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Open World Preliminary Wordlist


Starter travel noun the activity of travelling air/space travel

Starter sport noun a game or activity which peo ple do to keep healthy or for enjo yment, often competing against each other Football, cricket and hockey are all team sports.

Starter fashion noun a style that is popular at a particular time, especially in clothes, hair, make-up, etc. Long hair is back in fashion for men.

Starter arts and crafts noun decorative design and handicraft She was busy doing some arts and crafts.

Starter eat out verb to eat in a restaurant When I lived in Spain, I used to eat out all the time.

Starter get up phr verb to wake up and get out of bed, or make someone do this I had to get up at five o'clock this morning.

Starter go to school phr verb get an education I go to school so that I can learn.

Starter hang out phr verb to spend a lot of time in a place or with someone You still hang out at the pool hall?

Starter have a shower phr verb to wash yourself by standing under a spray of water from a shower I had a shower this morning.

Starter have breakfast phr verb to eat breakfast Will you have breakfast now?

Starter make lunch phr verb to prepare lunch for yourself or a number of people I'm going to make lunch - what would you like?

Starter meet up phr verb come into the presence or company of someone, especially by arrangement. Ruby called and we met up for lunch.

Starter work out phr verb to exercise in order to improve the strength or appearance of your body Heidi works out in the gym two or three times a week.

Starter chef noun a skilled and trained cook who works in a hotel or restaurant, especially the most important cook He is one of the top chefs in Britain.

Starter gardener noun someone who works in a garden, growing plants and making it look attractive They employ two gardeners.

Starter hairdresser noun a person who cuts people's hair and puts it into a style. T he place where this is done is called a I'm going to change my hairdresser.

Starter mechanic noun someone whose job is repairing the engines of vehicles and other machines a car/garage/motor mechanic

Starter police officer noun a male or female member of the police There were several police officers at the scene.

Starter sales assistant noun a person who serves customers in a shop I used to work as a sales assistant.

Unit 1 buy souvenirs phr verb to buy something to help you remember a holiday or special event He bought a model of a red Lond on bus as a souvenir of his
trip to London.

Unit 1 hike verb a long walk or walking tour a five-mile hike across rough terrain

Unit 1 sightseeing verb the activity of visiting places which are interesting because they are historical, famous, etc. Did you do much sightseeing while you were in Paris?

Unit 1 sunbathe verb to sit or lie in the sun so that your skin becomes brown We spent the day sunbathing on the beach.

Unit 1 take photos phr verb to take pictures I take photos of all the places I visit on holiday.

Unit 1 trip noun a journey in which you visit a place for a short time and come back again The trip from York to Newcastle takes about an hour by train.

Unit 1 tour noun a visit to and around a place, area, or country a tour of Europe

Unit 1 transport noun a vehicle or system of vehicles, such as buses, trains, aircraft, etc. for getting from one place to another investment in public transport

Unit 1 travel noun the activity of travelling air/space travel

Unit 1 journey noun when you travel from one place to another It's a two-hour train journey from York to London.

Unit 1 breeze noun a light and pleasant wind a cool breeze

Unit 1 chilly adj unpleasantly cold a chilly evening

Unit 1 climate noun the weather conditions that an area usually has a hot/dry/cold/wet climate

Unit 1 cool adj slightly cold, but not too cold cool water

Unit 1 damp adj slightly wet, especially in a way that is not pleasant or comfortable The grass is still damp.

Unit 1 dull adj not bright dull colours

Unit 1 fine adj sunny and not raining If it's fine tomorrow, we could have a picnic.

Unit 1 humid adj Humid air or weather is hot and slightly wet. It's very humid today.

Unit 1 lightning noun a sudden flash of light in the sky during a storm thunder and lightning

Unit 1 shower noun a short period of rain You're soaked! Did you get caught in the shower?

Unit 1 carbon footprint noun the amount of energy that a person or organization uses in order to exist or operate Many of us could reduce our carbon footprint by taking fewer
flights and insulating ou r homes better.

Unit 1 fossil fuel noun a natural fuel such as coal or gas, formed in the geological past from the remains of living organisms Fossil fuels include coal, petroleum and more.

Unit 1 climate change noun the way the Earth's weather is changing Climate change is the greatest environmental challenge facing
the world today.

Unit 1 environmentally friendly adv not harmful to the environment environmentally-friendly washing powder

Unit 1 conservation noun the protection of nature wildlife conservation

Unit 1 waste noun unwanted matter or material of any type , often that w hich is left after useful substances or parts have Britain produces 20 million tonnes of household waste each
been removed year.

Unit 2 audience noun the people who sit and watch a performance at a theatre, cinema, etc. There were a lot of children in the audience.

Unit 2 episode noun one of the single parts into which a story is divided, especially when it is broadcast on the television or I missed the first episode.

Unit 2 thriller noun a book or film with an exciting story, often about crime I like reading thrillers.

Unit 2 stage noun the raised area in a theatre where actors perform Hamlet is on stage for most of the act.

