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Centro Colegio de Tarlac

 Metro Bamban Subd., Anupul, Bamban, Tarlac

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Name of the learner: ______________________________________________________
Section: ________________________ Date: __________________

Background Information
Previously, you have learned the definition of Oral Communication and its various models on
how it works. Also, it is the method of conveying knowledge and ideas orally from one person or
community to another (Chapel 2014).
The following are of the examples of Oral Communication Activities:
A. Job Interview
A job interview is a personal encounter between the employer and an applicant extracting vital
information through questions and answers. The time is limited and rehearses possible answers for
possible questions. Moreover, job Interviews are the barrier for entry into the vast and competitive world
to be reached. The old order evolves at a rapid rate that gives way to new strategies and developments. A
sea-change has occurred in markets, with the global open-market economy today. Rapid change is
underway in the global world. (Bawa 2016)
Example of Job Interview:
Manager: Have a seat. Tell me a little about yourself.
Job applicant: Well, I’m a hard worker.
Manager: Could you be a little more specific? What are some of your abilities?
Job applicant: I have excellent organizational skills. And I’m able to work without a lot of supervision.
Manager: That’s good. But can you work well with other people?
Job applicant: Yes, I can. I like to be a team player.
Manager: Do you speak any foreign languages? Many of our employees are from different
Job applicant: I’m fluent in Spanish.
Manager: Good. We are in the process of updating our equipment right now with new computers
and peripherals. Do you think you can learn to use them?
Job applicant: Absolutely. In fact, in my old job, I used to train my co-workers to use new equipment.
Manager: Very good. You’re definitely a strong candidate for this position. We’ll be interviewing a
few more people, but we hope to finish up very soon. You’ll be hearing from us by the
end of the week.
Job applicant: Well, thank you for your time.
Manager: You’re welcome.

B. Telephone Conversation
Telephone conversation is a business by nature from the time the device was invented until now.
It is the most practical way of transmitting and recording relevant information. It should be practiced with
courtesy as you do not see the person on the other line. Though texting and messaging through emails and
social networks may bring convenience, a telephone conversation is still widely used by people.
A telephone conversation is a verbal contract between two or more people carried out either by
cell phones or by landline phones. It can be short and informal, or it can be more formal and longer.
Usually, the style varies depending on the people speaking on the phone.
Centro Colegio de Tarlac
 Metro Bamban Subd., Anupul, Bamban, Tarlac
 
Example of Telephone Conversation
Amy: Hello?
Jeff: Hello. May I speak to Sophia, please?
Amy: I’m sorry, she’s not in right now. Would you like to leave a message?
Jeff: Yes, please. This is Jeff. Would you tell her that Tony is having a
party on Saturday?
Amy: Uh-huh.
Jeff: And would you ask her if she’d like to go with me?
Amy: All right, Peter. I’ll give her the message.
Jeff: No, this is Jeff, not Peter.
Amy: Oh, I’m sorry.
Jeff: By the way, who’s Jeff?
In the preceding conversation, some modals were used. Modal verbs are auxiliary verbs (also
called helping verbs) like can, will, could, shall, must, would, might, and should. Modal verbs
add meaning to the main verb in a sentence by expressing possibility, ability, permission, or obligation.
C. Giving Piece of Advice
Giving pieces of advice to people seems easy and natural, especially when dealing with friends or
the persons you love. The language is essential in preparing how the person would accept the options to
become an effective adviser.
Example of Giving Piece of Advice
The Problem
“Whenever I am telephoned out of the blue by a friend with a weird invitation, I find it hard to
think of an excuse fast enough, and always end up either accepting or sounding like a complete liar. Can
you help me with a nifty formula?”
The Advice
Being surrounded by friends is rewarding. They are always there to love you, to count on you,
and to be with you through thick and thin. Showing the real, you would be interesting to fortify your
friendship; however, there are boundaries when you must say yes, and you need to say no. Surely, they
will understand.

