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Design of a Low Noise Amplifier Using the

Quarter Wave Transformers Matching
Technique in the Frequency Band [9-13] GHz

Article in International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation · August 2015

DOI: 10.15866/irecap.v5i4.7065


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3 authors:

Islam Toulali Mohammed Lahsaini

1 PUBLICATION 0 CITATIONS Mohammadia School of Engineers


Lahbib Zenkouar
Mohammadia School of Engineers


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International Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation (I.Re.C.A.P.), Vol. 5, N. 4
ISSN 2039 – 5086 August 2015

Design of a Low Noise Amplifier Using the Quarter Wave Transformers

Matching Technique in the Frequency Band [9-13] GHz

I. Toulali1, M. Lahsaini2, L. Zenkouar3

Abstract – Low noise amplifier (LNA) constitutes one of the essential component in wireless
communication systems. It is used especially for designing different types of communication
receivers. The main function of LNA is to provide sufficient gain to overcome noise of other
blocks. Amplifier design requires a matching circuit of impedance to have a low noise, achieve
maximum power transfer and have minimum reflection. This paper presents a low noise amplifier
that operates over the frequency range [9-13] GHz and adopts quarter-wave transformers
impedance matching technique. Simulation and synthesis are made by using CAD software (ADS:
Advanced Design System) addressed to simulations of RF circuits and which is developed by
Agilent®. The proposed LNA is designed in HEMT process. As a result, the amplifier is
unconditionally stable and achieves a 20 dB gain and a good impedance matching over the
working frequency range of [9-13] GHz. Copyright © 2015 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights

Keywords: Low Noise Amplifier (LNA), Matching Network, Microstrip, Quarter Wave
Transformer, Transmission Lines

I. Introduction This paper is organized as follows. The first part

introduces the microstrip technology used to design the
In the fields of terrestrial radio and radar, microwave amplifier. The second part gives an overview of the
applications have been expanding rapidly over the last fundamentals parameters. The third and fourth sections
decades. Many new application areas have emerged due present the chosen matching technique. The fifth section
to technological advances, particularly in the domain of discusses the simulation results, which demonstrate the
mobile communication systems of the new generation feasibility of the proposed technique. The last section
like UMTS, LTE and satellite navigation [1]. summarizes the gist of the study results.
Such telecommunication systems consist of a large
assembly of circuits, which are themselves produced
using active or passive components [2]. Nowadays, II. The Microstrip Line
researches focuses mainly on designing competitive
microwave circuits with certain technical requirements The geometry of a microstrip line is shown in Fig. 1.
and offering benefits such as reduction of size and cost. A conductor of width W is printed on a thin, grounded
dielectric substrate of thickness d and relative
The low noise amplifier (LNA) device is a powerful
module for the RF receiver. Thus, the performance permittivity ; a sketch of the field lines is shown in Fig.
analysis and optimization of its characteristics is the 2. The mode of propagation along a microstrip line is not
objective of our study. Most circuits working in the pure transverse electromagnetic (TEM) [8], [9]. The
frequency range [9-13] GHz are made by planar effective dielectric constant of a microstrip line is given
technology [3]. This technique consists of engraving the approximately by [10]:
circuit elements on a suitable dielectric substrate.
+1 −1 1
Therefore, several topologies and LNA design ≃ +
methods have been proposed based on different 2 2 (1))
manufacturing technologies and associated to various
applications [4]-[7]. In this paper, a RF amplifier is
proposed and developed by considering two transistors in The effective dielectric constant can be interpreted as
cascade and employing the matching method based on the dielectric constant of a homogeneous medium that
quarter wave transformers. The dimension of microstrip equivalently substitutes the air and dielectric regions of
lines are calculated and optimized to achieve the the microstrip line, as shown in Fig. 3 [8].
impedance matching and optimum performance of The characteristic impedance can be calculated by the
amplifier. Some parameters design including gain, noise formulas below according to the dimensions of the
figure, and stability are used as performance indicators. microstrip [8]:

Copyright © 2015 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved

I. Toulali, M. Lahsaini, L. Zenkouar

60 8
⎧ + for ⁄ ≤1
⎪ 4
= (2)
⎨ 120
⎪ for ⁄ ≥1
⎩ [ ⁄ + 1.393 + 0.667 ( ⁄ + 1.444)]

The source and load reflection coefficients should be

chosen as:
= ∗
= ∗

For a bilateral transistor ( ≠ 0), the input and

output reflection coefficients are given by [11]:

Fig. 1. Geometry of the microstrip transmission [8] = +

= +

where , , and are the S-parameters of the


III.3. Stability
The circuit design requires taking into consideration
Fig. 2. Electric and magnetic field lines [8]
the factor of stability. The aim objective is to avoid
amplifier oscillation when we try to optimize the gain.
The quadrupole is unconditionally stable if:

| | ≤ 1 and | |≤1 (5)

To express the conditions to the unconditional

stability, we use the Rollet factor K as defined by the
following expression:

