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‘202016 [Soluion manual classical mechanics, goltsin SlideShare Explore Search You ® * Upload * Login * Signup ‘Search = Home Technology Education More Topics For Uploaders Get Started Tips & Tricks Tools [Search hiplwwu slidesnarenstverustsrrislution-manual-lassical-mechanics-goldstein ane a0%6 [Soluion manual classical mechanics, goltsin Goldstein Classical Mechanics Notes Michael Good May 90, 2008 1 Chapter 1: Elementary Principles 1.1 Mechanics of a Single Particle Classical mechunies incorporates spevial wat ity. “Classica! rlews tothe com tealistnetion to quant ua mecha. Linewe momentum: orce 1 must caves, ass is constant aul fore is sample F ies sce GP al cl ea is a ar a Galilean Angular Momentin Tore Torque isthe time devsutive of angular momentum hipilwwu slidesnarenetverustsrrislution-manual-lassical-mecharics-goléstein one ‘207016 [Soluion manual classical mechanics, goltsin at, TF Work Waa = [Pee item Kinet Energy The work isthe change in kineti ener A fora is consilered eomertative ifthe work is the same for any plysically pponible path. Independance of Wis on the particular pat tpl that the Weak doue road a lewd cir is ze: frarso UE friction is present, a system is un-conservatve Poteital Energy -9Vis) The capacty to do work that body or system has by viture of is pesition is ealled ts porential energy, V above isthe potential energy, To express work in a way that is independent ef the path taken. edhange in a quantity thet depends on orly the end points is needed, ‘This quantity is potential energy Wank is now Vy — Vs, The euange is Energy Cosservation Theorem far 4 Particle: If frees acting on a particle areconservative, than the total ergy of the pantile, T + V, is conserved, The Conservation Theorem for the Linsar Memert im of « Particle states ‘ut esr momentum, py is conserved if the total Taree F, et. ‘he Conservation ‘Fhswou for Us» Angiae Momentum of Parties states Hut angular tomentuna,L, is conserved i the total tangue is 200, hipilwwu slidesnarenstverustsrrislution-manual-classical-mechanics-goldstin ane ‘207016 [Soluion manual classical mechanics, goltsin 1.2. Mechanics of Many Particles Nevtan's tid law of mation, equal and oppsste fore, does ck al fx all fences, It is called the weak law af ation al resco Center of mas: Dm, 7 Centar of mass moves aif the total extemal force were setingon the entve sam ofthe ayetet concentrated at te center of stan. Eaterual nos tat obey Newton's third la, have no effect on the motion ofthe eter of mass Pee ER _ sre, Motion of center of muss is matfeted. This s how rockets week in space Total linear morentun P-Dmgas Conservation Theoret for the Linear Momentum of a System of Particles [te total extemal foree is zero, the total linear momentum is ccnserve. ak o Thestrong law olaction andreacion isthe ccnditin that the interns} forees Detweon two partiels, in addition to being equsl and oppesite, also lie along theline joining the parties. Thin the tite derivative of angular momettnn is the total extemal orgie a Bayo, Torque is abo ealed the moment of theextertal fore abant the given point Conservation Theorem for tal Angular Moment: Lis custant in tie tke appli torepue s 2e¥0 Lineae Monentun Conservation tequites weak aw of acto aud esction Angular Mousitan Comer fn requis stong law of ational ret otal Angular Mamas LD onem Ba yt ea hipilwwu slidesnarenetverustsrrislution-manual-lassical-mecharics-goléstein ane ‘207016 [Soluion manual classical mechanics, goltsin Total angular momentam about «point O isthe angular momentum of mo- tion concentrate atthe center of mass, plus the angular mementan of motion shout the center of tunes, I'he center of ts is at fot wt the origin en the angular nomeat in is independent of the point a vlerence. Total Work: Wy=B-1 whore isthe total kinetic energy of the systems Total kinetic ene 7 3Soh sie ene ga enti ab LE balsa all the mass wore eencentrated at the cautor of mas, plus the KE. of motion atest lorie of nies Total potential nergy v-3M, 1 the extemal and internal frees ae bot derivable fam potentials itis posible 19 define total potential exergy such that the total energy T-+V is one ved ey The tron the ight calle the tutenna potential energy Fee rigid bodies te itera potential energy will be constant. For a vigid body’ thy internal fonees do no Work al te itera potenti energy vem constant 1.3 Constraints + helonosmie constraint think igh beds Unk flrs ee #354) — 0, tice ‘ putidle consrained to nove slong any curve ot on given surfsce osholonomie eonstuints: think walls of 4 gas container, think particle placel on susie of asphere because it wil eventually slide down part of the way’ DUE well al af, not moving slong che curve ofthe spire 1. rheonomous constraints: time an expe variable exazuple: bead on 2. seleomomous sonsbaints: equtions of contraint are NO'T explicitly de Detdent on tie, exanuple: head ou rigid curved wine Rxed in space Dilhctien with conntsali hiipilwwu slidesnarenetverustsrrisltion-manual-lassical-mechanics-goldstein sae ‘207016 [Soluion manual classical mechanics, goltsin 1, Equations of motion are aot ll independent, becanse coorduates ate m0 lenge all independent 2, Rories aie not liv beforehand, aud mus be obtained fra solution, For holonomie eanstmnts introduce generalized coordinates. Dostecs af frowloin are reduced Use independeit yaiabley, elisinate depeadent coord nates, ‘This is called a transformation, going from one st of dependent variables tosnother set of indqpendaut viable, Ceaeralied coordinates axe worthwhia in problems even without constiaint, Exatuples of generalized covedinates 1, Two angles expressing pastionn thesphew that a patice f constrained 2, Two angles for adouble penduhun moving in a plane 5. Amplitudes in a Fouier expansion of, |. Quinites with with dimeusions of energy ot angular momenta, Rr nonholonome comutrainls eqinitas expen ive estan eannot be tusel to eliminate the dependeat coardinates, Noublonomie constraints ate HARDER TO SOINE, 1.4 D'Alembert’s Principle and Lagrange's Equations Developed ly D’Alembert and thought of fst by Rernenli, the rrincie that Tee -*).s-0 a This yl So tyaenn nlsClvistl wt of i vee Gf ctsinin va: isles, like rigid oy systems, and no friction ystems. This isthe anly testi ot oh tie nus of the counéilota: workin ia vclual deplaisiaec, ‘Thin is again D'Aleabert’s priaeiple for the metion of « sjstem, and what is good shout it thai the knees of corateaint are net Ue, hia & great news, but i is pot yer ina form that & useful for deriving equations of wotioa. Transform Hie equation into aa expression invulving virtual displacements of the gener sled coordinates, The general cordites axe ivleperent of each other for holemsmic constraints: Once we lnee He pession in terms af gneralized cocrdinates the confients of the 3g, can be set separately equal to zero, The res i 4,a0, a Digg ~ Hel Siw -0 hiplwwu slidesnarenstverustsrrislution-manual-lassical-mechanics-goldstein ener ‘207016 [Soluion manual classical mechanics, goltsin Lagran Funetion, andl forgive me far skippi a 7 aay" 1.5 Velocity-Dependent Potentials and The Di Function, The velocity dependant potent il ix nporta for the deeteeagnetic Rares o moving diarges, the eeetionuagetie fel L where U isthe generalized potential or B= glE+ (vB). The eustion of motion can be dervied forthe s-itction, and note they sreidenten! campouent vise ind = gE, + (vB) I fictional forces ate presence all the foreor acting om the ater ave dosivable from potential, Lagrange’s equations can aways be write 0b, dE a, Ba where Q, rpresents the forces net arising fem « potential, aul 1, contains the potential of the canervaive forces an bore rictin is commonly, Fy = nha ayloigh's dissipation funetion The total Bietionl fone is Ey=—VoPi Workedone by stam again retin AW, = 2g hiplwwu slidesnarenetverustsrrislution-manual-lassical-mechanics-goldstein ‘3 Eaqutions some frm this principle, Hf you tometer the ind vila! coetfieuts vanish, and allow the frves derivable from a sealer