D. Oratorical Speech
According to Campbridge Dictionary (2020), Oratorical is connected with skillful and effective
public speaking.
Barnard (2017) mentioned that good speakers in public aren't born that way; most will practice
and develop their oratory skills. Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, and Adolf Hitler are among the
most well-known orators. Their speeches conveyed a strong, articulate message that resonated with their
Below are the ways on how to improve oratorical skills
1. Grow your confidence
2. Use suitable content
3. Know your audience
4. Make use of your vocal range
5. Consider length
6. Memorize key points
Centro Colegio de Tarlac
 Metro Bamban Subd., Anupul, Bamban, Tarlac
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7. Practice in realistic environments
E. Declamation Speech
Declamation is a rhetoric exercise of speech to recreate a famous speech. It not only enables
students to think critically but also develops their public speaking and oratory skills (Vihar 2017)
Benefits of Declamation to the student/individual (Prinyangka 2018)
1. It improves acting skills as well as non-verbal skills
2. Declamation helps to improve diction and stage presentation skills.
3. Declamation boost self-confidence
4. Selecting good topics like scenes from certain movies or speech of a famous personality,
which very few or no one would have heard of or seen, could be an outstanding effort
to bring forth something worth knowing about or understanding.
F. Extemporaneous Speech
Kadian (2014) mentioned that extemporaneous speech includes the use of notes by the speaker
and some embellishment when delivering a message. A speaker using this method would have note cards
or prompts to guide the speaker from point to point to clear this up, but the speaker uses his or her own
words as the speaker goes along. What makes this different from an impromptu speech is that the speaker
got a loose guide to the speech.
G. Impromptu Speech
An impromptu speech is delivered with little or no planning, but with some advanced information
about the subject. A speaker may rely on the "spur of the moment" to talk "off the cuff" because
generally, he or she is very informed about the subject matter.
H. Speech Choir
Speech choirs are performance groups that recite discourses in unison, along with choreographic
and costuming elements, to help bring the speech to life. It is called choral speaking, as well. It has a
history of holiness. The first plays put on by the Greeks featured speaker choirs. Today, speech choir is
both a common teaching and an acting form (Santillan 2014).
Types of Speech Choir
1. Traditional Speech Choir -it does not require using costumes, props, nor choreography. -
the choir just simply speaks or reads a literary piece
2. Dynamic Speech Choir -it is the reverse of the conventional speech choir
Elements of Speech Choir (Santillan 2014)
1. Members - The speech choir is usually the same size as a singing choir and has 12 to
100 or more members everywhere. Some schools and events, however, feature choirs
of 25 to 40 participants.
2. Pieces Selections are usually poems or poetic passages, for instance, from Greek
dramas or plays by Shakespeare. The conductor gives the passage some thought and
breaks into sections. Even facial expressions and intonation are carefully designed so
that all participants can practice together. It may have a dramatic effect on single
parts for different members.
3. Movement or choreography is not a part necessary for the voice choir. Many active
competition choirs are reciting their pieces while standing with their hands on their
backs, paying attention to the conductor alone.
4. Voice quality is the ability to effectively blend the chorus's bright, medium, and dark
voices. It is the capacity to connect with speech, feelings, and emotions.
5. Number of Voices is the ability to add or subtract whole sections, banks, smaller
groups, or solo speakers to increase or diminish the power or richness of the sound to
better express the meaning.
6. Pitch refers to the variations of the voice on the musical scale. It is generally referred
to as the inflection. Children have a little problem with the pitch because they use it
naturally and freely.
Centro Colegio de Tarlac
 Metro Bamban Subd., Anupul, Bamban, Tarlac
 
