Tutorial 4

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Kolej Kemahiran Tinggi MARA

Lenggong, Perak



Fluid Mechanics

TOPIC Internal Flow in Pipe and Conduits

4.1 Types of Flow
4.2 Laminar and Turbulent Flow
4.3 Continuity Equation
4.4 Bernoulli’s Equation and Flow Measurements
4.4.1 Pitot Tube
4.4.2 Orifices
4.4.3 Venturi Meter
4.5 Major and Minor Losses
4.5.1 Relative Pipe Roughness
4.5.2 Friction Factor
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. Identify the characteristics of laminar flow and turbulent flow
2. Employ Bernoulli’s equation in flow measurement
3. Identify major and minor losses


1. Glycerin flows in a 25 mm diameter pipe at a mean velocity of 0.3 ms-1. If the density of the
glycerin is 1260 kgm-3 and the viscosity is 14.9 x 10-5 N.sm-2 determine whether the flow is
laminar or turbulent?
(63423, turbulent)

KKTMLG 146 EGF3053

Re =

kg m
1260 3
 0.3  0.025m
Re = m s
N .s
14.9  10 −5 2
kg m 1N .s 2
Re = 63423  
m.s N .s 1kg .m
Re = 63423

2. Water is flowing in a pipe of 15 mm diameter. What is the maximum velocity it can have to
ensure laminar flow if the value of absolute viscosity is 1.002 x 10-3 N.sm-2.
(0.133 m/s)
Re =

1000  u  0.015m
1999.99 = m3
N .s
1.002  10 −3 2
N .s m 1kg .m
u = 0.133 2  
m kg .m 1N .s 2
u = 0.133ms −1

3. Benzene flows through a 100 mm diameter pipe with a mean velocity of 3 ms-1. Determine the
volume flow rate in m3s-1.
(0.024 m3/s)
Q = Au
d 2
Q= u
 (0.1) 2 m
Q=  3.0
4 s
3 −1
Q = 0.024m s

4. Determine the friction factor (f) for fluid flow in a pipe that has a :
i. Reynolds number of 400.
f = 64 / Re
f = 64 / 400
f = 0.16

KKTMLG 147 EGF3053

ii. Reynolds number of 40 000 and  = 0.

f =
Re 0.25
f =
f = 0.0224
iii. Reynolds number of 40 000 and a relative roughness 0.01.
Refer Moody Diagram at Re=40000 and ε/D = 0.01, f = 0.04
iv. Reynolds number of 4 000 000 and a relative roughness 0.0003.
Refer Moody Diagram at Re=4000000 and ε/D = 0.0003, f = 0.015
(i. 0.16, ii. 0.0224, iii. 0.04, iv. 0.015)

5. Oil of absolute viscosity 0.101 N.s/m2 and S.G 0.850 flows through 3000 m of 300 mm cast
iron pipe at the rate of 0.0444 m3/s. What is the head loss in the pipe?
(8.04 m)
Q = Au
u = Q/ A
0.0444 m
u= s
 (0.3m) 2

u = 0.628m / s

KKTMLG 148 EGF3053

Re =

kg m
850 3
 0.628  0.3m
Re = m s
N .s
0.101 2
kg m 2 1N .s 2
Re = 1585.5  
m.s N .s 1kg .m
Re = 1585.5
la min ar
f = 64 / Re
f = 64 / 1585.5
f = 0.04
L V2
hl = f
D 2g
3000m (0.628m / s )
hl = 0.04  
0.3m 2  9.812
hl = 8.04m

6. A pipe 30.48 m long and 50.8 cm in diameter contains water at 93C flowing at a mass flow
rate of 317 kgs-1. The water has a density of 961 kgm-3 and a viscosity of 9.471 x 10-6 Nsm-2.
The relative roughness of the pipe is 0.00 008. Calculate the head loss for the pipe.
(0.0975 m)

kg 1 m3
Q = 317 
s 961 kg
Q = 0.33m 3 / s
Q = Au
u = Q/ A
0.33 m
u= s
 (0.508m) 2
u = 1.63m / s

KKTMLG 149 EGF3053

Re =

kg m
961 3
 1.63  0.508m
Re = m s
N .s
9.471  10 −6 2
7 kg m 1N .s 2
Re = 8.4  10  
m.s N .s 1kg .m
Re = 8.4  10 7
Use the Moody diagram for a Reynolds Number of 8.4 x 10 7 and a relative roughness of
f = 0.012

L V2
hl = f
D 2g
30.48m (1.63m / s )
hl = 0.012  
0.508m 2  9.81m / s 2
hl = 0.0975m

7. An elevated water tank shown in Figure 1 is being drained to an underground storage through
a 300 mm diameter pipe. The flow rate is 0.2 m3/s and the head loss is 3 m. If the
underground pipe is located at 1.5 m below ground level, determine the water surface
elevation in the tank.
(1.91 m)

d = 300 mm
Ground Level

Figure 1

KKTMLG 150 EGF3053

Applying Bernoulli’s equation between points 1 and 2.