potential same stops the result ociy- dependent potential For a charge voing in an electric and magnetic feld, the Loven force wa = 5 Doth + hy + he me a0%6 [Soluion manual classical mechanics, goltsin The rte of energy dissipation due to fristion is 2F, and the cmpanent of tho generalized fore resulting fiom the fore of retin by OF ay lose, both Land F,, umst be ancifol to dit ain the equations of motion a= dob, ob oF, aD Bey Fy 1.6 Applications of the Lagrangian Formulation cqlutions of motion Sealar fustiogs T and Ware meh easier to deal with Stand of ctor est ated nocelartinc Proce: 1, Write ‘Pand Vin generalized coordinates 2 Pou ra th, 3. Pul Lino Lausanse’s Eeuations \. Salve forthe equations of mtn Simple examples are 1a sigle patil is space( Cartesian coordinates, Plane polar coordinates) 2. abwood sci 3. bead sliding on. rotating wit(timedependent constraint Force: of contstaint, do not appear inthe Lagrangian forumation, ‘They also cannot be dreelydeeved hipilwww slidesharenstverustsrrislution-manual-lassical-mechanics-golestein ane a0%6 [Soluion manual classical mechanics, goltsin Goldstein Chapter 1 Derivations Michadl Good June 27, 2004 1 Derivations 1. Show that for a single partide with constant mate the emuation of mation Smajies th follwing differential equation for the Bnet ener a ft ogy shite he an aie i ke epi una woe ssi oF AE yy ao ae oe ant) a ee ee 2. Prove dat the magutute fof the postion vector forte enter of mars om fan arbitrary origin given by the uation aie = mot FD mays “Anne un = Tm hiplwwu slidesharenstverustsrrislution-manual-lassical-mechanics-goldstin one ‘207016 [Soluion manual classical mechanics, goltsin seRE= Tamer, Solving for 4-25 waliae that yy =F, —): Square r,—ey and you get Phag in fares or) Done +$X mins MS mort + LT LL mans 8. Suppor a mpstem of two panticlen ix nes ta obey the euations of mom -Detiare ze From the auations of the motion of the individual prtetes show Yat the in- ternal fares betvern partides satay lth the weak and the sbong laws of ae Hon and reaction. ‘The anpunent may 6 gencmabael to e systen usb as bivary number of artetes, dus prosing the canucre of Be aruments leading ta the equations above eR will aomaticaly satisfy the wok las: The weak le demanis that only the axes: be equal sd eppesite. Thestront law demands they be cna an! eopor site and le along the Le joining the pasteles. Thefst eqatian of motion tells ‘us that internal ores have no eet. ‘The equations governing the individnal particles ae BFP S Ea hipilwww slidesharenstverustsrrislution-manual-lassical-mechanics-golestein sonar ‘207016 [Soluion manual classical mechanics, goltsin Assuming the gqution of motion te be tru, than Pit Pe= Pi eRe s Hy + Pe Fat Fa =0 ‘Tins Fig =~ Fi and they are equal and opposite anl say the weak lw a e then the tine rate of change ofthe total angular momentum is only eal to the otal external tongue: that &, the interns! tore contribution is mull. ar fo partic, the interna! tongue watson is (Pa)=(a ni) Paras Now the only way'for ta = Fy to eal wero is for both ts anal Py tie fou te line joining the two paticks, so tht the angle between the is Ze, ie the magnitude a thei exe posh Ix evo, Ax B= ABsind 4. he equations of cnstrnt for the rolling dish de —asindes dy + acess =0 ‘are special ease of general near differential equations ofeanstraint ofthe form Polevsiedinn A ami endl nme oy i averting finion Gleiee-rstn) ean be ound thal tons a into on exact differential. Clearly the Jaichion mast be sch that _ fa) for ali 4 j. Show that no su isting foctr ean be found fo either ofthe ‘equations of constraint for the sling disk “Auswer hiplwwu slidesnarenetverustsrrislution-manual-lassical-mechanics-goldstein nna a0%6 [Soluion manual classical mechanics, goltsin Fist attempt to ind the integrating tach forthe ist equation, Note tie jes the fore Pde + Qde+ Wi =0 wate Ps 1, Q is —asin# and W is0, The equations that are equivalent to Oya) _ otra) 170) auw) "These ate explicit ‘Simply te lst two eauations yy Fees Alpe oy and bec of o 0 t dows nut depend ou # either. This f ‘he only way for fto atsty this equtionis i fs eoustant and ths appar ently ther & no inteypating funtion tomake these equations exact, Performing Mined) _ IE a8 of ar aco and 6f =0 60 leading to .. hiplwwu slidesnarenstverustsrrislution-manual-lassical-mechanics-goldstein ronan s2az016 [Soluion manual classical mechanics, goltsin ‘The contact points come from the length of the axis being b as well as x andy being the center of the axis. Phe components. hiipilwwu slidesnarenetverustsrrisltion-manual-lassical-mechanics-goldstein sane s2az016 [Soluion manual classical mechanics, goltsin b dx =sin 0[ dO + adg] (1) 2... hiplwwu slidesharenstverustsrrislution-manual-lassical-mechanics-goldstin sane s2az016 [Soluion manual classical mechanics, goltsin the constraint is nonholonomic. Answer: The abscissa is the x-axis distance from the origin to the point on the x-axis. hiplwwu slidesnarenstverustsrrislution-manual-lassical-mechanics-goldstein ssa s2az016 [Soluion manual classical mechanics, goltsin ‘Answer: I’m going to set the two forms equal and see if they match. That will showthat they can be written as displayed ... hiplwwu slidesnarenstverustsrrislution-manual-lassical-mechanics-goldstein sear s2az016 [Soluion manual classical mechanics, golstsin IFL is a Lagrangian for a system of n degrees of freedom satisfying Lagrange’sequations, show by direct substitution that ‘Thus as Goldstein reminded us, L = T — V is a suitable Lagrangian, but itis not the only Lagrangian for a given system.9. hiplwwu slidesnarenstverustsrrislution-manual-lassical-mechanics-goldstein sna s2az016 [Soluion manual classical mechanics, goltsin (of n degrees of freedom, with a Lagrangian L(q, q, 1). Suppose we transform hiplwwu slidesnarenetverustsrrislution-manual-lassical-mechanics-goldstein sane s2az016 [Soluion manual classical mechanics, goltsin {qi Pulling out the summation to the right and ésj to the lefl, we are left with: hipilwwu slidesnarenstverustsrrislution-manual-classical-mechanics-goldstin renee s2az016 [Soluion manual classical mechanics, goltsin Goldstein Chapter | Exercises Michael Good July 17, 20041 .. hiplwwu slidesnarenstverustsrrislution-manual-lassical-mechanics-goldstein s2az016 [Soluion manual classical mechanics, goltsin {If the motion is not applied parallel to the plane of the disk, then theremight be some slipping, or another generalized c. hiipilwwu slidesnarenetverustsrrisltion-manual-lassical-mechanics-goldstein aunaa s2az016 [Soluion manual classical mechanics, goltsin ‘mf /me to be about 300. The total force is just ma, as in Newton’s second law. The total force onthe rocket, will be eq rocket mass as compared to the fuel mass. me << mf. Let me remind you, weare looking for this ratio as well. The ratio of. hiplwwu slidesnarenstverustsrrislution-manual-lassical-mechanics-goldstein zanna s2az016 [Soluion manual classical mechanics, goltsin 1 0 = 900 and @ = 0o then x = 1/2 so: | sin 0 cos 9... hiipilwwu slidesnarenetverustsrrisltion-manual-lassical-mechanics-goldstein s2az016 [Soluion manual classical mechanics, goltsin 12 * “v2 = (cos2 002 + sin2 002 + sin2 092)... hiipilwwu slidesnarenetverustsrrisltion-manual-lassical-mechanics-goldstein s2az016 [Soluion manual classical mechanics, goltsin 6" 6Q = [o-[(yp2 —zpy ¥ i(zpx. hiplwwu slidesnarenstverustsrrislution-manual-lassical-mechanics-goldstein s2az016 [Soluion manual classical mechanics, goltsin “x =1€ sin 0 sin 9p + cos @ cos 00) + r sin 0 cos g hiipilwwu slidesnarenetverustsrrisltion-manual-lassical-mechanics-goldstein s2az016 [Soluion manual classical mechanics, goltsin Qe = Qx (-r sin 8 sin @) + Qy (r sin O cos @) + Qz (0) x ... =r +100 + rsin 099 11 e kinetic energy in sphe... hiplwwu slidesnarenstverustsrrislution-manual-lassical-mechanics-goldstein ana s2az016 [Soluion manual classical mechanics, goltsin For the last component, 9 we have: d OT aT ()- hiplwwu slidesharenstverustsrrislution-manual-lassical-mechanics-goldstin s2az016 [Soluion manual