Unit 2 documentary noun a film, television or radio programme that gives facts and information about a subject The documentary took a fresh look at the life of Darwin.

Unit 2 soundtrack noun the music used in a film or a television programme The film's soundtrack includes music by Bob Marley.

Unit 2 comedy noun entertainment such as a film, play, etc. which is funny His latest film is described as a romantic comedy.

Unit 2 bestseller noun a very popular book that many people have bought His latest book is likely to be another bestseller.

Unit 2 split up phr verb If two people who have a romantic relationship split up, they finish their relationship. She's just split up with her boyfriend.

Unit 2 fall out phr verb to argue with someone and stop being friendly with them She's fallen out with her sister.

Unit 2 keep on phr verb continue to do something He kept on moving

Unit 2 let down phr verb fail to support or help someone as they had hoped or expected If I let him down now, I knew he'd never trust me again

Unit 2 chill out phr verb to relax completely, or not allow things to upset you Chill out, Dad - if w e miss this train there's always another

Unit 2 turn down phr verb reject something offered or proposed His novel was turned down by publisher after publisher

Unit 2 live up to phr verb to be as good as what was expected or promised The b reathtakingly beautiful scenery certainly lived up to

Unit 2 feel better phr verb to feel strong, healthy, full of energy, or happy again I'm feeling better already.

Unit 3 dish noun food prepared in a particular way as part of a meal a chicken/vegetarian dish

Unit 3 meal noun an occasion when food is eaten, or the food which is eaten on such an occasion a hot meal

Unit 3 starter noun the first course of a meal I don't know what to have for my starter.

Unit 3 bowl noun a round, deep dish used for holding soup and other food a bowl of soup

Unit 3 main course noun the largest or most important part of a meal I had salmon for my main course.

Unit 3 plate noun a flat, round object which is used for putting food on paper/plastic/china plates

Unit 3 bill noun a piece of paper that tells you how much you must pay for something you have bought or for a service an electricity/gas/phone bill
you have used

Unit 3 tip noun an extra amount of money that you give to a driver, someone working in a restaurant, etc to thank them a 15% tip

Unit 3 add verb to put something with something else Beat the butter and sugar together and slowly add the eggs.

Unit 3 fry verb to cook food in hot oil or fat, or to be cooked in hot oil or fat Fry the mushrooms in a little butter.

Unit 3 grate verb to reduce to small particles by rubbing on something rough I prefer grating my cheese to slicing it.

Unit 3 grill verb to cook food using direct heat Grill the fish for two to three minutes on each side.

Unit 3 heat noun the quality of being hot or warm, or the temperature of something the heat of the sun/fire

Unit 3 mix verb If tw o or more substances mix, they combine to make one substance, and if you mix two or more Oil and water don't mix.
substances, you combine them to make o ne substance.

Unit 3 pour verb to make a liquid flow from or into a container I poured the milk into a jug.

Unit 3 put verb to cause someone or something to be in a particular condition or situation What's put you in such a bad mood?

Unit 3 cup of tea phrase something one likes or excels in I can see already that storytelling isn't my cup of tea.

Unit 3 piece of cake phrase something easily done That test was a piece of cake.

Unit 3 with a pinch of salt phrase to view something with skepticism or not to interpret something literally I'd take everything he says with a pinch of salt.

Unit 3 spill the beans phrase reveal secret information unintentionally or indiscreetly You can count on little Carol to spill the beans about the

Unit 3 go pear-shaped phrase go wrong His birthday did not go as planned! Everything went pear-

Unit 3 cry over spilled milk phrase to express regret about something that has already happened or cannot be changed Yes, w e made a mistake, but there’s no point in crying over
spilled milk.

Unit 4 apartment block noun a large building containing many apartments or offices an apartment block

Unit 4 food truck noun a large vehicle equipped with facilities for cooking and selling food new gourmet food trucks take the street food game to a higher

Unit 4 nature reserve noun a tract of land managed so as to preserve its flora, fauna, and physical features We could visit the nature reserve later.

Unit 4 neighbourhood noun an area of a town or city that people live in The re were lots of kids in my neighbou rhood when I was
growing up.

Unit 4 scenery noun the attractive, natural things that you see in the countryside beautiful/breathtaking/spectacular scenery

Unit 4 signpost noun a sign by the side of the road that gives information about routes and distances Look out for the signpost to the airport.

Unit 4 skyline noun an outline of land and buildings defined against the sky the skyline of the city

Unit 4 skyscraper noun a very tall modern building, usually in a city The resta urant is at the top of one of the big downtown
skyscra pers.

Unit 4 stream noun a small river a mountain stream

Unit 4 subway noun a system of trains that travel underground We can take the subway to Grand Central Station.

Unit 4 valley noun an area of low land between hills or mountains, often with a river running through it the Nile Valley

Unit 4 waterfall noun water, especially from a river or stream, dropping from a higher to a lower po int, sometimes from a great We walked for an hour and arrived at the waterfall.

