Assessed Coursework Coversheet: School of Business and Economics

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School of

Business and

Assessed Coursework Coversheet

For use with individual assessed work

Semester: Spring 2021

Student name: Rafiqul Islam Noyon
Student ID 1811122630
Course Code: HRM370
Course Title: Managerial Skills Development
Section Number: 1
Name and initial of the
Md Kamrul Hasan (KHs)
course instructor:
Assessment Name Final Individual Assignment (25%)
Declared Word Count: 686
Date of submission 20/05/2021
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(Maximum word limit is 1000 in total)
1. Leadership style? Mark (5)
I would choose Directing leadership style for leading the change in CPI.
Because reading the case I could see that CPI has longer hierarchical
management, which creates communication gap and misunderstanding
sometimes. Moreover, that system cannot be changed as well since it will
create more serious issues among employees. Another point is that other high
performance organizations around the world are performance based which CPI
is failing to achieve. Choosing directing leadership style, it will be possible to
solely focus on the performances of employees since in directing style focus
on tasks rather than employee/manager relationship. Where employees will be
given strong direction for their tasks and expect that they will accomplish it
with success.
2. Type of change & creative problem solving approach? Mark (5)
While pursuing implementation for the change project, from the two most
successful approaches I will choose a combination of Reactive and Emergent
Change. As I would be following directing leadership style for leading the
change, which will be different from the way employees have been working
for so many days. Will surely make the employees raise negative opinions
about the change and create unnecessary disruptions. In response to those
disruptions, following the reactive change approach employees can be made
open to the newly introduced emergent changes supporting the leadership
style. As the emergent change would require the employees to follow desired
outcomes and values, set by the leadership style and focus more on the
upcoming conditions for change.
For creative problem solving Improvement approach will be used. As In CPI
begin an NGO, they were already somewhat performance orientated. But due
to the traditional policy of CPI that every employee will be promoted after 3
years makes them lack in performance. So using improvement approach this
already existing performance will be controlled by systematic approaches and
carefully developing the methods.
3. Key stakeholders & Influence strategies? Mark (5)
According to the engagement mechanism, two most important key
stakeholders are Procurement Head and Director of Education as they are
the most powerful and influential staff of CPI and their support will be needed
in order to implement the change initiative. The procurement head does not
like the HR director that much and has a very good relation with the CEO. On
the other hand, director of education does not like the idea very much but has
good working relation with the HR. While taking decision weather this change
initiative should be implemented or not at board meeting acceptance from
these key stakeholders is needed.
In order to influence these key stakeholders Reason seems more adequate.
Where it can be explained to them, it is most logical to support the initiative
change as we share a common goal. In addition, facts can be presented to them
so that they can make up their mind in supporting the cause with valuable

4. Vision of abundance & Generating commitment? Mark (5)

The vision of abundance for this change initiative is achieving full potential for
employee’s performances. Because of the long lasting traditional promotional
policy, employees were not performance focused. Moreover, they did not care
about performance as regardless of their performance they were going to be
promoted every 3 year. Which is kind of their comfort zone. And now the
vision of abundance should be to come out of that comfort zone and reach full
potential in terms of their performance.
For generating commitment among the stakeholders, the vision behind the
initiative change needs to be shared elaborately. So that the stakeholders can
feel more engaging towards achieving, the vision and can celebrate the small
5. Managing stress? Mark (5)
I am planning to use Reactive strategies to cope up with the stress for myself
and for my project team mates. As reactive method helps us to cope with the
emerging temporary stressors for developing, the initiative change project and
the amount of convincing it will take to get support from all the departments.
Surely it will cause muscle restrains which is possible to reduce by muscle
relaxation from reactive method. Sometimes it is good to change the focus of
our thoughts from things that makes us worry and focus on something
relaxing. Rehearsals can be done before hand to be aware of potential
emerging stressors and how will individuals will react to those situation.

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