classical mechanics, goltsin 12°2"r hipilwwu slidesnarenstverustsrrislution-manual-classical-mechanics-goldstin s2az016 [Soluion manual classical mechanics, goltsin This is indeed the force unexpanded, | 12 - 2"r“r hiipilwwu slidesnarenetverustsrrisltion-manual-lassical-mechanics-goldstein s2az016 [Soluion manual classical mechanics, goltsin 18. A Lagrangian for a particular physical system can be written as m K hiplwwu slidesnarenstverustsrrislution-manual-lassical-mechanics-goldstein sina s2az016 [Soluion manual classical mechanics, goltsin Therefore our equations of motion are: —K(ax + by) = m(a” = b’)... ‘Answer: The kinetic energy is found the same way as in exercise 14, and the potentialenergy is found by using the origin. hipilwwu slidesharenetverustsrrislution-manual-lassical-mechanics-golestin sone s2az016 [Soluion manual classical mechanics, goltsin ‘Therefore the equations of motion are: ““ ml2 sin... hiplwwu slidesnarenstverustsrrislution-manual-lassical-mechanics-goldstein s2az016 [Soluion manual classical mechanics, goltsin mx2 “ Now this looks like E - E = 0 because E = 2+ V (x)... hiplwwu slidesharenstverustsrrislution-manual-lassical-mechanics-goldstin s2az016 [Soluion manual classical mechanics, goltsin ‘Thus d‘* “* (ml 12 6) = ml r(r0 + 20r) =0 hiipilwwu 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Smonths ago Reply Are you sure you want to Yes No ‘Your message goes here 2 Navin Chaurasiya , Assistant Teacher at Das classes a branch of Adarsh education ible really thank you for making the solutions a Lyear ago Reply ‘Are you sure you want to Yes No Your message goes here 2 Rajib Kumar Basumatary thank you very much sir Lyearago Reply Are you sure you want to Yes No Your message goes here i Sanjoy Mandal 22 hours ago 4 jesintha k, Soundylan 4 days ago i Bilvin Varughese , Studying at IISER Bhopal at IISER Bhopal week ago shammakh altairi , 44 Jl Thamar Univristy at ean! Sols Lweek ago Show More, No Downloads Views Total views 143,572 On SlideShare 0 From Embeds 0 hiplwwu slidesnarenstverustsrrislution-manual-lassical-mechanics-goldstein aatee sra2016 [Solution manual] classical mechanics, goldtein Number of Embeds 378 Actions Shares 230 Downloads 8,451 ‘Comments 15 Likes 135 Embeds 0 No embeds No notes for slide [Solution manual] classical mechanics, goldstein 1. 1, Goldstein Classical Mechanics Notes Michael Good May 30, 20041 Chapter 1: Elementary Principles!.1 Mechanics of a Single ParticleClassical mechanics incorporates special relativity. ‘Classical’ refers to the con-tradistinetion to ‘quantum’ mechanics. Velocity: dr v=. dt Linear momentum: p= mv. Force: dp F= . dt In most cases, mass is constant and force is simplified: d dv F= (mv) = m = ma. dt dt Acceleration: d2 r a=. dt2 Newton’s second law of motion holds in a reference frame that is inertial orGalilean. Angular Momentum: L = r x p. Torque: T =r * F. Torque is the time derivative of angular momentum: 1 2. 2.4L T=. dt Work: 2 W12=F - dr. 1 In most cases, mass is constant and work simplifies to: 2 22 dv dy WI2=m- vdt= mv: dt=mvy- dv 1 dt I dt 1 m22.W12=(v2—vl )=T2-TI 2 Kinetic Energy: mv 2 T =2 The work is the change in kinetic energy. A force is considered conservative if the work is the same for any physicallypossible path. Independence of W12 on the particular path implies that thework done around a closed ciruit is zero: F - dr = 0 If friction is present, a system is non- conservative. Potential Energy: F = — V (1). The capacity to do work that a body or system has by viture of is positionis called its potential energy. V above is the potential energy. To express workin a way that is independent of the path taken, a change in a quantity thatdepends on only the end points is needed. This quantity is potential energy. Work is now V1 — V2 . The change is -V. Energy Conservation Theorem for a Particle: If forces acting on a particleare conservative, then the total energy of the particle, T+ V, is conserved. The Conservation Theorem for the Linear Momentum of a Particle statesthat linear momentum, p, is conserved if the total force F, is zero. The Conservation Theorem for the Angular Momentum of a Particle statesthat angular momentum, L, is conserved if the total torque T, is zero. 2 .2 Mechanics of Many ParticlesNewton’s third law of motion, equal and opposite forces, does not hold for allforces. It is called the weak law of action and reaction. Center of mass: mi ri mi ri R= =. mi M Center of mass moves as if the total external force were acting on the entiremass of the system concentrated at the center of mass. Internal forces that obeyNewton’s third law, have no effect on the motion of the center of mass. d2 R (e) F(e) = M = Fi . dt2 i Motion of center of mass is unaffected. This is how rockets work in space. Total linear momentum: dri dR P= mi =M . i dt dt Conservation Theorem for the Linear Momentum of a System of Particles:If the total external force is zero, the total linear momentum is conserved. The strong law of action and reaction is the condition that the internal forcesbetween two particles, in addition to being equal and opposite, also lie alongthe line joining the particles. Then the time derivative of angular momentumis the total external torque: dL = N(e) . dt Torque is also called the moment of the external force about the given point. Conservation Theorem for Total Angular Momentum: L is constant in timeif the applied torque is zero. Linear Momentum Conservation requires weak law of action and reaction, Angular Momentum Conservation requires strong law of action and reaction. Total Angular Momentum: L= ri x pi=R * Mv+tix pi.ii3 fotal angular momentum about a point O is the angular momentum of mo-tion concentrated at the center of mass, plus the angular momentum of motionabout the center of mass. If the center of ma at rest wrt the origin then theangular momentum is independent of the point of reference. Total Work is hipilwwu slidesnarenetverustsrrislution-manual-lassical-mecharics-goléstein 30142 s2az016 [Soluion manual classical mechanics, goltsin W12=T2-TI | 2 where T is the total kinetic energy of the system: T = 2 i mi vi . Total kinetic energy: 1211 T=mi vi=M v2 + mi vi2 . 2i2 2 i Kinetic energy, like angular momentum, has two parts: the K.E, obtained ifall the mass were concentrated at the center of mass, plus the K.E. of motionabout the center of mass. Total potential energy: 1 V = Vi + Vij .i2 ij i=j If the external and internal forces are both derivable from potentials it ispossible to define a total potential energy such that the total energy T + V isconserved. The term on the right is called the internal potential energy. For rigid bodiesthe internal potential energy will be constant. For a rigid body the internalforces do no work and the internal potential energy remains constant. 1.3 Constraints + holonomic constraints: think rigid body, think f (rl , 12,13, .., t) = 0, think a particle constrained to move along any curve or on a given surface, nonholonomic constraints: think walls of a gas container, think particle placed on surface of a sphere because it will eventually slide down part of the way but will fall off, not moving along the curve of the sphere. 1. rheonomous constraints: time is an explicit variable...example: bead on moving wire 2. scleronomous constraints: equations of contraint are NOT explicitly de- pendent on time...cxample: bead on rigid curved wire fixed in space Difficulties with constraints: 4 5.1, Equations of motion are not all independent, because coordinates are no longer all independent 2. Forces are not known beforehand, and must be obtained from solution. For holonomic constraints introduce generalized coordinates. Degrees offreedom are reduced. Use independent variables, climinate dependent coordienates. This is called a transformation, going from one set of dependent variablesto another set of independent variables. Generalized coordinates are worthwhilein problems even without constraints, Examples of generalized coordinates: 1. Two angles expressing position on the sphere that a particle is constrained to move on. 2. Two angles for a double pendulum moving in a plane. 