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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Roxas Street, Kidapawan City
Name of Teacher JEAN G. MALINAO Teaching Dates August 25, 2022
Grade & Section 12 HUMSS M-P Time/Day
Learning Area Creative Writing Week No. 1

A. Content Standard: B. Performance Standard: C. Learning Competency/ies: differentiate imaginative
The learners have an The learners shall be able to writing from among other forms of writing.
understanding of imagery, produce short paragraphs or HUMSS_CW/MP11/12-Iab-1
diction, figures of speech, and vignettes using imagery, diction,
variations on language. figures of speech, and specific
Specific Objective: Compare and contrast Imaginative (creative) writing vs. technical using a Venn diagram.
II-CONTENT 1.1 Imaginative(creative) writing vs. technical / academic / other forms of writing
1.2. Sensory experiences and Imagery, Figures of Speech, and Diction
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Page/s : ____ 2. Learner’s Materials Pages :________ 3. Textbook Pages: _____ 4. Additional Materials from Learning Resources(LR) portals: ______
B. Other Learning Resources Curriculum Guide, Most Essential Learning Competencies, AIRs LM in Creative Writing
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Presentation of the subject as a pre-requisite for creative nonfiction.
presenting the new lesson
B. Establishing a purpose for the Think of any words that you can relate to CREATIVE WRITING.
lesson When do we write creatively? Why?
C. Presenting illustrative
examples/instances of the lesson Name at least 10 best fiction stories of all-time and explain why everyone should read it.

D. Discussing the new concepts and -Introduce Creative Writing

practicing new skills#1 -Discuss the differences between technical and creative writing.
E. Discussing new concepts and new -Discuss Sensory experiences and Imagery, Figures of Speech, and Diction
skills #2
F. Developing mastery (guides Take a look at the two texts below, both on the same subject, and compare the treatment of each.
formative assessment) 1. You may be gone but certain smells you had on you are still present today—your mother’s carefully
selected fabric softener that made your shirt smell of lavender, freshly laundered and then pressed. The
damp earth after a heavy rain, that mix of acacia tree leaves and wet grass, the dreamy scent of possibility.
Your skin, alive, and though hard to describe, phenomenon that when breathe, made one mad with desire.
2. Excerpt from “Concerning Odours” by Theophrastus
Odours in general, like tastes, are due to mixture: for anything which is uncompounded has no smell, just as
water, air, and fire. On the other hand, earth is the only elementary substance which has a smell, or at least,
it has one to a greater extent than the others, because it is of a more composite character than they.
1. Which of the two did you enjoy reading more? Why?
2. What is the main purpose of each paragraph?
3. Differentiate the two examples. Which of the excerpts would you say is literary? What are
the characteristics of this text that make it creative?
G. Making generalizations and What makes creative writing different from other types of writing?
abstractions about the lesson
H. Finding Practical applications of
concepts and skills in daily living Using only the sense of sight, describe where you are right now.
I. Evaluation of Learning Compare and contrast Imaginative (creative) writing vs. technical using a Venn diagram
in your own understanding.
J. Additional activities for application or Continue the lesson next meeting.

A. No. of learners who earned B. No. of learners who scored C. Did the remedial lessons work? D. No. of learners who continue
80% in the evaluation: ________ below 80% who needs additional No. of learners who have caught up to require remediation:
activities for remediation: _______ with the lesson: ______ _________
E. Which of my teaching strategy/ies worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter with my principal or superior can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers?
H. Strategy used:

Date: August 24, 2022 Checked by: APRIL A. BALAGOT

Teacher III

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