Culture Russian and Spanish

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For International Business, knowing the culture and customs is something fundamental when

doing business with any country, not giving enough value to the cultural issues results in culture-
shock which translates into a bad experience abroad and a failed business. For Spanish
businessmen, trust is the main factor that guarantees success in negotiations and patience is a
value to be considered in Russian negotiations.

At business meetings, the Spaniards when they introduce themselves, they expect to be shaken
hands and saying their surnames, it is important to know them and use them. When invited to a
house for dinner it is customary to give the host a gift for example a good bottle of wine or a
flower if it is a woman. It is not advisable to give white lilies or red roses, do not give 13 flowers
because that number is seen as an unlucky number. The etiquette business attire is elegant but
conservative, for men it is recommended to wear a formal suit and for women to wear suits with
skirts or pants and shoes not too high and not to wear bright colors. appointments for meeting are
obligatory and should be made in advance, reconfirm the week before and you should try arriving
on time. it´s recommended to carry your printed material and available in both English and
Spanish. most Spaniards don´t give their opinion at meeting therefore you should look their non-
verbal communication. for the Spaniards, hierarchy and rank are important, you must deal with
people of similar rank to you. That why Decision-making takes place at the top of the company.
they are also very thorough; they check every piece of information to make sure it is understood.

in business with Russians, greetings are made by shaking hands and saying the last name. phrases
like "how are you?” are often used. If you are invited for a meal at a home, bring a small gift, male
guests should bring flowers, but do not give them yellow flowers. Russians usually protest when
they are offered a gift, reply that it is something small and offer the gift again, and they usually
accept it. although with public officials you must be careful because they may consider it a bribe.
Russians like business clothes to be formal and conservative, men should wear suits and women
should wear subdued colored business suits with skirts that cover the knees, shoes should be
highly polished. In the meeting, appointments are necessary and should be made as far in advance
as possible, confirm the meeting when you arrive in the country, also you should arrive punctually.
Russians expect long and detailed presentations that include a history of the subject and a review
of existing precedents. The negotiations are slow, Russians don’t like to be rushed. It’s a good idea
to include technical experts on your negotiating team. The hierarchy is important to Russians, they
respect age, rank, and position, the most senior person reaches decisions. Also, they prefer to
meet with people of similar rank and position.

To conclude we can say that the Russian and Spanish cultures have many things in common, for
example that they are hierarchical countries, this is fundamental when doing business because
important decisions are taken at the top of the company. It is also important to know all these
cultural aspects and customs to have fruitful and lasting relationships with the counterpart. In the
construction of this text I learned certain taboos that these countries have, and it is important
when having a conversation not to disrespect them and lose the business. For example, in Spain
avoid talking about religion has a strong sense of religious pride, and or plan anything like
meetings for a Tuesday the 13th as it is an unfortunate date. On the other hand, Russians are
transactional and do not need to establish long lasting personal relationships before doing
business with people but in the first instance they ask for sincerity.

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