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[ Traction] Definikion Traction (5 the technique ty Which & ecko? braclive force iS applied to o part of body t © Gott tissue and Seperate joirk surfaces / boy segnoen® Painciples I> eS ene, ok Suttiaent roagnitudle — duwatior rouse pactionol boThe magnitude of tractive dfosce depends o% o% Suxfzice yesistance and ‘resistcunce +p stackeh 0 musculature § Soft tssue ied traction, movement of body a tation Force roust be vesisted by an equal § opposite foxce- tient acts a8 Eqi- Tn Vewtuat traction, weight of pal counter force. é In Hovirental traction, Fore ble patients body Surface ¢ Couch acts as counter forte: inal Traction: Application of tongftudinal force > 4 Hie spine 9 (6 associated structures: Moy be applied manuclly or with o mechanical device. [type oF cock The choice of techniques of traction & the posttion of Spina teciekion ave dependent 09 the past Where -the partied, pauient's physical beackive force needs © be Im Condon, (physica! tondition) individual tolerance & the Spine level *0 be Jortated « bk Manual packon ‘hands « bod: weight en o Thexapict uses his] hex , Patients bedy prouding tre backwe force ON joints formusdles to widen the spaces between Nestebrae « Linntted by sbangth g endurance of therapst |? Easy to provide gpinal mobilization + 1s minumally twvastve tcakment option for neck § bark pain TE ryniproves neck 2 low back mobility, range of Motion ¢ overall function. a Mechanical trotbons = Rae tannick tockon & ‘ \ ales applied by motoned pulled + Te 1s applied en the lumbar ane ait © ion of spine WM sling device attached to patient eal q the ghekch te applied Neny gradually approx & tole + Traction #5 deatased gracually fer halk a . maintcuned at the level tor (minute - This process is repeated for \o-(S tres. 3, Posttional. brackion:- ae 1s applteel by the use of pillows, bloek® oy ste affect teudinal pull on spt eaicrts, on iy H. Gravitational brackions Bae . «Tb 6 performed by sutpending fhe in hanging, peg} Yoikion for an extended pevied of time «Effective method to distract lumbay Vertebrate | 5. Auto-trackion ~ Puko-backsn eduto-trackion table allows beth segrnents of eve and conteolled by patient e-The patient asumes most pectin bree position & | Pesforms active traction by pulling on an oveshead bax’ othe patient user feet & acknale the bar, Which alkemnakes compressive & disbracking forces - 4 Aeerding force, table to eo etrachon applied for soveral hours ak a Bene + heed Wlagh tsmnall) azused due to long duration ctane ‘ension + Tneffective 19 seperating the spinal Stuctures, N) Gitarned HOME «Applied tut heavy weight oF mechanteal device ] that apply the force bo maintain constant Fraction for a. Ht pestod of (te BO minulis (constant 1) doesmt mechanical bractton «— sTraction applied Via a mechani ee ee IANICal adkernately Applied aes ee a ' + Hold a ‘ S oe usually Var} from fue seconds up Techniques of Applications. Cexvital Tra ckion == + Application of longttudinal fore to the cspine 4 Sbuctures. ie 4 oi Tension applied can be expressed tm pounds x -} oF pabent's body weight art Th of perttents body Leight, Vertebral Seperation gins. s Haman head acccunts for ~ $8.1), of body weight (eral + Greater amount of force © needed to widen axtas + Needs force about aot of beady weight. Positioning ——_— 4 YSeated — A grater towce ts needed toapply the Sasre pressive due to qravity than Suptne lt) Saptne — Support lumbar regfon : bend ences, USS ing Knee elevator, eng laser legs over end of table & place feet on Chair Allows musculature to relax y Set-up + Neck placed tordosis of c-Spiner Must have al ‘fo ceperate facet pint Surferces: z must be in Shaignt alignment MiBewive thee c-spine brction, can cause westdual Hinbes newe voor pam tf Impropay Set-4p sDuyation of to-aommula Is most Gommen © ON :ofF Sequence Bil or dal ratio See patter tr Ceswiel req placing pressure on } Scerpltal process & chin Remove any slack tr pally Cable in 95-30" Plexton : sbaightens noxmal lease 15° flexion 2| Lumbar baction = *To be effective, lumbar traction must overcome oP exbernity weight (yt) oF body weight) + Fricten 15 a sheng counter ford :. Wee 1s used *° eta Fac wee + eplt le Is . epesial traction : Motorized unit admmistered auto traction mal baction : Belt “thoracic stabtization harness felvic traction hayness- Climetars body weight + Tension — \)) of bady weight 10- 3oo'). of patient's body weight fatient pasion ¢ Angle of pl Should mrovimize Seperation & clorgt Supine positioning: Tends te Increase umber Flexing hips