P1 u12 P2 u 22
+ z1 + = + z2 + + hL
g 2 g g 2g
Since points 1 and 2 are exposed to the atmosphere, P1 and P2 are equal to zero.
u1 = 0 (at the free surface on the tank).

Q 0.2m 3 / s
u2 = = = 2.83m / s
A2  (0.3m )2
Taking datum at the ground level:

z1 = −1.5m +
(2.83m / s )2 + 3.0m
2  9.81m / s 2
z1 = 1.91m
Therefore, the water surface elevation in the tank is 1.91 m above the ground surface.

8. A fluid of constant density = 960 kg/m3 is flowing steadily through the tube in Figure 2. The
diameters at the sections are d1 = 100 mm and d2 = 80 mm. The gauge pressure at 1 is P1 =
200 kN/m2 and the velocity here is u1 = 5 m/s. What is the gauge pressure at section 2?
Assume that there is no head loss in the system.
(182.7 x 103 N/m2)

Figure 2: A contracting expanding pipe

Applying Bernoulli’s equation between points 1 and 2.

P1 u12 P2 u 22
+ z1 + = + z2 + + hL
g 2 g g 2g
The tube is horizontal with z1 = z2
From the continuity equation, u2 can be calculated:
A1u1 = A2 u 2
u2 =
d 
u 2 =  1  u1
 d2 

KKTMLG 151 EGF3053

 0.1m 
u2 =   5.0m / s
 0.08m 
u 2 = 7.8125m / s
Pressure at section 2:

P2 P u2 u2
= 1 + 1 − 2
g g 2 g 2 g
2 2
N  m  m
200000 2  5. 0   7.8125 
 
P2 m s
g 960 kg  9.81 m 2  9.81 m m
2  9.81 2
3 2
m s s s
2 2
P2 N m .s 1kg .m
= 21.2368 2   + 1.2742m − 3.1109m
g m kg 1N .s 2
kg m
P2 = 19.4001m + 960 3  9.81 2
m s
kg 1N .s
P2 = 182.7  10 3 
m.s 2 1kg .m
P2 = 182.7  10 3 Nm − 2

9. A Pitot static tube is used to measure air velocity. If a manometer connected to the instrument
indicates a difference in pressure head between the tappings of 4 mm of water, calculate the
air velocity assuming the coefficient of the Pitot tube to be unity. Density of air = 1.2 kg/m 3.
(8.08 m/s)

u 2 = 2P / 

P = h(  man −  ) g
 kg kg  m
P = 4  10 −3 m  1000 3 − 1.2 3   9.81 2
 m m  s
P = 39.1929 kg
m.s 2

2  39.1929 kg
u =
2 m.s 2
1.2 kg
u 2 = 65.3215m 2 s − 2
u = 8.08m / s

KKTMLG 152 EGF3053

10. Carbon tetrachloride (S.G = 1.60) flows through a pipe. The differential gauge attached to the
Pitot static tube shows a 76 mm deflection of mercury. Assuming C = 1.00, find the velocity.
(3.34 m/s)

u 2 = 2 p / 

P = h(  man −  ) g
 kg kg  m
P = 0.076m  13600 3 − 1600 3   9.81 2
 m m  s
P = 8946.72 kg
m.s 2

2  8946.72 kg
u =
2 m.s 2
1600 kg
u 2 = 11.1834m 2 s − 2
u = 3.34m / s

11. Water flows at a velocity of 1.42 m/s. A differential gauge that contains a liquid of specific
gravity 1.25 is attached to the Pitot static tube. What is the deflection of the gauge fluid?
(0.411 m)

u 2 = 2 p / 

u 2 = 2  h(  man −  ) g  / 

(1.42m / s )2 = 2  h(  man −  ) g  / 
 kg kg  m
2  h  1250 3 − 1000 3   9.81 2
 m 
m m s
2.0164 2 =
s kg
1000 3
2 3
m kg m
2.0164 2 = 4.905h 2 2 
s m s kg
h= s2
4.905 2
h = 0.411m

