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First paragraph:

I woke up every day at 6 :30 am, first thing i do is to pray elfadjr , then , i have my breakfast ,
after that , if i have studies , i prepare myself to go to the university , if not , i go to the
vegetables market and work there , but now , I’m going to tell you about my favorite thing I do
in the day , body buildings , I love it so much , it is my favorite sport ever , after that , I eat my
healthy food , pray elishaa , and finally go to sleep at 10:00 pm.

Second paragraph:

Since I was child, my dream was to be an inventor, because of many reasons. first, because I
want to solve all the problems we face in our current life, lowest cost, lowest time and less
effort. then, because it is an order from the god to seek knowledge. finally, because knowledge
and inventing help us to know more about the world and the reason why god created us.

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