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he GEOGRAPHI : MAGAZINE Issue] =~ a SE, ce \ We Dyereote a Oddities " y Cl \ = An Introduction to Dragon-girls and their Society by WAT & LITTLE NAPOLEON = : Draconic Oddities: Dragon-girls The dragongirls of the Drelgn Archipelago Se eee erect curiosities. Commonly confused for adolescent dragons or a separate dracohumanoid race, they ate in fact not descended from dragons at all. Instead, this group of draconic females is the result of magical manipulation, specifically eee eae De UNO ceca ae a “common with other, more linear shapeshifting spells. ertain newly.transformed individuals more closely re- eee Coes Tn CSOT “dragongirls,” we must first delve into the history of their namesake. é ener n te anus enna Dette Ng co Ce CTC SSO ea CoS cca be RCS SSC ome CCT ae dungeons, and other remote Gants 2AHEY einen sl tee opulence. Dragon treasurehoarding instincts Pare acm menn ae crcer Ts Peete ake eC Rte aerator Cora magical nature, or is perhaps the source of Prereetnertc oaecet Cemmrern treasure remains in heavy demand in the aT Toco th 5 fl Generations of thieves, looters, knights, armies, magicians, explorers, and the curious have, on occasion, stumbled onto (and into) dragon lairs. Those fortunate enough to leave with their lives sometimes manage to escape are z Seren Lea eer enee etiam ier et cuneoiracg,m cainital eee meee plese lvoe iy CSC genious solution. In lieu of human extermi- nation, the council leaders decided to curse their own treasure, allowing human greed to deal its own punishment. Thus, the Curse of the Dragon-Girls was ee For all of its enormity in the magical realm, the enchantment itself is simple, completely passive until roused by human contact Upon activation, the curse first a the victim the form of a dragonzirl, then triggers a magical beacon that only draconic beings can detect. This a both the stolen loot and the new dragon-sirl Because of the magical energy and time required to curse every item in such large collections, dragons often only enchant small portions of thei particularly valuable or special items to target their worst offenders The curse seldom behaves consistently, Touch, insertion, or even mere proximity to a human serve as possible triggers. Recorded describe transformations varying serts on s with retrieving treasure, warding instances from immediate to over a period of days, with changes coming in fits and spurts. “Sharing” of the curse between more than one individual is not unheard of. Her master in the distance, this dragon-girl scales a cliff near their dwelling. Male dragons often take a powerful dragongitl under their wings, an arrangement mutually beneficial for both parties. The dragon can identify the potential of a dragon-irl long before. she completes her transformation, instinctively assuming the tole of a tutor in many aspects of dragon life. From him, she will learn to breath fire, dard treasure, harness her latent magic, and satisfy her future mate Such transformations also appear to have no clear pattern in the growth and develop- ment of draconic traits. Scales, tails, and longer nails are to be expected, but the curse varies in its allotment of horns, wings, and hairstyling. Even drazonsirls themselves dis agree on the specificity of the enchantment; thankfully, bosom size is the only factor deemed fit enough for any conflict. The term “dragon-girls” carries with it some degree of inaccuracy. Apart from including no underage members their ranks, dragongirls also continue to among. transform, albeit much more slowly than their initial episode. Those newly changed by the curse tend to retain more of their human form and figure than other, older dragongirls. It is believed that over hundred uch, ind even thousands of years, remnants of humanity will inevitably fade in favor of the instincts and desires of a full dragon, Founded by a prolific but obscure underwater volcano, the isles of Drelgn offer their inhabitants a Pees mma trem tees ere) ee eae Pee eg Cot eee ery an a even ee ee cL cea fee ee meee and being practically immortal, dragon-grls operate peacefully among ne err ar nee eee] PrP ea Pa Ps oa te Perea EC ct Se ec ar large, horny dragons - keeps tourism to Aeros Sioa earn ene en ence a See eck eee cnt ent Racer ats who continue to live among humans, with varying degrees of success. However, the vast majority of dragongirls reside on the Drelgn Archipelago. Their ageless nature and slow, continuing transformation into dragons