Health Syllabus 22

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Vicente S.A. Benavente Middle Schoo! SY 2020-2021 7 Grade Health Course Syilabus ‘Teacher: Manuel S.Calvo. Room 69/Gym (671) 6325647 Office hours: 5* period 2:00-3:00 pm Blue Days ‘VSABMIS Vision Statement ‘VSABIIS Mission ‘School wide Learning Outcomes: Students wil have excellent (Our mission isto provide a safe, | V-Value their community. character, felong desire for supportive, and progressive S- Succeed Academically: learning, ingenuity and learning erwronment that enables | A-Adaptto changing times; perseverance to solve personal and | our students to achieve atthe | Be Behave appropriately: ‘global problems, and passion to | highest levels and empowers them | M- Make postive choices: {serve their community. tobe innovative and productive as_| S-Strive fora better tomorrow. they face the challenges of the future. ‘Texthook/ Resources: Teen Health; Lifeline- Suicide prevention; Violence prevention; Main anplications: Face to Face instruction and Online Google Classroom meetings. Basic schoo! supplies, for this school year, will be provided by the district through the Education Stabilization Fund Il- State Educational Agency (ESF ll-SEA) Project. 3: This semester long course is designed to equip students with the knowledge to take: charge of their health and make good informed decisions. ‘Course Objectives: Students wil: Distinguish between healthy and unhealthy alternatives to health-related istes or problems. ‘Analyze the outcomes of a health-related decision. Demonstrate refusal sils that avoid or reduce health risk Demonstrate healthy practices and behaviors that will maintain or improve the health of self and others. 5. Practice Good Personal Hygiene ‘These are the standards & topics to be covered for each quarter. [1 Quarter Setf Management: Students will "2 Quarter Decision-making: Students will demonstrate healthy practices and behaviors that | distinguish between healthy and unhealthy ‘will maintain or improve the health of selfand | alternatives to health-related issues or problems. others. ‘Analyze the outcome of a health-related decision. Priority Topies- Goal Setting Priority Topies ‘Nutrition += Physical, MentatEmotional, and Social Health | = Physical Activity ‘Personal Hygiene / Physical Activity + Decision-Making Graded on Grading will reflect a Standards-Based/Tiered Grading system with levels classified as the following categerles (PSST Mtg. 8/9) Final composite grade (51 & 52} will be converted to a letter grade as follows: Grading & Proficiency Scale Criteria 4.0 | Exceeds Standard: in addition to demonstrating understanding and mastery standard, content knowledge, and skis, the student goes beyond what is explicitly taught ors able to apply the standard or ski to real world stustions. [35 [Proficene: Demonstrates understanding and matey of Standard, content knowledge, and sis Proficient: Demonstrates understanding and mastery of standard, content nowiedge, and skis] “Approaching Proficiency: Defines and identiies content knowledge or uses skis alone but needs help demonstrating full understanding of standard 20 | Approaching Proficiency: Defines and Identifies content nowledge or uses skis alone but needs |help demonstrating full understanding of standard. ‘Needs Support Even with help. the student has dffcully performing basic sis or deTang Content knowledge and is well below grade level standard. [Fo | Needs Suppor: Even wan Pep, te stadent ascii peoing Dak ior Steing content knowledge and is well below urade level stant ‘0___| Unabie to Perform. — NN” | No Grade/ No Evidence: No Work or Not Enough Work submitied to make a final determination. [See teacher comments). NOTE: Use increments of 5 to recognize partial mastey ofa level je increments of to recoonize partial mastery of a level Be Respectful Be Responsible Be Safe ¥ Listen and follow teachers | > Get to class on time! Sanitize hands upon entering instructions. > Bring all materials to class. | _andleaving the classroom. > Speak kindly to others using | > Turn in work on time. > Wear mask atall times. Grated language. > Obey all school rues. > Maintain social distance from > Behave appropriately. others. > Respect others and their belongings. > Raise your hand to speak. > Eating and chewing gum are not allowed in cass. ‘Citizenship: CCizenship and Life Readiness Skis will be determined by the folowing criteria: Psst Mtg. 8/9) 3. Engagement: Participates in cass discussions and activites, asks and answers questions and is on-task either in- person er on video conferences, depending on made! of learing or event. ». Orgarization and Planning: Organizes notes, handouts, supplies, and instructional materials; plans assignments, actities and tasks effectively; and manages time effiiently to meet deadines «, Comletion and Submission of Assignments: Completes and submits assignments regularty and on tie. 4. Condvet: Displays respectful and appropriate conduct when communicating with teachers, peers, and others either online o- during face-to-face instruction f= Arenuntabilty Fallows echonl ule and takes responsiblity fractions. f. Attendance & Punctuality Attends class regularly and on time CChizensip and Life Readiness Skile wil be reported using the following categories: (4) exelent @)satieactory (2) Neees improvement (2) Unsaistactory (WN) Not znough Evidence/No Evidence/No Effort NN SSS + hesodeonstestion a any fhe Interventions & Support ‘Make-up work and Interventions for students will be done in 10% period. ‘Student Handbook: ‘School rules. regulations, and polices are explained in our schoo! handbook. The handbook is available in both hard copy and digital formats. Students and Parents are to be aware of and follow all ‘expectations outlined in the handbook. Parental Expectations: 1) Communicate with the teacher regarding any questions or concerns. (Send an email or call the school at (67 1] 632-5647 and leave a message.) 2} Respond to letters and return phone calls from the teacher. |] Ensure child completes homework assignments and studies for quizzes and tests. 2!°This sflabus may change due to the clreumstances of the school year, **** Parents/Guardians, ook forward to working with you and your child to make this avery productive semester. Your child ‘willbe learning about health enhancing behaviors that | hope will influence hin/ her to make good decisions throughout his/her lfe. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns. My email address is or you may call the school at (671) 632-5647 and leave a message. Sincerely, Syllabus approved by: (KBro AD. ‘Manuel S. Calvo Di Elieen M. Gofigan 7 Grade PE/Health Teacher Assistant Principal-7" Grade ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: PARENT & STUDENT By signing below, we acknowledge and understand Mr. Calvo's Health class syllabus. Pease fill out, sign, and have your child return this form as soon as possible. Seudenvs name [pant] “Students Signature “pate “Perot Parent/Guardian’s Name [print] ~ Parents signature ParentyGuardian’s home phonet ceue_emait ‘Allergy information: Please list any allergles that your child may have.

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