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Physical Education and Health: Team Sports


Week004 - Volleyball
Learning Activity / Assignment
Activity: Using any ball, do the proper footwork and defensive stance for
playing basketball. Create a short clip of your demonstration for each.
Rubric for checking:
Points 4 3 2 1


Execution The footwork and Either the footwork The footwork and The footwork and
stance has been or stance has been stance have been stance have not
executed perfectly executed perfectly executed with little been executed
and with ease and with ease but difficulty
the other has not
been executed

Accuracy The footwork and Only one (between There are slight Neither the
stance recreated by footwork and errors in the footwork nor the
the student is stance) has been execution of the stance has been
completely correct recreated correctly footwork and recreated correctly
stance but it has
been recreated
almost correctly

Quality of The video clip is of The video clip is The video clip is The video clip has
submission high quality and has clear and has a fair clear but the problems
been presented amount of presentation needs
properly and presentation. work.

Completion All the required Either one of the The submission is There was no
materials have been footwork or stance incorrect submission at all
submitted has not been


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