means that almost all eventually opt to sail, swim, or fly to the Drelen islands at some point in their lives. Many elect to stay there even after they have fully transformed. Stolen dragon treasure makes its way all over the world, bringing in a breadth of professions and backgrounds via the newly-transformed. Home to many dragons and dragon-girls alike, Drelgn is a melting pot of different styles of art, architecture, and magic. It is also completely devoid of eres Dragongitls even have their own class system, organized according to draconic seniority. Great Peer eest rt eat eae eee eee eter cee crete crenata tear TT een ngertertrees r. There are few ancient dragonigirs that transform in a manner such as this one, She has the same drive to hoard Se ea developing predominantly draconic features. Despite the curse, thieves continue 10 carger the sizable bounty of any draconic being under their gaze, Profit and ‘vanity drive the affected to seek out the most visually valuable items in a hoard, which are mare likely to be enchanted than smaller, less significant items. In a room full of gold and treasure, coins are noisier to steal, but Pea eee rer eae Ifa thief is smart and leeps this in mind, they can be a dragon's worst nightmare. ee a ee ee ee ae CSI Ta a } & ' BU ere ROM ec UN Cue R tn coer ns arse ery of stolen loot rarely receives attention, not 26 much due to secrecy as uncomfortable, draconic Parte Brame MUTUAL ence Cec esl Cot oe RBM ec Wert ent mercies era ta om etic cain more easily track thieves back into the human: tealms. A dragon's’ massive size makes’ searching buildings for a single individual impractical with- er esteem Dragon-girls like Red, pictured here, are special ly trained in magical tracking and handling cently transformed victims, Overwhelmed by the sensitivity of their new bodies, many dragonirls Sui ICs teen meee ena NY COCR Sten eae Scene mutst be brought by force. BU er ec hay Nacckattas cs BLcorn Each ConerTMcn orastes TET OMAThCS nis ooo Aion ed Cera LIC ESS tance as she could, with a polite, complimentary PIER Ie BO oon Foto eres Naren nese oR eet een en St Pate ear eset nr emt te rae ae handled without fear of affliction. Knowing this, some thieves attempt magical disarmament prior Groote Cerna SPR DMS CoaLanroS Ce GHB SS Sati hd syelies hg: Sie male equivalent of the dragon-girl transformation. Schol- Oa a ae SN cate oa a a immune to the magic of enchanted treasure, and that the curse only affected females. No dragonirls consulted eae an etica The genderexclusivity hypothesis ended approximatel 200 years ago in Eastern territory, during the reign of th EY cae ec Cue UU cc me despised by his subjects, Xing drove his cousin to oe oe aie ce eee CM tC aL a OL humiliation. According to historical records, the new Cnty ae ae eae eae precedents for gender and species equality. She not onl peers aisgenPeendie acu) aovuinar amen 2 NG Fe a me aa er ae brutal 120 years. Her rule ended only after all of subjects fled the province, after which she made ash of lands and withdrew to her castleturnedden. This same HAE reefer ern litre iey ach eet MW NE sar ae RORY Rees Lp females. Standing theories emphasize the differenc ‘male transformation, the need for few males in a | Rega mec ere ns an magic (ie. “a reptile dysfunction”), and the of loss or destruction by its creators. i Pethaps the easier answer is that the females Eee ea a ata Orgies constitute many of the festivities for drazongirls, Aside from familiariz Peon a Gen ad ete reut hotest eee eee between members of the dragon community, while satisfying their borderline violent sexual POSH CR Ne Om resthc or connie This blackstriped dragon, pictured sitting upon the throne, is nearing the end of her path to een ent tea el neces eter ceca es ns ne Seen ways. Once they finish, she intends to leave the archipelago to explore lands beyond the ocean, in search of her first cave for her first hoard There is a vast world of transformative wonder, its virgin lands just waiting to be uncovered. One can easily stumble across other societies of virile, formerly-human individuals, if one looks Peet Dealt ae ent acetone Ee eer cececr see te ene ener a Drelen Archipelago. Join us next time for another great transformation adventure! See you next time! Thanks for supporting us! TO OUR FANS, FOR ALL THE ENCOURAGEMENT, WELL WISHES, AND LAUGHS - THANK YOU! -LITTLE NAPOLEON & WAT SPECIAL THANKS TO MITS, REDACTED, AND ZOD FOR EDITING

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