1−| | −| | +| − |
= (6)
Fig. 3. Equivalent geometry, where the dielectric substrate of relative 2| |
permittivity is replaced with a homogeneous medium of effective
relative permittivity [8]
and: ∆ = S S − S S . The necessary and sufficient
stability criteria are:
III. Fundamentals of the > 1 and |∆|< 1, the quadrupole is then
unconditionally stable. In addition, it is possible to adjust
Matching Network simultaneously the input and output [14]. If this
A model of a single stage amplifier including input condition is not verified |∆| > 1 where | | < 1, the
and output matching networks is represented in Figure 4 quadrupole can be stable for certain impedances. In this
[11]. way, it is said to be conditionally stable. In general,
if < −1: a simultaneous adaptation is impossible, the
quadrupole is unstable and therefore unusable as an
III.1. Power Gain amplifier. Another stability coefficient is defined by the
After the amplifier design the evaluation of the gain is expression (7), if > 1 the circuit is unconditionally
essential. Power gains of a 2-ports circuit network, like stable [14]:
the one shown in Fig. 4, are defined by scattering
1−| |
parameters and classified into 3 types of gain: operating = ∗ (7)
gain, transducer gain and available gain [12]. | − Δ| + | |

III.2. Matching Condition IV. Impedance Matching

Maximum transducer power gain is obtained by the The impedance matching plays an important role in
conjugate match [13]. the microwave circuit design.

Copyright © 2015 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved Int. Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation, Vol. 5, N. 4

I. Toulali, M. Lahsaini, L. Zenkouar

Fig. 4. Equivalent circuit of a single stage amplifier

Designing a microwave amplifier with an improper Then, if an intermediate section of transmission line
impedance matching will influence the stability of the with a characteristic impedance / and a quarter
circuit and reduce its efficiency. In fact, the use of wavelength long is connected between the main line and
adaptive devices is related to several objectives. the load, as illustrated in Fig. 5.
The most important factors are a maximum power
In other words, the output impedance of the matching
circuit must be equal to the complex conjugate value of
the load impedance. It is also important to have a
reflection coefficient as low as possible or a standing
wave ratio near unity, and a noise matching [15].
There are different types of matching network to
microwave amplifiers. The first technique is based on the
use of lumped elements [16]. However, these elements Fig. 5. Quarter wave transformers [1]
are not very suitable to wide bands.
Therefore, several methods which are more adapted to The impedance presented to the main line would be
microwave frequency domain are used. They are based equal to [17]:
on distributed elements such as quarter wave lines [13]. /
One way to adapt an antenna or more, generally a = (9)
circuit is to insert a quarter-wavelength line between the
load impedance and the input impedance line, and to
choose an adequate characteristic impedance. It is one of The adaptation condition is verified if: / = .
the simplest technique of doing impedance matching in a This implies that: = , therefore the transmission
narrow band [17]. line is well suited [17]. The total reflection coefficient is
The impedance transformers generally comprise a given by [17]:
cascade of uniform quarter wave line sections.
Discontinuities result from different jumps of impedance, 1
such as a change in the width of the microstrip line. (10)
1+( )
During the selection of the matching network, some
factors should be considered such as complexity,
bandwidth, and necessary adjustment according to the Fig. 6 shows the plot of | | versus , we see that a
desired application. single section quarter-wave transformer provides a
perfect match for a given frequency [17].
V. Quarter Wave Transformers
V.1. General Theory
For a transmission line of the characteristic impedance
and length l, the input impedance can be written
as follow in [1]:

such as:
= =
Fig. 6. Characteristic bandwidth of a quarter-wave transformer
for a single section

Copyright © 2015 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved Int. Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation, Vol. 5, N. 4

I. Toulali, M. Lahsaini, L. Zenkouar

It is a narrow band match. The design of multi + +

sections circuits increase the bandwidth [17]. ( )= ( ) ( )
+ + +⋯
 Theory of small reflections We have represented the relation to calculate the
Fig. 7 shows a quarter-wave transformer and the impedance for a Butterworth response. The binomial
different transmission and reflection coefficients. function is defined by [17]:

( )= 1+ =2 ( )

such as: (17)

=2 for: =0

The relation which links the characteristic impedance

Fig. 7. A microwave circuit with two reflecting junctions [17] and the load impedance to the impedances
characterizing the multi-section transformer is calculated
The transmission and reflection coefficients are given from the following formula [17]:
by relations [17]:

− − − ( )= 1+ = =
/ /
= ; = ; = (11)
/ + + / −
= + + + ⋯+ (18)

/ − 2 / we have:
=1+ =1+ = (12) =
/ + / +

− 2 Using the mathematical approach:

=1+ =1+ = (13)
+ / + / − 1
= ≃
+ 2
So, the amplitude of the total reflected wave of the
quarter-wave transformer is given by [17]: the ratio of impedance is obtained by:

= + + +… =2 (19)
= +
V.2. The Broadband Matching Technique
 Approximate theory for multisection quarter-wave To achieve adaptation we will study the case of three
transformers λ
sections of length as shown in Fig. 8.
The study of the total reflection coefficient requires
making approximations to simplify the final formula.
These approximations give the general relation which
are used to calculate the characteristic impedances of a
multi-section quarter-wave transformer as shown in Fig.
7 [17].
The first approximation consists on representing the
coefficient as follows:
Fig. 8. A three sections quarter-wave transformer
( )= + + +
The equivalent characteristic impedances obtained by
applying the Eq. (19) are given by:

