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JOM, Vol. 70, No.

2, 2018
© 2017 The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (outside the U.S.)


Addressing Criticality in Rare Earth Elements via Permanent

Magnets Recycling

I.C. NLEBEDIM1,2,3 and A.H. KING1

1.—Critical Materials Institute, Ames Laboratory, USDOE, Ames, IA 50011, USA. 2.—e-mail: 3.—e-mail:

Rare earth elements (REEs) are critical for many advanced technologies and
are faced with potential supply disruptions. Recycling of permanent magnets
(PMs) can be good sources for REEs which can help minimize global depen-
dence on freshly mined REEs, but PMs are rarely recycled. Recycling of PMs
has been discussed with respect to improving REEs resource
sustainability. Some challenges to be addressed in order to establish
industrially deployable technologies for PMs recycling have also been
discussed, including prof- itability, energy efficiency and environmental
impacts. Key considerations for promoting circular economy via PMs
recycling is proposed with the focus on deciding the target points in the
supply chain at which the recycled products will be inserted. Important
technical considerations for recycling different forms of waste PMs,
including swarfs, slags, shredded and intact hard disk drives magnets, have
been presented. The aspects of circular economy con- sidered include reusing
magnets, remanufacturing magnets and recovering of REEs from waste

Current commercial REE PMs are based on

neodymium-iron-boron (Nd-Fe-B), samarium-cobalt
A technology designed for the circular economy (Sm-Co) and samarium-iron-nitrogen (Sm-Fe-N)
should reduce materials and energy wastes, pro- compounds. Praseodymium (Pr), co-mined with
mote robust product designs, and encourage reuse, Nd, is often found in Nd-Fe-B magnets largely
remanufacturing and recycling of resources. Recy- because of the difficulty and cost of separating the
cling can be an important aspect of the circular two elements. Dysprosium and terbium are often
economy and sustainability in the rare earth ele- added to Nd-Fe-B PMs to enhance coercivity and
ments (REEs) resource. In the context of this improve high-temperature performance. Transition
article, recycling includes reusing permanent metals such as cobalt, gallium and copper are also
magnets (PMs), reprocessing/remanufacturing PMs added to improve PMs processing and magnetic
and recovering REEs from PMs. properties. Sm2Co17 also contains iron, copper and
REEs are essential for the modern economy zirconium while SmCo5 can contain gadolinium
because they enable many technologies, e.g., com- and terbium. Although promising on the basis of its
puting, lighting, automation, transportation, magnetic performance indicators, the inability to
national defense systems and many clean energy consolidate Sm-Fe-N by the conventional sintering
applications. In many of these applications, only process has limited its applications.1
small amounts of REEs are required, but significant REE PMs are resources that are being used at an
amounts of some REEs are used in PM alloys. The accelerating rate. Emerging technologies that sig-
4f electrons in REEs play important roles in nificantly depend on the same REEs can disrupt the
generat- ing high magnetocrystalline anisotropy, demand-supply balance and result in market uncer-
which is an intrinsic magnetic property and a tainties and associated price spikes or constraints
figure-of-merit indicating the suitability of on technology deployment. Growth of existing
materials for developing PMs. tech- nologies such as electric vehicles and
(Published online December 12, 2017) 115
116 Nlebedim and King