3. Amplitudes in a Fourier expansion of rj. 4. Quanities with with dimensions of energy or angular momentum. For nonholonomic constraints equations expressing the constraint cannot beused to eliminate the dependent coordinates. Nonholonomic constraints areHARDER TO SOLVE.1.4 D’Alembert’s Principle and Lagrange’s EquationsDeveloped by D’ Alembert, and thought of first by Bernoulli, the principle that: (a) dpi (Fi—) - Sri = 0/i dt This is valid for systems which virtual work of the forces of constraint van-ishes, like rigid body systems, and no friction systems. This is the only resttic-tion on the nature of the constraints: workless in a virtual displacement, Thisis again D’Alembert’s principle for the motion of a system, and what is goodabout itis that the forces of constraint are not there. This is great news, but itis not yet in a form that is useful for deriving equations of motion. Transformthis equation into an expression involving virtual displacements of the gener-alized coordinates, The generalized coordinates are independent of each otherfor holonomic constraints. Once we have the expression in terms of generalizedcoordinates the coefficients of the qi can be set separately equal to zero. Theresult is: d OT aT {[ ()~ | ~ Qi }8qj = 0 dt @ qj * aqj 5 6, Lagrange’s Equations come from this principle. If you remember the indi-vidual coefficients vanish, and allow the forces derivable from a scaler potentialfunetion, and forgive me for skipping some steps, the result is: d OL OL ()-=0 dt 6 qj ” Aqj1.5 Velocity-Dependent Potentials and The Dissipation FunctionThe velocity dependent potential is important for the electromagnetic forces onmoving charges, the electromagnetic field, L=T -U where U is the generalized potential or velocity-dependent potential. For a charge mvoing in an electric and magnetic field, the Lorentz forcedictates: F = q[E + (v x B)]. The equation of motion can be dervied for the x-dirction, and notice theyare identical component wise: m” = q[Ex + (v * B)x ]. x If frictional forces are present(not all the forces acting on the system arederivable from a potential), Lagrange’s equations can always be written: d OL 6L ()- = Qj. dt 6 qj ° Gqj where Qj represents the forces not arising from a potential, and L containsthe potential of the conservative forces as before. Friction is commonly, Ff x = —kx vx . Rayleigh’s dissipation function: 1 2 2 2 Fdis = (kx vix + ky viy + kz viz ). 2 i The total frictional force is: Ff = — v Fdis Work done by system against friction: dWf~—2Fdis dt 6 ‘L.The rate of energy dissipation due to friction is 2F dis and the component ofthe generalized force resulting from the force of friction is: @Fdis Qj = — . 0 qj ‘ In use, both L and Fdis must be specified to obtain the equations of motion: d OL AL Fdis ()-=— . dt 6 qj ° qj @ qj “1.6 Applications of the Lagrangian FormulationThe Lagrangian method allows us to eliminate the forces of constraint from theequations of motion. Scalar functions T and V are much easier to deal withinstead of vector forces and accelerations, Procedure: 1. Write T and V in generalized coordinates. 2. Form L from them. 3. Put L into Lagrange’s Equations 4. Solve for the equations of motion. Simple examples are: 1. a single particle is space(Cartesian coordinates, Plane polar coordinates) 2. atwood’s machine 3. a bead sliding on a rotating wire(time-dependent constraint). Forces of contstraint, do not appear in the Lagrangian formulation. Theyalso cannot be directly derived. 7 hiipilwwu slidesnarenetverustsrrisltion-manual-lassical-mechanics-goldstein saitae s2az016 [Soluion manual classical mechanics, goltsin 8. & Goldstein Chapter 1 Derivations Michael Good June 27, 20041 Derivations1. Show that for a single particle with constant mass the equation of motionimplies the follwing differential equation for the kinetic energy: dT =F-v dt while if the mass varies with time the corresponding equation is d(mT ) = F «p. dt Answer: dT d( 1 mv 2)=2=mvy-v=ma:v v dt dt with time variable mass, d(mT ) d p2=()=p: p=F-p.’ dt dt 22. Prove that the magnitude R of the position vector for the center of mass froman arbitrary origin is given by the equation: 1 M 2 R2 = M 2 mi ri~ 2 mi mj rij. i Answer: MR = mi ri | 9, 9.M 2 R2 = mi mj ri - rf ij Solving for ri - rj realize that rij = ri—rj . Square ri— rj and you get 2 22 rij ri 2ri oj + oj Plug in for ri rj 1222 ri} = (e+ yj - ij) 2111 1 M2R2=2 mi mjri +2 mi mj rj —2 mi mj rij 21 2ij2ij 111M 2R2=M2 miri+M 2 mjrj—2 mi mjrij 2125 2ij1M2 R2=M2 miri-2 mi mj rij i 2 i,j3. Suppose a system of two particles is known to obey the equations of mo-tions, d2 R (e) M2 = Fi = F(e) dt i dL = N(e) dtFrom the equations of the motion of the individual particles show that the in-ternal forces between particles satisfy both the weak and the strong laws of ac-tion and reaction. The argument may be generalized to a system with arbitrarynumber of particles, thus proving the converse of the arguments leading to theequations above. Answer: First, ifthe particles satisfy the strong law of action and reaction then theywill automatically satisfy the weak law. The weak law demands that only theforces be equal and opposite. The strong law demands they be equal and oppo-site and lie along the line joining the particles. The first equation of motion tellsus that internal forces have no effect. The equations governing the individualparticles are (e) ’ pl = F1 + F21 (e)’ p2=F2 + F122 10. 10. Assuming the equation of motion to be true, then (c) (c)’’ pl + p2 = Fl + F21 +F2+F12 must give F12 + F21=0 Thus F12=-F21 and they are equal and opposite and satisfy the weak lawof action and reaction. If the particles obey dL = N(e) dt then the time rate of change of the total angular momentum is only equal tothe total external torque; that is, the internal torque contribution is null. Fortwo particles, the internal torque contribution isrl x F21 +12 x F12=rl x F21 +12 x (-F21)=(rl = 12) x F21 = 112 x F21 = 0 Now the only way for r12 x F21 to equal zero is for both 12. and F21 to lieon the line joining the two particles, so that the angle between them is zero, iethe magnitude of their cross product is zero. A * B = ABsin04. The equations of constraint for the rolling disk, dx — a sin Ody dy +a cos dy = Oare special cases of general linear differential equations of constraint of the form ngi (x1 ,..., xn )dxi= 0. i=1A constraint condition of this type is holonomic only if an integrating functionf (x1 ,..., xn ) can be found that tums it into an exact differential. Clearly thefunction must be such that O(F gi ) A(f gi ) = xj @xifor all i=j. Show that no such integrating factor can be found for either of theequations of constraint for the rolling disk. Answer: 3 11. 11. First attempt to find the integrating factor for the first equation. Note it isin the form: P dx + Qdo + W d0 =0 where P is 1, Q is a sin 0 and W is 0. The equations that are equivalent to d(f gi ) &(f gj ) = axj Oxi are (FP ) Af Q) = dp Ox (EP ) AE W ) = 68 Ax A(F Q) O(F W ) = 08 dp These are explicitly @(F) A-Fa sin 8) = dp Ox (F) =0 48 A(-F.a sin 8) =0 66 Simplfying the last two equations yields: f cos 0 =0 Since y is not even in this first equation, the integrating factor does notdepend on y and because of df =0 it does not depend on 0 either. Thus 40 f= f (x, (¢p) The only way for f to satisfy this equation is if fis constant and thus appar-ently there is no integrating function to make these equations exact. Performingthe same procedure on the second equation you can find d(f.a cos 8) af = dy dg af af a cos 6 and fsin0=04 6 leading to f= £ (y, @)and making it impossible for fto satsify the equations unless as a constant. Ifthis question was confusing to you, it was confusing to me too. Mary Boas saysit is ‘not usually worth while to spend much time searching for an integratingfactor’ anyways. That makes me feel better.5. Two wheels of radius a are mounted on the ends of a common axle of lengthb such that, the