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Disaster Management

What is Disaster

 The United Nations International Strategy for Disaster. Reduction defines," disaster.
Serious disruption of the functioning of a community or a society involving widespread
human, material, economic or environ Mental Jesses and impact, which exceeds the
ability of the officed Community or Society to cope using its own resources.
 “A disaster has occurred when the destructive effects of nature as a man- Made forces
overwhelm the ability of a given area. Community to meet the demand for health care.”
Mothershead JL.
 A disaster can be defined as a serious disruption. of the functioning of a Society. Causing
widespread human, Material Environmental losses, which exceed the ability of the
affected society to cope. Using only its own resources." Bryce, C.p.. Management in
disasters". ops, 2001 " Stress Washington J.C
 Disasters are often described. because of the Combination of the exposure to a
Conditions of vulnerability that are present; and insufficient capacity of Measures to
hazard; the reduction or Cop with the potential negative consequences.
 As the occurrence of a disaster Cannot control, Disaster Management will handle the
aftermath, and helps people to recover from the calamity with minimum damage to
their health. and personal belongings well as to Economy also.

Types of Disaster
Nature and human-caused disasters affect thousands of people each year. Major adverse
events such as these have the potential to cause catastrophic loss of life and physical
destruction. They are often unexpected and can leave cohole Communities in shock.

Types of Disaster:

 Natural Disasters: Natural disasters are large Scale geological or Meteorological events.
that have the potential to cause loss of life, Property these types of disasters include:
o Tornadoes and Severe Storms.
o Hurricanes and Tropical Storms.
o Floods
o Wildfires
o Earthquakes
o Drought

Disaster Management

 These Meteorological events are occasionally preceded by Presidential "emergency

declarations" requiring state and local planning prior to the event, such as evacuations
and protection of public assets.
 Human-Caused Disasters: Examples inc 4/15 in trial accidents, Shootings, acts of
terrorism, and incidents of mass violence. As with natural disasters, these types of
traumatic events. May also cause loss of life and property. They may also prompt
evacuations from certain behavioural health.
 Other Incidents of Mass Trauma & Infectious disease outbreaks, incidents and other
types of traumatic events. of Community Can also bring out strong emotions in people.
The outbreak of Ebola affects Several Countries. west Africa, with limited reported cases
in the united lead even with States and other countries, May to feelings of anxiety to the
point where it is one's regular routine. and confusion can interfere with one’s regular

Meaning and concept of disaster Management & Definition and Concept

Disaster Management includes the sum total of all activities, Programmed. and Measures which
can be taken up before, clearing and after a disaster with the purpose of avoiding, reducing the
impact or recovering from its lasses. According to Kelly (1996), " Disaster Management" can be
defined as the range of activities designed to Maintain Central over disaster and emergency
situations. and to provide a framework for helping those who are at risk to avoid or recover
from the impact of the disaster.

Disaster Management Means Managing resources and various responsibilities. deal with all
humanitarians. aspects of emergencies. This May include preparedness before the disaster,
response, and recovery, rebuilding and supporting Society. The purpose of this is to lessen the
impact of disasters.

Disaster Management can be defined as the organization. and Management of resources and
rep responsibilities.

Disaster Management

Dealing with all humanitarian aspects of emergencies, in particular, preparedness, response,

and recovery disasters. in order to lessen the impact of disasters.

The various aspects of disaster management:

 Disaster Prevention
 Disaster Preparedness
 Disaster response
 Disaster Mitigation
 Rehabilitation
 Reconstruction

Objectives of Disaster Management

 Ensuring the availability of local emergencies.
 Equipment and transportation
 Achieving quick recovery from disaster
 Long term planning for a particular disaster.
 Shifting exposure from vulnerable are into date place.
 Increasing the availability, and safety of natural resources.
 To Make efforts for the conservation of the environment.

Aim of Disaster management:

 Implementing the disaster management cycle.
 Quick and effective communication System in every Sector.
 Reporting, analysing and monitoring risk performance, intensity etc.
 Integrating with all other humans, resources, and Development Programs.
 Engaging with disaster education, training, research, adaptation and Management

Disaster Management

Scope of the Disaster Management

 DM aims and objectives, elements, Disasters.

 Victims, Relief Systems.
 Refugee Assistance Models.
 Prevention and mitigation Tools. Preparedness tools.
 Tools of post-Disaster Management, mapping.
 Aerial photography and Remote Sensing.
 Information Management.
 Logistics, Epidemiology.

