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Geomorphology 57 (2004) 53 – 73

Influence of large woody debris on morphological evolution

of incised, sand-bed channels
N.P. Wallerstein*, C.R. Thorne
School of Geography, University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK
Received 24 April 2002; received in revised form 25 November 2002; accepted 21 January 2003


This paper documents the influence of Large Woody Debris (LWD) on the morphological evolution of unstable, degrading,
sand-bed rivers in the Yazoo Basin, North Mississippi, USA. The study was performed as part of the Demonstration Erosion
Control (DEC) project. Twenty-three river reaches were studied, with the aim of determining whether the presence of LWD was
beneficial or detrimental to the recovery of stability in degrading, sand-bed river systems and to provide the geomorphic
understanding necessary to underpin enhanced LWD management strategies. The results demonstrate that locations of LWD
inputs, volumes of LWD stored in different reaches and number of jams per unit channel length are causally related to the
morphological processes occurring during different stages of adjustment in these unstable, incised fluvial systems and may be
explained using a Channel Evolution Model (CEM). The net impact of LWD jams on reach-scale sediment budgets was found,
in general, to be positive: that is, jams trap more sediment than they mobilise. This suggests that LWD probably accelerates
rather than retards recovery of a stable longitudinal profile and channel configuration following incision. Field typing of LWD
jams, based on their impacts on the flow pattern, reveals that jam type is a function of the size of large, key elements in the jam
in relation to the channel width. A Debris Jam Classification Scheme is proposed on this basis, with the spatial relationship
between jam type and drainage basin area expressed using a dimensionless function of the ratio between channel width and
average riparian tree height. The scheme features four jam types, Underflow, Dam, Deflector and Flow Parallel/Bar Head, each
of which has a different morphological impact on local channel geometry. These jam types may be used to classify LWD jams
as an aid in determining appropriate management strategies, according to their location within the drainage basin.
D 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Large Woody Debris (LWD); Debris jam; Channel Evolution Model; Degradation; Incised channels

1. Introduction

There has been increasing interest in the role of

vegetation in fluvial geomorphology in recent years
(e.g., Gregory, 1993) because it has been recognised
* Corresponding author. Present address: 71 Sheldon Road,
that river dynamics cannot be fully understood with-
Nether Edge, Sheffield, S71GU, UK. Tel.: +44-114-258-2643
(home). out taking into account the impact that vegetation,
E-mail address: both on the banks and within the channel, has on bank
(N.P. Wallerstein). stability (Zimmerman et al., 1967; Gray, 1974;

0169-555X/03/$ - see front matter D 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
54 N.P. Wallerstein, C.R. Thorne / Geomorphology 57 (2004) 53–73

Thorne, 1982, 1990), flow velocity (Petryk and Bos- Piégay et al. (1999) have covered basin-wide debris
majian, 1975; Young, 1991; Dunkerley, 1992; Shields processes. These gaps in the knowledge of LWD –
and Gippel, 1995; Abbe and Montgomery, 1996), channel interaction led the authors to the conclusion
riverine habitat (Bilby and Likens, 1980; Benke et that significant new research could be undertaken
al., 1985; O’Connor, 1991; Smith and Shields, 1992; through the study of LWD in unstable, sand-bed
Gurnell et al., 1995) and channel geomorphology rivers, over a range of catchment sizes which would
(Robinson and Beschta, 1990; Smith et al., 1993a; thus enable channel management in such environ-
Keller and MacDonald, 1995; Thompson, 1995) As a ments to be undertaken upon a sound scientific basis.
consequence, the study of in-channel Large Woody Channels were therefore examined over a wide range
Debris (LWD) (sometimes referred to as coarse of catchment sizes in the Bluff-Line Hills of North
woody debris (CWD)) and its accumulation into jams Mississippi that are being studied by the US Army
has become a topic of considerable research interest Corps of Engineers under their Demonstration Ero-
over the past 5 –10 years (e.g., Nakamura and Swan- sion Control (DEC) program (Thorne, 1999). These
son, 1993; Fetherston et al., 1995; Wallerstein et al., lowland channels have sand, clay and loess beds and
2001; Gurnell et al., 2002). banks which are unstable and rapidly evolving due to
Large woody debris is defined here as trees, catchment land-use changes and past engineering
branches and other larger organic matter, with lengths interventions (Darby and Simon, 1999). The instabil-
greater than 1 m and diameters greater than 0.1 m. ity in these channels is causing bank failure and rapid
LWD jams are defined as collections of two or more widening, and in wooded areas, this inputs large
pieces of debris enmeshed together and fixed in the quantities of trees and other organic debris to the
channel cross-section by their own weight, by sedi- channels. While the Corps of Engineers has for some
ment cover or by attachment to the banks. time been aware that LWD is a significant geomorphic
In a review of relevant literature undertaken by agent, they have not been able to determine whether it
Wallerstein and Thorne (1995), it was established that is beneficial or detrimental to post-incision channel
there are significant gaps in the knowledge concerning recovery. As a consequence, there is no policy within
LWD. First, most studies have been carried out in the DEC program for dealing with LWD jams in
relatively stable, gravel-bed rivers most commonly in degrading channels and this gap in knowledge led to
the US and Canadian Pacific Northwest, upland UK the funding of the current research.
and New Zealand (Mosley, 1981; Bryant, 1983;
Murgatroyd and Ternan, 1983; Robinson and Beschta,
1990; Nakamura and Swanson, 1993; Smith et al., 2. Study area and context
1993a; Fetherston et al., 1995; Hogan et al., 1995;
Gurnell et al., 2000). Conversely, very little is known North Mississippi is part of the Gulf Coast Plain
about the impact of LWD in sand-bed rivers (with the Physiographic Province of North America. It com-
exception of studies by Shields and Smith, 1992; prises (from west to east) the Mississippi Valley, the
Diehl, 1994; Downs and Simon, 2001). Second, little Loess Hills and the North-central Plateau (Fig. 1). In
is known about LWD processes in channels with this area, the Mississippi Valley is a low-lying area of
instability caused by system-wide degradation alluvial deposits, drained by the Yazoo River. This
through knick point migration processes although river is the type-site for ‘Yazoo Streams’, which are
there have been studies concerning the input of defined as floodplain streams that flow subparallel to
LWD and LWD – channel interaction caused by land- very large alluvial rivers, being unable to drain into
sliding events (Lisle, 1995). Third, most studies have the trunk stream due to their lower elevation and the
been conducted in upland areas (Robinson and presence of natural levees separating the floodplain
Beschta, 1990; Nakamura and Swanson, 1993) from the main river. The North-central Plateau is a
although there are exceptions (Piégay, 1993; Thevenet heavily dissected plain underlain by Eocene clays and
et al., 1998). Finally, most studies have been under- Eocene Wilcox and Claiborne sands. Between these
taken in isolated reaches, and only a few investiga- two large physiographic areas lie the Loess Hills—a
tions such as those by Gregory et al. (1993) and narrow band of rolling country formed in highly
N.P. Wallerstein, C.R. Thorne / Geomorphology 57 (2004) 53–73 55

