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James Young

Dr.Ronald E Thomas

Intro to psychology 210-77-F

02 February 2021

Life of James Young

It all started, well in my mind at least in Fayetteville Georgia, a rural area in the heart of the

south. I remember living with both of my grandparents originally before my grandmother

died. My grandfather was a retired military veteran. He wasn’t just any military veteran;

he was a hardcore, Marine, drill instructor that had a strict and precise way of going about

things. He was much more strict like I said, while my grandmother was much more

gentle. She had retired from working at all state to my knowledge and she was use to

doing things old fashioned just as my grandad did. She definitely played the role of

housewife and not to be sexist but she was a good one. Every time me and my twin sister

Sydney were sick, she took care of us. I remember sitting in the baby chairs at the table

just for us having chicken noodle soup that was seasoned to perfection warm and ready.

She cooked dinner for all of us every night and she was with a doubt a professional.

While she was a sweetheart, neither of my grandparents hesitated to discipline us with a

feisty spanking as many of us endured as children, which in my opinion has helped me to

be more disciplined today. We also had a poodle named grunt, at that time, that was near

the end of his life and almost fully blind. These are all things of the past that were soon

dearly missed by all three of us. I say three because sadly my grandmother had passed

soon after that as well as our dog grunt. Of course my grandmothers’ death was much

more painful and memorable. Me and my sister were three at the time. My grandfather

obviously was very hurt by the tragedy. He tried to hide it from my sister and I, yet he

couldn’t hold his tears in.

Soon after that my father had came with my uncle, and took us back to Virginia. He was from

New Jersey and moved to Norfolk due to the military. My mom on the other hand was

living in Atlanta. Although I was staying with the parents of my mother, my father had

came and got me and my sister due to her being unstable financially and mentally. As I

got older I understood all of this but as children of course me and my sister did not have

any of this on our minds. This is when we first moved to Norfolk at five years old. We

spent the rest of our lives living with our father. Soon after the move a year later we

moved in with our soon to be step mom once we became eleven. We visited our grandad

every summer up until fourteen. We use to go to the big modernized house as soon as

school ended. I can see the big yard with the Beautiful trimmed Bermuda grass. If you

look to the left and the right you will see neighbors with houses just as big and yards just

as nice. One thing that was always nice about going to the neighborhood was that there

were other black people that were doing just as well as my grandparents. We didn’t see

our mother much but we did once or twice every summer up until our grandfather died.

Once that happened we hadn’t gone to Georgia our entire high school experience. During

high school I focused on school and even more on playing football. The last time I saw

my mother was high school graduation. Sometimes I talk to her every now and then. Ever

since high school I’ve transferred from Bluefield college and Tcc to Norfolk state

University to get my accounting degree. I feel like I have learned the most in these last

three years of life, since being eighteen than I have in all of my life. I have had plenty of

luck, failures, losses, lessons learned, and some wins as well. I feel as if I have so much

more to learn yet that I know more than enough to become everything I want to be in life.

At this point I figure I have the knowledge I need and the only way to progress myself

into the best version of myself is to apply what I know instead of ignoring the knowledge

or just letting it waist in my brain without work.

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