KKTMLG 153 EGF3053

12. Find the diameter of a circular orifice to discharge 0.015 m 3/s under a head of 2.4 m using a
coefficient of discharge of 0.6.
(0.068 m)

u theoretical = 2 gh
u theoretical = 2  9.81m / s 2  2.4m
u theoretical = 6.86m / s
Qactual = Aactual u actual
Qactual = C d Aorifice u theoretical
0.015 m = 0.6  Aorifice  6.86m / s
0.015 m
Aorifice = s
4.116 m
Aorifice = 3.6443  10 −3 m 2
d 2
Aorifice =
3.142  d 2
3.6443  10 −3 m 2 =
d = 4.6395  10 m
2 2

d = 0.068m

13. A sharp edged orifice 4 cm in diameter, at the base of the storage tank discharges water
under the head of 6 m as shown in in Figure 3. If Cv = 0.97 and Cc = 0.6 determine:
i. The actual velocity.
ii. Discharge in m3/s.
(i. 10.52 m/s, ii. 0.0079 m3/s)

d0 = 4 cm
h = 6m

Figure 3
i. The actual velocity

u actual = C v 2 gh
u actual = 0.97 2  9.81m / s 2  6.0m
u actual = 10.52m / s

KKTMLG 154 EGF3053

ii. Discharge in m3/s

d 2
Aorifice =
3.142  (0.04) 2
Aorifice =
Aorifice = 1.2568  10 −3 m 2

Qactual = Aactual u Actual

Qactual = C c C v Aorifice u theoretical
Qactual = 0.97  0.6  1.2568  10 −3 m 2  2  9.81m / s 2  6.0m
Qactual = 7.9362  10 −3 m
Qactual = 0.0079 m

14. A venturimeter has a throat diameter of 100 mm is fitted into a pipeline which has a diameter
of 250 mm through which oil of specific gravity 0.9 is flowing. The pressure difference between
entry and throat of the venturimeter is measured by a U-tube manometer. The manometric
liquid is mercury of specific gravity 13.6 and the cross section are filled with the oil flowing in a
pipeline. If the difference of level indicated by mercury in the U-tube is 630 mm, calculate the
theoretical volume flow rate through the meter. Assume that the discharge coefficient (Cd), of
the meter is 1.00.
(0.105 m3/s)
d1 = 250 mm d2 = 100 mm
S.Goil = 0.9 S.GHg = 13.6
H = 63 mm Cd = 1.00

3.142  (0.25m) 2
A1 = = = 0.0491m 2
4 4
A1 = 2.4108  10 m 4

d 22
3.142  (0.1m) 2
A2 = = = 7.855  10 −3 m 2
4 4
A1 = 61.701  10 m 4

 
2 gh man − 1
Qactual = C d A1 A2   
A1 − A2
2 2

KKTMLG 155 EGF3053

 0.63m  (15.11 − 1)
2  9.81
Qactual = 1.00  0.0491m 2  7.855  10 −3 m 2 s2
( ) (
2.4108  10 −3 m 4 − 61.7010  10 −6 m 4 )
Qactual = 3.8568  10 − 4 m 4 s2
2.3491  10 −3 m 4
Qactual = 0.105 m

15. A venturimeter with a throat diameter of 5 cm is connected to a 10 cm pipeline diameter. When

the flow in the pipeline is 10 Liter/sec the difference in pressure on a mercury manometer is 40
cm. What is the coefficient of discharge at this flow?
d1 = 10 cm d2 = 5 cm
Q = 10 Liter/sec h = 40 cm

d12 3.142  (0.1m) 2

A1 = = = 7.855  10 −3 m 2
4 4
A12 = 61.701  10 −6 m 4
d 223.142  (0.05m) 2
A2 = = = 1.96375  10 −3 m 2
4 4
A1 = 3.8563  10 m 4

 
2 gh man − 1
Qactual = C d A1 A2   
A12 − A22

 0.4m  (13.6 − 1)
2  9.81
L s2
= C d  7.855  10 −3 m 2  1.96375  10 −3 m 2
s ( ) (
61.701  10 −6 m 4 − 3.8563  10 −6 m 4 )
L s2
10 = C d  15.4253  10 −6 m 4
s 57.8447  10 −6 m 4
L 3
10 = C d  20.1682  10 −3 m
s s
L s 1m 3
C d = 495.83  3 
s m 1000 L
C d = 0.4958

KKTMLG 156 EGF3053

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