Fig. 1. Lithological map of Northern Mississippi showing the DEC survey area (modified from Dockery, 1997).

erodible, wind-blown sediments, and with about 30 m west along valleys incised into the Loess Hills, and
of relief. The western edge of the Loess Hills is traverse the Bluff-line within well-defined valleys
marked by a relatively steep scarp termed the before crossing wide alluvial fans and entering the
‘Bluff-line’. Streams draining North Mississippi flow Yazoo River. (Fig. 2).
56 N.P. Wallerstein, C.R. Thorne / Geomorphology 57 (2004) 53–73

Fig. 2. Demonstration Erosion Control creek study sites (modified from Raphelt et al., 1995).

The catchments receive approximately 1400 mm of depressions) and late summer (due to convective
rainfall per year, falling mostly in storms and intense thunderstorms). The intense rainfall and high porosity
precipitation events during spring (due to frontal of the catchment silts and sands produce flow regimes
N.P. Wallerstein, C.R. Thorne / Geomorphology 57 (2004) 53–73 57

in the Bluff-line streams that are naturally flashy. For rehabilitate unstable channel systems and develop
example, Abiaca Creek, site 4 (used in this study) new and innovative engineering solutions to insta-
with a drainage basin area of 113 km2 has a 2-year bility problems (US Government Printing Office,
flood discharge of 107 m3 s 1 but a bankfull capacity 1996).
of only 25 m3 s 1, which is only 25% of the 2-year The DEC project included provision for monitor-
discharge (Raphelt et al., 1995). Coupled with the ing morphological change and response to channel
highly erodible nature of the catchment sands and rehabilitation measures (Watson et al., 1997), includ-
silts, the catchment hydrology and flow regimes ing the role of woody debris in aiding or delaying the
generate very high sediment transport rates. For recovery of channel stability in incised Bluff-line
example, the Abiaca Creek site mentioned above has streams (Wallerstein et al., 1997).
a sediment discharge of 150 tons day 1 m 1 at the
bankfull discharge (Raphelt et al., 1995).
Streams in North Mississippi have received con- 3. Morphological evolution of unstable channels in
siderable attention from geomorphologists and engi- the study area
neers, with most academic studies being concerned
with documenting and understanding morphological The sequence of channel morphologies displayed
processes and evolution in systems destablised by by incising streams in North Mississippi has been
system-response to historical land-use changes, conceptualised by Schumm et al. (1984) and Simon
reservoir construction for flood control, artificial and Hupp (1986), in the form of Channel Evolution
straightening and dredging (e.g., Happ et al., 1940; Models (CEMs). While there are significant differences
DeCoursey, 1981; Schumm et al., 1984; Watson et between the CEMs of Schumm et al. and Simon and
al., 1997; Thorne, 1999). A large number of ad hoc Hupp (see Thorne, 1999 for a direct comparison), they
engineering projects were undertaken during the are sufficiently similar that one CEM may be used to
1960s and 1970s with the aim of restoring stability illustrate the idealised downstream sequence of chan-
and protecting infrastructure and farmland along nel forms associated with instability due to base level
these streams (US Army Corps of Engineers, lowering for the purposes of this paper. Hence, the
1981), but in 1985, the Demonstration Erosion CEM of Schumm et al. (1984) is shown schematically
Control project was initiated to formulate and im- in Fig. 3. Using time for space substitution (the ergodic
plement a co-ordinated, basin-scale programme to hypothesis, (Thorn, 1988)), the same sequence of

Fig. 3. Schematic longitudinal profile of a degrading channel showing identifiable features of each CEM Stage (modified from Schumm et al.,
58 N.P. Wallerstein, C.R. Thorne / Geomorphology 57 (2004) 53–73