= ( = 0,1, … , ) = (20)

The second approximation assumes that the = (21)

transformer is symmetrical, which means that the
reflection coefficients may be grouped in pairs. In this
case (15) becomes: = (22)

Copyright © 2015 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved Int. Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation, Vol. 5, N. 4

I. Toulali, M. Lahsaini, L. Zenkouar

VI. Design and Simulation of the circuit. ADS is also the professional software used by
Low Noise Amplifier leading companies in the wireless communication and
networking. The low noise amplifier specifications are as
VI.1. Configuration of the Matching Circuit follows:
The design process adopted in this article is based on  Center frequency of 11 GHz;
three essential steps.  Source and load impedance:
First, type of transistor to be used was determined; we
opted for the HEMT transistor (AFP 02 N2-00) of Alpha = = 50 ;
Industries ®. Then the choice of circuit topology is made.
Afterwards, the matching circuit is established.  The characteristic impedances of the three sections
The proposed LNA comprises two transistors quarter wave transformer are represented in the two
separated by a transmission line, and an inter-stage following tables
matching networks which are located in the input and The topology of the final circuit is shown in Fig. 9.
output [11].
The implementation of the method is very simple. We
VI.2. Results and Discussion
represented the input and output impedances of the
amplifier which demonstrated that the impedances are far Figures 10 and 11 represent the amplifier simulation
from the center of the Smith chart at 11 GHz. The block results on the frequency band [9-13 GHz]. Tuning and
of impedance transformation was used to adapt the optimization tools of ADS software have been used to
impedance at 11 GHz, it represents the transmission line optimize results.
of a characteristic impedance Z equal to 50 Ω and an The gain S shows an acceptable power transfer,
adequate electrical length. This line can eliminate the about 20 dB from 10 GHz to 13 GHz. Around 9 GHz, the
imaginary part of the impedance to adapt. After that a gain reaches its maximum value which is equal to 22 dB.
matching block designed by the quarter wave transformer The reverse transmission coefficient S of the
was used to approach the center of the Smith chart. amplifier is less than -35 dB over the band of interest.
And finally, we integrated a terminating line at the Figure 11 clearly shows the usefulness of the input
input and the output of the circuit. and output matching circuit. The results are quite
We have calculated the parameters of the circuit acceptable with losses in return of about -32 dB and -40
defined by the characteristic impedance and the electrical dB respectively on the input and output.
length using the smith chart and the impedances shown Figure 12 shows the stability factor (StabFact1). The
in Tables I and II. Then, we have simulated the circuit simulated K factor is greater than 4, which accomplishes
constituted by the physical parameters. These parameters the necessary and sufficient conditions for unconditional
was obtained by using some techniques of ADS, LineCal stability.
is the tool for converting the electric parameters to Fig. 13 represents the plot of noise figure in contrast
physical parameters. The final circuit is shown in Fig. 9 with the frequency. The simulated NF varies between 1
and analyzed using the ADS software relying on the S- and 1.7 dB over the frequency range [9-13] GHz. The
parameters of the transistor [18]. We opted for the ADS value of the lowest Fmin is 0.7 dB obtained at 9 GHz as
software because it is the world’s leading electronic shown in the figure. A comparison of the results with
design automation software for RF and microwave those of other researchers [19]-[22] is shown below.


59.27 98.74 164.49


53.02 63.24 75.43

Frequency (GHz) S (dB) S (dB) S (dB) S (dB) Noise figure(dB) Technology
This work [9-13] < -32 >20 < -40 <- 35 >1.25 HEMT
[19] [10-12] <-25.75 >14.10 <-25.28 <-33.43 - FET
[20] [7-12] <-9 >12 <-15.12 - >2 FET
[21] [8-12] <-10 >15 <-10 - >2.9 CMOS
[22] [10-12] <-19.35 >20 <-32.93 <-37.63 - HEMT

Copyright © 2015 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved Int. Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation, Vol. 5, N. 4

I. Toulali, M. Lahsaini, L. Zenkouar

Fig. 9. General diagram of the modeled amplifier

Copyright © 2015 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved Int. Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation, Vol. 5, N. 4

I. Toulali, M. Lahsaini, L. Zenkouar






9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0

freq, GHz

Fig. 10. Transmission coefficients and





9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0

freq, GHz

Fig. 11. Reflection coefficients and



9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0

freq, GHz

Fig. 12. Stability factor







9.0 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 11.5 12.0 12.5 13.0

freq, GHz

Fig. 13. Noise figure

Copyright © 2015 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved Int. Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation, Vol. 5, N. 4

I. Toulali, M. Lahsaini, L. Zenkouar

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Copyright © 2015 Praise Worthy Prize S.r.l. - All rights reserved Int. Journal on Communications Antenna and Propagation, Vol. 5, N. 4


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