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PARENT COUNCIL AGM Tuesday 27 September 2011



Sharon Connolly (Chair), Jackie Forbes (Treasurer), Ashley Moffat, Sarah McLaren, Aileen Murdoch, Lesley English, Emma Smith, Angie Johnston, Helen Gibson, Lisa Christmas, Alison Doig, Penny Cox, Mr Crook (Teacher), Mrs Carpenter-Jacobs (Headteacher)


Katrina Leese

1. Minutes of Previous Meeting The Minutes of the last meeting were approved.

2. Chair Annual Report Sharon Connolly outlined what the Parent Council did over the last 12 months a copy of her report is attached.

3. Approval of Accounts / Appointment of Auditor Jackie Forbes provided the annual account which was approved. Excluding the Awards for All Grant, fundraising had made 4,182 which was only a couple of hundred pounds down on the previous year. This will be due to the Spree Books. Jane Brown has agreed to audit the account again and her appointment was approved by the Parent Council.

4. Selection of Office Bearers/Committee Sharon Connolly was prepared to continue as Chair for a further year. This was unanimously accepted by the Parent Council and was proposed by Emma and seconded by Angie. Kim Simpson was not present but was assumed to be willing to continue in the role as Secretary and was proposed by Sharon and seconded by Angie.

Jackie Forbes had to step down as Treasurer as she no longer has a child at the school. Thanks to Jackie for all she has done in the post. Sharon asked if anyone would be willing to take on the role. Aileen Murdoch said that she would take on the role and our thanks to her. Aileens appointment was proposed by Helen and seconded by Penny.

The other current Parent Council Members at the meeting namely, Emma, Lorraine, Helen, Lisa, Lesley, Penny and Angie were all prepared to stay on the Council.

Those other parents present, Ashley, Sarah and Alison wished to join the Parent Council. Their appointment was proposed by Sharon and seconded by Emma.

Two school representatives being Mrs C-J and Mr Crook were prepared to be co-opte to the Committee and their involvement was welcomed. This was proposed by Sharon and seconded by Angie.

Those retiring from the Council were Jackie Forbes, Jan Craig, Miss Green and Mrs Lyle.

It was again reiterated that Parent Council Meetings are open for all parents to attend.

5. What Next?

Ideally we wish to establish a Fundraising Sub-Committee and if anyone is interested in taking a part in that please contact Sharon (Tel. 860522 or email The Communication Group will continue and will work with the school to move forward on email communication with parents. They also will maintain their own email database. The Progress Group will continue and will look at new ideas and discuss these at a meeting to be held in November with Mrs C-J. Lisa and Angie both expressed an interest in joining this Sub-Group.

Parents are welcome to join any sub-group of interest to them. You do not need to be a Parent Council Member to join again contact Sharon for more information.

6. Date of Next Meeting Tuesday 22nd November 2011 at 6pm then Tuesday 24th January 2012 at 6pm



As always in the last year the Parent Council has been very busy.


The following sub-groups have been continuing their work:

Fundraising The Fundraising is a key element to the Parent Council unfortunately we do not have a separate committee handling this and I thank those of the Parent Council for being involved and also thank all providers and helpers. The Daffodil Tea and Summer Fete were our main fundraising events and despite the miserable weather at the fete were successful and enjoyable days.

Our application for an Awards for All Grant was successful and 5,175 was received from them towards the hall lighting/projector system. This has been a great benefit to the school and has enhanced productions and talks.

Funds raised have been utilised to meet the balance of the hall lighting/projector system, outdoor storage and other smaller items around the school.

Ideally I should wish to establish a separate fundraising group and would love to hear from anyone willing to be involved in that.


The Communication Sub-Group has been continuing the work started last year, providing welcome leaflets and updating email addresses so we can keep in touch with you.

The web-site has been updated and is more concise and user friendly. You can subscribe to the school blog so that you get an email when anything new is added. This is great way of keeping up to date with whats going on. The school newsletter, calendar and dinner menu are also on the website.

The Communication Group also took your opinions on whether you would prefer contact with the school to be by email. There was a very positive response to this with the requisite percentage being attained. The Sub-Group will look to move forward this idea with the school in the coming year.

Your Childs Progress The restyled learning trees appear to be much clearer and have been well received.

The group was also involved in the Curriculum Evening and Drop in events.

Hopefully following the Meet the Headteacher Evening and the comments put forward at that event we can work with Mrs C-J on some of these points.


The main Parent Council will continue to meet once a term to consider and discuss matters as they arise. The meetings are open to all parents whether members of the Parent Council or not. New Members to the Council are always welcome. Ask yourself why wouldnt I want to be involved in my childs school to better their school experience and education? Things dont happen without people stepping up and helping out.

The sub-groups as existing will continue with their good work. As school policies come up for review a group will be established to look at these with the school.

We need to get a new fundraising team together otherwise these social events that the children and you so enjoy and the school and children benefit from will not be possible. Please if you are interested contact me by phone or email. (860522 or

Finally I would just like to give my personal thanks to my fellow Parent Council Members, Mrs Sheldon and Mrs C-J, and the school staff for taking an interest and supporting the Parent Council.

Heres to another productive year.

Sharon Connolly Chair of St Madoes Parent Council

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