Unit 4 beautiful adj very pleasant a beautiful piece of music

Unit 4 exciting adj making you feel very happy and enthusiastic an exciting film/match

Unit 4 noisy adj making a lot of noise a noisy crowd of fans

Unit 4 peaceful adj quiet and calm a peaceful afternoon/place

Unit 5 ankle noun the joint between the foot and the leg, or the thin part of the leg just above the foot I fell over and sprained/twisted my ankle.

Unit 5 bone noun one of the hard pieces that make the structure inside a human or animal human/animal bones

Unit 5 elbow noun the part in the middle of your arm where it bends Her arm was bandaged from the elbow to the fingers.

Unit 5 knee noun the middle part of your leg where it bends a knee injury

Unit 5 lung noun one of the two organs inside your chest that are used for breathing lung cancer

Unit 5 muscle noun one of many pieces of tissue in the bo dy that are connected to bones and w hich produce movement by neck/back/leg/stomach muscles
becoming lon ger or shorter

Unit 5 shoulder noun one of the two parts of your body where your arms join your neck I rested my head on her shoulder.

Unit 5 skin noun the outer layer of a person or animal's body dark/fair skin

Unit 5 tongue noun the large soft piece of flesh in the mouth which you can move and which you use for tasting, speaking, I burnt my tongue on some soup last night.

Unit 5 wrist noun the part of the body between the hand and the arm I sprained my wrist playing squash.

Unit 5 backache noun pain in your back I had terrible backache last week.

Unit 5 hurt verb to cause pain Simon hurt his knee playing football.

Unit 5 cough noun when you cough or an illness that makes you cough a dry cough

Unit 5 injure verb to hurt a person, animal or part of your body A bomb exploded at the embassy, injuring several people.

Unit 5 cold noun a common illness which makes you sneeze and makes your nose produce liquid I've got a cold.

Unit 5 pain noun an unpleasant physical feeling caused by an injury or illness chest/stomach pains

Unit 5 sore adj painful, especially when touched I've got a sore throat.

Unit 5 painful adj causing physical pain A painful injury forced her to withdraw from the game.

Unit 5 splitting headache phrase a very bad pain in your head I've got a splitting headache.

Unit 5 coming down with phr verb begin to suffer from a specified illness I came down with influenza.

Unit 5 killing me phrase to cause physical or emotional pain I need to sit down, my feet are killing me!

Unit 5 under the weather phrase to feel ill I'm feeling a bit under the weather - I think I'm getting a cold.

Unit 5 call in sick phr verb to telephone the place where you work and report that you are sick and unable to work Three people called in sick this morning.

Unit 5 a bug going round phrase there is a virus or flu in that area and people are getting sick from it Eve ryone seems to be getting ill! I think there is a bug going
ro und.

Unit 5 on the mend phrase improving or recovering in health or condition the economy is on the mend

Unit 5 on my feet phrase well enough after an illness or injury to walk about We'll have you back on your feet in no time

Unit 6 post status phr verb to share written content on social media through a user's profile I needed to post a status explaining the situation.

Unit 6 selfie noun a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and occasional selfies are acceptable, but posting a new picture of
shared via social media yourself every day isn't necessary

Unit 6 filter noun A software routine that changes the appearance of an image or part of an image by altering the shades The new snapchat filters are great!
and colors of the pixels in so me ma nner

Unit 6 tag verb To mention someone in a social media post I didn't want to be tagged in it.

Unit 6 story noun A person's own individual set of social media posts The party was shown throughout his story.

Unit 6 friend request noun asking to become friends with someone on social media I sent them a friend request.

Unit 6 follow verb to be able to see a person's social media posts She started following me last week.

Unit 6 comment verb To write something on a post I just had to comment on his photo.

Unit 6 unfriend verb To remove a friend from your social media I unfriended her last week.

Unit 6 block verb To stop someone from being able to see your social media page She blocked me!

Unit 6 rely on phr verb to need someone or something for support, help, etc. I knew I could rely on you!

Unit 6 hit it off phr verb If people hit it off, they like each other and become friendly immediately. Carla and Nina didn't really hit it off.

Unit 6 grow apart phr verb to become less friendly or emotionally close as time passes My wife and I have grown apart over the years.

Unit 6 make up phr verb be reconciled after a quarrel I was glad to make up with my friend.

Unit 6 break up phr verb If two people break up, they stop having a relationship. Jenny and George have broken up.

Unit 6 turn to phr verb to go to someone for help when you are having difficulty dealing with a situation I’m sorry, but I had no one else to turn to.

Unit 7 suit me phr verb to make someone look more attractive I should wear more red - it suits me.

Unit 7 try on phr verb put on an item of clothing to see if it fits or suits one I tried on a couple of dresses but they were too expensive

Unit 7 fit verb to be the right size or shape for someone or something That jacket fits you perfectly.

Unit 7 afford verb have enough money to pay for the best that I could afford was a first-floor room

Unit 7 sale noun a period during which a shop or dealer sells goods at reduced prices the January sales got under way this week

Unit 7 pattern noun a design of lines, shapes, colours, etc. The carpet was very old and had an unusual pattern.