magnet wind generators is also capable of embodied energy in used materials. If well applied,
triggering such price spikes. The lopsided REEs recycling should have significantly less neg-
geographical distri- bution of REE production in ative impact on the environment than obtaining
favor of China has been known to trigger supply materials from primary sources. 13 It will also elim-
disruption and price spikes due to export inate exposures to radioactive elements, typical of
restrictions.2 With no new mines being established mining REEs from ores.
and existing mines closing, 3 it is rea- sonable to
expect supply shortages to trigger price spikes, Availability of Permanent Magnets
which may pose direct threats to technolo- gies that Recycling Feedstock
depend on strong PMs.
Insufficient recycling feedstock is often cited as a
barrier to REEs recycling. However, the increasing
Brief Review of Permanent Magnets
use of REEs in applications suggests that insuffi-
Market Trends
cient feedstock is not yet a barrier, since significant
The accelerating shift towards cleaner and more REE-containing waste materials are currently not
efficient technologies results in increasing electrifi- being recycled. Nevertheless, as more REEs are
cation and the need to use more REE-based PMs in recycled, insufficient recycling feedstock may
energy conversion devices. International Market become a barrier. Currently, the difficulty in
Analysis Research and Consulting (IMARC) access- ing and collecting REE-containing
reported that, during 2005–2012, the global market materials and devices may be the most significant
for REE PMs grew at a compound annual growth challenge.14 This challenge can be addressed by
rate (CARG) of~9%.4 In 2013, over 106,000 metric focusing on applications, such as PMs, in which
tons of REE-containing magnets, worth over recycling feedstock materials are concentrated at
US$11 billion were sold.4 These magnets were places where they can be easily accessed. Apart
used in motors, generators, medical equipment, from catalysis, which typically uses low-value
consumer appliances, speakers and other cerium- based materials, PMs consume the most
applications. Motors and generators account for > significant amount of global REEs production
30% of REE-based PMs sales.4–6 Also during including Pr, Nd, Sm, and higher-value elements,
2010–2015, the amount of rare earth oxides (REOs) Dy and Tb. The consumption of these elements will
used for magnet produc- tion increased from 21% to increase with the increasing market share of clean
26%.7 A 9.4% CARG has been estimated for just energy technologies.15
Nd-Fe-B during 2013–2020.8 A 2017 forecast Magnet manufacturing and processing plants can
estimated a CARG of 8.6% and a market value of be sources of significant amounts of magnets for
$12.3 billion by 2022.6 recycling. It is estimated that 30% or more of an
During 2005–2013, nearly 97% by volume of the original material for magnet manufacturing can be
REE PMs sold were based on Nd-Fe-B. In 2008, generated as waste in such plants.11 Such waste
about 21% of all REEs production were used for PMs are generated as swarfs and slags with varying
Nd- Fe-B magnets.9,10 In 2016, the market for Nd- degrees of oxidation and contamination. Also, PMs
Fe-B magnets was valued~at $7.5 million.6 It is pro- accidentally damaged during manufacturing or
jected that, by 2019, the global demand for Nd-Fe- post- manufacturing processing can be recycled.
B and Sm-Co magnets will reach 173,500 and 4000 Electronic devices, such as hard disk drives (HDDs)
metric tons, respectively.4 A 2016 market research can be collected for recycling. HDDs are
forecast shows that, by 2020, 137,200, and 5400 particularly con- centrated in data centers. For
metric tons of Nd-Fe-B and Sm-Co PMs, respec- example, 557 million HDDs were shipped in
tively, will be used in applications. 5 If 30%11 of the 2014.16 A recent study reported that REEs from
original materials were lost in the PM manufactur- U.S. ~ HDDs alone could meet 5.2% of global
ing process, by 2020 Nd-Fe-B and Sm-Co production (excluding China) Nd-Fe-B magnets demand.14
could reach 196,000 and ~ 7700 metric tons, Good progress has recently been made in
respectively. developing technologies for extracting mag- nets
from HDDs. In December 2010, Hitachi devel-
RECYCLING PERMANENT MAGNETS: A oped machinery for separating, collecting, and
SECONDARY SOURCE FOR REEs SUPPLIES processing for extracting PMs from end-of-life sys-
tems.17 The Critical Materials Institute recently
Recycling presents a viable strategy to help
developed an automated conveyor-type line system
mitigate the supply risks associate with REEs. It
for extracting PMs from one HDD per 4 s. 18,19 The
can help improve resource sustainability by re-
University of Birmingham also reported the use of
introducing REEs into the supply chain and
hydrogen gas to extract magnets from HDDs.20–22
reduc- ing the burden on freshly mined ores.
Recycling is well established in many aspects of It is important to understand how much REEs
society: the Institute of Scrap Recycling can potentially be obtained from recycling PMs.
Industries has esti- mated that over 40% of Figure 1 shows volumes of Nd-Fe-B and Sm-Co,
industrial consumers’ raw materials come from by application area, used in 2014, 2015 and
recycling.12 Recycling REE- containing materials forecasted for 2020.5 Electric motors and consumer
can enable production from secondary raw electronics
materials and help recover the
Addressing Criticality in Rare Earth Elements via Permanent Magnets Recycling 117

