness
Adnan Buyung Nasution, a lawyer and legal practitioner who is known for
his assertiveness in every case he has handled. When he became Abu Bakar
Basyir's attorney, he firmly stated the facts and the truth, and he did not hesitate
to be firm and strict against the police who arbitrarily declare facts that were not
true. Another example of his assertiveness is when he became a lawyer in the
Gayus Tambunan case. The case was a scandalous case and summoned
public questions as of why Adnan Buyung Nasution defended corruptors who
were indeed proven guilty, but he was determined and said that a guilty
perpetrator also has the right to have legal assistance because what he is
defending is not the person but the legal rights of the perpetrator in his trial.
Another example of Adnan Buyung Nasution's assertive attitude is that when
he joined human rights advocacy team that defended TNI generals, many
disagreed and forced Adnan Buyung Nasution to resign or be fired from YLBHI
membership because, according to YLBHI, he was defending TNI generals.
which is no longer in accordance with the spirit and ideals of YLBHI to defend
the weak. Despite the tough challenges, Adnan Buyung Nasution still firmly and
loudly said, "Defending the people to uphold the substance, namely truth and
justice. If the people are wrong, we must also tell them. If there are other people
who happen to be high-ranking TNI officers being persecuted, then they are
considered to have no human rights." Adnan Buyung Nasution added, "This
issue is a human rights violation issue. It could be true, it might not." The point
is that Adnan Buyung Nasution is someone who is adamant about justice and
the truth.


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