Unit 7 sleeve noun the part of a jacket, shirt, etc. that covers your arm short/long sleeves

Unit 7 checked adj having a pattern of small squares a checked shirt

Unit 7 striped adj marked with or having stripes a green-striped coat

Unit 7 tight adj fitting your body very closely a tight skirt

Unit 7 loose adj large and not fitting tightly Wear comfortable, loose clothing to your exercise class.

Unit 7 plain adj simple and not complicated a plain style of architecture

Unit 7 button noun a small, round object used to fasten something, for example a shirt or coat I did up/undid the buttons on my blouse.

Unit 7 complain verb to say that something is wrong or that you are annoyed about something Lots of people have complained about the noise.

Unit 7 damaged adj harmed or spoilt They're selling off damaged goods at reduced prices.

Unit 7 deliver verb to take things such as goods, letters and parcels to people's houses or places of work Mail is delivered to our office twice a day.

Unit 7 exchange verb to take something back to the shop where you bought it and change it for something else Goods can only be exchange d on production of the original
re ceipt.

Unit 7 order verb to ask for food, goods, etc. I ordered some pasta and a mixed salad.

Unit 7 receipt noun a piece of paper that proves that you have received goods or money Could I have a receipt?

Unit 7 refund noun an amount of money that is given back to you , especially because you are not happy with something The holiday company apologized and gave us a full refund.
you have bought

Unit 7 return verb to give, send, or put something back where it came from I have to return the book by Friday.

Unit 7 bargain noun something that is on sale for less than its usual price or its real value This coat was half-price - a real bargain.

Unit 7 customer noun a person who buys goods or a service a satisfied customer

Unit 7 display noun a collection of objects or pictures arranged for people to look at a display of children's paintings

Unit 7 goods noun items which are made to be sold The re is a 25% discount on all electrical goods until the end of
the week.

Unit 7 messy adj untidy or dirty a messy kitchen

Unit 7 reduction noun when something is reduced a reduction in traffic

Unit 7 shop noun a building or part of a building where you can buy things a clothes/music shop

Unit 7 arrangement noun an agreement between two people or groups We had an arrangement that he would clean the house and I
would cook.
Unit 7 product noun something that is made or grown to be sold They do a range of skin-care products.

Unit 7 shopper noun a person who is shopping a commercial centre thronged with shoppers

Unit 7 special offer noun a price which is lower than usual There's a special offer on sunglasses this week.

Unit 7 store noun a building or part of a building where you can buy things a clothes/music store

Unit 7 untidy adj not tidy an untidy room

Unit 7 good value adj If something is good value, it is of good quality or you think the amount of money you spent on it was The meal was very good value.

Unit 8 branch noun one of the many parts of a tree that grows out from its trunk Birds often make nests in the top branches of the tree.

Unit 8 bush noun a short, thick plant with a lot of branches a rose bush

Unit 8 cave noun a large hole in the side of a hill, cliff or mountain, or one that is underground The a rea is also home to one of the largest underground cave
and lake systems in Latin America.

Unit 8 cliff noun a high area of rock with a very steep side, often on a coast Keep well away from the edge of the cliff.

Unit 8 glacier noun a slowly moving mass or river of ice formed by the accumulation and comp action of snow on mountains Wow, look at those glaciers!
or near the poles

Unit 8 iceberg noun a very large piece of ice that floats in the sea The ship hit an iceberg.

Unit 8 leaf noun a flat, green part of a plant that grows from a stem or branch a lettuce leaf

Unit 8 rainforest noun a forest in a tropical area which receives a lot of rain a tropical rainforest

Unit 8 riverbank noun the bank of a river We had a picnic on the riverbank.

Unit 8 sand dune noun a hill of sand made by the wind on the coast or in a desert We got to see a lot of sand dunes while exploring the desert.

Unit 8 shore noun the area of land along the edge of the sea or a lake You can walk for miles along the shore.

Unit 8 stone noun a hard, natural substance that is found in the ground a stone wall/floor

Unit 8 waterfall noun water, especially from a river or stream, dropping from a higher to a lower po int, sometimes from a great We walked for an hour and arrived at the waterfall.

Unit 8 wave noun a line of higher water which moves across the surface of an area of water, especially the sea At nig ht, I listened to the sound of the waves
breaking/crashing against the shore.

Unit 8 dense adj thick and difficult to see through dense fog

Unit 8 dry adj describes something that has no water or other liquid in, on, or around it My hat kept my hair dry.

Unit 8 empty adj If something is empty, it does not contain any things or people. an empty house/street

Unit 8 humid adj Humid air or weather is hot and slightly wet. It's very humid today.

Unit 8 noisy adj making a lot of noise a noisy crowd of fans

Unit 8 quiet adj making little or no noise Can you be quiet, please?

Unit 8 challenging adj difficult, in a way that tests your ability or determination This has been a challenging time for us all.

Unit 8 worried adj anxious because you are thinking about problems or unpleasant things that might happen She's really worried about her son.

Unit 8 confused adj unable to think clearly or to understand something People keep telling me different things and I'm getting very

Unit 8 encouraged adj having more confidence or hope about something She felt encouraged by their promise of support.