Stages 1 –5 may be assumed to occur through time at a cross-section defined by the top of the
given location as a head-cut or over-steepened zone berms, bank height less than critical and
migrates upstream (Paine, 1985). reduced bank angles due to incorporation
The morphological attributes displayed by chan- of failed bank material into berms, colo-
nels at each stage in the Channel Evolution Model nisation of berms by riparian vegetation
have been detailed by Watson et al. (1993a), and are: abundant sediment depth in the bed of the
channel and a compound cross-section.
Stage 1 Dynamic equilibrium—reach characterised Stability is attained when a new floodplain
by sediment transport capacity that is equal develops within the incised channel.
to sediment supply, bank height that is less Width –depth ratio is higher than that for
than the critical height, a parabolic channel a Stage 4 reach.
cross-section and limited deposits of sedi-
ment in the bed. Width – depth ratios are The CEM is based on channel response to a single
highly variable and small precursor knick base-level lowering event and assumes that the chan-
points may be present. nel is readily adjustable both vertically and laterally.
Stage 2 Degrading reach—located immediately The model is also applicable only at a system scale, as
downstream of a knick point or in an local adjustments driven by bend erosion or local
over-steepened reach and characterised by scour at structures can override morphological im-
a sediment transport capacity that exceeds pacts of system adjustment to distort the sequence.
sediment supply, bank height that is less Nevertheless, the sequence provides a framework
than or equal to the critical bank height, a whereby the complex adjustments in a channel can
rectangular cross-section and little or no be explained and the morphology of individual rea-
deposited sediment in the bed. Width – ches related to processes operating both upstream and
depth ratio is lower than for Stage 1. downstream in the network.
Stage 3 Widening reach—located downstream of a
Stage 2 reach and characterised by a
sediment transport capacity that is highly 4. Data collection
variable with respect to sediment supply,
bank height that is greater than the critical Between June 1994 and August 1996, field
height, a rectangular cross-section and research was conducted along 23 channel reaches
accumulation of fresh sediment in the bed within the DEC study area that had been subject to
channel. Width – depth ratio is somewhat monitoring under an existing field programme per-
higher than that in the Stage 2 reach formed by Colorado State University as part of DEC-
upstream. related research (Watson et al., 1993b). These reaches
Stage 4 Aggrading and narrowing reach—located were selected because of the availability of detailed
downstream of a Stage 3 reach and information on morphology and morphological
characterised by sediment supply that adjustments during the years immediately prior to
exceeds transport capacity, bank height the initiation of this LWD study. The study reaches
approaching critical with mass failures less were further chosen to cover a wide range of drainage
common than in Stage 3 reaches, sediment basin areas and provide data from different fluvial and
accumulation in the bed and formation of environmental conditions in terms of debris loadings,
berms along the channel margins, leading riparian zone vegetation (natural-wooded or agricul-
to a compound cross-section. Width – depth tural-row cropped), planform (straight or meandering)
ratio is higher than that in Stage 3 reaches. and channel evolution stage (Stages 1 –5). The rea-
Stage 5 Equilibrium reach—located downstream of ches surveyed were between 1.2 and 4.0 km in length
a Stage 4 reach and characterised by and their upstream basin areas ranged from 9.5 to 256
balance between sediment transport ca- km2. Study stream locations are shown in Fig. 2.
pacity and sediment supply for the active Table 1 lists selected hydraulic and geomorphic var-
Table 1
Hydraulic and geomorphic parameters for study reaches in Northern Mississippi
DEC site Creek Drainage Average Average Reach- Study Q2 Stream Riparian Sediment Sediment Total CEM
number basin area Bankfull Bankfull averaged reach dischargeb power per vegetation transport median sinuositye Stage
(see Fig. 2) (km2) width (m) deptha bed slope length (m3 s 1) unit width at capacity at grain size
(m) (mm 1) (km) Q2 discharge Q2 discharge (D50) (mm)d
(W m 2) (tons day 1)c
1 Harland: site 1 69.93 25.9 1.7 0.0008 1.22 105.8 32.3 mature trees 34.5 0.50 1.7 2
2 Fannegusha 46.62 22.5 2.2 0.0020 1.22 94.1 82.0 mature trees 28,181.7 0.30 1.0 2
3 Abiaca: site 3 68.64 17.0 1.9 0.0009 1.22 94.4 51.1 mature trees 7480.3 0.25 1.7 4