wheels rotate independently. The whole combination rolls with-out slipping on a palne. Show that there are two nonholonomic equations ofconstraint, cos @dx + sin @dy = 0 1 sin @dx ~ cos @dy = a(dp + dp ) 2 (where 0,9, and @ have meanings similar to those in the problem of a singlevertical disk, and (x,y) ate the corrdinates of a point on the axle midway betweenthe two wheels) and one holonomic equation of constraint, a @= C- (p — ) b where C is a constant. Answer: The trick to this problem is carefully looking at the angles and getting thesigns right. I think the fastest way to solve this is to follow the same procedurethat was used for the single disk in the book, that is, find the speed of thedisk, find the point of contact, and take the derivative of the x component,and y component of position, and solve for the equations of motion. Here thesteps are taken a bit further because a holonomic relationship can be found thatrelates 8, @ and @ . Once you have the equations of motion, from there its justslightly tricky algebra. Here goes: We have two speeds, one for each disk * v=ag * v = ag and two contact points, b b (x cos 8, y sin @)225 epic alisesareneenvatsrisluion-manua-clasica-mecharics-goléten saanee s2az016 [Soluion manual classical mechanics, goltsin 13. 13. The contact points come from the length of the axis being b as well as x andy being the center of the axis. The components of the distance are cos and sinfor x and y repectively. So now that we" found the speeds, and the points of contact, we want totake the derivatives of the x and y parts of their contact positions. This willgive us the components of the velocity. Make sure you get the angles right, theywere tricky for me. d b (x + cos 8) = vx dt 2 b ° x—" sin 88 = v cos(180 — 8 — 90) = v cos(90 — 8) = v cos(-90 +@)=vsin @ 2b” ’ x~ sin 66 =ag sin @ "2 Do this for the next one, and get: b “x sin 00 = ag sin 0 2 The plus sign is there because of the derivative of cos multiplied with thenegative for the primed wheel distance from the center of the axis. For the yparts: db (y + sin ®) = vy dt 2b ** y+ cos 69 =—v cos @=—a9 cos 0 2 It is negative because I decided to have axis in the first quadrent hheadingsouth-cast. I also have the primed wheel south-west of the non-primed wheel.A picture would help, but [ can’t do that on latex yet. So just think about it, Do it for the next one and get: b * y~ cos 80 ~ -ap cos 02 all of the derivatives together so you aren't confused what I just did: b* * x~ * sin 08 =a sin 0 2b* "xt sin 00=ag sin @ 2b’ * y + cos 00=~ag cos 0" 2b” * y—cos 00 =-ag cos 0° 2Now simplify them bby cancelling the dt s and leaving the x and y’s on one side: 6 14, 14.b dx = sin 6[ d9 + adg] (1) 2 b dx = sin 0 d8 + adg ] (2) 2 b dy =~ cos 6[ d0 + ad] (3) 2 b dy = = cos 6[- d6 + adg ] (4) 2 Now we are done with the physics. The rest is manipulation of these equa- tions of motion to come up with the constraints, For the holonomic equationuse (1)-(2). (1) - (2) = bd0 + a(dg ~ dg ) ad =— (dp ~ do ) b a0 =~ (p- @) + Cb For the other two equations, I started with b b (1) cos 6 + (3) sin 6 = cos 6 sin 6[ d0 + adp] ~ sin 6 cos Of d+ ad] 2 2 cos Odx + sin @dy = 0 and (1) + (2) = 2dx = sin Oa[dg + do | (3) + (4) = 2dy =~ cos @a[de + do | multiply dy by — cos @ and multiply dx by sin 0 to yield yourself a — cos Ody = cos2 0 [dg + de ] 2 2 a sin Bdx = sin 0 [dy + do ] 2 ‘Add them together and presto! a sin 8dx — cos Ody = [dg + do ] 26. A particle moves in the xy plane under the constraint that its velocity vectoris always directed towards a point on the x axis whose abscissa is some givenfunction of time f(t). Show that for f(t) differentiable, but otherwise arbitrary, 7 15, 15. the constraint is nonholonomic. Answer: The abscissa is the x-axis distance from the origin to the point on the x-axisthat the velocity vector is aimed at. It has the distance f (1). I claim that the ratio of the velocity vector components must be equal tothe ratio of the vector components of the vector that connects the particle tothe point on the x-axis. The directions are the same. The velocity vectorcomponents are: dy vy = dt dx vx = dt The vector components of the vector that connects the particle to the pointon the x-axis are: Vy = y(t) Vx = x(t) ~ f (t) For these to be the same, then vy Vy = vx Vx dy y(t) = dx x(t) — f (0) dy dx = y(t) x(t) - f (£) This cannot be integrated with f(t) being arbituary. Thus the constraint isnonholonomic. It’s nice to write the constraint in this way because it's frequentlythe type of setup Goldstein has: ydx + (£(t) ~ x)dy = 0 There can be no integrating factor for this equation.7. The Lagrangian equations can be written in the form of the Nielsen’s equa-tions. OT @T -2 =Q aq" @qShow this. 8 16. 16. Answer: I’m going to set the two forms equal and see if they match. That will showthat they can be written as displayed above. Lagrangian Form = Nielsen's Form d aT éT @T” 6T ()-=-2 dt éq" éq €q' dq d OT AT BT’ ()+ = (5) dt Bq * 2g dq’ JT" * What is Aq" you may ask? Well, lets solve for T first. “dT=T(q,q,1)‘ dtd Because dt is a full derivative, you must not forget the chain rule. “ d T 6T aT T=T (q,q,t)=" + q+" q” dt dt dq Gq’ AT” Now lets solve for 2q’ , not forgetting the product rule @T AT OT AT=[+ q+" gq)” 0q' Oq et’ dq aq" GT’ AAT AAT AT Aq" AdT=+ qr +q" dq Cqat’ dq aq @q@q@qeq’* eT’ 2eT AGT OT AET=+ qt" +()" geq Cteq’ Oq2q" Oqeq eq’ eT Now we have 8q" , so lets plug this into equation (5). d 6T aT 4 éT 2 AT aT 6T (M+=+ q+" +0" a dt dq’ Gq atbq’ aq8q" Gq eq6q°"ddT TACT AT ()=+ qt’ (J qdtdq’ Gq’ Aqdq’ aq “Notice that this is indeed true. d OT 4 6T 8 AT BT (= (+ q+ ()" qdtaq' aq’ aq0q &q @q ° * because T=T (q, 4,1). 9 17. 17.1f Lis a Lagrangian for a system of n degrees of freedom satisfying Lagrange’sequations, show by direct substitution that dF (q1 , ..., qn , t) L =L+ dtalso satisfies Lagrange’s equations where F is any arbitrary, but differentiable, function of its arguments, Answer: Let’s directly substitute L into Lagrange’s equations. d 6L 6L—=0 dt 6 q ° 6q.d 6 dF 4 dF (L ~)-(L+)=0 dt dq‘ dt dq dtd L 6 dF €L @ dF [+ ]}-~=0 dt dq’ Gq dt’ dq dq dtd OL AL da dF @dF-+--0 dteq’ aq dt q dt’ dq dt On the left we recognized Lagrange’s equations, which we know equal zero.Now to show the terms with F vanish. d @ dF @ dF —=0 dt dq dt * q dt d OF * OF” = dt 2 q * 2q This is shown to be true because OE” OF = €q' dq We have d dF" d dF = dt 6 q dt dq 0 GF @ OF = + q" 6t Aq dq dq 6 OF OF OF =[ +4] =" aq at dq dq 10 18. 18. Thus as Goldstein reminded us, L = T - V is a suitable Lagrangian, but itis not the only Lagrangian for a given system.9. The electromagnetic field is invariant under a gauge transformation of thescalar and vector potential given by A-A* y(r, t) 1 Gy 9—>- c ot where y is arbitrary (but differentiable). hepa slidesharenetiveustsrislton-manus-classica-mecharic-golesin ssa s2az016 20. 21 22. 23, [Soluion manual classical mechanics, goltsin What effect does this gauge trans-formation have on the Lagrangian of a particle moving in the electromagneticfield? Is the motion affected? Answer: 1 q L= mv 2~ qo +A v 2c Upon the gauge transformation: | 1 éyqL=mv2-qlo-]+[A+y@,t)] -v2cétel qqéyqL=mv2-qo+A- vetwlr,tv2ccédtcqayL [+ vO, 0) - v]¢ tq’ L=L+[y]c In the previous problem it was shown that: d dy * * 6y = dt @q ° éqFor y differentiable but arbitrary. This is all that you need to show that theLagrangian is changed but the motion is not. This problem is now in the sameform as before: dF (q1 , .... gn, t) L=L+ dt And if you understood the previous problem, you'll know why there is noeffect on the motion of the particle( i.e, there are many Lagrangians that maydescribe the motion of a system, there is no unique Lagrangian).10. Let ql , .... qn be a set of independent generalized coordinates for a system 11 19_of n degrees of freedom, with a Lagrangian L(q, q, t). Suppose we transform “to another set of independent coordinates s1 , ..., sn by means of transformationequations qi = qi (SI , ... sm, 0, i= n, (Such a transformatin is called a point transformation.) Show that if theLagrangian function is expressed as a function of sj , sj and t through the equa- ‘tion of transformation, then L satisfies Lagrange’s equations with respect to thes coordinates d @L GL ~ =0 dt é sj ° asj In other words, the form of Lagrange’s equations is invariant under a pointtransformation. Answer: We know: d @L aL — =0 dt @ qi dgiand we want to prove: d éL aL ~=0 dt @ sj ’ As AL AL If'we put @ sj and dsj in terms of the q coordinates, then they can be ‘substitued back in and shown to still satisfy Lagrange’s equations. AL AL Aqi = dsj i Oqi Asj OL AL @ qi “= 6 sj" i gid sj ** We know: qi d qi = dsj @ sj * Thus, AL OL aqi= @ sj "i 2 qi Gsj ° AL AL Plug @ sj ° and sj into the Lagrangian equation and see if they satisfy it: d AL Agi AL Agi [ J-[ ]=0 dt i d gi dsj * i Aqi dsj 12 20. qi Pulling out the summation to the right and sj to the left, we are lefl with: d OL AL @qi [-]=0i dt 6 qi” éqi dsj This shows that Lagrangian’s equations are invariant under a point trans-formation. 