Unit 8 relaxed adj feeling happy and calm because nothing is worrying you She looked relaxed and happy walking along w ith her two

Unit 8 amazing adj very good or impressive in some way This wine is really amazing.

Unit 8 surprising adj not expected and making someone feel surprised He gave a rather surprising answer.

Unit 8 satisfied adj pleased beca use you have got w hat you wanted, or beca use something has happened in the way that Some people are never satisfied!
you wanted

Unit 8 tropical forest noun thick forest that grows in hot parts of the world The tropical forest is definitely something I would recommend

Unit 8 temperate forest noun woodland of a usually rather mild climatic area within the temperate zone that receives heavy rainfall I'd never seen a temperate forest before.

Unit 8 polar region noun The various lands and waters surrounding the North Pole and the South Pole He went on a trip to explore the polar regions.

Unit 8 grassland noun a large open area of country covered with grass, especially one used for grazing acres of rough grassland

Unit 8 arctic wolf noun a subspecies of Gray Wolf You could see some arctic wolves if you look closely.

Unit 8 giraffe noun a large African animal with a very long neck and long legs Giraffes are the tallest land animals.

Unit 8 green iguana noun a large arboreal tropical American lizard with a spiny crest along the back and greenish coloration This area is home to many green ugaunas.

Unit 8 hedgehog noun a small nocturnal Old World mammal with a spiny coat and short legs, able to roll itself into a ball for Hedgehogs are quiet, peaceful animals.

Unit 8 kangaroo noun a large Australian animal that moves by jumping on its back legs Kangaroos are a danger on the roads.

Unit 8 orangutan noun a large mainly solitary arboreal ape with long red hair, long arms, and hoo ked hands and feet, native to We might see some orangutans at the zoo.
Borneo and Sumatra

Unit 8 penguin noun a large, black and white sea bird that swims and cannot fly A row of penguins stood at the water's edge.

Unit 8 polar bear noun a large, white bear that lives in areas near the North Pole Polar bears can be very dangerous.

Unit 8 red deer noun a deer with a rich red-brown summer coat that turns dull brownish-grey in winter, the male having large I can't stand it when people go hunting for red deer
branched antlers. It is native to North America, Eurasia, and North Africa

Unit 8 red squirrel noun a small tree squirrel with a reddish coat Look at that red squirrel!

Unit 8 antler noun each of the branched horns on the head of an adult deer (typically a male one), which are made of b one a stag's antlers
and are grow n and cast annually

Unit 8 beak noun the hard part of a bird's mouth It carried a huge stick in its beak.

Unit 8 claw noun a curved pointed nail on each digit of the foot in birds, lizards, and some mammals Be careful of the dog's claws, they could hurt you.

Unit 8 feather noun one of the soft, light things that grow from and cover a bird's skin I found a peacock's feather.

Unit 8 fur noun the thick hair that covers the bodies of some animals, like cats or rabbits She stroked the rabbit's soft fur.

Unit 8 hoof noun the hard part on the bottom of the feet of animals such as horses, sheep, and deer there was a clatter of hoofs as a rider came up to them

Unit 8 mane noun a growth of long hair on the neck of a horse, lion, or other mammal the horse was rushing about in the field, tossing its mane

Unit 8 paw noun the foot of an animal that has claws or nails, such as a cat, dog or bear I found paw prints in the kitchen.

Unit 8 tail noun the long, narrow part that sticks out at the back of an animal's body The dog wagged its tail excitedly.

Unit 8 trunk noun the thick stem of a tree that the branches grow from The trunks of these trees can be more than two metres wide.

Unit 8 tusk noun either of the two long, pointed teeth of some animals such as elephants Many animals have tusks, including elephants and boars.

Unit 8 whisker noun a long projecting hair or bristle growing from the face or snout of many mammals That cat has some very long whiksers.

Unit 9 attend verb to go to an event, place, etc. Over two hundred people attended the funeral.

Unit 9 curriculum noun the group of subjects studied in a school, college, etc. the school curriculum

Unit 9 education noun the process of teaching or learning in a school or college, or the knowledge that you get from this primary/secondary/adult/university/higher education

Unit 9 essay noun a short piece of writing about a particular subject, especially one done by students For homework I want you to write an essay on endangered

Unit 9 grade noun a number or letter that shows how good someone's work or performance is Steve never studies, but he always gets good grades.

Unit 9 qualification noun something that you get when you are successful in an exam or course of study You'll never get a good job if you do n't have any qualifications.

Unit 9 rule noun an official instruction about what you must or must not do to break the rules

Unit 9 skill noun an ability to do an activity or job well, especially because you have practised it Ruth had/possessed great writing skills.

Unit 9 term noun one of the periods of time that the school or university year is divided into In Britain, the spring term starts in January and ends just
before Easter.

Unit 9 lecture noun a formal talk on a serious or specialist subject given to a group of people, especially students We went to a lecture on Italian art.

