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Project report (Project narrative)

The 2000-word project report should be written in the form of an essay and should
include the following information. The project report guide is used for all 5 projects.

a. Explain why you choose the subject for your project

Any reasons, objective or subjective regarding the choice of a place, a story, a

religious center, a type of TV show or a kind of magazine, can be chosen to
add here. People can say they choose to develop a tour project to Ha Long
because they are interested in discovering more about the destination as they
dream to be a tour guide there after graduation (subjective) or are part of the
teacher’s requirement (objective).

b. State how the group worked with each other

You can state the time, place and frequency of your meeting, either online or
face-to-face, how you organize your discussion and how members provide
support to each other. Any forms of party or ways to connect members can be
described here.

c. State what students learned from the course

You might want to talk about two major gains, namely language skills and soft
skills. For language skills, talk about how your speaking, listening, reading
and writing have been improved. Give examples of any structures or
vocabulary you acquire together with methods you use to learn them if
possible. For soft skills, think of, for instance, how better you communicate
(communication skills) with other; indicate whether you learn ways to
organize your study and life, to make timetable, to be aware of punctuality, to
become a better listener and so on.

d. State what difficulties they had to deal with and how they overcame the

Many of my previous students focus on the following categories for this

section: the technology difficulties (you do not know how to use software to
do a specific task, ect.); member’s differences (arguments or even conflicts);
financial difficulties (lack of money to do something); subject matters (all
issues regarding understanding the lessons and requirements)
Just simply state what troubles you meet and how you get over them. It is
better to write one trouble-one solution in one paragraph and continue with
another trouble-another solution in another paragraph.

In order to write this section, team should take note their troubles and
solutions by write them in the weekly report.

e. State surprises, lessons or unforgettable memory you drew in the process

of doing the project (100 words)

Students can include any interesting memories such as a funny party with
members after project discussions, a surprising discovery like a new website
to design, a new way to create brochure or the values of friendship and

f. State students’ comment on the project and the suggestions to make it

better and better (150-200 words)

Nothing is perfect. So is your project. Think about what you can do to improve
the quality of your project (the process, the product) if you have chance to do
it all over again.

g. Give sources from which you cite the information if you have


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