fom HS to Go" tnereases laxtty 19. le -S From be to 15° Increases Lawaky (9 Ly “bs from 76° be gat Increases laxity fn uy Flexing hips to for Increases posterior mtevertebral space tion of tenget frssues flexion Prone pasttione ced When excessive Hexion of lumbar sptine & pelvfs/ tying supine conser palin ew trcrccises peripheral Symptoms Anterior angle af pall tnexcases orneunt of lumbar lordosts Posterior angle of pull trcreaises lumbar kyphosis Toornuch -flexion can impinge on posterior Spinal ligament position & angle of pull often derived by trial q errer Depends on ee § Pathology Of injury. . weight a are Be g stabilization haynes * Set mode- Intamittene or continuats, * Sek omotf wate time, denston, duyation. + Give pectin Atawm) safety Seotteh i oF Tyaction spine» co movement between each Individual SP Aroount of movement varies acterding te posit Spine, arneunk of fore & length of time dhe applied: Pa effet Ltn pain, paresthesia] tangting physical Seperation of verttbral Seqrnents Aecitasing pressive on Sensitive Sree eu ves: As lena as potkive physiologic effects occu, trereKioT™ Should be Elie ee / Bone — No immediate affects due to baction Moy cault th incicased spinal rrommen hone weakness associated With immobtli zation assist with ynereasing /rrafotaining bone density en oF fous te that revers Ligaments . Sbuetural changes occuy slowly due te Niscoelastte Properties arnt deformation routs in lengthening of igarnest Caused by baction loading: slaw leading rales allo for mote deformation Muscles Faittot Vertebral mur Positioning, skeekch blood flow. Activates muacle propristep tors providing Sensation of Pain reliet Newest - Pressure on nerves [Nene 7 Spinal pain. on anene Will Cuve Slowing event nelieved Presure of \epat canclurction, Motor weatkness, Munnbness erptse one er eae ti of es Shetch should cone from body 4 thens tight muscte, allows for better muscular ofS often assodated vaith Nowmial disc: Non compressed posttion, internal puss” NS exerted carat wy all dtvestions. Tripred disk : Sitting |starcling compresses the disk Causing -he nucleus, to become flatter. ft Pessure iy this instance still xmains latively equ fn all: dtvections. a Sn an tryured ask, movernent: In weight- bearing caus a hovzontal shift in nuclear material. UF this Istax forward bending, -the bulge would occur’ in poslewior annular -fibrs. Anterior annular fibas Would be Slackened § narrow: Mexmatton of nudeay matertal ocaurs tf The annular Wall becemes Weate. It ray Possibly pak pressetre OY Sensitwe struckures tn the area When placed under traction, Intervertebral space expands thereby decreasing pressure onthe disk uk annular fies craks a centipetaly direcked force Deoreases herntation 4 Pressure on Sencttwe Sbuchares IN the ava Poticulaw facet joints a a facek yoints are seperated eastng tmpinged = Jonk Sepexaton deconnpresses axtoular Caztilage allowing vial -flutd exchange & moumich contlage. Gneveaced propricception From Facet “pine Shuckuns Provide Sersatin of pain relict: Tnvession brackion:— C-type) if side down . satay spinal column due to sbetch provided by Weight oF foun ‘ + Repeat trveston 2S dienes + Obsewe for segs of Neatiga, duzimess, nausea Trdtcatiows — + Newe wook fenpingemnenE «Disk hesntation + Spondylolt sthests + Narrowing Within Intervertebral -fuamen + Oskeophute- formation + Degenerative Jpine Diseases +Subacule pain a Tote hypomotsltty + Discogente pawn Muscle Spas of guarding |. Murele strain Spinal Ugarnent [copsular contractures | Innprovement iin axtexial, Venous § [yrnphatle fle Conbatndicatens + Acute Sprcins / stecans + Nat Inflaramahsn” + Frachures + Vertebral Joint instability + Any tondiben 69 pahidh rrowement exacerbalés custing Problem + Bone diseases + Oskeophowosts + Injections in bones / aint + Vaseular cordtbons + Pregnant females Cardiac o« pulmenayy pou s unstable spine * js extuded atsk Feagrnentation + Severe Desk tts ; is Oskeomyyentts + cnscah syns oF udoraNG |. Severe onnseFyy- : Precautions s— . Condition should have been evaluated by physidan + Clo monttoving of patient should be pertorrned hroughouk treatrnent » Excessive denation or baction weigne can Cane Lrombosts of internal Juquier vein i Spondylolts thests causes fysther condition: « Individuals witth Claucbophobta may not be well Guile to receive mechanscal tection partratarlyy for the leunnbar Spine. olf patient are Aistressed by mechanical Section Posttioning & Apparat, tacatrment options other than teackion Ay be better. debe ioeation OF

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