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9 Determine the volume change, in ft3, when 1 lb of water, initially saturated

liquid, is heated to saturated vapor while pressure remains constant at 1.0, 14.7, 100, and 500,
each in lbf/in.2 Comment.

COMMENT: As the pressure increases, the difference in specific volume between saturated
vapor and saturated liquid decreases. At the critical pressure, the two states
coincide and the difference is zero.
PROBLEM 3.9 Complete the following exercises. In each case locate the state on sketches of
the T-v and p-v diagrams.

(a) Four kg of water at 100oC fills a closed container having a volume of 1 m3. If the water at
this state is a vapor, determine the pressure, in bar. If the water is a two-phase liquid-vapor
mixture, determine the quality.
(b) Ammonia at a pressure of 40 lbf/in.2 has a specific internal energy of 308.75 Btu/lb.
Determine the specific volume at the state, in ft3/lb.
3.26 A piston-cylinder assembly contains 0.5 lb of water. The water expands from an initial
state where p1 = 40 lbf/in.2 and T1 = 300oF to a final state where p2 = 14.7 lbf/in.2 During the
process, the pressure and specific volume are related by the polytropic process pv1.2 = constant.
Determine the energy transfer by work, in Btu.

KNOWN: Water expands in a piston-cylinder assembly from a specified initial state to a

specified final pressure. The pressure-volume relationship for the process is given.

FIND: Determine the energy transfer by work.


State 1 State 2

Process 1-2
Water Water
pv1.2 = constant
m = 0.5 lb p2 = 14.7 lbf/in.2
p1 = 40 lbf/in.2
T1 = 300oF

40 lbf/in.2

pv1.2 = constant
T = 300oF
14.7 lbf/in.2
T = 212oF

1. Water in the piston-cylinder assembly is a closed system.
2. The process is polytropic with pv1.2 = constant.

The work for the polytropic process is obtained using Eq. 2.17. The result corresponds to Eq. (a)
of Example 2.1, as can be verified:
m( p2 v2 p1v1 )
W (1)
1 n
To apply Eq. (1), first find the specific volumes. State 1 is in the superheated vapor region and
from Table A-4E, v1 = 11.04 ft3/lb. The specific volume at state 2 is determined using the
polytropic relation, as follows:

p1v11.2 = p2v21.2 = constant


1 1
p 1.2 ft 3 40 lbf/in. 2 1.2
v2 v1 1 11.04 =25.42 ft3/lb
p2 lb 14.7 lbf/in. 2

The work is obtained using Eq. (1) with n = 1.2 as follows:

lbf ft 3 lbf ft 3
14.7 2 25.42 40 2 11.04
in. lb in. lb 1 Btu 144 in.2
W (0.5 lb) = 31.4 Btu
1 1.2 778 ft lbf 1 ft 2

The positive sign associated with the work indicates work is from the system as expected for


4. The volume is constant.


Two kg of Refrigerant 134A undergoes a polytropic process in a piston-cylinder assembly from

an initial state of saturated vapor at 2 bar to a final state of 12 bar, 80oC. Determine the work for
the process, in kJ.

KNOWN: Refrigerant 134A undergoes a polytropic process in a piston-cylinder assembly.

FIND: Determine the work.


m = 2 kg .2 12 bar
80oC pvn = constant

ENGINEERING MODEL: 1. The refrigerant is a

2 bar

closed system. 2. The process is polytropic: pvn =

constant. v

ANALYSIS: The work for the polytropic process is determined using Eq. 2.17, with pvn =
constant. Following the procedure of part (a) of Ex. 2.1

𝑣 𝑚(𝑝2 𝑣2 −𝑝1 𝑣1 )
W = 𝑚 ∫𝑣 2 𝑝𝑑𝑣 = (*)
1 1−𝑛

In order to evaluate this expression, we need to determine the specific volumes and the
polytropic exponent, n.

State 1: From Table A-11; v1 = vg1 = 0.0993 m3/kg

State 2: From Table A-12, at 12 bar, 80oC; v2 = 0.02051 m3/kg

The polytropic exponent is found from pvn = constant as follows.

𝑝 𝑣 𝑛
𝑝1 𝑣1𝑛 = 𝑝2 𝑣2𝑛 → (𝑝1 ) = (𝑣2 ) → n = ln(p1/p2) / ln(v2/v1)
2 1

n = ln(2/12) / ln(0.02051/0.0993) = 1.136

Inserting values in Eq. (*) and converting units, we get


(2 kg)[(12 bar)(0.02051 m3 /kg)−(2)(0.0993)] 105 N/m2 1 kJ

W= | || | = -69.88 kJ (in)
1−1.136 1 bar 103 N∙m


For the system of Problem 3.23, determine the amount of energy transfer by heat, in kJ. Kinetic
and potential energy effects can be neglected.


m = 2 kg .2 12 bar
80oC pvn = constant

ENGINEERING MODEL: 1. The refrigerant is a 1

. 2 bar

closed system. 2. The process is polytropic: pvn =

constant. 3. Kinetic and potential energy effects can v
be neglected.

ANALYSIS: To find the heat transfer, we start with the closed system energy balance:
0 0
∆𝑈 + ∆𝐾𝐸 + ∆𝑃𝐸 = 𝑄 − 𝑊 → Q = m(u2 – u1) + W (*)

Next, we find the specific internal energy values, as follows.

State 1: u1 = ug(2 bar) = 221.43 kJ/kg (Table A-11)

State 2: p2 = 12 bar, T2 = 80oC: u2 = 285.62 kJ (Table A=12)

With W = -69.88 kJ (See the solution to Problem 3.23.), we get

Q = (2 kg) (285.62 – 221.43) kJ + (-69.88 kJ) = 58.5 kJ (in)

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