Unit 9 topic noun a subject that you talk or write about Our discussion ranged over various topics, such as climate
change and nuclear w eapons.

Unit 9 research noun when someone studies a subject in detail or tries to find information about a subject scientific/medical research

Unit 9 tutor noun someone who teaches one person or a very small group of people a private tutor

Unit 9 graduate verb to complete a first university degree successfully Tom ha s just graduated with first-class honours in psychology.

Unit 9 degree noun a qualification given for completing a university course What degree did you do at York? "Geography."

Unit 9 revise verb to study a subject before you take a test She's revising for her English exam.

Unit 9 fail verb to not pass a test or exam A lot of people fail their driving test the first time.

Unit 9 pass verb to succeed in a test or examination I've passed my driving test!

Unit 9 homework noun work which teachers give students to do at home Have you done your homework yet?

Unit 9 pay attention phr verb to watch, listen to, or think about something carefully You weren't paying attention to what I was saying.

Unit 9 make a decision phr verb to choose something I need you to make a decision so that I can start cooking.

Unit 9 make a mistake phr verb To do something incorrectly or erroneously We've all made mistakes, but it's important to own up to them
and learn from what happened.

Unit 9 exam noun an official test of how much you know about something, or how well you can do something How many pupils are sitting/takin g the geography exam this

Unit 9 take notes phr verb To record important details of what one hears or sees by writing or typing them All of this information will be on the exam, so be sure to take
detailed notes.

Unit 10 boarding pass noun a pass for boarding an aircraft, given to passengers when checking in Make sure to have your boarding pass with you.

Unit 10 delay noun when you have to wait longer than expected for something to happen, or the time that you have to wait An accident caused long delays on the motorway.

Unit 10 ferry noun a boat that regularly carries passengers and often vehicles across an area of water a car ferry

Unit 10 flight noun a journey through air or space in an aircraft or other vehicle I'll never forget my first flight.

Unit 10 petrol station noun a place where you can buy petrol Where's the nearest petrol station?

Unit 10 platform noun the area in a railway station where you get on and off trains The train for Cambridge will depart from platform 9.

Unit 10 port noun a town by the sea or by a river which has a harbour, or the harbour itself a fishing port

Unit 10 traffic jam noun a line of cars, trucks, etc. that are moving slowly or not moving We were stuck in a traffic jam for hours.

Unit 10 get on phr verb to have a good relationship He doesn't get on with his daughter.

Unit 10 get off phr verb to leave a bus, train, aircraft or boat We should get off at the next stop.

Unit 10 get out phr verb to leave a closed vehicle, building, etc. I'll get out when you stop at the traffic lights.

Unit 10 get into phr verb to become interested in an activity or subject, or start being involved in an activity She's been getting into yoga recently - she does three classes
a week.

Unit 10 get to phr verb You ask where people or things have got to when they have not arrived or are not where you expe ct I wonder where my glasses have got to.
them to be and you want to know whe re they are.

Unit 10 get back phr verb to return to a place after you have been somewhere else When we got back to the hotel, Ann had already left.

Unit 10 get around phr verb to travel to a lot of places Spain last week and Germany this w eek - he gets around,
doesn't he!

Unit 11 block of flats noun a large building containing many apartments or offices I live in a block of flats.

Unit 11 brand new adj completely new The washing machine is brand new.

Unit 11 business district noun the part of a city or town where there are many businesses The restaurant is in the business district.

Unit 11 convenient adj easy to use or suiting your plans well We cou ld meet at either place - whichever is mo re convenient
for you.

Unit 11 cosy adj comfortable and warm This room is nice and cosy in the winter.

Unit 11 old-fashioned adj not modern old-fashioned clothes/ideas/furniture

Unit 11 suburb noun an area on the edge of a large town or city where people who work in the town or city often live Box Hill is a suburb of Melbourne.

Unit 11 terraced adj forming part of a continuous row of houses a two-bedroom terraced cottage

Unit 11 top floor noun the highest level of a building The penthouse apartment is on the top floor.

Unit 11 two-storey house noun a building that has two floors or levels You lived in a two-storey house across the street.

Unit 11 wardrobe noun a large cupboard for keeping clothes in She was showing me her new built-in/fitted wardrobes.

Unit 11 rug noun a soft piece of material used to cover the floor My dog loves lying on the rug in front of the fire.

Unit 11 cabinet noun a cupboard with shelves or drawers to store or show things in a bathroom/medicine cabinet

Unit 11 duvet noun a cover filled with feathers or warm material that you sleep under She snuggled down under the duvet.

Unit 11 chest of drawers noun a piece of furniture for keeping clothes in We need a chest of drawers for Oliver's bedroom.

Unit 11 kettle noun a covered metal or plastic container w ith a handle and a shaped opening for pouring, used for boiling If I have an electric kettle in my bedroom, I w on't need to go to
water the kitchen.

Unit 11 bin noun a container for waste a litter bin

Unit 11 tap noun the part at the end of a pipe which controls the flow of water the hot/cold tap

Unit 11 cushion noun a cloth bag filled with something soft which you sit on or lean against to make you comfortable She sank back against/into the cushions.

