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Table of Contents

1. Introduction..............................................................................................................................4
2. Observation from Recruitment.................................................................................................5
3. Recommendations for Recruitment..........................................................................................6
4. Observations from Negotiation process...................................................................................7
5. Recommendations for Negotiation Process.............................................................................8
6. Main Reflections......................................................................................................................9
7. Conclusion................................................................................................................................9
8. Reference...................................................................................................................................10

List of Figures
Figure 1: Recruitment Process.........................................................................................................4
Figure 2: Interview..........................................................................................................................5
Figure 3: Negotiation Peocess.........................................................................................................7

1. Introduction

Before you can employ and

onboard someone, you must first
discover, attract, interview, and pick
applicants. From defining a need to
sourcing competent people, it covers it
all. The number of persons responsible
for recruiting new employees grows
with a company's growth. A major
corporation may hire one recruiter,

Figure 1: Recruitment Process whereas a smaller firm may employ a

team. (What is Recruitment? (HRM) |
SmartRecruiters, 2022)

Negotiation is the process of two parties coming together to solve an issue. It's generally
a win-win situation. Negotiation requires both parties to make sacrifices to establish a mutually
beneficial agreement. Working with colleagues, bosses or departments might lead to
negotiations. (Negotiation Skills: Definitions, Benefits and Examples, 2022).

The primary goal of this reflective log is to examine the growth of my talents in certain
negotiating and interviewing situations, as well as to identify my strengths and weaknesses in
each of these areas. In addition, I want to put the lesson learnt into practice in the future.

As far as possible, this comment matches my real experience with recruiting selection
and negotiating compensation compensation

2. Observation from Recruitment

Recruitment is the process of

identifying and recruiting prospective
employees with the purpose of filling open
jobs in a business. It is responsible for
identifying people who possess the qualities
and mindset necessary for the achievement
of an organization's goals and objectives. In
the recruitment process, the steps include
Figure 2: Interview locating job openings, assessing job criteria,
examining applications, screening, shortlisting, and ultimately choosing the best applicant for the

I'm getting ready to make an explanation for the way in which the interview was
conducted. My personal interview experience was aided by academic writings for Washington
D.C. (2001). I went through the process of interviewing for the position of assistant accountant
ten months ago. Now I'm preparing myself to be appreciative of how they interview me.

During such interview, the interviewer will be dressed appropriately for the position. It
becomes desirable to rearrange the furniture in the room. The interview began at the scheduled
hour. First and foremost, the interviewer extended a kind greeting and inquired about my
background. He, on the other hand, no longer displays himself. He may be interested in learning
about my history via my answers to his questions. However, it is beneficial to introduce the
interviewer in his or her own right. As a result, first and foremost, affect was rendered
ineffective. He failed to clarify the aim of the work or the interview procedure. He spent an
inordinate amount of time looking for my curriculum vitae. I saw that he was no longer familiar
with the applicant's statistics and that he did not refer to the work description prior to the
interview, which I found to be concerning. As a result, preparing for the interview and planning
were no longer successful strategies.

After that, he inquired as to my estimated age, religious affiliation, and marital history.
This kind of question has the effect of discriminating against the candidates. He wanted to know
about the characteristics of the assistant accountant, so I told him about them. Then he brought
up the subject of my own personal weaknesses and strengths in that particular area of expertise.
He inquired about the magazine articles about a few of transactions, which I provided. Check out
my accounting experience to see how well I know my stuff. Eventually, he brought up the
subject of wages and restitution. He didn't allow me the opportunity to ask any questions, and he
didn't provide an explanation for the outcome of the interview. As a result, the conclusion of the
interview did not constitute an accomplishment. The way in which the interviewer asked a few
thinking questions was not appropriate, but the sequence in which the questions were asked was

3. Recommendations for Recruitment

Build a stronger community.

Despite the company's gleaming "employer brand," it's not difficult for job seekers to find
out what it's really like to work there. Put in the effort to build a better culture, since the market
will be more interested in hiring employees if that information is made public.

Examine your company's internal and external branding strategies.

It's not difficult to locate talented individuals, but convincing them to change careers is
another story.

Develop and maintain high standards of leadership

To be successful in the talent wars, it is more important to draw in top performers than it
is to actively seek them out.

List Only the Essential Skills That Cannot Be Changed.

The delicate balance between looking for individuals with experience and those with more
education but less experience becomes increasingly crucial as the workforce continues to
develop over time.

4. Observations from Negotiation process

Negotiation is a means of resolving disputes.

