4 Primary Reasons

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● Freezes/Hangs the Phone – Users might uninstall your app, if they

notice a sudden spike in the number of times the phone freezes or

hangs after they have installed it.
● Installed a Competitors App – There are multiple apps for
everything that you might want or need. If your user has installed a
new app with similar functions and better value, he might uninstall
your app.
● Addictive App – Users often find themselves addicted to gaming or
entertainment apps, when they realize that they are spending way
too much time on a certain app, they uninstall it. Uninstalling an
addictive app is a trick to get rid of the addiction.
● Unused App – If a user hasn’t used your app for a while, he/she
might not need it any more or might have moved on to another app
that provides more benefits. Apps that have been inactive for awhile
tend to be uninstalled when the user notices that he does not need
them any longer.

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