Unit 11 heating noun the system that keeps a building warm Is the heating on?

Unit 11 sink noun a bowl that is fixed to the wall in a kitchen or bathroom in which you wash dishes, your hands, etc. a bathroom/kitchen sink

Unit 11 stunning adj very beautiful or attractive a stunning dress

Unit 11 picturesque adj A picturesque place is attractive to look at. the picturesque narrow streets of the old city

Unit 11 delightful adj very pleasant, attractive, or enjoyable We had a delightful evening.

Unit 11 residential adj A residential area has only houses and not offices or factories. It's a largely residential area with one or two shops.

Unit 11 spacious adj large and with a lot of space a spacious apartment/office

Unit 11 luxurious adj very comfortable and expensive They have a very luxurious house.

Unit 11 unique adj different from everyone and everything else Everyone's fingerprints are unique.

Unit 11 furnished adj If a room or building is furnished, there is furniture in it. He's renting a fully furnished apartment by the river.

Unit 12 accountant noun someone whose job is to keep or examine the financial records of a person or organization a firm of accountants

Unit 12 architect noun someone whose job is to design buildings He trained as an architect in Edinburgh and then moved to
London to find work.

Unit 12 astronaut noun a person who is trained to travel in a spacecraft When I was young I wanted to be an astronaut.

Unit 12 electrician noun someone whose job is to put in, check or repair electrical wires and equipment We have an electrician coming round to put some new
sockets in.

Unit 12 lawyer noun someone whose job is to give advice to people about the law and speak for them in court I want to see my lawyer before I say anything.

Unit 12 lecturer noun someone who teaches at a university or college a lecturer in psychology

Unit 12 pharmacist noun someone who is trained to prepare or sell medicines The pharmacist gave me some medicine.

Unit 12 plumber noun someone whose job is to repair or connect water pipes, and things like toilets and baths When is the plumber coming to mend the burst pipe?

Unit 12 politician noun someone who works in politics, especially a member of the government Churchill was a distinguished politician.

Unit 12 programmer noun someone who writes computer programs as a job We employ six programmers on the project.

Unit 12 co-worker noun a person with w hom one works, typically someone in a similar role or at a similar level w ithin an her stro ng work ethic and high standards have garnered
organization re spect and support from co-workers and emp loyees alike

Unit 12 director noun an important manager in an organization or company the board of directors

Unit 12 freelancer noun someone who is not employed by any one organization but does particula r pieces of work for different She has written for a variety of publications bo th a s a staffer
organizations and a freelancer.

Unit 12 employer noun a person or organization that employs people We need a reference from your former employer.

Unit 12 personal assistant noun a secretary or administrative assistant working exclusively for one particular person I found I couldn't manage my w orkload without help, so I hired
a personal assistant.

Unit 12 employee noun someone who is paid to work for someone else The n umber of employees in the company has trebled over
the past decade.

Unit 12 staff noun the group of people who work for an organization The re is a good relationship between staff and pupils at the

Unit 12 line manager noun a person with direct managerial responsibility for a particular employee I don't think I will ever have a better line manager tha n th e one
I have now.

Unit 12 calm adj relaxed and not worried, frightened, or excited Try to stay calm - the doctor will be here soon.

Unit 12 creative adj producing or using original and unusual ideas She's very creative.

Unit 12 flexible adj able to change or be changed easily according to the situation My schedule is quite flexible - I could a rrange to meet w ith you
any day next week.

Unit 12 friendly adj behaving in a pleasant, kind way towards someone a friendly face/smile

Unit 12 intelligent adj showing intelligence, or able to learn and understand things easily a highly intelligent young man

Unit 12 organised adj able to plan one's activities efficiently She's very organised.

Unit 12 patient adj having patience Dinner will be ready in half an hour - just be patient!

Unit 12 reliable adj able to be trusted or believed a reliable car

Unit 13 support verb to like a particular sports team, often going to see their matches Which team do you support?

Unit 13 take part verb to be involved in an activity with other people She doesn't usually take part in any of the class activities.

Unit 13 represent verb to be the person from a country, school, etc. that is in a competition He was chosen to represent France at the Olympics.

Unit 13 hold verb to organize an event to hold talks/an election

Unit 13 join verb to become a member of a club, group, or organization I felt so unfit after Christmas that I decided to join a gym.

Unit 13 hang out phr verb to spend a lot of time in a place or with someone You still hang out at the pool hall?

Unit 13 score verb to get points in a game or test He scored just before half-time to put Liverpool 2-1 ahead.

Unit 13 take up phr verb become interested or engaged in a pursuit she took up tennis at the age of 11

Unit 13 go out phr verb to leave a place in order to go somewhere else Are you going out tonight?

Unit 13 beat verb to defeat or do better than Simon always beats me at tennis.

Unit 13 captain noun the leader of a sports team It's unusual to have a goalkeeper as the captain of a fo otball

Unit 13 supporter noun someone who likes a particular sports team and wants them to win Manchester United supporters

Unit 13 spectator noun someone who watches an event, sport, etc. They won 4-0 in front of over 40,000 cheering spectators.