N.P. Wallerstein, C.R. Thorne / Geomorphology 57 (2004) 53–73

4 Abiaca: site 4 113.96 21.3 0.9 0.0016 1.22 106.9 78.6 agriculture 1894.2 0.49 1.7 5
5 Coila 108.78 17.3 0.9 0.0019 1.22 135.2 145.0 riparian mature trees 33.4 10.00 1.4 4
6 Abiaca: site 6 256.41 31.7 1.7 0.0006 1.22 200.7 38.5 mature trees 1801.7 0.37 1.4 5
7 Nolehoe 9.58 11.1 1.2 0.0070 1.22 27.6 170.0 mature trees 1036.1 10.00 1.0 2
8 Lick 22.02 14.9 1.6 0.0027 1.22 unknown unknown mature/young trees 11,380.9 sand 1.2 2
9 Red Banks 72.00 32.9 1.9 0.0016 4.02 111.8 54.9 agricultural 2477.7 0.50 1.2 5
10 Lee 19.43 32.7 1.9 0.0016 1.22 38.9 19.2 agricultural 24,782.0 0.40 1.3 1
11 Hickahala 23.31 13.5 1.6 0.0020 2.01 61.0 88.2 mature trees 10,287.7 sand/clay 1.3 3
12 Burney Branch 25.90 31.8 2.1 0.0008 1.61 unknown unknown scrub/mature trees 3992.0 0.36 1.3 4
13 Lower Hotopha 44.29 19.7 3.8 0.0018 3.22 95.8 85.7 mature trees 44,438.4 sand 1.1 3
14 Otaucalofa 106.00 22.3 1.8 0.0017 1.22 61.9 47.6 agricultural 9026.2 sand 1.2 2
15 Sarter 16.58 11.8 1.5 0.0024 4.00 39.3 78.3 agricultural 26,841.5 sand 1.1 5
16 Perry 20.98 21.3 1.9 0.0026 3.22 50.6 60.5 scrub/mature trees 7981.2 sand 1.5 1–5
17 Sykes 31.60 24.6 1.6 0.0015 1.22 71.9 42.9 mature trees 10,917.4 0.37 1.2 1
18 East Worsham 24.61 17.2 1.8 0.0023 5.63 54.7 71.4 mature trees 23,809.8 0.32 1.3 2
18 Middle Worsham 13.47 13.6 1.5 0.0013 32.6 30.5 mature trees 19,684.9 0.34 1.4 2
18 West Worsham 10.36 11.4 1.6 0.0022 31.0 58.3 mature trees 9582.1 0.31 1.2 2
19 James Wolf 27.97 17.3 1.9 0.0023 1.22 62.0 47.6 agricultural 19,684.9 0.35 1.2 5
20 Long 28.75 18.0 1.1 0.0019 3.22 62.5 67.4 mature trees 10,514.0 0.38 1.3 3
21 Upper Hotopha 13.99 21.6 1.6 0.0005 1.22 33.3 8.7 riparian mature trees 1229.0 0.40 1.2 3
22 Harland: site 22 129.19 27.2 2.6 0.0011 1.22 130.6 51.7 riparian mature trees 19,275.5 sand 1.2 2
23 Marcum 12.17 13.8 1.34 0.0029 1.22 33.7 78.3 riparian mature trees 19,275.4 sand 1.0 2
Bankfull depth may be less than total channel depth due to incision.
Q2 discharge represents a flow which occurs, on average, once every 2 years (Richards, 1982). Q2 discharge determined by Raphelt et al. (1995) using the US Army Corps of
Engineers HEC-2 discharge simulation model (US Army Corps of Engineers, 1990).
Sediment transport capacity determined by Raphelt et al. (1995) using the Brownlie (1981) equation within the US Army Corps of Engineers SAM channel analysis package
(developed by Thomas et al., 1994).
Sediment D50 determined from sieve analysis of bed-material samples (Raphelt et al., 1995). Where no quantitative analysis was undertaken a sediment size description is given.
Total sinuosity is defined as active channel length divided by ‘air distance’ along the valley (Richards, 1982).

60 N.P. Wallerstein, C.R. Thorne / Geomorphology 57 (2004) 53–73

iables (measured or calculated) for each of the reaches 3.3. Outer bank erosion at a bend (similar to (ii) but
obtained from Watson et al. (1993b). At each study located at the outer margin of a bend in a
reach, the channel long profile was surveyed, with meandering reach);
survey points spaced at about 3-m intervals. Each 3.4. Beaver dams (readily identifiable by their
debris jam encountered in the reach was surveyed into structure);
the long profile and subjected to a detailed geomor- 3.5. Palaeodebris: old LWD, which was buried in
phic investigation involving: the floodplain alluvium, and subsequently
reeroded (usually well preserved but easily
1. Recording riparian vegetation type with a qual- identified by its black colour and partially
itative classification of wooded, urban or agricul- fossilised appearance);
tural; 3.6. Transport from upstream (large elements
2. Visual classification of the channel condition in lodged against downstream jams and banks
terms of the CEM. Determination of stage of and wedged against in situ bank vegetation).
channel evolution can be made by observing and 4. Measurement of the debris volume in each jam,
measuring several key indicators. The main differ- using a tape measure to obtain mean diameter and
ences in morphology between aggrading (Stages 4 length of each piece of LWD over 1 m in length
and 5) and degrading (Stages 2 and 3) reaches are and 0.1 m in diameter;
shown in Fig. 4; 5. Measurement of the volume of sediment scoured
3. Identification of the mechanism by which ‘key and deposited around each jam. To determine
debris’ in the jam had entered the channel. scour, a measuring staff was used to obtain scour
Categories and indicators were: pool depth up to mean channel bed elevation, and a
3.1. Windthrow (trees/branches snapped sharply or tape measure was used to determine pool area. The
whole trees uprooted at the root wad); same approach was used for determining bar and
3.2. Bank mass failure (whole trees attached to backwater sediment wedge dimensions, using a
blocks of failed bank sediment that had fallen sediment probe (a steel spike, 2 m long) to obtain
perpendicularly to the channel); sediment depths;

Fig. 4. Indicators of degradation and aggradation.

N.P. Wallerstein, C.R. Thorne / Geomorphology 57 (2004) 53–73
Fig. 5. (a) Underflow Jam on Worsham Creek. Drainage basin area: 10.3 km2. Flow is towards the camera. (b) Dam Jam on Lick Creek. Drainage basin area: 22 km2. Flow is away
from the camera. (c) Deflector Jam on Fannegusha Creek. Drainage basin area: 46 km2. Flow is from left to right. (d) Flow Parallel Jam on Harland Creek, Site 1. Drainage basin area:
69 km2. Flow is from right to left.