It's a way to achieve a compromise or agreement
without arguing or arguing. When people disagree,
it's natural for them to want the best conclusion for
their side of the argument (or perhaps an organization
they represent). However, the values of fairness,
mutual gain, and preserving a connection are the keys

Figure 3: Negotiation Peocess to success. It is possible to attain a desired conclusion

by following an organized negotiating method. It may be
necessary, for example, in the workplace, to set up a meeting at which all parties concerned may

I am getting ready to give an explanation for the negotiation method with my private
experience. I labored a mechanical item wholesale organization. I had to take part a negotiation
with that business enterprise’s negotiation group for a selling mechanical object to retail
company. The head of our negotiating team rescheduled a day and time and proposed a deal. It
was necessary to evaluate the retail company's expected best and rate in my concept of it. As a
result, I saw that the negotiation's preparation and supervision had become ineffective.

For a 30 percent down payment, the retail chain provided us with mechanical object
agreements. Our organization's expectations are set at 50%. We didn't mention any faults,
weaknesses, or linked issues while presenting our proposal to the retail company. Because of
this, describing a single component is not a success. Our boss countered with 15% of the original
offer. They heeded our advice and sent the matter to their legal department. Our team leader
didn't take advantage of the deal's standard floor. In my experience, we had to balance each
event's offerings with its goals. As a result, presenting was no longer effective.

We were asked for an 18 percent payment by a retail organization in order to sign the
deal. We were able to reach an agreement without going through every detail of the agreement.
As far as I can tell, we had to address the possibility that no progress would be accomplished as a
result of the ongoing verbal scuffles. As a result, I came to the conclusion that the negotiation
process was flawed. Our criminal group negotiated a settlement and all parties signed it.
However, this may lead to a lot of wrangling over language and terminology. Before signing the
agreement, I believe we discussed a rough estimate of the generally agreed time frame.

5. Recommendations for Negotiation Process.

There is no such thing as a single negotiation.

Long-term partnerships are required to get good negotiating outcomes. Good negotiators,
on the other hand, are continually looking for methods to reinforce the relationship and their

Focus your thoughts on the good.

Many negotiators underestimate their own strengths and influence. In most cases, you
have more negotiating power than you think. To succeed in a negotiation, you must believe the
other side needs your contribution.

Make ready
Information is vital in negotiation. Use this data to discover the other's history, present,
and future. You'll be better able to negotiate if you know the other party's situation. Any
preparedness strategy must include practice. Negotiating is a lot like golf or karate.

Before beginning discussions, consider the best and worst-case scenarios.

Keep calm when things don't go your way. The best line of action is to review your
arguments. It's usually feasible to establish common ground if both sides know their highest and
lowest expectations.

6. Main Reflections

Bad interview preparation is one of the interviewer's issues, according to my study. The
interviewee may also prepare for replies by pre-planning and specifying. So I learnt how to
prepare and guide an interviewer. In an interview, I learned about thinking and asking behavioral
questions. I improved my ability to read nonverbal cues from interviewees. In the future, I will
use all of these aspects while interviewing applicants. I've learnt the value of dialogue and
listening skills in negotiating. According to my research, we should discuss our objectives with
the other side. When the desires of both parties do not coincide, the negotiator must modify the
new strategy for success. Effective negotiation requires good preparation, negotiating strategy,
and resolution. So I noticed the component knowledge. I wish to use the above information in
future negotiations.

7. Conclusion

In the creation phase, define the recruitment choice and negotiation. The reflective log
helps to understand the recruiting selection and negotiating process. The 5 phases of interviewing
include preparation, introduction, questioning, and closing. Using those 5 degrees to write a
statement to analyze my recruiting selection abilities. The interviewer's suggestions may be
utilized in my future professional lives. The 5 phases of negotiation are: prepare, discuss,
propose, bargain, and agree. Using my employee's experience and writing a statement helps me
assess my negotiating skills. Suggestions for this negotiating technique help me become a better
negotiator. In recruiting and negotiating, major introspection helps me recognize my strengths
and flaws.

8. Reference

2001. Recruitment! recruitment! recruitment!. [Washington, D.C.]: U.S. Dept. of Labor, Office

of Disability Employment Policy.

Cruickshank, P., 2013. Recruitment. London: Routledge.

Schmidt, T. and Jensen, P., 2012. Social networks and regional recruitment of foreign labour:
Firm recruitment methods and spatial sorting in Denmark*. Papers in Regional Science, 91(4),

SmartRecruiters. 2022. What is Recruitment? (HRM) | SmartRecruiters. [online] Available at:

<> [Accessed 3 January 2022].

Staff, <., 2022. These Examples Illustrate the Importance of Negotiation in Business. [online]
PON - Program on Negotiation at Harvard Law School. Available at:
importance-of-negotiation-in-business/> [Accessed 1 January 2022].


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