Fig. 1. 2014, 2015 and 2020 (forecasted) applications of Nd-Fe-B and Sm-Co PMs (plotted with data from Ref. 5).

are forecasted to continue to dominate the use of justify establishing a recycling facility in 2011
REE PMs. Swarfs generated during the manufac- compared to 2010 or 2016. Nevertheless, it is
turing of PMs for those applications should be advantageous to have readily deployable REEs
readily available for recycling. Comparing Fig. 1 to recycling technologies, should high prices return
the lifespan of devices in the applications, and persist.
additional PMs available for recycling can be
inferred. As an example, assuming 6-year lifespans Profitability Challenges
for consumer ~electronics,14 36,000 metric tons
of ~ Nd-Fe-B and 1600 metric tons of Sm-Co Another challenge to recycling REEs is that high
produced in 2020 could be available for recycling capital expenditure (CAPEX) and operating
by 2026. The volumes may be higher, depending expendi- ture (OPEX) can make establishing
on how much of the consumer electronics made some of the proposed processes unprofitable.
before 2020 were recycled. On the other hand, Taking HDDs, for example, we obtained an
motors typically have longer lifespans (10–20 average magnet weight of
years).23,24 As a result, REEs from PMs in motors 13.3 g per HDD from 25 HDDs, which lies between
would take longer to become available for the 10 g per HDD32,33 and 16.3 g per HDD34
recycling. The same applies to medical devices and reported by others. Stoichiometric Nd~ 2Fe14B
wind turbines which typically contains 27% REEs by weight, although 24.4–31%,
have long average lifetimes.25 averaging 28.2%, was reported from x-ray
fluorescence studies 34
performed using 10 HDDs. Therefore, assuming
Challenges in Justifying Recycling
Despite many proposed technologies for recover-
ing REEs from PMs, most are not commercially
deployed, which limits the resource sustainability
potential for recovering REEs from PMs. A bottle-
neck to recycling REEs from PMs is the cyclical
nature of the instability in REEs prices.
Responses by governments and other institutions
when price spikes occur help drive the need to
recycle.26 The 2011 price spike led to the
establishment of efforts across the world,
including the U.S. Department of Energy Critical
Materials Institute,27 the European Innovation
Partnership on Raw Materials, 28 and others in
different regions of the world. It also resulted in
internationally coordinated efforts to develop
strategies for mitigating supply disrup- tions.29
Justifying that recycling can help mitigate supply
disruptions is less challenging during price
spikes, but the strength of such an argument
wanes as prices decrease again, making recycling
appear less feasible. In Fig. 2,30,31 it would be
118 Nlebedim and King
13.3 g of magnet per HDD and 28.2 wt.% REE
per magnet, an average magnet in one HDD
would containg of REEs. Establishing a profitable
re- cycling enterprise based on such a small
amount of REEs requires low OPEX, while the ~
CAPEX needs be amortized over a short period to
protect the enterprise from the potential impacts
of falling prices. This is particularly challenging
when HDDs are shredded for security reasons,
because additional costs would be needed to
collect, pre-sort, demagnetize and concen- trate
the PMs content of the shredded HDDs before
REEs recovery can be performed. This challenge
is further exacerbated in HDDs with smaller
Three possible approaches for improving the
profitability of recovering REEs are employing
processes that: (1) allow for recycling of other
components in a device housing the REEs-
contain- ing materials, (2) result in valuable
recycling by- products, and (3)
eliminate/minimize pre-processing steps prior to
recovering REEs. A process reported by the
Critical Materials Institute may have these
features.35 The details of the process are yet to be
made public due to the need to protect intellectual
Addressing Criticality in Rare Earth Elements via Permanent Magnets Recycling 119

manufacturing PMs is energy intensive and envi-

ronmentally impactful. Figure 3 shows the environ-
mental footprint associated with the production of
the REOs mostly used in manufacturing PMs.44
Putting the energy numbers in perspective, the
combined energy for production of only 1 kg of these
oxides (Nd-oxide, Pr-oxide, Sm-oxide and Dy-oxide)
is more than the average monthly energy consumed
in the U.S. State of Texas in 2016 (1156
kWh = 4161 MJ45). Reducing the REOs into metals
and subsequent manufacturing of PMs also add to
the total energy and greenhouse gas emission.