13 21. Goldstein Chapter | Exercises Michael Good July 17, 20041 Exercises! 1. Consider a uniform thin disk that rolls without slipping on a horizontalplane. A horizontal force is applied to the center of the disk and in a directionparallel to the plane of the disk. * Derive Lagrange’s equations and find the generalized force. + Discuss the motion if the force is not applied parallel to the plane of the disk. Answer: To find Lagrangian’s equations, we need to first find the Lagrangian, L=T -V 1 1 T=mv m(ro)2 V =0 2.2 Therefore 1 L= m(ro)2 2 Plug into the Lagrange equations: d JL OL ~=Q dt 0x * éxd@1 mr2 2241 mr2 @2-2=Q dt A(re) ax d m(ra) = Q dt M(t ) = Q” 1 22. If the motion is not applied parallel to the plane of the disk, then theremight be some slipping, or another generalized coordinate would have to beintroduced, such as 0 to describe the y-axis motion, The velocity of the diskwould not just be in the x-direction as it is here.12. The escape velocity of a particle on Earth is the minimum velocity re-quired at Earth’s surface in order that that particle can escape from Earth’sgravitational field. Neglecting the resistance of the atmosphere, the system isconservative. From the conservation theorme for potential plus kinetic energyshow that the escape veolcity for Earth, ingnoring the presence of the Moon, is11.2 km/s.Answer: GM m I = mv 2r2GM 1 =v2 r2 Lets plug in the numbers to this simple problem: (6.67 x 10-11 ) + (6 x 1024) 1 = v2 (6 x 106 ) 2 This gives v= 1.118 x 104 m/s which is 11.2 km/s.13. Rockets are propelled by the momentum reaction of the exhaust gasesexpelled from the tail. Since these gases arise from the raction of the fuels carriedin the rocket, the mass of the rocket is not constant, but decreases as the fuelis expended. Show that the equation of motion for a rocket projected verticallyupward in a uniform gravitational field, neglecting atmospheric friction, is: dv dm m = ~v ~ mg dt dtwhere m is the mass of the rocket and v" is the velocity of the escaping gasesrelative to the rocket. Integrate this equation to obtain v as, function of m,assuming a constant time rate of loss of mass. Show, for a rocket starting initallyfrom rest, with v’ equal to 2.1 km/s and a mass loss per second equal to 1/60thof the intial mass, that in order to reach the escape velocity the ratio of thewight of the fuel to the weight of the empty rocket must be almost 300!Answer: This problem can be tricky if you're not very careful with the notation, Buthere is the best way to do it. Defining me equal to the empty rocket mass,mf is the total fuel mass, m0 is the intitial rocket mass, that is, me + mf, anddm m0 dt =~ 60 as the loss rate of mass, and finally the goal is to find the ratio of 2 23. mf /me to be about 300. The total force is just ma, as in Newton's second law. The total force onthe rocket will be equal to the force due to the gas escaping minus the weightof the rocket: d ma = [-mv ] ~ mg dt dv dm m = —v ~ mg dt dt The rate of lost mass is negative. The velocity is in the negative irection,so, with the two negative signs the term becomes positive. Use this: dv dm dv = dm dt dt Solve: dv dm dm m=—v— mg dm dt dt dv dm v dm = —g dm dt m dt dv v 60g =- + dm m m0 Notice that the two negative signs cancelled out to give us a positive farright term, v 60g dv =— dm + dm m m0 Integrating, me me dm 60g dv = -v + dm m0 m m0 m0 me 60g v= —v In + (me ~ m0 ) m0 m0 me hiplwwu slidesnarenetverustsrrisltion-manual-lassical-mechanics-golestin satan s2az016 24, 25; 26. 21. 28. [Soluion manual classical mechanics, goltsin me ~ me~ mf v = -v In+ 60g me + mfme + mf'me + mf mfv = v In ~ 60g me me + mf Now watch this, I’m going to use my magic wand of approximation. This iswhen I say that because I know that the ratio is so big, I can ignore the empty 3 24, rocket mass as compared to the fuel mass. me << mf. Let me remind you, weare looking for this ratio as well. The ratio of the fuel mass to empty rocket,mf /me . me + mf mf v= v In ~ 60g me me + mf mf mf v = v In~ 60g me mf v + 60g mf=In v me v + 60g mf expl J= v me Plug in 11,200 mvs for v, 9.8 for g, and 2100 m/s for v . mf = 274 me And, by the way, if Goldstein hadn’t just converted 6800 fi/s from his secondedition to 2.1 km/s in his third edition without checking his answer, he wouldhave noticed that 2.07 km/s which is a more accurate approximation, yields aratio of 296. This is more like the number 300 he was looking for.14. Two points of mass m are joined by a rigid weightless rod of length 1, thecenter of which is constrained to move on a circle of radius a. Express the kineticenergy in generalized coordinates. Answer: Tl + T2~T Where TI equals the kinetic energy of the center of mass, and 2 is the ki-netic energy about the center of mass. Keep these two parts seperate! Solve for T1 first, its the easiest: | 1‘ ‘ T] =M vem = (2m)(ay)2 = ma2 w 2 2 2 2 Solve for T2 , realizing that the rigid rod is not restricted to just the X-Yplane. Don’t forget the Z-axis! 1 T2=M v2=mv 22 Solve for v 2 about the center of mass. The angle @ will be the angle in thex-y plane, while the angle @ will be the angle from the z-axis. 4 25.10 = 900 and = 0o then x = 1/2 so: I sin 0 cos g x= 2 If 0 = 900 and = 900 then y = 1/2 so: 1 y= sin 0 sin g 2 If @ = 0o,, then z= 1/2 so: | z= cos 0 2 Find v2: x2+y2+2z2-v2"""1> "x=" (cos@ cos 00 ~sin 0 sin 99) 2 1° y= (sin @ cos 00 + sin 0 cos 9)" 21” z=— sin 00° 2 Carefully square each: 12°1 12° x2 =" cos2 9 cos2 002 — 2 sin 6 sin o¢ cos @ cos 68 + sin2 6 sin2 pp2422412°1 1°12 y2=" sin2 ¢ cos2 082 ~2 sin @ cos @ sin @ cos 08 + sin2 0 cos2 yo2 422.4 12 ° sin2 602 22 =" 4 Now add, striking out the middle terms: 12 x2 +y2+z2=""* [cos2 cos2 002 +sin2 sin2 02 +sin2 @ cos2 002 +sin2 0 cos2 2 +sin2 002 ] 4 Pull the first and third terms inside the brackets together, and pull thesecond and fourth terms together as well: 12 “* * v2 = [cos? 602 (cos2 @ + sin2 9) + sin2 092 (sin2 9 + cos? o) ~ sin2 602 ] 45 26.12" v2=(cos2 002 + sin2 002 + sin2 092 )4 12° 2° v2 =(0+ sin2 092 ) 4 Now that we finally have v 2 we can plug this into T2 2° 1°’ T=T1+T2=ma2 y 2 +m (02 + sin2 092) 4 It was important to emphasize that T1 is the kinetic energy of the total massaround the center of the circle while T2 is the kinetic energy of the masses aboutthe center of mass. Hope that helped.15. A point particle moves in space under the influence of a force derivable froma generalized potential of the form U(r, v) = V(t) + 6 = Lwhere r is the radius vector from a fixed point, L is the angular momentumabout that point, and o is a fixed vector in space. 