62 N.P. Wallerstein, C.R. Thorne / Geomorphology 57 (2004) 53–73

6. Classification of the jam type based on jam form jams had agricultural riparian zones that had been
and impact on the channel morphology, according cleared of natural vegetation up to the channel margin.
to a scheme modified from a pool classification All the reaches containing jams had wooded riparian
scheme presented by Robinson and Beschta (1990): zones, which were often backed by agricultural land
6.1. Underflow Jam: key debris elements span the but which were fenced off and left untouched by the
channel at the bank top level (Fig. 5a). landowners. The pattern of LWD location is as might
6.2. Dam Jam: key debris elements lie in the be expected, given that debris jams will occur close to
channel but are similar in length to the channel their source riparian material. However, this ignores
width and completely block the flow (Fig. 5b). the fact that, in large channels at least, woody material
6.3. Deflector Jam: key debris elements are shorter may be transported downstream by high flows and
than the channel width so that flow is deflected deposited downstream in the drainage network,
against one or both banks (Fig. 5c). including in locations where woody riparian material
6.4. Flow Parallel/Bar Head Jam: channel width is is not present. Such transportation requires, however,
significantly greater than key debris element that the material is not waterlogged, is not enmeshed
length and debris is predominantly aligned in bank vegetation or partially buried by sediment. It
parallel to the flow or deposited against was observed that at many of the jam sites on creeks
incipient bars (Fig. 5d). with wooded riparian zones the key debris elements
7. Tallying of the number of jams of each type in each were often attached firmly to the channel bed or bank
reach. usually by the root wad. Because the root wad was
generally coated in bank material making that part of
the debris denser than the wood alone, downstream
5. Results and discussion transport by floatation and/or through fluid drag was
unlikely (see Braudrick and Grant, 2000 for a com-
Debris jams were found in 17 of the 23 study prehensive analysis of LWD transport mechanics).
reaches. All six reaches that did not contain debris The input mechanisms identified for the jams during

Table 2
Key debris input mechanisms
Creek Drainage Jam key debris input mechanism: number of jams
basin area Bank Bend outer Windthrow Beaver dam Paleodebris Floated
(km2) failure bank erosion from
Nolehoe 9.5 10 0 0 0 0 0
Worsham West 10.3 7 2 1 3 0 0
Lee 19.4 2 0 2 0 0 0
Perry 20.9 3 2 2 0 0 0
Lick 22.0 1 0 0 0 0 0
Hickahala 23.0 2 1 0 0 0 0
Burney Branch 25.0 0 0 1 0 0 0
Long 28.0 4 3 0 1 4 0
Sykes 31.0 0 6 0 0 0 1
Fannegusha 46.0 2 0 0 0 0 1
Abiaca: site 3 68.0 1 5 0 1 0 0
Harland: site 1 69.0 3 1 0 1 0 0
Otoucalofa 106.0 3 3 0 0 3 0
Coila 108.0 0 4 0 1 0 2
Abiaca: site 4 113.9 0 1 0 0 0 1
Harland: site 21 129.5 0 7 0 0 0 0
Abiaca: site 6 256.4 0 0 0 2 0 0
Total (%) 36 37 6 9 7 5
N.P. Wallerstein, C.R. Thorne / Geomorphology 57 (2004) 53–73 63

the field study are listed in Table 2. Over a third (37%) in the present study and concluded that channel insta-
of jams were formed where key debris entered the bility could be a good indicator of in-channel debris
channel directly due to outer bank erosion at bends. A abundance. To investigate whether the field data sup-
further third (36%) of jams formed where wood was ported this possibility, jam frequency (number of jams
recruited by mass failure of banks associated with per 100 m sub-reach) and the volume of material in
bank destabilisation and rapid widening in Stages 2 jams per 100 m sub-reach were related to channel
and 3 of Schumm et al.’s (1984) CEM. The remaining evolution stage (note that data from Perry Creek were
jams were made up of key debris input by windthrow not used as this reach encompassed Stages 1 through
(6%), erosion of palaeodebris (7%), LWD transport 5). It was expected that there would be low debris
from upstream (5%) and beaver dam construction loadings in Stage 1 channels because banks are stable
(9%). Trees felled by bank erosion were distinguished with respect to gravity and meander activity is sub-
from those which must have entered by other pro- dued. Debris loading and jam frequency should
cesses using the observation of asymmetrical root increase in Stage 2 reaches due to local mass failures
mass which, as indicated by Diehl and Bryan associated with banks rendered marginally stable by
(1993), suggests the progressive slipping of the tree degradation, especially where stability is further
from the bank into the channel. Two other distinguish- reduced by the presence of large trees through sur-
ing factors were that (a) windblown trees tend to fall charging and wind loading. The highest debris load-
at random orientations, whereas debris associated with ings and jam frequencies would be expected in Stage 3
bank failure tends to topple either forward into and reaches due to bank retreat associated with mass fail-
across the channel or slump backward against the ures of unstable banks and rapid widening. Debris
channel bank if the failure mechanism is rotational, loading and jam frequency should decline in Stage 4
and (b) debris associated with bank collapse is quite reaches in line with improved bank stability, although
often still attached to the block of material which the development of sinuosity in the stabilising inner
failed. These results demonstrate that the most impor- channel may continue to recruit debris through outer
tant LWD input mechanism in unstable channels is bank erosion at developing bends. Finally, in Stage 5
bank retreat, accounting for over two thirds of the reaches, debris loadings and jam frequency were
debris-forming jams. This process has elements that expected to decrease, possibly to values less than those
are both spatially predictable and chronic (Fetherston for Stage 1 channels due to the effect of wide berms and
et al., 1995). Secondary input mechanisms together proto-floodplains in protecting the banks from erosion.
only account for between a quarter and a third of jams. Table 3 shows the average volume of LWD and
These processes are spatially random and episodic frequency of jams per 100 m sub-reach encountered in
(Fetherston et al., 1995). The relative importance of reaches associated with each CEM Stage. The trends
input mechanisms found in these creeks is similar to in both debris volume and jam frequency follow the
that found by Pearce and Watson (1983) in mountain expected distributions. A visual representation of the
catchments but contrast with those found by Gregory relationship between CEM Stage and average debris
et al. (1993) in lowland British streams. volumes per 100 reach is shown in Fig. 6. Open
The spatial distribution of the secondary input circles in this figure represent the average values for
mechanisms is largely random, but bank retreat each stage, which are connected together by a trend
through lateral erosion and mass instability should be line. The error bars represent 1 S.D. in each data-set
related to the channel evolution sequence as defined by data. The standard deviation bars for CEM Stages 1, 3
the CEM. Specifically, inputs should be high during and 4 are small, indicating consistent data values
Stages 2 and 3 (due to mass instability and rapid between stream sites. However, standard deviations
widening). Hence, the possibility exists of developing for Stages 2 and 4 are quite large, which calls into
a geomorphic tool to predict the distribution of debris question the validity of the trend line. The only way to
inputs and jams within a catchment on the basis of the determine whether the trend line accurately represents
CEM. This theory is consistent with Diehl and Bryan’s nature or not would be to collect a much larger data
(1993) observations. They examined input mecha- set and this was not possible in the present study.
nisms in unstable rivers, in Tennessee, north of those However, on the basis of the data that have been
64 N.P. Wallerstein, C.R. Thorne / Geomorphology 57 (2004) 53–73

