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Course: Marketing Management

Tesla is fully invested in creating the best electric cars on the Planet and their owners are
truly invested in the success of the company. Tesla targeting audience is mainly the wealthy
individuals and households. Being a marketing consultant and keeping Tesla target audience,
I will suggest following strategies:
1. Target Market: Ensuring that the Tesla model 3 is meeting the targeted audience needs.
Tesla may need to segment their audience and run separate campaigns to ensure they are
sending the right message to the right prospect.
2.Create Best Possible Customer Experience: Focusing on providing the best possible
customer experience can prove to be a bigger success rate. Negotiating, taking test drive and
discussing other details with a car dealership can be often tedious task, especially when it’s a
digital era where people are used to instant result. One can focus more on direct approach
rather than providing retail dealerships where buyers need to negotiate with tedious salesman.
This can be achieved via proper digitalization / website, where users configure their care on
their own and schedule the pickup themselves. Hence making car buying process seamless
and time-efficient. An excellent experience builds a sense of exclusivity and makes the
consumers to spread the word about Tesla.
3. Build a Strong Referral Program: Consumers trust recommendations from friends and
family more than they could ever trust ads of a brand promoting itself. That is, word of mouth
is one of the most effective forms of marketing and it can be achieved by having a solid
referral program that further motivates consumers to share their great experiences.
4. Focus on Content Marketing rather than Paid Advertising: Ads can sometimes be a
nuisance to the consumer specially when it gets popped-up while scrolling, watching video or
listening to music. There would be handful of people who actually enjoy ads. This doesn’t
mean that Tesla has to completely ignore paid advertising but expenditure on it should be
minimal. Main focus should be on providing amazing customer experience with the help of
content marketing.
5. Leveraging Your Higher Positioned People’s Social Media Influence: Facts coming
straight out of the Important People inside Tesla will engage more followers and gain more
trust from the consumers. In short putting a face to the name will definitely help in increase in
6. Champion Tesla Mission and Vision in All Marketing Efforts: Companies that
wholeheartedly believe in what they sell and stand behind their beliefs are the ones that stand
out. Tesla has a clear vision that resonates with the target audience and that message should
be integrated in every piece of marketing material. This is how Tesla will rally a staunch fan
following, and in turn, a loyal customer base.
7. Awareness & Focus Efforts Online: The modern customer starts their buyer journey
online. Consumers are utilizing multiple online platforms to do their research before buying
any product and therefore online presence is essential for the initial stages of the customer
journey. Using Marketing strategies like Video Marketing can be helpful. Uploading Test-
drive video of Model 3 can be useful. Also, having countless press mentions and increasing
followers across the social will with bring a strong online presence of the company.
Furthermore, having a website where customers can comfortably get all the information in
one place and where customer are empowered through a seamless digital experience will also
add up in marketing the model. Also, Partnerships with the right content creators can be a
very effective strategy to influence and drive conversion.
8. Generate Brand Exposure Through Multiple Paths: Standing out from Tesla
competition doesn’t have to be just about the Product / business offerings but Tesla
involvement in other important things in the world. Supporting a cause, fund raising and
being present at public events will also gets people to check Tesla business out for reasons
other than just the products or services Tesla Offer.
9. Be at the Top of Google SERP: Googles SERP(Search Engine Results Page) strongly
dictates which brands a potential customer sees first. Being at the top of Google’s SERP will
help to capture more eyes and may result in more interested customers.

