Inhaler Pressure Settings

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Systems for Particle


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Optimisation of INHALER module for DPI.

DPI performance is largely dictated by the inspiration rate and this must be controlled in order to have
repeatable results.

INHALER has 2 modes of operation, one mode called MDI or relative mode uses the venturi meter to
control the total flow rate through the system. This is selected using the software like so:
In this case we have selected 13mbar relative pressure drop, which when using the pressure to airflow
conversion table equates to 29.4 lpm. You can use intermediate values for the mbar and press the
small ! button to calculate the flow. NOTE: this table is the default for the supplied venturi meter.

You can then save this method for example names as “29.4lpm relative”.

The problem with the relative mode is that if there are any leaks in the system such as an imperfect fit of
your device to INHALER there will be significant errors due to only a partial amount of the flow being
used to drive the DPI, in this case it is far better to use the DPI or absolute mode.


If you have data for pressure drop against flow rate for your device then this is the ideal situation. You
can simply edit the pressure to airflow table for your device, use the absolute button and value to
control the flow. Name the dispersing method something like I have done in the example below:

If you do not have a calibration curve for your device, you can construct an adequate on using the

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Sympatec Inc.
Systems for Particle

Make sure the device is in the normal position for inhalation (ie make sure there is no shutter or valve
closed on your DPI). Make sure all additional air valves are closed on the INHALER module (such as the
counter and sheath flow valves) take great care to ensure that the device is a perfect fit to the
mouthpiece (I sometimes use bluetack for this part). Start the vacuum pump and on the INHALER
keypad set the mode to differential and set the mbar to the desired value for the flow you need (at this
point we are using the venturi meter calibration chart). Press flow adjustment and the unit will adjust
the flow to the desired setting. When it has achieved the correct setting the unit will close the start stop
valve, so press measurement on the keypad, this reopens the valve, then press the mode select button
to show the absolute pressure make a note of this pressure. Repeat this operation at several flow rates
to obtain the data for the calibration curves mentioned above. And enter these figures against flowrate
for your device like I have in the graphic above. (The manual shows the keypad definitions from page 51)

Why measure using absolute? Quite simply this allows for errors or imperfections in the fitting of the
device to be removed AND it offers the chance to use the rinse and sheath airflows on the INHALER to
be used to flush the measuring zone and keep optics clean.

It is very important that the device is not moved between the reference measurement and the actual
measurement because the flow settings are made during the reference. Also make sure that the device
is in a “ready to fire” condition when running the reference, if you want to stop the flow to prepare the
device to fire simply press the red button on the software (third on from the left at the top), this drops
the start/stop valve, otherwise the flow continues and you can simply fire the device.

I often use additional airflow with DPI to make sure the measuring zone is flushed out – I usually have
the counterflow valves open a little (black rings on either side of the central module) and a little for the
sheath flow (the silver knobs on the inlet at the front cylinder – don’t open these too far because they
let in lots of air! The positions of these dials is not essential or controlled and variable amounts of air
can be introduced, the flow rate through your device will not be affected because this is driven by the
pressure drop in the system. DO NOT adjust these between running a reference and making the
measurement! (The manual shows these adjustments from page 57)

Hopefully now your experiments should be far more precise.

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Andrew Smith

Sympatec Inc


T: +1 267 886 3455

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