Giacomo Carter - Integrity and Leadership at The Internship

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Integrity and Leadership at the Internship

Objective: At the end of the activity the students will have connected examples of
integrity and leadership styles at their internship.

Directions: Using the spaces below follow the prompts and provide your responses.

Describe the importance of your role of Working at the coderSchool required

having integrity at your internship. integrity because our team was
highly-staffed and we worked with young
children. Hence, we had to have integrity
about keeping our hours in order and
doing so honestly. We also had to
maintain our integrity when being honest
and composed with the kids in order to
set a good example for them.

Describe how others at your internship I think my co-workers exhibited a lot of

display integrity. integrity throughout the internship
because they were always honest about
the amount of work they did and if they
needed help. This kind of open
communication thwarted small problems
from festering and becoming out of

Describe your role in leadership at your During one of the weeks at the
internship. coderSchool I led one of the classes
called ‘Summer Days’, in which I had to
instruct the students and lead my fellow
interns. Doing so required a lot of
preparation and flexibility to keep the
classes running smoothly as well as
patience to stay level headed when
difficult situations presented themselves.

Describe how others display leadership at My co-workers all exhibited amazing

your internship. leadership skills throughout the
internship. Like myself, a majority of the
other interns had to lead a camp
throughout the weeks and in doing so
many of them displayed many qualities of
a good leader like patience,
communication, conviction, and charisma.
Highlight a list of current effective My manager was very effective at
manager practices that your host exhibits. organizing us interns, especially
considering our large staff, because of the
following traits:
● organization
● communication
● confidence
● conviction
● the ability to take our perspectives
into consideration before making a
● distributing tasks among us
● creating a comfortable workspace
environment while maintaining

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