Table 3
Channel Evolution Model Stage as an indicator of in-channel debris volume and frequency of debris jams
CEM No. of Reach length Vol. of debris: Percentage No. of jams: Percentage
stage reaches surveyed (m) ave. per 100 m of difference ave. per 100 m of difference
surveyed sub-reach (m3) from Stage 1 (%) sub-reach from stage 1 (%)
1 2 2592 0.84 – 0.36 –
2 6 9760 5.37 + 639 0.42 + 117
3 3 5947 6.12 + 729 0.47 + 130
4 3 4575 3.16 + 379 0.36 + 100
5 2 2745 2.07 + 246 0.15 + 41

obtained, it can be tentatively concluded that debris reaches in Mississippi. This difference is probably due
loading and jam frequency in degrading streams are to the fact that the average tree dimensions in the
related to the morphological evolution of the channel Pacific Northwest are significantly greater than those
and that CEM Stage can represent this. It should be of the Mississippi tree species. The predominant tree
noted that the locations of heavy debris loadings species found along creeks in the Pacific Northwest
cannot be attributed to features which might retain (for example, in Oregon) is the Redwood, which,
LWD, such as bridges and culverts, etc., as few when mature, is much greater in height and girth than
artificial structures are located in the reaches. Also, the trees typically found along disturbed creeks in
reaches with low debris loadings cannot be associated Mississippi (River Birch, Black Willow, Silver Maple,
with external factors such as, for example, debris Box Elder and Eastern Cottonwood) (Hupp and
removal, as there is no programme of debris manage- Osterkamp, 1996).
ment in these catchments. The volume of debris in the The Debris Jam Classification Scheme outlined
study creeks averages 45.5 m3 km 1 (standard devia- previously was applied to type each debris jam
tion: 36.9 m3 km 1). This loading is significantly according to its impacts on flow disturbance and
lower than debris loadings in Pacific Northwest channel morphology. The numbers of jams in each
creeks. For example, Keller and MacDonald (1995) category for each creek are shown in Table 4. The
report a loading of 0.13 m3 m 2 for Prairie Creek near creeks are listed according to drainage basin area. A
Orick, CA, which is two orders of magnitude higher faint trend can be detected in this table, with a
than the average value of 0.0029 m3 m 2 (standard progression from predominantly Underflow jams in
deviation: 0.0032 m3 m 2) measured for the study small catchments through Dam and Deflector jams in

Fig. 6. Variation in average debris volume with CEM stage. Error bars indicate F 1 S.D.
N.P. Wallerstein, C.R. Thorne / Geomorphology 57 (2004) 53–73 65

Table 4
Debris Jam Classification scheme related to drainage basin area

slightly larger catchments to a predominance of Flow fact that LWD processes are scale-dependent has
Parallel/Bar Head jams in the largest catchments been recognised by several authors (Abbe and Mont-
surveyed. This trend is illustrated in Fig. 7 by a gomery, 1993; Nakamura and Swanson, 1993). Sig-
graph of cumulative jam frequency as a function of nificantly, Gregory et al. (1985) suggested that their
drainage basin area. The presence of a trend in jam ‘Active/Complete/Partial’ classification scheme had a
type against drainage basin area is explained by the downstream trend, which anticipated the scheme
fact that the progression from Underflow, to Dam, to proposed here. If we assume, therefore, that in a
Deflector, to Flow Parallel/Bar Head jam types given catchment, average key debris tree height is
implies that channel width is becoming gradually fairly uniform, we might expect distinct jam-type
greater as compared to key debris length (Nakamura zones to exist downstream through the catchment as
and Swanson, 1993) as one moves downstream. The the channel width to tree height ratio favours suc-

Fig. 7. Cumulative jam frequency as a function of drainage basin area.