Phases of disaster
While Creating of Disaster & business Continuity Management plan for your organization,
consider the four phases of disaster management and how each phase will affect your business
before, during and Crisis.

1. Mitigation: The "mitigation" Phase occurs. before a disaster takes place. Here the
organization will take Steps to Protect People and property, while also decreasing risks
and Consequences from The organization's a given disaster Situation. The main goal is to
reduce vulnerability to disaster impacts (such as property damage, injuries and loss of

Disaster Management

Examples of mitigation" May a property inspection to include Conducting. discover

ways. to fortify the building against damage. The organization may also revise Zoning
and dand dise Management to further prevent or reduce the impact of the disaster.

2. Preparedness: The preparedness" phase before a disaster takes place. Here, an

Organization attempts to understand. how a disaster might affect overall productivity
and the bottom line. The organization will also provide an appropriate education. While
putting Preparedness.

Examples of "preparedness" may include hosting. training, application. drills, tabletop,

Exercises. and full-scale exercises. on disaster preparedness. This ensures that
stakeholders know what to do. in the event of an emergency. organizations. May also
assemble a business Continuity team to assemble a strategic plan that allows the
business to recover after a will create a list of businesses. crisis. The team continuity
plan outlines resources from disaster a needed to recover from a disaster.

3. Response: The response" phase occurs in the immediate aftermath of a disaster

Organisations must focus their attention on immediate threats to people, property and
business. Occupant Safety and well-being Jurgely depends on its preparedness levels
before the disaster.

The most notable example of the response" phase of harm's people to ensure that
people are out of harm’s way. The organization will then move on to assess the damage,
and implement disaster. response plans, triage cleanup efforts Start resources.
distribution and as necessary. Business. will also need to navigate building closures,
Preliminary damage assessments and hampered Communication with stakeholders due
to shutdowns.

4. Recovery: The "recovery" phase takes place after. disaster. This phase is the restoration.
of an organization following any impacts from a disaster. By this time, the organization.
has achieved at least some degree of physical, environmental, and Economic. and Social

The recovery phase of a disaster can last anywhere from six months to a year. An
Example of " recovery" is creating Strategic protocols and action plans to address the
Most Serious impacts of disaster. In the organization. will work to obtain new resources,

Disaster Management

rebuild or treat Partnerships, and implement effective recovery strategies. The

organization will also. want to take steps to reduce financial burdens.

Techniques of disaster management

As we cannot stop Most of the phenomena that natural around we reduce the damage caused
by them. Management is everything about how to be prepared - in advance so that the damage
and loss that is caused can be lowered to a greater extent.

Here are a few disaster management techniques that can be useful in reducing the damage

 Prevention is better than cure. Disaster prevention is the first and foremost thing. one
can do. Be prepared according to the natural disasters that may occur. according to the
locality/area. know the hazards. in your area and know the Risk. The information. about
natural hazards, their occurrence and effect should be known according to the location,
region, etc. Geographical Information Systems (GIS) play. Crucial role in this criterion.
 Social Media great tool nowadays. Make use of it Social network with those who can
help in communicating and can help you, before during a disaster.
 Know about your nearby Community officials and government Servants. can help your
neighbours in evacuating the place and you’re and also announce" a "Mandatory
evacuation in the hazard-prone area.
 Identify your nearest Local Media Sources so that they provide valuable information and
direful Safety measure to people living in the area.
 Make a kit or a Sure you have a Stock of first aid go-kit that helps you and your family
during a disaster. If possible, make sure you a have stockpile of medication, food and
enough. water for at least 3 days during the disaster.
 In order to make sure you are not affected. by the hazards, be in touch with any of your
friends or relatives. who stay for you after the disaster hit. So that when are evacuated,
you are least affected in any terms.
 Raising your home, buying flood insurance, and securing heavy furniture to the walls all
a part of mitigation, and these help in reducing are or eliminating the impact caused by
the disaster.

Disaster Management

 Make sure you at adaptable to the environment or surrounding that you are in So that
day of your evacuation to work is missed out in the Case-it takes a long time for your
Previous area where you have up from the disaster effect.
 Making use of Remote Sensors in natural with hazard assessments. the help of
Satellites. or Sensors mounted to aircraft. They are very helpful in showing the evidence
for the occurrence and presence of the disasters according to the graphical, go
geological and hydrologic and natural phenomena.
 Public awareness is the most important one disaster Management Development
planning and management will only be possible with the people being aware of the
hazards and safety measures. followed before knowledge of the disaster. taking good
decisions natural that are to be a disaster. The study Management helps in regarding
buying homes, building, and living in hazard- prone area.

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