7. Power Ability is the use of speed, intensity, or loudness as a focus to convey feeling
and sense in appropriate locations better. The elements of a sentence and the
increasing emotion should be linked to a power construct.
8. Phrasing and rhythm ability are used as reinforcements for each other. Each much
blend to better express the meaning of the verse.
9. Tempo refers to the rate of speed at which a reading progresses. It is the ability to
balance the rhythm of a piece and the tempo of the performance. The tempo should
relate to the central “beat” of the poem if it is too fast or too slow.
10. Staging is the ability to successfully organize and position the choir on stage or risers
for the performance effect. The ability to stage entrances and exits which enhance the
mood of the poem and the performance. The ability to “costume” speakers in a way
which also enhances the performance as a whole.
Learning Competency

Examines sample oral communication activities


Activity A: Job Interview. Define the following statements by choosing the letter of your choice.
Writer your answers on a clean sheet of paper.

1. have a seat means

a. bring own chair
b. take a seat
c. buy own seat
d. none of the above
2. tell me a little about yourself means
a. whisper to the manager
b. let me know something about you
c. do not get too intimate with the manager
d. do not waste the manager’s time
3. be a little more specific means
a. answer only my question
b. give short answers
c. tell more details
d. talk less
4. work without a lot of supervision means
a. not acknowledging the superior
b. do not work when the supervisor is out
c. work independently
d. work without training
5. to finish up very soon means
a. to finish when we want to
b. soon we are dead
c. to complete things swiftly
d. to finish things above
Centro Colegio de Tarlac
 Metro Bamban Subd., Anupul, Bamban, Tarlac
 
6. Why is the word “hard worker” not entirely accepted by the manager?
a. He is not satisfied with the answer.
b. The applicant is hard as wood.
c. He needs convincing experiences.
d. He wants the applicant to suffer.
7. Why is the manager asking for a little information only.
a. He is in a hurry to meet other applicants.
b. The manager is not quite interested.
c. He will be interviewing few more people.
d. None of the above
8. Would you be offended if you were entertained for a few minutes?
a. Yes, because I have a lot of things to say.
b. No, because I feel nervous during the interview.
c. Yes, because the manager seems to be uninterested.
d. No, because I have condensed my answers.
9. Why is an interview critical in job hiring?
a. To see the face of the applicant personally
b. To hear the voice of the applicant
c. To project yourself how well you carry yourself
d. To know how much is the salary.
10. An interview is selling yourself because;
a. you were receiving a big salary in your previous job,
b. you are good as the manager,
c. it is your time to prove your abilities,
d. you have landed several jobs in the past.
For 11 to 15 - Choose the job position that needs the skill

lawyer surgeon police officer secretary teacher

11. strength, patience, bravery: _____________

12. good hands, unflappability, intelligence: ____________
13. patience, computer literacy, good personality: ____________
14. good memory, quick mind, articulateness: ____________
15. patience, innovativeness, leadership: ____________

Activity B: Telephone Conversation. Answer the following questions by choosing the letter of your
choice. Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
1. What may be another way of greeting the caller other than Hello?
a. Hello? Who’s on the line?
b. Hello? How may I help you?
c. Knock! Knock! Are you there?
Centro Colegio de Tarlac
 Metro Bamban Subd., Anupul, Bamban, Tarlac
 
d. Help! I need somebody Help!
2. What is the best thing to do when the person asked is not around?
a. Ask the caller if s/he could wait until the person arrives.
b. Open topics that you could discuss.
c. Ask politely if s/he wants to leave a message.
d. Give an alternative contact number of the person being asked.
3. The technique to let the person know that you are still listening.
a. Always take a deep breath and blow the mouthpiece.
b. Saying ok, I got it.
c. Keep on murmuring.
d. Telling to call again, and it is not your business.
4. Which modal is appropriate when requesting?
a. Would you mind telling her…
b. Shall you mind telling her…
c. Can you mind telling her…
d. May you mind telling her…
5. The best thing to say when you mentioned the wrong name…
a. Ooooppsss…I did it again
b. Come on! I’m just human; I make mistakes.
c. Oh, it happens all the time.
d. Oh, I’m sorry. A slip of the tongue.
For 6 to 10 - Choose the appropriate modal in the box for the following statements.

shall might must would can could

6. It is rather urgent ____________ you tell her the message?

7. She’s not here, ____________you like to leave a message?
8. Your voice sounds familiar; you __________ be Peter? No, it’s Jeff.
9. Wait a minute, hold on I’ll just get a paper and pen, I ________ forget the message.
10. Thank you for the time, I ___________ to go now.

