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ITTO is very detailed. You'll need to figure out a way to memorize all the inputs, tools, outputs.

When you do, you'll start to see these patterns. Example: An output in every Control process (ALL
the knowledge groups) includes aWPI=Work Performance Information as one of the outputs ( with
one exception) the Integration Knowledge group has a control process too, but in this case, WPI
( Work performance information) is an input. This makes sense because you are collecting all the
WPIs from other knowledge groups to create a WPR=Work Performance Report. This is just ONE
pattern. I've included many others in the email. The 1234- PM Plan trick- was a memory tool. I must
have created 100 over my studies.
he real intention behind ITTO based questions is to check your understanding of:

 How do the processes flow?

 How are the processes interrelated to one another?
 How do the processes depend on one another?
 How do the processes affect one another?
 Thank you for replying. The ITTO was definitely the hardest part, so I
feel your pain. Note that the CAPM did not have much Agile- just a
passing understanding (it's based on PMBOK 6 ( not 7)

 3 levels.

 1) I recall details best with images and story associations. This is why I
associated each of the 10 Knowledge Groups ( Integration, Scope,
Schedule, Cost, Resources, Communications, Quality, Risk, Stakeholder
Engagement) to 10 locations in the Harry Potter's Storyworld. 

 As and example: The GREAT HALL was associated to the Resource
Knowledge group. In this room were 4 long (tables,- Plan, Estimates,
Acquisition, Development)   the head table(Manage) and the sorting hat.

 2) When remembering the details, I associated the LOCATION to a
Story- Example: The Head table where the teachers need to use their
WITS to deal with the children sit associated to (W) Work Performance
Reports (I)interpersonal Skills, (T) team assessments (S)software 

 NOTE It does not have to be HarryPotter is can be any real or imagined
location that you know very well. 

 By walking through these places in my mind I quickly recalled
determined if the processes belonged or not
ITTO Patterns

I suggest:
Understand the basic process logic then Memorize the patterns then the
exceptions (# of processes in brackets) 
You'll need to build this into your study plan.


 Memorize when the following are inputs:

 (10)Agreements,
 (5)Business
 (11) Docuemnts,
 (all Plans+4)The Charter,
 (3)Deliverables,
 (3)Proc.Documents,
(2)Approved Changes 
 (1)Communication Plan,
 (1)Project Funding Requirement,
 (1)Team Assessments,
 (1) Seller Proposal - Note these are very logical.

Example: The Charter is the input for All Project Plans 

Integation Closing, Scope Collection/Define,

Stakeholder Identification BUT NOT Charter

 In the Control Group

 Input:
 Work Performance Data -->

 Output: Work Performance Infomation -->

 EXCEPT at Integration where the Contol Output is Work
Performace Reports 

 (8) EEF and (2) OPAs are almost always inputs  

 (7) Project Documents can be anything so get to know the exceptions


 Estimates are always accompanied by Base of Estimates

 Expert Knowledge is almost ALWAYS  a Tool and Tech. with planning
or people  ( not ith data crunching=control group)
 Meetings often pair with interpersonal and team skills
 IN THIS ORDER! Data Gather --> Data Analyse --> Data
Representation --> Data Report --> Data Decision (they can happen
at the same process but not out of this order)


 The 33 documents and 19 plans in the Project Management Plan,

 page 88 IS the LIST OF ALL OUTPUTS –

 You'll just need to figure out which goes with what

 The 1st few knowledge groups you can CONTROL (Integration, Scope,
Schedule, Cost, Quality, Resources) the last you can only MONITOR (
Communications, Risks,  StakeholderEngagement 
 If you can CONTROL it, you will likely have to report on the
performance index ( Schedule, Cost,  or data representation
( Quality) 
 Procurement has  3 Cs- after Planning - Conduct, Control, Close

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