66 N.P. Wallerstein, C.R. Thorne / Geomorphology 57 (2004) 53–73

cessively different types of jam. The trend in the data and the scour/deposition forms they create when
indicates the possibility of a process-form model moving downstream. The DJCS suggests the follow-
relating key debris length to the increasing channel ing morphological features and processes associated
width found as one moves downstream. This Debris with each jam type. Underflow jams interfere only
Jam Classification Scheme (DJCS) is outlined in Fig. slightly with the flow and therefore do not have a high
8, and is a modification of the Robinson and Beschta scour and sedimentation potential. Dam type jams,
(1990) pool morphology classification scheme. The found further downstream, cause large volumes of
ratios between tree height (l) and channel width (B), sediment to be stored in backwater areas, but also
which define the boundaries between each jam type, cause plunge pool scour downstream of the dam.
are derived from the authors’ observational field data Further downstream again, Deflector jams cause sedi-
collected in North Mississippi between 1994 and ment to be trapped on their lee side as bar deposits, but
1996. The crucial point to make here is that there also cause flow to impinge on one or both banks
is a sequence of differing morphological adjustments resulting in scour and bank failure. In large channels,
associated with debris jams as a function of distance Flow Parallel/Bar Head debris blocks the flow to a
downstream through the catchment. Debris therefore lesser extent so that sediment retention and scour are
does not produce a single morphological response in much reduced. On this basis, we might expect to see a
the river environment, but instead a suite of adjust- peak in both scour and storage at intermediate drainage
ments, which can be linked and interpreted as having basin areas, in the zone of Dam and Deflector type
a spatial relationship. The model is idealised in that jams. This proposal was tested by plotting the total
channel width does not vary solely as a function of volume of sediment scoured and stored at jams for
drainage basin area in the way suggested by hy- each reach averaged per 100 m sub-reach as a function
draulic geometry relationships (Richards, 1982). This of drainage basin area (Fig. 9). A third-order poly-
is especially the case in degrading channel systems, nomial regression line fitted to the data has the
where top widths are often controlled to a large expected form and is significant at the 95% level
extent by the channel evolution processes occurring (see table at the base of Fig. 9) although the relation-
in a particular reach. In this respect, the model may ship is weak. This is due, in part, to the lack of data
therefore be more applicable to fluvial systems points for larger drainage basin sizes. The weak
which are in dynamic equilibrium than those in relationship may also be explained, in part, because
North Mississippi. The model does have some val- scour and deposition processes associated with wider
idity though, as it is based on field data and it may channel evolution impose their own spatial patterns,
serve as a tool to type debris jams according to and as a consequence, it was difficult, in the field, to
easily measured catchment variables. Fig. 5a – d differentiate between scour and deposition caused by
shows pictures of Underflow, Dam, Deflector and LWD jams and those generated by reach-scale degra-
Flow Parallel/Bar Head type jams in creeks in North dational and aggradational adjustments. An attempt to
Mississippi. However, it is recognised that accurate disaggregate these two geomorphic agents into their
prediction of jam type through the drainage network component parts using a flume model has been made
can only be achieved through knowledge of both by Wallerstein et al. (2001). In other physiographic
location of the site of interest in the network (i.e., regions, especially in mountain streams, the predom-
potential average channel width as predicted by inant impact of LWD jams has been observed to be the
hydraulic geometry relationships) and the CEM creation of log steps. These steps cause backwater
Stage processes operating at that location. deposition, plunge pools and energy dissipation which
Given that there is a weak spatial relationship stabilise the channel (MacDonald et al., 1982). Log
between jam type and drainage basin area, it might steps were not observed in the North Mississippi
also be reasonable to hypothesise that volumes of Creeks for three reasons. First, the bed and bank
sediment scour and storage associated with jams may material is so mobile that once an obstruction forms
also vary downstream in a predictable manner. For it is quickly bypassed by bed scour beneath it and/or
example, Keller and Swanson (1979) suggested a bank erosion around the ends. Second, bed slopes are
progression of type of interaction between debris jams much lower is these creeks (average slope of 0.0018
N.P. Wallerstein, C.R. Thorne / Geomorphology 57 (2004) 53–73 67

Fig. 8. A Debris Jam Classification Scheme (l = average tree height, B = average channel top width) (modified from Wallerstein et al., 1997).
68 N.P. Wallerstein, C.R. Thorne / Geomorphology 57 (2004) 53–73

Fig. 9. Reach-averaged volume of sediment stored and scoured at LWD jams as a function of drainage basin area.

mm 1 for the 23 creeks surveyed) than those reported seen to be controlled at only one or two of the dam-
where log steps have been found in mountain streams type jams in the Mississippi study reaches and also at
(0.006 – 0.40 mm 1 for a range of stream orders, the nine beaver dams encountered which had heights
Thompson, 1995; 0.08 mm 1 for a second-order ranging between 0.5 and 1.8 m. Energy dissipation in
stream, Keller and MacDonald, 1995). Third, tree the study creeks therefore appears to derive from
diameters in the Mississippi creeks (average 0.55 m; lateral flow deflection and flow resistance caused by
Downs and Simon, 2001) are generally smaller than the LWD itself rather than through log steps creating
those found in Pacific Northwest streams. Although, local hydraulic drop-and-jump features. Consequently,
log-step heights are reported in the literature base for most stored sediment was found downstream of jams
Pacific Northwest streams, percentage elevation drops because log-step-type backwater pools were rare.
along study reaches caused by log steps in this region An important question, which comes from the above
are in the range: 0 – 9% (Marston, 1982); 8 – 59% observations, is whether the net sediment budget at
(Keller and Tally, 1979); 30 – 80% (Swanson and jams is positive or negative, and therefore, whether
Lienkaemper, 1978). Conversely, bed elevation was LWD aids channel stability or reduces it. The opinion
N.P. Wallerstein, C.R. Thorne / Geomorphology 57 (2004) 53–73 69

