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june 2011 Wycliffe Beginnings

a newsletter from brandy ingle

This month Id like to focus on how Wycliffe began. Its a great story, one that is completely honoring to God. The links (underlined) will take you to websites on Wycliffe USAs site ( Wycliffe was founded in 1942 by William Cameron Townsend. In 1917, Townsend took a break from his college studies to sell Spanish Bibles in Guatemala. As he was there, he quickly realized that the majority of Guatemalans were descendants of the Mayan Indians and didnt speak or read Spanish. Several Cakchiquel Indians expressed their concern that the Scriptures were available in Spanish, but not in their language. Conversations like this and the urging of the Spirit convinced Townsend that he needed to learn the Cakchiquel language and translate the New Testament for them so that they could have it in a language they understood clearly- their heart language. He and his wife went to live among these people and began translation work. Ten years later, the Cakchiquel New Testament was nished and eventually Wycliffe Bible Translators was formed. How you can pray
Praise the Lord that my support commitments have reached over 80% of my monthly goal! Pray for new ways and opportunities for me to share with potential partners about my journey. Pray for preparations of going to Papua New Guinea. There is a lot of paperwork that needs to be done in order for me to get a work visa. Pray for me as I speak at Faith Baptist Church on Sunday, July 10.

Townsend resolved that every man, woman and child should be able to read Gods Word in their own language. Borrowing the name of the Reformation hero, John Wycliffe,who rst translated the Bible into English, Townsend founded "Camp Wycliffe" in 1934 as a linguistics training school. By 1942, "Camp Wycliffe" had grown into twoafliate organizations, Wycliffe Bible Translators and the Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL). Today, SIL and Wycliffe Bible Translators work together to translate Scripture, train eld personnel and promote interest in translation. More than 700translations have been completed, and hundreds more are in the process. With Gods provision, Townsends vision will be realized. Learn more on the history of Bible translation.

No one should have to learn another language to hear and read Gods Word.
-quote at Wycliffe USA Headquarters in Orlando, FL William Cameron Townsend (Uncle Cam) Founder, Wycliffe Bible Translators To Donate: Wycliffe Bible Translators P.O. Box 628200 Orlando, FL 32862-8200 *Include a note: Brandy Ingle #227294

To Partner Online:

the journey : june 2011 | page 2! ! Life

brandy ingle

Dear friend, you are faithful in what you are doing for the brothers and sisters, even though they are strangers to you. They have told the church about your love. Please send them on their way in a manner that honors God. It was for the sake of the Name that they went out, receiving no help from the pagans. We ought therefore to show hospitality to such people so that we may work together. 3 John 5-8 These verses, specically verse 7, was the focal point of our last two Missions Conferences at FBA. The theme, For the Sake of His Name, and these verses have stuck with me since the 2009 conference. John is speaking to the local church who took in traveling missionaries, took care of them, supported them, and sent them out in a manner that honors God. I am truly thankful for each of you who are already doing this for me. I am humbled by the many people who continually show this kind of hospitality toward me, knowing that we work together for the truth, and who are sending me out for Jesus namesake. Thank you.

The girls on our sailing adventure

Mom and Dad in downtown Charlotte

This last month has been so busy, but so great. Not working a full-time job anymore, I was able to go home for a week near the end of May just to spend time with my parents. I took my mom to the Biltmore Estate in Asheville, NC, as her Mothers Day present. I love that place, and I loved the time I got to spend with her. The week of June 11, my parents, Jessica, and I went to Ormond Beach! We always make it a point to go to the beach once a year, and it was so wonderful. We climbed to the top of the Ponce Inlet Lighthouse, went to the Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. for some amazing shrimp, rode the ferris wheel at Daytona Beach, played dominoes, and of course laid on the beach for hours at a time. I think our favorite part was sailing. We went out on a sail boat with a captain and got to fully participate in all the work! Its extremely hard and I never want to be a sailor, but it was so fun. On June 18, I had my rst Home Meeting, hosted by my parents, where I spoke to a group who are interested in missions, Wycliffe, and/or supporting me. Preparing for that and presenting were such great reminders of what God has called me to do. It made me even more excited to move forward! There are also things that I am doing for Wycliffe in order to get me to Papua New Guinea on time. Right now I am working on my work visa application. I have been told that it is one of the hardest places to get a work visa to, so thats something that I need to get done pretty quickly! Also, I have intercultural training at JAARS (one of Wycliffes training facilities in Waxhaw, NC) August 5-September 2, for which I have some reading to do before I go. Coming up for me is an 18-day road trip with my Grandparents on July 11! We are going to St. Louis, Wyoming, Colorado, Arizona, then across Texas through Tennessee, and back to North Carolina. I cant wait to tell you all about it in my next newsletter!
Orchids at the Biltmore Estate Conservatory

My Contact Information Brandy Ingle 84 Mount Vernon Cir. Atlanta, GA 30338 Email: Website: Phone: 678.988.5314 Step By Step | A Timeline



Apply to Wycliffe Completed August 2010 Orientation Training Completed October 2010 Develop Prayer and Financial Partners In progress (70% complete) Intercultural Communications Course August 2011 at JAARS Pacic Orientation Course January-March 2012 in Papua New Guinea Begin my work in Papua New Guinea April 2012

Presenting 6/18/11

With my mom at the Biltmore House

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