Recycling PMs requires deciding whether to
directly reuse the PMs or to recover the REEs
Fig. 2. 2010–2016 trends in Dy-oxide, Nd-oxide and Tb-oxidw pri- contents. This decision depends on the point in the
ces: it is easier to justify REEs recycling during price spikes than supply chain at which the product of recycling will
when prices are lower (plotted with data from Refs. 30,31).
be inserted. Figure 4 is a decision tree for recy-
cling PMs, which also demonstrates the potential
for the circular economy. The figure considers: (1)
need to recycle other materials housed in the same
Safety, Environmental Impact and Energy
system as the PMs, (2) assessment of the PMs to
Efficiency Concerns
determine suitability for reuse or need for repro-
REE recycling efforts also need to be safe to cessing before reuse, (3) requalification of remade
operate, environmentally friendly and energy effi- PMs for intended applications, and (4) recovering
cient. For operational safety, limiting or avoiding of REEs when reuse is not possible or would result
the generation of hazardous fumes is necessary. For in expensive reprocessing. For reuse, minimal or
example, processes that result in the evolution of no reprocessing of the PMs is ideal. An example is
harmful gasses (e.g., hydrogen gas36 as in the use of the magnet-to-magnet recycling approach
b-diketonates) may be difficult to scale up, in employed by Urbanmining Company.46 Recovering
addition to posing some safety concerns. Also, the REEs contents as metals, oxides or other
processes that use large amounts of chemicals will compounds enables wider application of the recy-
raise environmental concerns, especially ones that cled products as raw materials for making new
generate non-recyclable by-products which also products. However, additional investments in
have no economic values. This environmental con- energy and other resources may be needed. In
cern is one strong drawback of most hydrometal- general, the decision to reuse or recover the REEs
lurgical processes, which often use large amount of should minimize negative environmental impacts
chemicals and generate large amounts of wastewa- and the resource investments needed to obtain
ter.37 Moreover, hydrometallurgical processes often useful products. Recycling other components of the
depend on strong mineral acids to dissolve the system in which the permanent magnet was
magnets.38–43 Since acid digestion of magnets is contained can help in making a recycling process
typically non-selective, large amounts of acid-con- more profitable.
taminated wastes are typically generated. Although
gas-phase extraction37 and other pyrometallurgical PERMANENT MAGNET MATERIALS FOR
processes do not generate large amounts of contam- RECYCLING
inated wastewater, they require highly corrosive
gases, use large amounts of energy and generate Reusing Permanent Magnets
large amounts of solid wastes.37 Additional invest- Waste PMs for recycling can be swarfs or slags,
ments will be required to overcome these safety which can be dry or wet. Figure 5a and b shows
and environmental challenges. The consequence is pictures of industrially obtained dry and wet mag-
higher operating expenditure and reduced revenue. net swarfs, respectively. Swarfs are fine particles of
Although it is estimated that recovering REEs PMs obtained during grinding, cutting and other
from PMs can be more energy efficient and envi- post-manufacturing operations. Since Sm-Co has
ronmental friendly than obtaining them from pri- better oxidation resistance than Nd-Fe-B, swarfs of
mary sources,13 it is still important to minimize the Sm-Co are typically less oxidized. Swarfs are also
energy used and the impact on the environment. typically contaminated with cutting/grinding fluid
This can be appreciated by considering that the and media. Slags, such as shown in Fig. 5c, are
initial production process for REOs used in typically unsuitable for reuse.
120 Nlebedim and King

Fig. 3. Energy and greenhouse gas emissions associated with the production of 1 kg of primary REOs: Nd2O3, Pr6O11, Sm2O3 and Dy2O3, for
magnet production (plotted with data from Ref. 44).