1. Find the components of the force on the particle in both Cartesian and spherical poloar coordinates, on the basis of Lagrangian’s equations with a generalized potential 2, Show that the components in the two coordinate systems are related to each other as in the equation shown below of generalized force 3. Obtain the equations of motion in spherical polar coordinates dri Qj = Fi i GqjAnswer: This one is a fairly tedious problem mathematically. First lets find thecomponents of the force in Cartesian coordinates. Convert U (1, v) into Cartesianand then plug the expression into the Lagrange-Euler equation. d @ 6Qj =[V (x2 + y 2+z2)+o -(r xp)]- [V (x2 + y2+22}to (x xp)] dtd qj dqj d dQ) — ity jtz* ip jp *[o[Ox"* K)x(px’ y*Z KE [V (x2 + y 2 + 2.2 to-(rxp)] dt d vj ° ex} 6 2L.d d* 6Q§=[o'[(ypz —zpy )° i+(Zpx —xpz )° j+(xpy ~PX y)k]- [V (x2 + y 2+ 7.2 )tor(exp)] dtd yj axj d 2 8Qj = [mox (yvz—zvy )+moy (zvx —xvz }+moz (xvy ~vx y)]- [V (x2 +y 2+22)+o-(%~P)] dt 6-vj " éxj Where we know that mox (yvz~ zvy ) + may (zvx ~ xvz) + moz (xvy ~ vx y) =o (rx p) So lets solve for just one component first and let the other ones follow byexample: d 6Qx = (moy z =moz y)~ [V (x2 + y 2 +z 2 )+mox (yvz —zvy }+moy (zvx —xvz )}+maz (xvy —vx y)] dt Ox 1Qx = m(oy vz~oz vy )—[V (x2+y2+2z2)(x2+y2+22)-2x—moy vz +moz vy ]x Qx = 2m(oy vz =z vy )- Vr If you do the same for the y and z components, they are: y Qy = 2m(oz vx - ox vz) — VrzQz=2m(ox vy — oy vx) — Vr Thus the generalized force is: r F = 2m(o * v) — Vr Now its time to play with spherical coordinates, The trick to this is settingup the coordinate system so that o is along the z axis. Thus the dot productsimplifies and L is only the z-component. U = V (1) + ma(xy— y x) With spherical coordinate definitions: x =r sin 0 cos @ y=r sin 0 sin @ z=r cos 0 Solving for (xy — y x7 28." "x =1(- sin 0 sin 99 + cos @ cos 00) +r sin 0 cos @ **** y=x(sin 0 cos gp + sing cos 00) +r sin 0 sing’ ° Thus xy ~yx is” * “=rsin 0 cos g[r(sin 0 cos gp * sin @ cos 00) +r sin 0 sin 9] —r sin 0 sin [r(- sin 8 sin gp + cos @ cos 00) +r sin 6 cos @]. ° * Note that the r terms drop out as well as the @ terms. **” xy ~y x=12 sin2 0 cos? gp + 12 sin2 0 sin2 9g xy ~y x=12 sin2 0p Thus U=V (2) + mor2 sin2 69 Plugging this in to Lagrangian’s equations yields: For Qr : GU d GU Qr =~ hipilwwu slidesnarenetverustsrrislution-manual-lassical-mechanics-golestin 1351142 s2az016 29. {Solution manual lasical mechanic, gldstsin +() Ordt@r* dV * d Qr=~~ 2mor sin2 Gg + (0) dr dt dV“ Qr=~~ 2mor sin2 Gp dr For QB: * QO= —2mor2 sin 89 cos 8 For Qp : d Qo = (mor2 sin2 8) dt Qo = mo(r2 2 sin @ cos 68 + sin2 021) * * Qo mar? sin 0 cos 00+ 2marr sin2 0” For part b, we have to show the components of the two coordinate systemsare related to each other via dri Qj = Fi i dqj Lets take @ for an example, dr Ox dy 62 Qo =F : =Fx~Fy + Fz.d9 G9 dp Go 8 29. Qo = Qx (1 sin @ sin g) + Qy (rsin 8 cos g) + Qz (0) x ¥Q@ = [2m(ay vz -oz vy )=V |(-r sin @ sin 9)#[2m(oz vx -ox vz )-V |(r sin 0 cos g)+0 r r Because in both coordinate systems we will have 6 pointing in only the zdirection, then the x and y o's disappear: x y Qo = [2m(~az vy ) ~ V (+ sin 0 sin @) + [2m(oz vx )~ V ](r sin @ cos 9) rr Pull out the V terms, plug in x and y, see how V terms cancel Qg = V (x sin 8 sin g — y sin 6 cos @) — 2mr sin Oo[vy sin o + vx cos ]Qg = V (r sin2 6 cos @ sin @ —r sin2 6 sin @ cos o) — 2mr sin Bo[vy sin g + vx cos p] Qo =—2mr sin Ba[vy sin — + vx cos @] Plug in vy and vx :"* * Qo =~2mr sin Bo[sin g(r sin 8 cos go +r sin 9 cos 80 +r sin 8 sing) * + cos o(-r sin 0 sin 99 +r cos @ cos 00+ r sin 0 cos g)].” ” Qo = 2mar sin O[r sin2 g cos 00 + r sin 0 sin2 @ °° +r-cos2 cos 00 +r sin 0 cos2 @]. Gather sin2 ’s and cos2’s: ° * Qp = 2mor sin O[r cos 00 sin 0] This checks with the derivation in part a for Qp . This shows that indeedthe components in the ‘two coordinate systems are related to each other as dri Qj = Fi - i qj Any of the other components could be equally compared in the same proce-dure. I chose Qp because I felt it was easiest to write up. For part ¢, to obtain the equations of motion, we need to find the general-ized kinetic energy. From this we'll use Lagrange’s equations to solve for eachcomponent of the force. With both derivations, the components derived fromthe generalized potential, and the components derived from kinetic energy, theywill be set equal to cach other. In spherical coordinates, v is: 9 30. * v=1 +160 + rsin Bop ‘rThe kinetic energy in spherical polar coordinates is then: 11 °° T= my 2=m(r2 +12 62 + 12 sin2 @g2) ' 2 2For the r component: d OT AT ()-= Qrdt Ar’ ard * (mr)— mr62— mr sin2 692 = Qr* dt * * m”— mr62 — mr sin2 692 = Qr rFrom part a," Qr =—V — 2mor sin2 OcSet them equal: * * * m” - mr02 - mr sin2 092 = Qr =-V — 2mor sin2 Og °° * m" = mr02 = mr sin2 602 + V + 2mor sin2 89 ~ Or * “ m”~ mr02 + mr sin2 8p(26 ~ 9) + V ~ 0 rFor the 6 component: d @T AT (}- = QO" dt 20 20d’ * (mnr2 0) mr2 sin 092 cos 0 = QO dt” mr2 0 + 2mrrd ~ mr2 sin 02 cos 6 = QOFrom part a, QO = —2mor2 sin 0 cos OpSet the two equal: ~ mr2 6 + 2mrr@ — mr2 sin 092 cos 6 + 2mor2 sin 0 cos 8p = 0 mr? 6 + 2mrr@ + mr? sin 8 cos Op(20- 9) = 0.10 431. For the last component, @ we have: d @T 2T ()-= Qo’ dt @ do d’ (mr2 sin2 4) — 0 = Qo dtd * mr? (sin2 6g) + 2mrr sin2 89 = Qq * dt mr2 sin2 6p + 2mr2 sin 6 cos 689 + 2mrr sin2 O— = Qo” From part a, ° Qo = 2mor2 sin 0 cos 00 + 2morr sin? 0 ° Set the two equal: * * * * “mr2 sin2 g+2mr2 sin 0 cos 60—9+2mrr sin2 6—9~2mar2 sin @ cos 66-2morr sin2 0 = 0 mr? sin2 Gp + 2mr? sin 8 cos 00(9 — 6) + 2mrr sin2 0(g ~ 6) = 0 * That’s it, here are all of the equations of motion together in one place: ** * m"— mr02+ mr sin2 0p(26 — 9) + V=Or* mr2 0 + 2mrr0 + mr? sin 8 cos 0p(20- 9) = 07" ** mr? sin? 89 + 2mr2 sin 6 cos 60(p ~ 0) + 2mrr sin? (p ~ 6) = 0°16. A particle moves in a plane under the influence of a force, acting toward acenter of force, whose magnitude is 1 12- 2°r“r F = (1 —) 12 c2where r is the distance of the particle to the center of force. Find the generalizedpotential that will result in such a force, and from that the Lagrangian for themotion in a plane. The expression for F represents the force between two chargesin Weber's electrodynamics. Answer: This one takes some guess work and carefull handling of signs. To get fromforce to potential we will have to take a derivative of a likely potential. Notethat if you expand the force it looks like this: 11 32.112° 2° rF=2~22+2rerer We know that OU dU ~ +=F dr dt dr’ So lets focus on the time derivative for now. If we want ar we would have “to take the derivative of a r. Let pick something that looks close, say c2rr: 2° d2r° 2r'r 2°r2r2°2*r(2)=2(-2)+2=-22+2dtererererer Excellent! This has our third term we were looking for, Make this stay thesame when you take the partial with respect tor. @12 “21 =2 @re2r” cr2 So we know that the potential we are guessing at, has the term cr2 r in it. Lets ‘add to it what would make the first term of the force if you took the negativepartial with respect to r, see if it works out. That is, 61 1-=2 érrrSo 112° U=+2rer might work. Checking: 0U d @U ~+=F ar dt Or We have OU 112° =-2-22érrerandd @U d2r Oey 12722 ° I= 2r=2(-2)+(2)=-22+2dtdrdtecrrecrerthus OU dU 112 2r 2:2 4=2+22-22+2ardtdr’ rerererdUdAU 112° 2 r—+=2-22+ 2ordtdr’rerer 12 33. This is indeed the force unexpanded, 1 12 -2'r‘r 112° 2°rF-2(1-2)-2-22+2rererer 2 Thus our potential, U=1 + cr2r works. To find the Lagrangian use L = r“T- U.. Ina plane, with spherical coordinates, the kinetic energy is | T= m(r2 +12 02) 2 Thus | 112° L=*** m(r2 +12 02 )— (+2) 2re17. A nucleus, originally at rest, decays radioactively by emitting an electronof momentum 1.73 MeV/c, and at right angles to the direction of the electrona neutrino with momentum hiplwwu slicesharenetverustsrrislution-manual-lassical-mechanics-golestin 1361142 s2az016 36. 