Activity C: Giving Pieces of Advice (Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper)
Situation: One of your male classmates approaches you and asks for advice regarding his
problem. He said that he failed one of his subjects, and he told you that once his parents
learned about it, he will be reprimanded and worst, all his gadgets will be confiscated. So your
classmates decided to just drop the subject without informing his parents. What will be your
advice to him?
Activity D: Since you cannot perform Oral Exercises, you will be writing an essay instead. Write a two
(2) paragraph essay regarding this topic: “How the pandemic affected and improved my
outlook in life?” Write your answer on a separate sheet of paper.
Centro Colegio de Tarlac
 Metro Bamban Subd., Anupul, Bamban, Tarlac
 

Rubric for Activity C and D

Areas of
4 3 2 1
Organization All ideas were Some ideas are Few ideas are Ideas are
of Ideas consistently clear consistently clear consistently clear unclear
All sentences are Some sentences are Few sentences are
Sentences are
Sentence arranged logically to arranged logically to arranged logically to
not logically
Structure form a coherent form a coherent form a coherent
paragraph paragraph paragraph e
Mechanics No error Several errors Few errors
Source: Cox 2020
Prepared by :


References for Learners:

Barnard, Dom. "7 Ways to Improve Your Oratory Skills." VirtualSpeech. November 11, 2017. Accessed
August 24, 2020.
Bawa, Bhawna. "Job Interview: Meaning and Types." Your Article Library. March 10, 2016. Accessed
August 24, 2020.
Beckerman, Howard, and Peratt, Karen. English Superhiway Foreign Language Teaching and Research
Press, 2004
Chapel, Lesley. Accessed August 24, 2020.
Cox, Janelle. "Sample Essay Rubric for Elementary Teachers." ThoughtCo. (accessed August 6, 2020).
Cunningham, Sarah. Moor, Peter, and Carr, Jane Comyns. Cutting Edge Advanced. Foreign Language
Teaching and Research Press. 2007
"Impromptu Speech: Public Speaking/Speech Communication. Accessed August 24, 2020.
“Modal Verbs–Definition and Usage.” 2019. Grammarly. May 7, 2019.
"Oral Communication: Definition, Types & Advantages." September 21, 2014.
"ORATORICAL: Definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary." ORATORICAL | definition in the
Cambridge English Dictionary. Accessed August 24, 2020.
Kadian, Kat, Baumeyer. "Four Types of Speech Delivery: Impromptu, Extemporaneous, Manuscript &
Memorized." October 10, 2014. Accessed August 24, 2020.
Centro Colegio de Tarlac
 Metro Bamban Subd., Anupul, Bamban, Tarlac
 
Richards, Jack C. Hull, Jonathan, and Proctor, Susan. New Interchange English for International
Communication.Cambridge Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press. 2007
Santillan, Anabelle. "Speech Choir." SlideShare. October 26, 2014. Accessed August 24, 2020. choirs are
performance groups,Greeks featured choruses of speakers.
Singh, Priyangka. "Benefits of Declamation." May 31, 2018. Accessed August 24, 2020.
Sipacio, Philippe John F. and Balgos, Anne Richie G. Oral Communication in Context for Senior High
School.Quezon City: C & E Publishing, 2016.
Presidium. May 19, 2017. Accessed August 24, 2020.
"What Is an Example of a Telephone Conversation?" Reference. March 30, 2020. Accessed August 24,

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