Fig. 4. Decision diagram illustrating the circular economy for recycling REEs from permanent magnets materials contained in devices and
magnet manufacturing plants.

Figure 5d shows PMs-containing shredded HDD.

Although carried out for data security, shredding types of materials can be reprocessed to remake
HDDs adds more difficulty to PMs recycling, espe- sintered magnets,20,49,50 produce isotropic and ani-
cially for reusing the PMs content. Separating the sotropic bonded PMs51–54 or recover the REEs from
PMs (typically Nd-Fe-B) in as-shredded HDDs the PMs.
from other magnetic (e.g., Ni) and non-magnetic Shredded HDDs (Fig. 6a) with high concentra-
compo- nents can be challenging, which makes it tions of PMs can be demagnetized (Fig. 6b) and the
difficult to reuse PMs from shredded HDDs. PMs content separated (Fig. 6c). In Fig. 6d, the
Shredding also results in the loss of PMs, which magnetic hysteresis plot for the as-shredded mate-
reduces the amount of recyclable materials.47,48 rial (black plot) is typical of poorly coupled soft
Figure 5e and f shows scrap magnets from indus- and hard magnetic phases: nickel and Nd-Fe-B,
trial wastes and magnets extracted from HDDs respec- tively. The plot for the separated PMs (red
using an aforementioned process.18 Ideally, both plot) is typical of hard magnetic phase, in this case
Nd-Fe-B magnet. Figure 6D and the inset table
show that, if
Addressing Criticality in Rare Earth Elements via Permanent Magnets Recycling 121

Fig. 5. Forms of feedstock materials for PMs recycling. (a) Dry grinding swarfs. (b) Wet grinding swarfs. (c) Slags. (d) Shredded electronic
waste from HDD. (e) Scrap magnets. (f) HDD magnets.

well separated, the PMs content of shredded HDDs known routes for recovering REEs can be applied.
can be reused. This obviously depends on the form of The complications can be overcome by developing
materials obtained from the shredding process: a process that selectively recovers the REEs
coarse or fine. without the need for pre-processing the shredded
HDDs (manual picking and sorting,
Recovering REEs Contents of Permanent demagnetization, grinding and sieving). Such
Magnets process will reduce the complexity of recycling
When reuse is not possible, the REEs content of processes, help avoid co- melting or co-dissolution
the materials can be recovered. Others have dis- of unwanted device com- ponents, and eliminate
cussed the different methods for recovering the additional investments for generating and
REEs, including the advantages and disadvantages containing wastes. As previously stated, selective
of the methods.37,55 In general, REEs are recovered recovery of REEs from electronic wastes in the as-
as oxides (typical of many hydrometallurgical shredded form is a feature of the new technologies
approaches) or metals (typical of some pyrometal- announced by the Critical Mate- rials Institute.35
lurgical approaches). When recovery of REEs is the option, different
Abrahami et al.56 have investigated the recovery routes have been developed. Carlson and Taylor
of REEs from post-consumer shredded HDDs by reported on a selective sulfation roasting process in
sulfuric acid leaching and by combining molten which the difference in the stabilities of sulfates of
slag extraction process and sulfuric acid leaching. REEs and transition metals are exploited to
The recycling feedstock materials for both routes separate the REEs from Nd-Fe-B.58 Stanton
were concentrated PMs obtained after subjecting reported on the separation of Sm from Sm-Co, also
as- shredded HDD to thermal demagnetization, using the selective sulfation approach.59 The
grind- ing and screening. Both routes resulted in efficiency of different types of acid for REEs
98.4% pure REEs double salts from which REE- leaching has been studied, in which hydrochloric
fluorides or oxides can be obtained. and sulfuric acids were found to be most effective for
The lack of a mature technology for recovering complete dissolution of the magnets. 60 Recovery of
REEs from end-of-life (EOL) electronic devices REEs from both Nd-Fe-B and Sm-Co recycling
feedstock via ionic liquid routes has a
appears to be related to the challenges with obtain- been proposed. One challenge with the ionic
ing REEs from EOL devices. As previously stated, liquid routes is that ionic liquids are currently
shredding of HDDs complicates this problem by expensive compared with many of other solvents,
resulting in pre-processing steps before any of the therefore limiting the potential for large-scale recy-
cling.66 Hydrothermal process was reported to
122 Nlebedim and King