Unit 13 referee noun a person who is in charge of a sports game and who makes certain that the rules are followed I think the referee made the wrong decision.

Unit 13 teammate noun a fellow member of a team I have a great group of teammates around me.

Unit 13 opponent noun someone who you compete against in a game or competition In the second game, her opponent hurt her leg and had to
re tire.

Unit 13 competitor noun a person, team or company that is competing against others How many competitors took part in the race?

Unit 13 coach noun someone whose job is to teach people to improve at a sport, skill, or school subject a tennis/maths coach

Unit 13 athletics noun the sports which include running, jumping and throwing an athletics team/club/meeting

Unit 13 basketball noun a game in which two teams try to score points by throw ing a ball through a high net, or the ball used in He plays a lot of basketball.
this game

Unit 13 football noun a game in which two teams of players kick a round ball and try to score goals a football player/team/club/shirt
Unit 13 golf noun a game on grass where players try to hit a small ball into a series of holes, using a long, thin stick Do you play golf?

Unit 13 hockey noun a team game played on grass where you hit a small ball with a long, curved stick I play hockey every Saturday.

Unit 13 ice skating noun the activity or sport of moving across ice using ice skates We're going ice skating.

Unit 13 skateboarding noun the activity of moving using a skateboard We're going skateboarding at the park later.

Unit 13 swimming noun the activity of moving through water by moving your body Let's go swimming today.

Unit 13 tennis noun a sport in which two or four people hit a small ball to each other over a net Do you fancy a game of tennis?

Unit 13 workout noun a period of physical exercise a light workout

Unit 13 yoga verb a set of exercises for the mind and body, based on the Hindu religion She does yoga three times a week.

Unit 13 get into phr verb become interested in something I'm really getting into jazz these days

Unit 13 chill out phr verb to relax completely, or not allow things to upset you Chill out, Dad - if w e miss this train there's always another

Unit 13 have a go phr verb to try to do something "I can't get the window open." "Let me have a go at it."

Unit 13 pick up phr verb take hold of and lift or move someone or something I reached out and picked up a magazine

Unit 13 get the hang of phr verb learn how to operate or do something It took me some time, but I got the hang of it in the end.

Unit 13 wind down phr verb to gradually relax after doing something that has made you tired or worried When he goes on holiday, it takes him the first couple of days
just to wind down.

Unit 13 cheer up phr verb If someone cheers up, or something cheers someone up, they start to feel happier He cheered up at the prospect of a meal.

Unit 14 nervous adj worried or anxious He gets very nervous before exams.

Unit 14 jealous adj upset and angry because someone you love seems interested in another person a jealous husband/wife

Unit 14 satisfied adj pleased beca use you have got w hat you wanted, or beca use something has happened in the way that Some people are never satisfied!
you wanted

Unit 14 impressed adj feeling admiration or respect for someone or something I was impressed by her professionalism.

Unit 14 amused adj showing that you think something is funny an amused smile

Unit 14 embarrassed adj feeling ashamed or shy She felt embarrassed about undressing in front of the doctor.

Unit 14 guilty adj feeling guilt She was so upset about what I'd said and I felt so guilty.

Unit 14 cute adj pleasant and attractive His baby brother is really cute.

Unit 14 rude adj behaving in a way which is not polite and upsets other people a rude comment/remark

Unit 14 cruel adj extremely unkind and unpleasant and causing pain to people or animals intentionally Don't tease him about his weight - it's cruel.

Unit 14 stupid adj silly or not intelligent How could you be so stupid?

Unit 14 clear adj easy to understand, hear, read or see clear instructions/directions

Unit 14 fashionable adj popular at a particular time a fashionable nightclub/restaurant

Unit 14 curly adj shaped like a curl, or with many curls curly hair

Unit 14 generous adj willing to give other people money, help, kindness, etc. She's been very generous with her time.

Unit 14 brave adj showing no fear of dangerous or difficult situations a brave soldier

Unit 14 short-haired adj having short hair He w as allergic to his old dog so he bought a short-haired one

Unit 14 blue-eyed adj having blue eyes A blue-eyed girl.

Unit 14 well-paid adj earning a lot of money a well-paid job

Unit 14 highly-recommended adj suggested as being very good or suitable for a particular job or purpose, or suggested as a n action that She is a highly recommended architect.
should be done

Unit 14 kind-hearted adj A kind-hearted person is one who likes other people a lot and always wants to help them He's very kind-hearted and would help anyone if they nee ded

Unit 14 well-known adj famous a well-known actor/artist/film star/singer

Unit 14 highly-respected adj deeply admired or esteemed He is highly respected throughout the town.

Unit 14 brown-eyed adj having brown eyes A brown-eyed man.

Unit 14 badly-behaved adj a person or animal that violates standards of proper or appropriate behaviour His son is very badly-behaved.

Unit 14 open-minded adj willing to consider ideas and opinions that are new or different to your own Luckily, both my parents were very open-minded.

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