38. [Soluion manual classical mechanics, goltsin 1.00 MeVie. The MeV, million electron volt, is aunit of energy used in moder physics equal to 1.60 10-13 J. Correspondingly,MeVic is a unit of linear momentum equal to 5.34 x 10-22 kg-mis. In whatdirection does the nucleus recoil? What is its momentum in MeV/c? If the massof the residual nucleus is 3.90 x 1025 kg what is its kinetic energy, in electronvolts? Answer: If you draw a diagram you'll see that the nucleus recoils in the oppositedirection of the vector made by the electron plus the neutrino emission. Placethe neutrino at the x-axis, the electron on the y axis and use pythagorean’stheorme to see the nucleus will recoil with a momentum of 2 Mev/c. Thenucleus goes in the opposite direction of the vector that makes an angle 1.73 @ = tan=1 = 60> Ifrom the x axis. This is 240° from the x-axis. To find the kinetic energy, you can convert the momentum to kg « mvs, thenconvert the whole answer that is in joules to eV, p2 [2(5.34 x 10-22 )]2 1M eV 106 eV 9.13eV 2m 2 + 3.9 x 10-25 1.6 x 10-13 J IMeV 13 34.18, A Lagrangian for a particular physical system can be written as mK L = (ax2 + 2bxy + ey 2) - (ax2 + 2bxy + cy 2). "2 2where a, b, and c are arbitrary constants but subject to the condition thatb2 — ac = 0. What are the equations of motion? Examine particularly the twocases a= 0 =c and b= 0, =a, What is the physical system describedby the above Lagrangian? Show that the usual Lagrangian for this system asdefined by Eq. (1.57’): dF L (q, q, t)= L(q, q, t) +" ” dtis related to L by a point transformation (cf. Derivation 10). What is thesignificance of the condition on the value of b2 — ac?Answer:To find the equations of motion, use the Euler-Lagrange equations. L d JL = dq dt 0 q For x first: @L ~ = ~(-Kax ~ Ky) = K(ax + by) 6x OL = m(ax + by)” x" d OL =m(a"+b’) x y dtd x “Thus ~K(ax + by) = m(a” + b") x yNow for y: aL ~ = ~(-Kby - Key) = K(bx + ey) dy aL = m(bx + cy) Ox d@L=m(b" +c") x y dtd x “Thus —K(bx + cy) = m(b" +c") xy 14 35, Therefore our equations of motion are: ~K(ax + by) = m(a" +b") x y -K(bx + ey) = m(b" + e") xy Examining the particular cases, we find: If a= 0 = then: —Kx = m° x =Ky=~-m"y Ifb=0,¢=-a then: ~Kx = m” x — Ky =—m’ y The physical system is harmonic oscillation of a particle of mass m in twodimensions, If you make a substitution to go to a different coordinate systemthis is easier to see. u =ax + by v~bx + ey Then —Ku~m u-Ky ~ m" v The system can now be more easily seen as two independent but identicalsimple harmonic oscillators, after a point transformation was made. Y When the condition b2 — ac = 0 is violated, then we have b = ac, and Lsimplifies to this: m VVKVV (ax + ey)2— (ax + ey)2° “2.2 Note that this is now a one dimensional problem. So the condition keeps theLagrangian in two dimensions, or you can say that the transformation matrix ab b cis singluar because b2 — ac = 0 Note that ua b x=. v b cy So if this condition holds then we can reduce the Lagrangian by a pointtransformation.19. Obtain the Lagrange equations of motion for spherical pendulum, i.e., amass point suspended by a rigid weightless rod. 15 36, Answer: The kinetic energy is found the same way as in exercise 14, and the potentialenergy is found by using the origin to be at zero potential. | 22° T = ml (0 + sin2 092 ) 2 If 0 is the angle from the positive z-axis, then at @ = 90° the rod is alignedalong the x-y plane, with zero potential. Because cos(90) = 0 we should expecta cos in the potential. When the rod is aligned along the z-axis, its potentialwill be its height. V = mgl cos 0 If @ = 0 then V = mgl. If @ = 180 then V =—megl. So the Lagrangian is L=T-V.12°2° L= ml (+ sin2 @@2 ) — mgl cos 6 2 To find the Lagrangian equations, they are the equations of motion: 2L d AL = G0" dtd @ aL d aL ~ Go * dt © Solving these yields: JL * = ml2 sin 092 cos 0 + mgl sin 6 20 d JL” = ml2 6 dt 0 6° Thus *” ml2 sin 892 cos 0 + mgl sin 0 — ml2 8 = 0 and @L =0 do d AL d ** = (m2 sin2 0p) = ml2 sin2 Op + 2pml2 sin OB cos O° dtd p dt Thus “ * ml2 sin2 Op + 2gml2 sin 6 cos 0 = 0 16 37. Therefore the equations of motion are: *~ ml2 sin 892 cos 0 + mgl sin @—_ml2 = 0” * ml2 sin2 09 + 2oml2 sin 0 cos 6 = 020. A particle of mass m moves in one dimension such that it has the Lagrangian m2 x4 * L= + mx2 V (x)— V2 (x) ‘ |2where V is some differentiable function of x. Find the equation of motion forx(t) and describe the physical nature of the system on the basis of this system.Answer: I believe there are two errors in the 3rd edition version of this question. Namely, there should be a negative sign infront of mx2 V (x) and the V2 (x) ‘should be a V 2 (x). Assuming these are all the errors, the solution to thisproblem goes like this: m2 x4“ L= ~ mx2 V (x) ~ V2 (x) ° 12 Find the equations of motion from Euler-Lagrange formulation. OL = ~mx2 V (x) = 2V (x)V (x) "dx AL m2 x3 "= + 2mxV (x) "ax" 3.d GL = m2 x2 x + 2mV (x)" "x dt Ox" Thus mx2 V+ 2V V+ m2 x2 x + 2mV x = 0° **“is our equation of motion, But we want to interpret it. So lets make it looklike it has useful terms in it, like kinetic energy and force. This can be done by Idividing by 2 and seperating out 2 my 2 and ma’s, mx2 mx2"V-+VV +m’ + mV =0x x22 Pull V terms together and m” terms together: x mx2° mx2° (+ V)V +m'(x+V}0 2 2 Therefore: mx2 * (+ V )(m"+V)=0x217 38, mx2 * Now this looks like E - E = 0 because E = 2 + V (x). That would mean d 2 E = 2EE = 0 dt Which allows us to see that E 2 is a constant. If you look at t = 0 and thestarting energy of the particle, hipilwww slicesrarenetverustsrrislution-manual-lassical-mechanics-golestin samen s2az016 [Soluion manual classical mechanics, goltsin then you will notice that if E = 0 at t= 0 thenE = 0 for all other times. If E=0 at t= 0 then E=0 all other times whilem” + V = 0. x21. Two mass points of mass ml and m2 are connected by a string passingthrough a hole in a smooth table so that m1 rests on the table surface andm2 hangs suspended. Assuming m2 moves only in a vertical line, what are thegeneralized coordinates for the system? Write the Lagrange equations for thesystem and, if possible, discuss the physical significance any of them might have.Reduce the problem to a single second-order differential equation and obtain afirst integral of the equation. What is its physical significance? (Consider themotion only until ml reaches the hole.)Answer: The generalized coordinates for the system are 0, the angle m1 moves roundon the table, and r the length of the string from the hole to ml . The wholemotion of the system can be described by just these coordinates. To write theLagrangian, we will want the kinetic and potential energies. 1 1° T = m2 12+ ml (2 +12 02) “22 V=—m2 g(l—1) The kinetic energy is just the addition of both masses, while V is obtainedso that V = —mgl when r= 0 and so that V = 0 when r= 1. 11° L=T-V= (m2 + m1 )r2 + m1 12 62 + m2 g(r) * 2 2 To find the Lagrangian equations or equations of motion, solve for eachcomponent: OL =0 00 OL * = ml 12 0° 20d 6L d‘ =(m1 12 0)=0° dtd0dtddL* = ml 126+ 2m1 m8=0° deo 18 39. Thus d "(ml 12.) = ml (x6 + 26r) = 0 dt and @L * = ~m2 g + ml 102 ér AL = (m2 + ml )r* ar *d@L=(m2+ ml )'rdtdr’ Thus‘ m2 g- ml 102 + (m2 + m1 )"=0r Therefore our equations of motion are: d*”* (ml 12.6) = m1 r(r0 + 20r) = 0 dt‘ m2 g- m1 102 + (m2+ m1 )"=Or* See that m1 12 0 is constant. It is angular momentum, Now the Lagrangian ‘can be put in terms of angular momentum, We have @= ml 12. 112 L= (m1 + m2 )r2 +’ ~ m2 gr 2 2m1 12 The equation of motion * m2 g—ml 102 + (m2 + ml )"=0r Becomes 12 (m1 + m2 )”—r+ m2 g=0 ml 13 The problem has been reduced to a single second-order differential equation. The next step is a nice one to notice. If you take the derivative of our newLagrangian you get our single second-order differential equation of motion, d 1 1212 ((ml + m2 )r2 +" = m2 gr) = (m1 + m2 r= "rr m2 gr=0"' dt22ml 2m1r3 12 (m1 + m2)" -r—m?2 g=0 ml 13 Thus the first integral of the equation is exactly the Lagrangian. As far as in-terpreting this, I will venture to say the the Lagrangian is constant, the system isclosed, the energy is conversed, the linear and angular momentum are conserved. 19 Recommended Managing Teams aching and Developing Employees nica Clisica Goldstein Solucionario Mec: hipilwwu slicesnarenstverustsrrislution-manual-lassical-mechanics-goldstein s3ert42 ‘202016 [Soluion manual classical mechanics, goltsin OS a Gee Classical Physics Pericles Mouratidis a {Goldstein herbert] classical_mechanies_solution_m( Debasis Sarkar @ Student solution manual for mathematical methods for physics and engineering ... Bill Hsu @ Solution Manuals of Physics Textbooks Crazy for Study. 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