Fig. 6. Demonstrating the possibility to reuse magnets from shredded HDDs showing: (a) magnet manually concentrated from as-shredded
HDD; (b) material derived from demagnetizing the magnet concentrate; (c) magnet separated from other components of the mix; (d) magnetic
hysteresis loops of the magnet concentrate (black plot) and the separated magnet (red plot). Inset Magnetic properties derived from the
hysteresis loops.

in the selective recovery of Nd compound with > proposed approaches have drawbacks which can
99% purity from Ni-coated magnet. However, the deter new start-up efforts and discourage existing
authors remarked that a large amount of acidic companies from integrating the process into their
waste water was generated and needs to be cleaned plants. Those drawbacks, including the use and
up.67 Pyromet- allurgical approaches have been generation of hazardous fumes and chemicals, con-
studied and devel- oped for recovering both light sumption of large amounts of energy, need to be
REEs and heavy REEs from magnet scraps via the addressed to encourage adoption of the processes.
liquid-metal extraction process68–71 and electroslag Simplifying complex process can also be very useful.
refining methods.38,72 Since businesses are profit-driven, proposed tech-
nologies for recycling REEs from PMs must
CONCLUSION demon- strate profitability to encourage adoption
by the private sector. Preferably, the processes
REE-based PMs have been and will continue to should minimize waste generation or result in
be of critical importance for the advancement of valuable by-products for use in the same or other
mod- ern technologies. Although there is currently processes. Profitability should be considered
a scarcity of well-established and industrially from a system perspective, rather than a single
adopted REEs recycling technology for PMs, there material perspec- tive; although process costs,
can be sufficient material to encourage recycling, energy requirements and environmental impacts
irrespec- tive of the waning in the motivation to also need to be consid-
recycle when REEs prices decline. Those materials ered from the same system perspectives.
for recycling include existing materials and those Part of the decision to recycle should be the
that will arise in the future from increased use of consideration to reuse, where the REE PMs can be
PMs. The current decline in REEs prices is far qualified as fit for an application. When direct
removed from being a security for future supplies. reuse is not possible, the material can be considered
As a result, establishment of recycling processes to for applications for which minimal processing is
be deployed when prices spike is very important. possi- ble for remanufacturing of PMs. Recovery of
The challenges with establishing industrial recy- the REEs, as metals or oxides, should be
cling practices is likely a consequence of the lack of considered only when the materials cannot be
deployable recycling technologies. Many of the directly reused or minimally processed to re-
manufacture PMs.
Addressing Criticality in Rare Earth Elements via Permanent Magnets Recycling 123

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cling, it seems very likely that new REEs recycling 24. M. Barnes, Practical Variable Speed Drives and Power
Electronics (Oxford: Elsevier, 2003).
efforts capable of addressing many of the concerns 25. K. Habib, P.K. Schibye, A.P. Vestbø, O. Dall, and H.
will be soon established. Wenzel, Environ. Sci. Technol. 48, 12229 (2014).
26. US-DOE, Critical Materials Strategy (Washington DC,
This work is supported by the Critical Materials 27. US-DOE,, Ames Laboratory to Lead New Re-
Institute, an Energy Innovation Hub funded by the search Effort to Address Shortages in Rare Earth and
U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Effi- Other Critical Materials, (2013).
ciency and Renewable Energy, Advanced ames-laboratory-lead-new-research-effort-address-shortages-
Manufac- turing Office. HDD materials shown in 28. EU-Commission, Innovation partnership to overcome Eur-
figures were supplied from Oak Ridge National ope’s raw materials shortages (2012).
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29. US-DOE, The Department of Energy’s Critical Materials
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