The Promotion Mix is the marketers’ bag of tools for engaging and communicating with
customers and other stakeholders. To deliver a clear and compelling message, each tool must
be carefully coordinated under the concept of integrated marketing communications. It is also
called as marketing communications mix food stop it consists of the specific blend of
advertising, public relations, personal selling, sales promotion, and direct marketing tools that
the company uses to engage consumers and communicate with them and build customer
relationships. There are five major promotion tools:
1. Advertising: Organising campaigns, to reach large target audiences. Inviting
celebrities who represent the image of an ideal consumer will help to motivate the
customers to trust the flavoured milk SMOODH and communicate with the company.
Also, partnering with social media influencers will help out to reach vast audience.
Organizing events and sending free samples to these influencers will get these
influencers talking more about the product.
2. Public Relations: Developing a social responsibility strategy, in response to global
ecological trends. Sponsoring numerous cooking shows, sports activities like
marathon, mid-day meal programme for children will build a better brand image in
the eyes of the audience. Running a social media contest across all marketing
channels will help to connect more with customers and result in more fans/followers.
Increased engagement with the social media account will likely drive more traffic to
the website and put SMOODH in front of new customers, and create a fun means of
connecting with the audience. Planting significant news story indirectly in the media,
or presenting it favourably through press releases will also help in building public
3. Sales Promotions: Organising Giveaway, and contests to get the word out regarding
SMOODH. Special Discounts for targeted audience. Motivating customers with the
savings they can have when they buy discounted product (SMOODH). Create a
demand for purchasing more product using bonuses will help in turning new
customers into loyal clients. Free sample testing booth will also help to spread out the
word for smooth. Loyalty Reward Program, bonus-pack deal, mobile couponing are
some other strategies that will help with the promotion of the product SMOODH.
4. Personal Selling: Adopt person-to-person approach to spread awareness about the
product. Selling involves personal touch, a salesperson knows better how to pitch a
product to the potential customer. Listing out potential market area and sending out
highly trained sales-person with increase the awareness of the product SMOODH.
Providing free seminars in schools explaining the importance of milk and how
SMOODH helps to achieve the health benefit will lead to increase in number of
5. Direct & Digital Marketing: Communicating with a narrow group of potential
customers, Parle can promote their offerings through telephone marketing, email or
catalogues and brochures. Blogging is an effective way to promote SMOODH. It will
help attract people, build strong, trustworthy relationships with them, and eventually
turn them into Parles’ customers. Going social to build a strong community around
the brand SMOODH.

A 3D product configurator zone is an interactive tool that will allows potential customers
to experience KIA Company’s’ Car in 3D, view them from any angle, and customize
colours, textures, components, and more. It will enrich KIA customers’ experience.
Customers can engage in real time with a product, explore it from every angle move it
around, zoom in and out. This will help KIA Customers to see the car and configure it as
per their requirement in great detail. The zone is the perfect way to provide
customization in an interactive and instantaneous way, potential customers can also
customize a KIA CAR to their exact needs and specifications. This will help the
customers to make better and faster decisions. KIA is targeting in creating increase in
their sale by putting customer interaction in the foreground. Kia is also trying to achieve
benefits by increasing the quality of leads, as 3D Zone will educate the customer in a
playful way. Kia by implementing 3D Zone is trying to redefine their sales process: sales
teams will now communicate with educated prospects and they will no longer need to
answer basic questions about their Cars. 3D Zone will also reduce the strain on the sales
teams and will be huge timesaver. This overall will increase the Sale of KIA Cars. This
way KIA can respond directly to custom product requests as they are specified by the
customers, thereby avoiding production of unsold stock and hence reduction in KIA
stock. KIA will be able to achieve strong awareness and engagement around their Cars.

Differentiated marketing targeting strategy is used by KIA to attract the customers and
satisfy their wants.
It targets buyers who are passionate to drive and cars resonate of what they are, what their
fashion statement & style is. This strategy will lead KIA to enhanced profitability. The
company will be able to gain the support from the maximum number of consumers. This
will give better results from the marketing efforts and marketing campaigns and it will
help in maximizing profit. It will also help KIA to gain brand loyalty and goodwill.
Secondary benefit that KIA will have is precise and clear segmentation of market, which
will result in gaining a competitive edge in the market. It will also help KIA in cost
efficiency and improve its profitability. KIA will be able to classify customers into groups
and the company could be in a better position to satisfy their wants and needs. It will help
KIA to create value for all groups of targeted market segments.

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