of previous authors varies; Klein et al. (1988) and CEM Stage. The dots mark individual values for each
Thompson (1995) argued that LWD removal from creek that had LWD jams. It can be seen that the
stream would be detrimental to stability, while Smith actual values are closely grouped about the mean for
et al. (1993a,b) suggested that debris removal from Stages 1, 2 and 5 channels, but are more widely
gravel-bed rivers would reduce turbulence and sedi- spaced for Stages 3 and 4 channels. The wider spread
ment mobility. Significantly, if sediment stored is of observed sediment balances in Stages 3 and 4 is
subtracted from sediment scoured for each creek in consistent with the greater variability in morphology
Fig. 9, there are only three creeks with negative sedi- and sediment features encountered in unstable chan-
ment balances, one creek has a 0 sediment balance and nels. The data suggest that the sediment storage
13 creeks have positive sediment balances. This find- associated with jams increases from Stages 1 to 3
ing supports Thompson’s (1995) and Klein et al.’s and then remains about constant. This indicates that
(1988) opinions. It appears therefore that LWD in LWD in unstable (Stages 2 and 3) and initially
degrading systems is involved in a negative feedback stabilising (Stage 4) reaches tends to assist the evolu-
mechanism whereby bank instability in Stage 3 of the tion process by retaining sediment within the reach. If
CEM causes large volumes of LWD input, which, in validated by further studies, this finding would have
turn, causes energy dissipation, net sediment storage important management implications for LWD in
and therefore an accelerated recovery rate. degrading systems. It suggests that debris should be
It may be the case that trends in Fig. 9 are weak left in place as, on balance, jams retain more sediment
because debris-related scour and sedimentation than they scour, thus, accelerating the progression of
depend more upon channel morphological processes. unstable reaches through Stages 2, 3 and 4 of the
Possibly, it is channel evolution in the study creeks, channel evolution sequence.
rather than drainage basin area, that is the main
determinant of channel dimensions in unstable river
systems. To investigate this possibility, the data have 6. Conclusions
been analysed by plotting net sediment balance (sedi-
ment deposition minus bed and bank scour) for each This research has attempted to link channel evolu-
creek averaged over 100 m sub-reaches against CEM tion processes in degradational river systems to the
Stage (Fig. 10). The open circles and continuous black distribution and impact of Large Woody Debris. It has
line in this figure indicate the average value for each also been the aim to understand the changing interac-

Fig. 10. Net sediment budget for LWD jams in each CEM Stage. Average values are denoted by open circles, which are connected by a trend
line. Individual values for each creek in a particular CEM Stage are denoted by black dots.
70 N.P. Wallerstein, C.R. Thorne / Geomorphology 57 (2004) 53–73

tion between LWD and channel processes and mor- of channel CEM Stage than of overall downstream
phology when moving through the drainage network. width trends. Second, jams are not all generated by key
It has been found that, while spatially unpredict- debris of a uniform size, and debris in larger channels
able debris input processes such as windthrow and can be reorientated and transported by the flow, reduc-
beaver activity cause a small percentage of jams, the ing the l to B ratio. The relationship suggested here is
majority of woody material enters these unstable then only an indicative tool for interpreting LWD in a
channels through bank erosion, much of which results spatial context.
from mass failure in degraded reaches. Most LWD The impact of a particular jam may also vary widely
input is therefore chronic in nature and can be directly depending upon location time at a particular point in the
linked to channel evolution stage, as defined by the channel, which, in turn, is likely to have a strong
Schumm et al. (1984) Channel Evolution Model. As a relationship with drainage basin discharge regime.
direct consequence of this relationship, the number of Unfortunately, the investigation documented here only
jams in a reach and volume of material in them is also spanned a short period of time, so that the temporal
a function of CEM Stage. Thus, for management aspect of the geomorphological impact of jams, as a
purposes, the spatial density of debris jams in degrad- function of their persistence, could not be studied.
ing rivers may be qualitatively predicted on the basis The results of this study indicate that debris causes
of the location and migration of headcuts and degra- both scour of the bed and banks through flow deflection
dational processes. Therefore, if LWD loads are and sediment storage due to flow blockage and energy
considered problematical (from the perspective of dissipation. Our results seem to suggest that, while both
interference with run of river structures such as sets of processes occur, the net sediment budget at most
bridges, sluices, weirs and dams, etc.), sound manage- jams is positive, i.e., there is a net retention of sediment.
ment calls for the primary cause of debris input to the
channel network—the channel degradation process
and bank instability to be addressed, rather than Table 5
simply the piecemeal removal of LWD from problem Determinants for management strategies for LWD in unstable sand-
sites. bed rivers
A jam classification scheme has been generated Impact Jam type
based upon the pool formation model created by Ro- Underflow Dam Deflector Flow-parallel
binson and Beschta (1990). This classification scheme Debris blockage low high high low
types LWD jams as Underflow, Dam, Deflector and Increased bank low moderate high low
Flow Parallel/Bar Head Jams. The formation of differ- erosion
ent jam types was found to depend mostly on the ratio Increased bed high moderate low low
between key debris length and channel top width.
Increased low high high moderate
Channel width is, in turn, mainly a function of drainage sediment
basin area although the stage of channel evolution is storage
also a factor. Thus, it was found that, in general, jam Increased bed high high high moderate
type changes in a predictable way, from Underflow, to topography
Dam, to Deflector and finally to Flow Parallel/Bar
Aid to local high high high high
Head when moving downstream through the drainage channel
network. However, this relation is complicated by two stability
important factors. First, in incising channel networks, Increase in moderate high moderate low
as in Northern Mississippi, downstream hydraulic frequency and
duration of
relationships are distorted by the passage of knick
points which cause channel width to become a function flooding
of incision and bank failure processes in Stages 3 and 4 Increased fish high high high high
channels rather than a simple function of discharge habitat diversity
(and therefore, drainage basin area). This means that, Blockage to fish low high moderate low
locally, jam type is more likely to be a stepped function
N.P. Wallerstein, C.R. Thorne / Geomorphology 57 (2004) 53–73 71

In the light of this finding, it is suggested that LWD diagrams and tables. The assistance of Stephen L.
management in unstable river systems should, on the Ingram, Mississippi Mineral Resources Institute, 220
basis of geomorphology alone, (the beneficial impact Old Chemistry Building, University, MS 38677,
of LWD on the aquatic ecosystem is not considered USA, and Roger E. Van Cleef, Curator of Education,
here) involve leaving jams in place. Emeritus, and Ronald C. Brister, Chief Curator of
However, in more specific terms, LWD manage- Collections, Memphis Museum, 4683 Aloha, Mem-
ment is a complex issue and depends on jam type, phis, Tennessee, 38118-3218, USA in providing
which is, in turn, a function of channel width. A geological information is gratefully acknowledged.
tentative set of determinants for detailed LWD man-
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